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00:00:06 Advertise your product or brand 00:01:43 00:02:15 Two tours.

here 00:01:43 But now I'm working down at the 00:02:17

contact www.OpenSubtitles.org VA. 00:02:18 You must miss the good old
today 00:01:45 days, huh?
00:00:12 00:01:45 - Sam Wilson. 00:02:19
00:00:48 ROGERS: On your left. - Steve Rogers. 00:02:20 Well, things aren't so bad.
00:00:50 00:01:47 00:02:22
00:01:00 On your left. 00:01:47 I kind of put that together. 00:02:23 Food's a lot better.
00:01:02 (PANTING) We used to boil everything.
00:01:02 MAN: Uh-huh. On my left. Got it. 00:01:49 00:02:25
00:01:04 00:01:50 Must have freaked you out, 00:02:25 No polio is good.
00:01:10 Don't say it. Don't you say it. coming 00:02:26
00:01:11 home after the whole defrosting 00:02:26 Internet, so helpful.
00:01:11 - On your left. thing. 00:02:28
- Come on! 00:01:53 00:02:28 I've been reading that a lot,
00:01:13 00:01:53 (SIGHS) It takes some getting trying to catch up.
00:01:14 (PANTING) Oh! used to. 00:02:30
00:01:15 00:01:55 00:02:31 Marvin Gaye, 1972,
00:01:15 (GROANING) 00:01:56 It's good to meet you, Sam. @@/Trouble Man@@\
00:01:18 00:01:57 soundtrack.
00:01:21 Need a medic? 00:01:57 It's your bed, right? 00:02:35
00:01:23 00:01:58 00:02:36 Everything you missed
00:01:23 (LAUGHS) 00:02:00 What's that? jammed into one album.
00:01:24 00:02:01 00:02:38
00:01:26 I need a new set of lungs. 00:02:01 Your bed, it's too soft. 00:02:38 I'll put it on the list.
00:01:27 00:02:02 00:02:40
00:01:27 Dude, you just ran, 00:02:02 When I was over there, 00:02:44 (CELL PHONE RINGING)
like, 13 miles in 30 minutes. I'd sleep on the ground, 00:02:46
00:01:31 00:02:04 00:02:48 All right, Sam, duty calls.
00:01:31 I guess I got a late start. 00:02:04 use rock for pillows, like a Thanks for the run.
00:01:32 caveman. 00:02:51
00:01:32 (CHUCKLES) Really? You should 00:02:06 00:02:51 If that's what you want to call
be ashamed of yourself. 00:02:06 Now I'm home, lying in my bed, running.
00:01:35 and it's like... 00:02:52
00:01:35 You should take another lap. 00:02:09 00:02:52 Oh, that's how it is?
00:01:37 00:02:10 Lying on a marshmallow. 00:02:53
00:01:37 Did you just take it? 00:02:11 00:02:53 - Oh, that's how it is.
I assume you just took it. 00:02:11 Feel like I'm gonna sink - Okay. (LAUGHS)
00:01:40 right to the floor. 00:02:55
00:01:40 What unit you with? 00:02:13 00:02:56 Any time you want to stop by
00:01:41 00:02:14 How long? the VA,
00:01:41 58th Pararescue. 00:02:15 make me look awesome
00:02:58 00:03:42 ROGERS: - Why so steep? sweep the deck and find Batroc.
00:02:59 in front of the girl at the front - Because it's S.H.I.E.L.D.'s. 00:04:19
desk, 00:03:44 00:04:19 Nat, you kill the engines
just let me know. 00:03:46 So it's not off-course. It's and wait for instructions.
00:03:02 trespassing. 00:04:21
00:03:02 - I'll keep it in mind. 00:03:47 00:04:21 Rumlow, you sweep aft,
- Yeah. 00:03:48 I'm sure they have a good find the hostages,
00:03:04 reason. 00:04:24
00:03:08 Hey, fellas. 00:03:49 00:04:24 get them to the life-pods, get
00:03:09 00:03:49 You know, I'm getting a little them out.
00:03:10 Either one of you tired of being Fury's janitor. Let's move.
know where the Smithsonian is? 00:03:51 00:04:26
00:03:11 00:03:51 Relax. It's not that complicated. 00:04:26 S.T.R.I.K.E., you heard the Cap.
00:03:11 I'm here to pick up a fossil. 00:03:53 Gear up.
00:03:13 00:03:53 How many pirates? 00:04:27
00:03:13 ROGERS: That's hilarious. 00:03:54 00:04:41 Secure channel seven.
00:03:14 00:03:54 25. Top mercs led by this guy. 00:04:42
00:03:18 (CAR DOOR CLOSES) 00:03:57 00:04:42 Seven secure.
00:03:19 00:03:58 Georges Batroc. 00:04:43
00:03:19 - How you doing? Ex-DGSE, Action Division. 00:04:43 Did you do anything fun
- Hey. 00:04:01 Saturday night?
00:03:20 00:04:01 He's at the top of Interpol's Red 00:04:45
00:03:22 Can't run everywhere. Notice. 00:04:45 Well, all the guys
00:03:23 00:04:03 from my barbershop quartet are
00:03:23 No, you can't. 00:04:04 Before the French demobilised dead,
00:03:24 him, 00:04:49
00:03:26 (TYRES SCREECHING) he had 36 kill missions. 00:04:49 so, no, not really.
00:03:27 00:04:07 00:04:50
00:03:32 Target is a mobile 00:04:07 This guy's got a rep 00:04:50 MALE PILOT ON RADIO:
satellite launch platform, for maximum casualties. @@/Coming up on the drop zone, Cap.@@\
00:03:34 00:04:09 00:04:53
00:03:34 the @@/Lemurian Star.@@\ 00:04:09 Hostages? 00:04:53 You know, if you ask Kristen out,
00:03:35 00:04:11 from Statistics, she'd probably
00:03:35 They were sending up their last 00:04:11 Oh, mostly techs. One officer. say yes.
payload Jasper Sitwell. 00:04:56
when pirates took them, 00:04:13 00:04:57 That's why I don't ask.
00:03:38 00:04:14 They're in the galley. 00:04:58
00:03:38 93 minutes ago. 00:04:15 00:05:00 Too shy, or too scared?
00:03:40 00:04:16 What's Sitwell doing on a launch 00:05:01
00:03:40 - Any demands? ship? 00:05:02 Too busy!
- Billion and a half. 00:04:17 00:05:03
00:03:41 00:04:17 All right, I'm gonna 00:05:05 Was he wearing a parachute?
00:05:06 00:07:24 I told Batroc... 00:08:28
00:05:07 No. 00:07:25 00:08:29 You want to be a hero? Is that it?
00:05:08 00:07:26 If we want to make S.H.I.E.L.D. 00:08:32
00:05:08 No, he wasn't. pay us... 00:08:38 All right, I've waited long
00:05:09 00:07:27 enough...
00:06:10 Ahh! 00:07:27 ...start sending them bodies 00:08:40
00:06:11 now! 00:08:44 Hey!
00:06:18 Ahh! 00:07:29 00:08:45
00:06:19 00:07:31 I have a bullet for someone... 00:08:45 Find Batroc...
00:06:19 (SPLASHES) 00:07:33 00:08:46
00:06:20 00:07:34 You want a bullet in your head? 00:08:46 If I don't hear anything in two
00:06:22 (BOTH GRUNTING) 00:07:36 minutes...
00:06:23 00:07:36 Move that foot - you want 00:08:47
00:06:24 Hey! a bullet in the head? 00:08:47 ...I start killing them!
00:06:25 00:07:38 00:08:49
00:06:31 (SCREAMS) 00:07:38 Huh? 00:08:49 I'll find him.
00:06:32 00:07:39 00:08:50
00:06:44 (GRUNTING) 00:07:46 (BATROC SPEAKING FRENCH) 00:08:59 Two minutes.
00:06:45 00:07:47 00:09:00
00:07:02 (COCKS GUN) 00:07:47 I don't like waiting. 00:09:31 Radio silence
(SPEAKS FRENCH) 00:07:49 from S.H.I.E.L.D., Batroc...
00:07:04 00:07:50 Coll Durand. 00:09:34
00:07:04 Don't move. 00:07:52 00:09:38 Targets acquired.
00:07:05 00:07:52 I want this ship ready to move 00:09:39
00:07:09 Thanks. when the ransom comes. 00:09:40 S.T.R.I.K.E. in position.
00:07:10 00:07:55 00:09:41
00:07:10 Yeah. You seemed pretty 00:07:55 (RADIO PIRATE SPEAKING 00:09:42 Natasha, what's your status?
helpless without me. FRENCH) 00:09:43
00:07:12 00:07:56 00:09:46 @@/Status, Natasha.@@\
00:07:17 What about the nurse that 00:08:03 Start the engines. 00:09:47
lives across the hall from you? 00:08:04 00:09:47 Hang on!
00:07:18 00:08:04 Okay. 00:09:48
00:07:18 She seems kind of nice. 00:08:05 00:09:52 (GROANING)
00:07:20 00:08:06 Hey, sailor. 00:09:53
00:07:20 Secure the engine room, 00:08:07 00:10:04 Engine room secure.
then find me a date. 00:08:09 (SCREAMS) 00:10:05
00:07:21 00:08:10 00:10:12 (PIRATE SPEAKING FRENCH)
00:07:21 I'm multi-tasking. 00:08:12 (CHOKING) 00:10:14
00:07:23 00:08:13 00:10:14 Time is up.
00:07:23 (FRENCH PIRATE 00:08:25 (PIRATE SPEAKING FRENCH) 00:10:15
SPEAKING FRENCH) 00:08:27 00:10:16 Who dies first...?
00:07:24 00:08:27 Shut up. 00:10:18
00:10:19 You! 00:11:49 (SPEAKING FRENCH) 00:13:17 (BOTH PANTING)
00:10:20 00:11:50 00:13:19
00:10:20 Get that one. 00:11:50 I thought you were 00:13:20 Okay.
00:10:21 more than just a shield... 00:13:21
00:10:24 On my mark. 00:11:52 00:13:22 That one's on me.
00:10:25 00:12:06 Let's see. 00:13:23
00:10:26 @@/Three...@@\ 00:12:07 00:13:24 You're damn right.
00:10:28 00:12:32 (PANTING) 00:13:26
00:10:28 @@/Two... One.@@\ 00:12:33 00:13:29 (SIGHS)
00:10:29 00:12:33 ROMANOFF: Well, this is 00:13:30
00:10:29 (GUNFIRE) awkward. 00:13:55 ROGERS: You just can't stop
(PIRATES GASP) 00:12:35 yourself
00:10:31 00:12:38 What are you doing? from lying, can you?
00:10:35 I told you, 00:12:39 00:13:57
S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't negotiate. 00:12:40 Backing up the hard drive. 00:13:57 FURY: I didn't lie.
00:10:38 00:12:41 00:13:58
00:10:39 (RADIO PIRATE SPEAKING 00:12:41 It's a good habit to get into. 00:13:58 Agent Romanoff
FRENCH) 00:12:42 had a different mission than
00:10:40 00:12:43 Rumlow needed your help. yours.
00:10:42 The line just went dead. 00:12:44 00:13:59
00:10:44 00:12:44 What the hell are you doing 00:13:59 Which you didn't feel obliged to
00:10:44 I've lost contact with them... here? share.
00:10:45 00:12:45 00:14:01
00:10:47 Ahh! 00:12:49 You're saving S.H.I.E.L.D. intel. 00:14:01 I'm not obliged to do anything.
00:10:49 00:12:50 00:14:03
00:10:59 Hostages en route to extraction. 00:12:50 Whatever I can get my hands 00:14:03 Those hostages could have died,
00:11:01 on. Nick.
00:11:02 @@/Romanoff missed 00:12:52 00:14:05
the rendezvous point, Cap.@@\ 00:12:52 Our mission is to rescue 00:14:05 I sent the greatest soldier in
00:11:04 hostages. history
00:11:05 @@/Hostiles are still in play.@@\ 00:12:53 to make sure that didn't happen.
00:11:07 00:12:53 No, that's your mission, 00:14:08
00:11:07 (PANTING) 00:12:55 00:14:09 Soldiers trust each other.
Natasha, Batroc's on the move. 00:12:57 and you've done it beautifully. That's what makes it an army.
00:11:09 00:12:58 00:14:11
00:11:09 Circle back to Rumlow 00:12:59 You just jeopardised 00:14:11 Not a bunch of guys
and protect the hostages. this whole operation. running around shooting guns.
00:11:12 00:13:01 00:14:12
00:11:12 Natasha. 00:13:01 I think that's overstating things. 00:14:13 Last time I trusted someone,
00:11:14 00:13:02 I lost an eye.
00:11:15 (BOTH GRUNTING) 00:13:15 (BOTH GROANING) 00:14:16
00:11:16 00:13:16 00:14:17 Look, I didn't want you doing
anything you weren't 00:15:00 00:15:43 Yeah, Granddad loved people.
comfortable with. 00:15:00 My grandfather operated one 00:15:45
00:14:20 of these things for 40 years. 00:15:46 But he didn't trust them very
00:14:20 Agent Romanoff is comfortable 00:15:03 much.
with everything. 00:15:03 Granddad worked in a nice 00:15:48
00:14:23 building. 00:15:54 Yeah, I know.
00:14:23 I can't lead a mission 00:15:06 00:15:55
00:14:24 00:15:06 Got good tips. 00:15:56 They're a little bit bigger than a .
00:14:24 when the people I'm leading 00:15:07 22.
have missions of their own. 00:15:08 He'd walk home every night, 00:15:58
00:14:26 a roll of ones stuffed in his lunch 00:16:32 FURY: This is Project Insight.
00:14:26 It's called compartmentalisation. bag. 00:16:35
00:14:29 00:15:12 00:16:35 Three next-generation
00:14:29 Nobody spills the secrets, 00:15:12 He'd say, "Hi." helicarriers
because nobody knows them all. 00:15:13 00:16:37
00:14:32 00:15:14 People would say, "Hi" back. 00:16:37 synced to a network
00:14:32 Except you. 00:15:15 of targeting satellites.
00:14:33 00:15:16 Time went on, 00:16:40
00:14:37 You're wrong about me. the neighbourhood got rougher. 00:16:40 Launched from the
00:14:39 00:15:19 @@/Lemurian Star.@@\
00:14:40 I do share. 00:15:19 He'd say, "Hi." 00:16:42
00:14:41 00:15:20 00:16:42 Once we get them in the air,
00:14:42 I'm nice like that. 00:15:20 They'd say, "Keep on steppin'." they never need to come down.
00:14:44 00:15:22 00:16:45
00:14:45 Insight bay. 00:15:22 Granddad got to gripping that 00:16:45 Continuous sub-orbital flight,
00:14:47 lunch bag a little tighter. courtesy of our new repulsor
00:14:47 S.H.I.E.L.D. COMPUTER: 00:15:25 engines.
@@/Captain Rogers does not have@@\ 00:15:26 Did he ever get mugged? 00:16:50
00:14:48 00:15:27 00:16:50 Stark?
00:14:48 @@/clearance for Project 00:15:27 (LAUGHS) 00:16:52
Insight.@@\ 00:15:28 00:16:52 He had a few suggestions
00:14:49 00:15:29 Every week some punk would 00:16:53
00:14:49 Director override. Fury, Nicholas say, 00:16:53 once he got an up-close look
J. "What's in the bag?" at our old turbines.
00:14:52 00:15:31 00:16:55
00:14:52 @@/Confirmed.@@\ (DOOR 00:15:32 What would he do? 00:16:56 These new long-range precision
CLOSES) 00:15:33 guns
00:14:53 00:15:34 He'd show them. 00:16:59
00:14:56 You know, they used to play 00:15:35 00:16:59 can eliminate 1,000 hostiles a
music. 00:15:35 Bunch of crumpled ones, minute.
00:14:58 and a loaded .22 Magnum. 00:17:01
00:14:59 Yeah. 00:15:39
00:17:01 The satellites can read a 00:17:41 00:18:54 @@/One that would transform
terrorist's DNA 00:17:41 This isn't freedom. This is fear. him
before he steps outside his 00:17:43 into the world's first Super-
spider hole. 00:17:43 S.H.I.E.L.D. takes the world as it Soldier.@@\
00:17:06 is, 00:18:59
00:17:06 We're gonna neutralise a lot of not as we'd like it to be. 00:19:05 WAR FOOTAGE NARRATOR:
threats 00:17:47 @@/In this rare footage,@@\
before they even happen. 00:17:47 And it's getting damn near past 00:19:06
00:17:09 time 00:19:06 @@/everyone's favourite war
00:17:09 Thought the punishment for you to get with that hero,
usually came after the crime. Programme, Cap. Captain America...@@\
00:17:11 00:17:51 00:19:09
00:17:11 We can't afford to wait that long. 00:17:52 Don't hold your breath. 00:19:09 NARRATOR: @@/Battle
00:17:13 00:17:54 tested,@@\
00:17:13 Who's "we"? 00:18:12 WOMAN ON PA: @@/Welcome to 00:19:10
00:17:14 the Smithsonian.@@\ 00:19:11 @@/Captain America@@\
00:17:15 After New York, I convinced 00:18:14 00:19:12
the World Security Council 00:18:15 @@/Visitor information booths 00:19:12 @@/and his Howling
00:17:17 are Commandos
00:17:17 we needed a quantum surge available on the second quickly earned their stripes.@@\
in threat analysis. level.@@\ 00:19:15
00:17:19 00:18:18 00:19:15 @@/Their mission:@@\
00:17:20 For once, we're way ahead of the 00:18:27 NARRATOR: @@/A symbol to the 00:19:16
curve. nation.@@\ 00:19:17 @@/taking down HYDRA,
00:17:22 00:18:29 the Nazi rogue science
00:17:23 By holding a gun to everyone on 00:18:30 @@/A hero to the world.@@\ division.@@\
Earth 00:18:32 00:19:20
and calling it protection. 00:18:34 @@/The story of Captain 00:19:24 @@/Best friends since
00:17:26 America childhood,@@\
00:17:28 You know, I read those SSR files. is one of Honour, bravery and 00:19:26
00:17:30 sacrifice.@@\ 00:19:27 @@/Bucky Barnes and Steven
00:17:30 "Greatest Generation"? 00:18:39 Rogers
00:17:32 00:18:44 @@/Denied enlistment due to were inseparable@@\
00:17:32 You guys did some nasty stuff. poor health,@@\ 00:19:30
00:17:34 00:18:47 00:19:30 @@/on both schoolyard and
00:17:34 Yeah, we compromised. 00:18:47 @@/Steven Rogers was chosen battlefield.@@\
00:17:36 for a Programme@@\ 00:19:32
00:17:36 Sometimes in ways that 00:18:49 00:19:33 @@/Barnes is the only Howling
made us not sleep so well. 00:18:49 @@/unique in the annals Commando to give his life@@\
00:17:38 of American warfare.@@\ 00:19:37
00:17:38 But we did it 00:18:53 00:19:38 @@/in service of his
so that people could be free. country.@@\
00:19:40 00:20:41 For as long as I can remember, 00:21:54 Steve.
00:19:45 PEGGY ON VIDEO: @@/That was I just wanted to do what was 00:21:55
a difficult winter.@@\ right. 00:21:56 Yeah?
00:19:47 00:20:44 00:21:57
00:19:47 @@/A blizzard had trapped half 00:20:46 I guess I'm not quite sure 00:21:58 (GASPS)
our battalion behind the German what that is any more. 00:21:59
line.@@\ 00:20:48 00:21:59 You're alive.
00:19:51 00:20:51 And I thought I could 00:22:00
00:19:51 @@/Steve, Captain Rogers,@@\ throw myself back in and follow 00:22:01 You came back.
00:19:54 orders. 00:22:04
00:19:55 @@/he fought his way 00:20:55 00:22:04 Yeah, Peggy.
through a HYDRA blockade@@\ 00:20:56 Serve. 00:22:05
00:19:57 00:20:57 00:22:09 It's been so long.
00:19:57 @@/that had pinned our allies 00:21:00 It's just not the same. 00:22:11
down for months.@@\ 00:21:02 00:22:14 So long.
00:20:00 00:21:03 (LAUGHS) You're always so 00:22:15
00:20:02 @@/He saved over 1,000 dramatic. 00:22:16 Well, I couldn't leave my best
men.@@\ 00:21:04 girl.
00:20:03 00:21:07 Look, you saved the world. 00:22:19
00:20:04 @@/Including the man who 00:21:11 00:22:19 Not when she owes me a dance.
would...@@\ 00:21:14 We rather mucked it up. 00:22:21
00:20:06 00:21:17 00:22:27 Secure office.
00:20:07 @@/Who would become my 00:21:18 You didn't. 00:22:28
husband, 00:21:19 00:22:36 Open @@/Lemurian Star's@@\
as it turned out.@@\ 00:21:20 Knowing that you helped found satellite launch file.
00:20:10 S.H.I.E.L.D. is half the reason I 00:22:39
00:20:11 @@/Even after he died, stay. 00:22:40 S.H.I.E.L.D. COMPUTER:
Steve was still changing my 00:21:23 @@/Access denied.@@\
life.@@\ 00:21:24 Hey. 00:22:42
00:20:14 00:21:25 00:22:43 Run decryption.
00:20:17 You should be 00:21:28 The world has changed, 00:22:44
proud of yourself, Peggy. and none of us can go back. 00:22:46 @@/Decryption failed.@@\
00:20:18 00:21:32 00:22:48
00:20:24 Mmm. 00:21:33 All we can do is our best. 00:22:48 Director override. Fury, Nicholas
00:20:26 00:21:36 J.
00:20:27 I have lived a life. 00:21:36 And sometimes the best that 00:22:51
00:20:29 we can do is to start over. 00:22:53 @@/Override denied. All files
00:20:31 My only regret is that 00:21:40 sealed.@@\
you didn't get to live yours. 00:21:40 (COUGHING) 00:22:56
00:20:34 00:21:42 00:22:56 On whose authority?
00:20:37 What is it? 00:21:48 Peggy. 00:22:58
00:20:38 00:21:49 00:22:58 @@/Fury, Nicholas J.@@\
00:23:00 00:23:37 For the record, Councilman, 00:24:29 A nuclear war would do it, too.
00:23:06 World Security Council. he's Algerian. 00:24:31
00:23:07 00:23:39 00:24:32 You busy in there?
00:23:07 @@/Confirmed.@@\ 00:23:40 I can draw a map if it'd help. 00:24:34
00:23:08 00:23:42 00:24:34 Nothing some earmarks can't fix.
00:23:11 ROCKWELL: @@/If Nick Fury 00:23:42 I appreciate your wit, Secretary 00:24:35
thinks Pierce. 00:24:37 I'm here to ask a favour.
he can get his costumed 00:23:45 00:24:41
thugs@@\ 00:23:46 But this Council takes things 00:24:42 I want you to call for a vote.
00:23:13 like international piracy fairly 00:24:43
00:23:13 @@/and S.T.R.I.K.E. commandos seriously. 00:24:44 Project Insight has to be
to 00:23:48 delayed.
mop up his mess, he's sadly 00:23:49 Really? I don't. 00:24:46
mistaken.@@\ 00:23:52 00:24:46 Nick, that's not a favour,
00:23:17 00:23:53 I don't care about one boat, 00:24:48
00:23:17 This failure is unacceptable. I care about the fleet. 00:24:48 that's a sub-committee hearing.
00:23:18 00:23:56 A long one.
00:23:18 Considering this attack took 00:23:57 If this Council is going to fall to 00:24:50
place rancour 00:24:50 It could be nothing.
00:23:20 00:24:00 It probably is nothing.
00:23:20 one mile from my country's 00:24:00 every time someone pushes us 00:24:52
sovereign waters, on the playing field, 00:24:52 I just need time
00:23:22 00:24:03 to make sure it's nothing.
00:23:22 it's a bit more than that. 00:24:04 maybe we need someone to 00:24:55
I move for immediate hearing. oversee us. 00:24:55 But if it's something?
00:23:24 00:24:06 00:24:56
00:23:24 We don't need hearings, 00:24:06 YEN: Mr Secretary, 00:24:56 Then we'll both be damn glad
we need action. nobody is suggesting... those helicarriers aren't in the
00:23:26 00:24:09 air.
00:23:27 It's this Council's duty 00:24:13 Excuse me. 00:24:59
to oversee S.H.I.E.L.D. 00:24:14 00:25:01 Fine.
00:23:29 00:24:14 More trouble, Mr Secretary? 00:25:02
00:23:29 A breach like this 00:24:15 00:25:03 But you got to get Iron Man
raises serious questions. 00:24:16 PIERCE: Depends on your to stop by my niece's birthday
00:23:31 definition. party.
00:23:31 Like how the hell did a French 00:24:17 00:25:06
pirate 00:24:20 (DOOR OPENING) 00:25:07 Thank you, sir.
00:23:33 00:24:22 00:25:08
00:23:33 manage to hijack a covert 00:24:26 I work 40 floors away 00:25:08 And not just a flyby. He's got to
S.H.I.E.L.D. and it takes a hijacking for you mingle.
vessel in broad daylight? to visit? 00:25:11
00:23:37 00:24:29 00:25:14 GARCIA: @@/The thing is,@@\
00:25:15 00:26:09 00:26:54 Ultimate fighting?
00:25:16 I think it's getting worse. 00:26:10 Flying a night mission. (LAUGHS)
00:25:18 00:26:11 00:26:55
00:25:19 A cop pulled me over last week. 00:26:11 Standard PJ rescue Op. 00:26:56 Just a great idea off the top of
00:25:21 00:26:13 my head.
00:25:21 He thought I was drunk. 00:26:14 Nothing we hadn't done 00:26:58
00:25:23 1,000 times before. 00:26:59 Seriously, you could do
00:25:24 I swerved to miss a plastic bag. 00:26:16 whatever you want to do.
00:25:27 00:26:16 Until an RPG knocked Riley's 00:27:01
00:25:29 I thought it was an IED. dumb ass out of the sky. 00:27:02 What makes you happy?
00:25:30 00:26:19 00:27:03
00:25:33 WILSON: Some stuff you leave 00:26:22 Nothing I could do. 00:27:05 I don't know.
there. 00:26:23 00:27:07
00:25:35 00:26:23 It's like I was up there just to 00:27:08 ELECTRONIC VOICE:
00:25:35 Other stuff you bring back. watch. @@/Activating
00:25:37 00:26:25 communications encryption
00:25:37 It's our job to figure out how to 00:26:27 - I'm sorry. protocol.@@\
carry it. - After that, 00:27:11
00:25:40 00:26:29 00:27:11 Open secure line 0405.
00:25:40 Is it gonna be in a big suitcase, 00:26:29 I had a really hard time finding a 00:27:13
or in a little man-purse? reason 00:27:14 @@/Confirmed.@@\
00:25:44 for being over there, you know? 00:27:15
00:25:46 It's up to you. 00:26:32 00:27:16 @@/This is Hill.@@\
00:25:47 00:26:34 But you're happy now, 00:27:17
00:25:48 - I'll see you next week. back in the world? 00:27:17 I need you here in D.C.
- Definitely. 00:26:37 00:27:19
00:25:49 00:26:37 The number of people giving me 00:27:19 Deep shadow conditions.
00:25:51 Look who it is, the running man. orders is down to about zero. 00:27:22
00:25:54 00:26:41 00:27:23 @@/Give me four hours.@@\
00:25:54 Caught the last few minutes. 00:26:41 So, hell yeah. 00:27:24
It's pretty intense. 00:26:42 00:27:24 You have three. Over.
00:25:57 00:26:43 Are you thinking about getting 00:27:26
00:25:57 Yeah, brother, out? 00:27:42 Want to see my lease?
we all got the same problems. 00:26:45 00:27:44
00:26:00 00:26:45 No. 00:27:45 (SIREN WAILS)
00:26:01 Guilt, 00:26:46 00:27:47
00:26:02 00:26:48 I don't know. 00:28:02 ELECTRONIC VOICE:
00:26:02 regret. 00:26:50 @@/Fracture detected.@@\
00:26:04 00:26:51 To be honest, I don't know 00:28:03
00:26:04 You lose someone? what I would do with myself if I 00:28:03 (GASPING)
00:26:06 did. 00:28:04
00:26:06 My wingman, Riley. 00:26:54
00:28:06 @@/Recommend anaesthetic 00:29:28 @@/Propulsion systems now 00:30:34 (TYRES SCREECHING)
injection.@@\ online.@@\ 00:30:36
00:28:08 00:29:30 00:30:47 (PEOPLE SCREAMING)
00:28:13 @@/D.C. Metro Police dispatch 00:29:30 Full acceleration! Now! 00:30:49
shows no units in this area.@@\ 00:29:31 00:31:13 (GROANS)
00:28:16 00:29:32 (ENGINE REVVING) 00:31:14
00:28:22 Get me out of here. 00:29:33 00:31:34 (CAR HORNS HONKING)
00:28:23 00:29:47 Initiate vertical takeoff! 00:31:35
00:28:25 @@/Propulsion systems 00:29:49 00:32:08 @@/Warning. Approaching
offline.@@\ 00:29:49 @@/Flight systems intersection.@@\
00:28:27 damaged.@@\ 00:32:09
00:28:27 Then reboot, damn it! 00:29:50 00:32:18 Get me off the grid!
00:28:28 00:29:50 Then activate guidance 00:32:20
00:28:49 @@/Warning. Window cameras! 00:32:21 @@/Calculating route to secure
integrity compromised.@@\ 00:29:52 location.@@\
00:28:50 00:29:53 (GROANING) 00:32:22
00:28:50 You think? 00:29:54 00:33:37 So sweet. That is so nice.
00:28:52 00:29:55 Give me the wheel! 00:33:40
00:28:53 (DRILLING) 00:29:56 00:33:41 Hi.
00:28:55 00:30:04 Get me Agent Hill. 00:33:42
00:28:55 How long to propulsion? 00:30:05 00:33:42 I got to go, though.
00:28:56 00:30:05 @@/Communications array 00:33:43
00:28:56 @@/Calculating.@@\ damaged.@@\ 00:33:44 Okay. Bye.
00:28:57 00:30:07 00:33:45
00:29:01 @@/Window integrity 31 %. 00:30:07 Well, what's not damaged? 00:33:47 My aunt, she's kind of an
Deploying 00:30:08 insomniac.
countermeasures.@@\ 00:30:09 @@/Air conditioning is fully 00:33:48
00:29:04 operational.@@\ 00:33:50 Yeah.
00:29:04 Hold that order! 00:30:11 00:33:51
00:29:05 00:30:23 @@/Traffic ahead.@@\ 00:33:53 Hey, if you want...
00:29:07 @@/Window integrity 19%.@@\ 00:30:24 00:33:54
00:29:09 00:30:24 Give me an alternate route. 00:33:54 If you want,
00:29:09 @@/Offensive measures 00:30:25 you're welcome to use my
advised.@@\ 00:30:25 @@/Traffic alert on Roosevelt machine.
00:29:10 Bridge.@@\ 00:33:56
00:29:10 Wait! 00:30:27 00:33:56 Might be cheaper
00:29:12 00:30:27 @@/All vehicles stopped.@@\ than the one in the basement.
00:29:15 @@/Window integrity 1%.@@\ 00:30:28 00:33:58
00:29:17 00:30:28 @@/17th Avenue clear in three 00:33:59 Oh, yeah? What's it cost?
00:29:17 Now! blocks, 00:34:00
00:29:18 directly ahead.@@\ 00:34:01 A cup of coffee?
00:30:32 00:34:03
00:34:06 Thank you, but 00:35:20 00:36:44
00:34:07 00:35:22 My wife kicked me out. 00:36:46 I'm assigned to protect you.
00:34:08 I already have a load in 00:35:23 00:36:47
downstairs, 00:35:25 I didn't know you were married. 00:36:47 ROGERS: On whose order?
00:34:09 00:35:26 00:36:48
00:34:10 and you really don't want 00:35:28 A lot of things you don't know 00:36:49 (GASPS) His.
my scrubs in your machine. about me. 00:36:50
00:34:12 00:35:30 00:36:56 Foxtrot is down, he's
00:34:13 I just finished a rotation 00:35:30 I know, Nick. That's the problem. unresponsive.
in the infectious disease ward, 00:35:32 00:36:57
so... 00:35:47 I'm sorry to have to do this, 00:36:57 I need EMTs.
00:34:16 but I had no place else to crash. 00:36:58
00:34:16 Well, I'll keep my distance. 00:35:51 00:36:58 DISPATCHER: @@/Do we have a
00:34:18 00:35:58 Who else knows about your 20 on the shooter?@@\
00:34:18 Hopefully, not too far. wife? 00:37:00
00:34:19 00:35:59 00:37:01 Tell him I'm in pursuit.
00:34:20 (19408 MUSIC PLAYING 00:36:02 Just... 00:37:02
IN THE DISTANCE) 00:36:03 00:38:02 ROMANOFF: Is he gonna make
00:34:22 00:36:06 My friends. it?
00:34:22 Oh, and I think you left your 00:36:07 00:38:04
stereo on. 00:36:08 Is that what we are? 00:38:04 ROGERS: I don't know.
00:34:24 00:36:09 00:38:05
00:34:24 Oh. 00:36:10 That's up to you. 00:38:07 ROMANOFF: Tell me about the
00:34:25 00:36:11 shooter.
00:34:25 Right. Thank you. 00:36:12 Ahh! 00:38:08
00:34:27 00:36:13 00:38:08 He's fast. Strong.
00:34:27 Yeah. 00:36:16 (GROANING) 00:38:11
00:34:28 00:36:17 00:38:14 Had a metal arm.
00:34:31 (19408 MUSIC CONTINUES 00:36:21 (COUGHING) 00:38:15
PLAYING) 00:36:23 00:38:20 Ballistics?
00:34:33 00:36:30 Don't trust anyone. 00:38:21
00:34:48 (MUSIC STOPS) 00:36:33 00:38:22 Three slugs, no rifling.
00:34:50 00:36:34 (DOOR OPENS) Completely untraceable.
00:34:52 (19408 MUSIC RESUMES 00:36:36 00:38:25
PLAYING) 00:36:36 KATE: Captain Rogers? 00:38:26 Soviet-made.
00:34:56 00:36:37 00:38:27
00:35:14 I don't remember giving you a 00:36:39 KATE: Captain, 00:38:28 Yeah.
key. 00:36:40 00:38:29
00:35:16 00:36:41 I'm Agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D. 00:38:30 MALE NURSE: He's in V-tach.
00:35:16 (GRUNTS) Special Service. 00:38:31
00:35:17 00:36:43 00:38:31 FEMALE NURSE: Crash cart
00:35:17 You really think I'd need one? 00:36:43 Kate? coming in.
00:38:32 00:39:29 00:41:41 PIERCE: Oh. Captain.
00:38:32 DOCTOR: Nurse, help me with 00:40:07 I need to take him. 00:41:42
the drape. 00:40:09 00:41:43 I'm Alexander Pierce.
00:38:33 00:40:23 ROGERS: Natasha. 00:41:44
00:38:33 MALE NURSE: BP's dropping. 00:40:24 00:41:44 Sir, it's an Honour.
DOCTOR: Defibrillator! 00:40:37 Natasha! 00:41:46
00:38:35 00:40:38 00:41:46 The honour's mine, Captain.
00:38:37 MALE DOCTOR: I want you to 00:40:40 Why was Fury in your 00:41:47
charge him at 100. apartment? 00:41:47 My father served in the 101st.
00:38:39 00:40:41 Come on in.
00:38:39 Don't do this to me, Nick. 00:40:43 (SIGHS) I don't know. 00:41:50
00:38:40 00:40:45 00:41:51 PIERCE: That photo was taken
00:38:40 Stand back. 00:40:45 Cap, they want you back at five years after Nick and I met,
00:38:42 S.H.I.E.L.D. 00:41:54
00:38:42 Three, two, 00:40:46 00:41:54 when I was at State Department
00:38:43 00:40:47 Yeah, give me a second. in Bogota.
00:38:43 one. Clear. 00:40:48 00:41:56
00:38:45 00:40:48 They want you now. 00:41:56 E.L.N. rebels took the embassy,
00:38:46 MALE DOCTOR: Pulse? 00:40:49 00:41:59
MALE NURSE: No pulse. 00:40:50 Okay. 00:41:59 and security got me out,
00:38:48 00:40:52 but the rebels took hostages.
00:38:48 DOCTOR: Okay, 200, please. 00:40:55 You're a terrible liar. 00:42:03
00:38:49 00:40:57 00:42:04 Nick was Deputy Chief
00:38:49 Stand back! 00:41:03 SITWELL ON EARPIECE: of the S.H.I.E.L.D. station there,
00:38:50 @@/S.T.R.I.K.E. 00:42:07
00:38:51 Three, two, one. Clear! team, escort Captain Rogers@@\ 00:42:07 and he comes to me with a plan.
00:38:53 00:41:05 00:42:08
00:38:53 Get me epinephrine! 00:41:05 @@/back to S. H. I.E. L.D. 00:42:09 He wants to storm the building
00:38:54 immediately for through the sewers.
00:38:55 Pulse? questioning.@@\ 00:42:11
00:38:56 00:41:07 00:42:11 I said, "No, we'll negotiate."
00:38:56 MALE NURSE: Negative. 00:41:07 RUMLOW: I told him. 00:42:13
00:38:57 00:41:09 00:42:14 Turned out, the E.L.N. didn't
00:39:00 Don't do this to me, Nick. 00:41:16 - Let's go. negotiate,
Don't do this to me. - Yeah. so they put out a kill order.
00:39:02 00:41:17 00:42:18
00:39:22 DOCTOR: What's the time? 00:41:19 S.T.R.I.K.E., move it out. 00:42:18 They stormed the basement,
00:39:23 00:41:20 and what do they find?
00:39:24 FEMALE NURSE: 1:03, Doctor. 00:41:36 Captain Rogers. 00:42:20
00:39:25 00:41:37 00:42:21 They find it empty.
00:39:27 MALE DOCTOR: Time of death, 00:41:37 Neighbour. 00:42:22
1:03 a.m. 00:41:39
00:42:23 Nick had ignored my direct 00:43:12 Assassination isn't Batroc's line. 00:43:55 and sale of classified
order, 00:43:14 intelligence.
00:42:25 00:43:14 PIERCE: No, no. 00:43:57
00:42:25 and carried out an unauthorised It's more complicated than that. 00:43:59 The sale went sour
military operation on foreign soil, 00:43:17 and that led to Nick's death.
00:42:29 00:43:17 Batroc was hired anonymously 00:44:02
00:42:29 and saved the lives of to attack the @@/Lemurian 00:44:05 If you really knew Nick Fury,
a dozen political officers, Star.@@\ you'd know that's not true.
00:42:31 00:43:20 00:44:08
00:42:32 including my daughter. 00:43:20 And he was contacted by email 00:44:09 Why do you think we're talking?
00:42:33 and paid by wire transfer, 00:44:11
00:42:33 So you gave him a promotion. 00:43:23 00:44:15 See, I took a seat on the Council
00:42:35 00:43:24 and then the money was run not because I wanted to,
00:42:35 I've never had any cause to through 00:44:17
regret it. 17 fictitious accounts. 00:44:18 but because Nick asked me to,
00:42:36 00:43:28 because we were both realists.
00:42:39 Captain, why was Nick 00:43:29 The last one going to 00:44:21
in your apartment last night? a holding company 00:44:23 We knew that, despite all the
00:42:41 00:43:31 diplomacy
00:42:45 I don't know. 00:43:31 that was registered to a Jacob and the handshaking and the
00:42:46 Veech. rhetoric,
00:42:47 Did you know it was bugged? 00:43:33 00:44:27
00:42:48 00:43:33 Am I supposed to know who that 00:44:28 to build a really better world
00:42:49 I did, because Nick told me. is? 00:44:30
00:42:52 00:43:34 00:44:31 sometimes means having
00:42:52 Did he tell you 00:43:35 Not likely. Veech died six years to tear the old one down.
he was the one who bugged it? ago. 00:44:34
00:42:55 00:43:37 00:44:37 And that makes enemies.
00:43:01 I want you to see something. 00:43:37 His last address was 00:44:38
00:43:03 1435 Elmhurst Drive. 00:44:40 Those people that call you dirty
00:43:03 INTERROGATOR: @@/Who hired 00:43:40 because you got the guts
you, Batroc?@@\ 00:43:41 When I first met Nick, 00:44:43
00:43:05 his mother lived at 1437. 00:44:43 to stick your hands in the mud
00:43:05 Is that live? 00:43:44 and try to build something
00:43:06 00:43:45 Are you saying better.
00:43:06 Yeah, they picked him up last Fury hired the pirates? Why? 00:44:46
night 00:43:49 00:44:48 And the idea that those people
in a not-so-safe house in Algiers. 00:43:49 The prevailing theory could be happy today
00:43:10 00:43:51 00:44:50
00:43:11 ROGERS: Are you saying he's a 00:43:52 was that the hijacking was 00:44:52 makes me really, really angry.
suspect? a cover for the acquisition 00:44:54
00:43:12 00:43:55 00:44:58 Captain, you were the last
one to see Nick alive. - Yes, sir. 00:47:46 ROGERS: Before we get started,
00:45:00 00:46:15 00:47:48
00:45:00 I don't think that's an accident. 00:46:15 RUMLOW: Forensics. 00:47:49 does anyone want to get out?
00:45:02 COMPUTER: @@/Confirmed.@@\ 00:47:51
00:45:03 And I don't think you do, either. 00:46:17 00:47:59 (GRUNTING)
00:45:05 00:46:17 RUMLOW: Cap. 00:48:00
00:45:07 So, I'm gonna ask again. 00:46:18 00:48:20 (GROANS)
00:45:09 00:46:18 Rumlow. 00:48:21
00:45:09 Why was he there? 00:46:19 00:48:22 (GRUNTING)
00:45:11 00:46:29 Evidence Response found some 00:48:23
00:45:14 He told me not to trust anyone. fibres 00:48:25 Mobilise S.T.R.I.K.E. units, 25th
00:45:16 on the roof they want us to see. floor.
00:45:18 PIERCE: I wonder if that included 00:46:32 00:48:27
him. 00:46:32 You want me to get the Tac team 00:48:42 Whoa, big guy.
00:45:21 ready? 00:48:43
00:45:25 I'm sorry. 00:46:33 00:48:44 I just want you to know, Cap,
00:45:27 00:46:34 No, let's wait and see what it is this isn't personal!
00:45:27 Those were his last words. first. 00:48:47
00:45:28 00:46:35 00:48:55 (PANTING)
00:45:30 Excuse me. 00:46:35 Right. 00:48:57
00:45:31 00:46:36 00:48:59 It kind of feels personal.
00:45:34 Captain, 00:46:48 What's the status so far? 00:49:00
00:45:36 00:46:50 00:49:09 Drop the shield
00:45:36 somebody murdered my friend 00:46:51 MAN: Administrations level. and put your hands in the air!
and I'm gonna find out why. COMPUTER: @@/Confirmed.@@\ 00:49:11
00:45:39 00:46:53 00:49:19 (GRUNTING)
00:45:40 Anyone gets in my way, 00:46:53 Excuse me. 00:49:20
they're gonna regret it. 00:46:55 00:49:28 S.T.R.I.K.E. AGENT: Give it up,
00:45:43 00:46:55 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) Rogers! Get that door open!
00:45:44 Anyone. 00:46:57 00:49:30
00:45:45 00:47:03 I'm sorry about 00:49:31 You have nowhere to go!
00:45:48 Understood. what happened with Fury. 00:49:32
00:45:50 00:47:05 00:49:37 (WOMAN SCREAMS)
00:46:07 Operations Control. 00:47:06 It's messed up, what happened 00:49:38
00:46:09 to him. 00:49:39 (GROANING)
00:46:09 S.H.I.E.L.D. COMPUTER: 00:47:08 00:49:40
@@/Confirmed.@@\ 00:47:08 Thank you. 00:49:52 Are you kidding me?
00:46:10 00:47:09 00:49:53
00:46:12 Keep all S.T.R.I.K.E. personnel on 00:47:28 MAN: Records. 00:49:53 He's headed for the garage.
site. 00:47:29 Lock down the bridge.
00:46:14 00:47:29 COMPUTER: Confirmed. 00:49:55
00:46:14 - Understood. 00:47:30
00:50:07 PILOT: @@/Stand down, Captain 00:51:20 PIERCE: Because he lied to us. 00:52:27
Rogers. 00:51:22 00:52:31 Most of the intelligence
Stand down.@@\ 00:51:23 Captain Rogers has information community
00:50:10 regarding the death of Director doesn't believe he exists.
00:50:10 @@/Repeat, stand down.@@\ Fury. 00:52:33
00:50:12 00:51:27 00:52:34 The ones that do
00:50:49 SITWELL: Eyes here. 00:51:27 He refused to share it. call him the Winter Soldier.
00:50:50 00:51:29 00:52:36
00:50:51 Whatever your Op is, bury it. 00:51:30 As difficult as this is to accept, 00:52:37 He's credited with over
00:50:53 00:51:32 two dozen assassinations
00:50:53 This is Level One. 00:51:33 Captain America is a fugitive 00:52:39
00:50:54 from S.H.I.E.L.D. 00:52:39 in the last 50 years.
00:50:55 Contact DOT. 00:51:37 00:52:41
00:50:56 00:52:04 - Where is it? 00:52:41 So he's a ghost story.
00:50:56 All traffic lights in the district go - Safe. 00:52:43
red. 00:52:05 00:52:43 Five years ago, I was escorting
00:50:58 00:52:05 - Do better. a nuclear engineer out of Iran.
00:50:58 Shut all runways at BWI, - Where did you get it? 00:52:46
00:51:01 00:52:07 00:52:46 Somebody shot out
00:51:01 IAD and Reagan. 00:52:07 Why would I tell you? my tyres near Odessa.
00:51:03 00:52:08 00:52:49
00:51:03 All security cameras in the city 00:52:09 Fury gave it to you. Why? 00:52:49 We lost control,
go through this monitor right 00:52:11 went straight over a cliff.
here. 00:52:11 - What's on it? 00:52:51
00:51:06 - I don't know. 00:52:51 I pulled us out.
00:51:07 Scan all open sources, 00:52:12 00:52:53
00:51:08 00:52:12 Stop lying. 00:52:53 But the Winter Soldier was there.
00:51:08 phones, computers, 00:52:13 00:52:55
00:51:10 00:52:14 I only act like 00:52:55 I was covering my engineer
00:51:10 PDAs. Whatever. I know everything, Rogers. so he shot him
00:51:11 00:52:15 00:52:58
00:51:12 If someone tweets about this 00:52:17 I bet you knew Fury hired 00:52:58 straight through me.
guy, the pirates, didn't you? 00:52:59
00:51:14 00:52:19 00:53:00 Soviet slug.
00:51:14 I want to know about it. 00:52:20 Well, it makes sense. The ship 00:53:01
00:51:15 was 00:53:02 No rifling. Bye-bye, bikinis.
00:51:15 With all due respect, dirty, Fury needed a way in, so 00:53:04
if S.H.I.E.L.D. is conducting do you. 00:53:06 Yeah, I bet you look terrible
00:51:17 00:52:22 in them now.
00:51:17 a manhunt for Captain America 00:52:23 I'm not gonna ask you again. 00:53:08
we deserve to know why. 00:52:24 00:53:10 Going after him is a dead end.
00:51:20 00:52:26 I know who killed Fury. I know, I've tried.
00:53:13 00:53:53 But you do want to have a 00:54:45 It keeps rewriting itself
00:53:14 Like you said, he's a ghost story. discussion? to counter my commands.
00:53:16 00:53:55 00:54:48
00:53:21 Well, let's find out 00:53:55 We've already had it, Mr 00:54:48 Can you override it?
what the ghost wants. Secretary. 00:54:50
00:53:23 00:53:57 00:54:50 The person who developed this
00:53:23 PIERCE: @@/Nick Fury was 00:53:58 This Council moves to is slightly smarter than me.
murdered in cold blood.@@\ immediately reactivate Project 00:54:53
00:53:25 Insight. 00:54:53 Slightly.
00:53:26 To any reasonable person, 00:54:03 00:54:54
00:53:27 00:54:04 If you want to say something 00:55:05 I'm gonna try running a tracer.
00:53:27 that would make him a martyr, snappy, 00:55:06
not a traitor. now would be a good time. 00:55:07 This is a program
00:53:30 00:54:07 that S.H.I.E.L.D. developed
00:53:30 ROCKWELL: You know what 00:54:13 First rule of going on the run 00:55:09
makes him a traitor? is don't run, walk. 00:55:09 to track hostile malware,
00:53:31 00:54:17 00:55:10
00:53:32 Hiring a mercenary 00:54:17 If I run in these shoes, 00:55:11 so if we can't read the file,
to hijack his own ship. they're gonna fall off. 00:55:13
00:53:34 00:54:20 00:55:14 maybe we can find out
00:53:34 SINGH: Nick Fury used your 00:54:23 The drive has a Level Six homing where it came from.
friendship program, so as soon as we boot 00:55:15
00:53:36 up 00:55:16 Can I help you guys with
00:53:37 to coerce this Council 00:54:25 anything?
into delaying Project Insight. 00:54:25 S.H.I.E.L.D. will know 00:55:17
00:53:40 exactly where we are. 00:55:18 Oh, no. My fianc was just
00:53:40 A project he knew would expose 00:54:27 helping me
his own illegal operations. 00:54:27 How much time will we have? with some honeymoon
00:53:42 00:54:28 destinations.
00:53:43 At best, he lied to you. At 00:54:29 About nine minutes from 00:55:21
worst... 00:54:31 00:55:21 Right. We're getting married.
00:53:45 00:54:33 now. 00:55:23
00:53:46 Are you calling for my 00:54:34 00:55:23 Congratulations. Where are
resignation? 00:54:39 ROMANOFF: Fury was right about you guys thinking about going?
00:53:48 that ship. 00:55:26
00:53:48 I've got a pen and paper right 00:54:41 00:55:27 - New Jersey.
here. 00:54:41 Somebody's trying to hide - Oh.
00:53:50 something. 00:55:29
00:53:50 That discussion can be tabled 00:54:43 00:55:34 I have the exact same glasses.
for a later time. 00:54:43 This drive is protected 00:55:35
00:53:52 by some sort of AI. 00:55:36 Wow, you two are practically
00:54:45 twins.
00:55:38 00:56:23 00:57:20 - you're kind of answering it, you
00:55:38 Yeah, I wish. 00:56:23 (OVER RADIO) @@/Negative on know.
00:55:40 three.@@\ - What?
00:55:40 Specimen. 00:56:24 00:57:21
00:55:41 00:56:25 (OVER RADIO) @@/Negative on 00:57:22 Was that your first kiss since
00:55:42 If you guys need anything, two.@@\ 1945?
I've been Aaron. 00:56:26 00:57:24
00:55:44 00:56:26 Snake the upper levels. 00:57:25 - That bad, huh?
00:55:44 Thank you. Work down to me. - I didn't say that.
00:55:45 00:56:28 00:57:26
00:55:47 - You said nine minutes. Come 00:56:36 - Kiss me. 00:57:26 Well, it kind of sounds like
on. - What? that's what you're saying.
- Relax. 00:56:37 00:57:28
00:55:50 00:56:38 Public displays of affection 00:57:28 No, I didn't.
00:55:51 Got it. make people very 00:57:29
00:55:52 uncomfortable. 00:57:29 I just wondered
00:55:56 You know it? 00:56:40 how much practice you've had.
00:55:57 00:56:40 Yes, they do. 00:57:31
00:55:57 I used to. Let's go. 00:56:41 00:57:31 - You don't need practice.
00:55:59 00:56:50 You still uncomfortable? - Everybody needs practice.
00:56:01 Standard Tac team. 00:56:52 00:57:33
00:56:02 00:56:53 It's not exactly the word I would 00:57:33 It was not my first kiss since
00:56:03 Two behind, two across, use. 1945.
00:56:04 00:56:54 00:57:35
00:56:04 and two coming straight at us. 00:57:03 Where did Captain America 00:57:36 I'm 95, I'm not dead.
00:56:06 learn how to steal a car? 00:57:37
00:56:06 If they make us, I'll engage, 00:57:06 00:57:38 Nobody special, though?
you hit the south escalator to 00:57:07 - Nazi Germany. 00:57:40
the metro. - Mmm. 00:57:40 (CHUCKLES)
00:56:09 00:57:08 00:57:41
00:56:09 Shut up and put your arm 00:57:09 And we're borrowing. 00:57:42 Believe it or not, it's kind of hard
around me. Take your feet off the dash. 00:57:43
Laugh at something I said. 00:57:11 00:57:43 to find someone with
00:56:11 00:57:15 All right, I have a question for shared life experience.
00:56:11 - What? you, 00:57:45
- Do it. which you do not have to 00:57:45 Well, that's all right.
00:56:12 answer. You just make something up.
00:56:13 (ROGERS LAUGHING) 00:57:18 00:57:47
00:56:14 00:57:19 I feel like, if you don't answer it 00:57:47 - What, like you?
00:56:20 Negative at the source. though, - I don't know.
00:56:21 00:57:20 00:57:49
00:56:22 Give me a floor rundown.
00:57:49 The truth is a matter of 00:59:01 01:00:22
circumstance. 00:59:01 DRILL SERGEANT: Pick up the 01:00:24 Who's the girl?
00:57:51 pace, ladies! 01:00:25
00:57:51 It's not all things to all people, 00:59:04 01:00:44 If you're already working
all the time. 00:59:04 Let's go! Let's go! in a secret office,
00:57:53 00:59:05 01:00:47
00:57:54 Neither am I. 00:59:06 Double time! 01:00:57 why do you need to hide the
00:57:55 00:59:07 elevator?
00:57:56 That's a tough way to live. 00:59:09 Come on, Rogers, move it! 01:00:59
00:57:57 00:59:11 01:00:59 (MACHINE BLEEPING)
00:57:59 It's a good way not to die, 00:59:15 Come on, fall in! 01:01:00
though. 00:59:16 01:01:07 (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS)
00:58:01 00:59:17 Rogers! 01:01:08
00:58:02 You know, it's kind of hard 00:59:18 01:01:50 This can't be the data point.
to trust someone, 00:59:19 I said fall in! This technology is ancient.
00:58:03 00:59:20 01:01:54
00:58:03 when you don't know 00:59:22 ROMANOFF: This is a dead end. 01:02:19 (ELECTRONIC VOICE SPEAKING)
who that someone really is. 00:59:23 01:02:21
00:58:05 00:59:23 Zero heat signatures, 01:02:24 Y-E-S spells yes.
00:58:06 Yeah. zero waves, not even radio. 01:02:26
00:58:07 00:59:26 01:02:27 (POWERING UP)
00:58:10 Who do you want me to be? 00:59:28 Whoever wrote the file must 01:02:29
00:58:11 have used a router to throw 01:02:30 Shall we play a game?
00:58:12 How about a friend? people off. 01:02:32
00:58:13 00:59:31 01:02:33 - It's from a movie that was
00:58:17 Well, there's a chance you might 00:59:33 What is it? really...
be 00:59:34 - I know, I saw it.
in the wrong business, Rogers. 00:59:34 ROGERS: Army regulations 01:02:35
00:58:21 forbid storing munitions 01:02:36 (COMPUTER BEEPING)
00:58:36 ROGERS: This is it. 00:59:36 01:02:37
00:58:38 00:59:36 within 500 yards of the barracks. 01:02:41 @@/Rogers, Steven,@@\
00:58:39 The file came from these 00:59:38 01:02:43
coordinates. 00:59:38 This building is in the wrong 01:02:44 @@/born 1918.@@\
00:58:41 place. 01:02:46
00:58:42 So did I. 00:59:40 01:02:49 @@/Romanoff, Natalia
00:58:43 00:59:56 ROMANOFF: This is S.H.I.E.L.D. Alianovna,@@\
00:58:52 This camp is where I was 00:59:58 01:02:52
trained. 00:59:59 Maybe where it started. 01:02:52 @@/born 1984.@@\
00:58:53 01:00:00 01:02:54
00:58:56 Change much? 01:00:19 And there's Stark's father. 01:02:54 It's some kind of recording.
00:58:57 01:00:20 01:02:56
00:59:00 A little. 01:00:21 ROGERS: Howard.
01:02:56 @@/I am not a recording, Fr? 01:03:42 @@/You are standing in my 01:04:24 @@/The war taught us
ulein.@@\ brain.@@\ much.@@\
01:02:58 01:03:45 01:04:25
01:02:59 @@/I may not be the man I 01:03:45 ROGERS: - How did you get 01:04:26 @@/Humanity needed to
was@@\ here? surrender
01:03:00 @@/- Invited.@@\ its freedom willingly.@@\
01:03:01 @@/when the Captain took me 01:03:48 01:04:29
prisoner in 1945.@@\ 01:03:48 It was Operation Paperclip 01:04:30 @@/After the war,
01:03:04 after World War II. S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded,@@\
01:03:04 @@/But I am.@@\ 01:03:50 01:04:33
01:03:06 01:03:51 S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited 01:04:33 @@/and I was recruited.@@\
01:03:08 You know this thing? German scientists with strategic 01:04:35
01:03:09 value. 01:04:36 @@/The new HYDRA grew.@@\
01:03:13 ROGERS: Arnim Zola was a 01:03:54 01:04:38
German 01:03:54 ZOLA: @@/They thought I could 01:04:38 @@/A beautiful parasite inside
scientist who worked for the Red help their cause.@@\ S.H.I.E.L.D.@@\
Skull. 01:03:57 01:04:42
01:03:16 01:03:57 @@/I also helped my own.@@\ 01:04:42 @@/For 70 years,@@\
01:03:16 He's been dead for years. 01:03:59 01:04:44
01:03:17 01:03:59 ROGERS: HYDRA died with the 01:04:44 @@/HYDRA has been secretly
01:03:17 ZOLA: @@/First correction, I am Red Skull. feeding crisis, reaping war,@@\
Swiss.@@\ 01:04:00 01:04:50
01:03:20 01:04:01 @@/Cut off one head, 01:04:50 @@/and when history did not
01:03:20 @@/Second, look around two more shall take its cooperate,@@\
you.@@\ place.@@\ 01:04:53
01:03:22 01:04:04 01:04:54 @@/history was changed.@@\
01:03:23 @@/I have never been more 01:04:05 Prove it. 01:04:55
alive.@@\ 01:04:06 01:04:56 That's impossible.
01:03:25 01:04:08 @@/Accessing archive.@@\ S.H.I.E.L.D. would have stopped
01:03:26 @@/In 1972, 01:04:10 you.
I received a terminal 01:04:10 @@/HYDRA was founded on 01:04:58
diagnosis.@@\ the belief that humanity@@\ 01:04:58 @@/Accidents will happen.@@\
01:03:30 01:04:13 01:05:00
01:03:30 @@/Science could not save my 01:04:14 @@/could not be trusted 01:05:02 @@/HYDRA created a world so
body.@@\ with its own freedom.@@\ chaotic@@\
01:03:33 01:04:17 01:05:05
01:03:33 @@/My mind, however, 01:04:17 @@/What we did not realise was 01:05:05 @@/that humanity is finally
that was worth saving,@@\ that if you try@@\ ready
01:03:37 01:04:20 to sacrifice its freedom@@\
01:03:38 @@/on 200,000 feet of 01:04:20 @@/to take that freedom, they 01:05:09
databanks.@@\ resist.@@\ 01:05:10 @@/to gain its security.@@\
01:03:41 01:04:23 01:05:12
01:05:12 @@/Once a purification process 01:05:58 Short range ballistic. 01:08:06 Good night.
is complete,@@\ 01:05:59 01:08:08
01:05:16 01:06:00 - 30 seconds tops. 01:08:10 (DOOR CLOSES)
01:05:16 @@/HYDRA'S new world order - Who fired it? 01:08:12
will arise.@@\ 01:06:02 01:08:13 Want some milk?
01:05:20 01:06:02 S.H.I.E.L.D. 01:08:14
01:05:20 @@/We won, Captain.@@\ 01:06:03 01:08:24 The timetable has moved.
01:05:22 01:06:03 @@/I am afraid 01:08:26
01:05:23 @@/Your death amounts to I have been stalling, 01:08:28 Our window is limited.
the same as your life.@@\ Captain.@@\ 01:08:30
01:05:26 01:06:06 01:08:34 Two targets, Level Six.
01:05:27 @@/A zero sum.@@\ 01:06:07 @@/Admit it.@@\ 01:08:36
01:05:28 01:06:08 01:08:37 They already cost me Zola.
01:05:28 (GRUNTS) 01:06:08 @@/It's better this way.@@\ 01:08:40
01:05:29 01:06:10 01:08:40 I want confirmed death in 10
01:05:29 (COMPUTER BEEPS) 01:06:11 @@/We are, both of us,@@\ hours.
01:05:31 01:06:12 01:08:42
01:05:31 @@/As I was saying...@@\ 01:06:13 @@/out of time.@@\ 01:08:44 Sorry, Mr Pierce, I...
01:05:33 01:06:15 01:08:46
01:05:34 What's on this drive? 01:06:31 (DEBRIS SETTLING) 01:08:47 I forgot my
01:05:35 01:06:33 01:08:48
01:05:35 @@/Project Insight requires 01:06:41 (ROGERS GROANING) 01:08:48 phone.
insight.@@\ 01:06:43 01:08:49
01:05:38 01:06:43 (GRUNTING) 01:08:54 Oh, Renata,
01:05:39 @@/So, I wrote an 01:06:45 I wish you would have knocked.
algorithm.@@\ 01:06:50 (PANTING) 01:08:57
01:05:41 01:06:52 01:08:59 (GUN FIRING)
01:05:42 What kind of algorithm? 01:06:52 (COUGHING) (RENATA SHRIEKS)
What does it do? 01:06:54 01:09:00
01:05:43 01:07:38 Call in the asset. 01:09:11 (PANTING)
01:05:43 @@/The answer to your question 01:07:40 01:09:12
is fascinating.@@\ 01:07:56 RENATA: I'm going to go, Mr 01:09:13 (KNOCKING ON DOOR)
01:05:46 Pierce. 01:09:15
01:05:46 @@/Unfortunately, you shall 01:07:57 01:09:22 Hey, man.
be too dead to hear it.@@\ 01:07:58 You need anything before I 01:09:23
01:05:50 leave? 01:09:23 I'm sorry about this.
01:05:50 (DOOR CLOSING) 01:08:00 We need a place to lay low.
01:05:52 01:08:00 No... Uh, it's fine, Renata, 01:09:27
01:05:53 (CELL PHONE BEEPING) you can go home. 01:09:27 Everyone we know is trying to
01:05:55 01:08:04 kill us.
01:05:56 Steve, we got a bogey. 01:08:04 Okay. Night-night. 01:09:28
01:05:57 01:08:06 01:09:31 Not everyone.
01:09:33 01:11:04 for someone who just found out 01:11:48
01:09:50 - You okay? they died for nothing. 01:11:51 Is this Bakhmala?
- Yeah. 01:11:06 01:11:53
01:09:52 01:11:06 Well, guess I just like to 01:11:53 The Khalid Khandil mission,
01:10:00 What's going on? know who I'm fighting. that was you?
01:10:02 01:11:10 01:11:55
01:10:05 When I first joined S.H.I.E.L.D. 01:11:11 WILSON: I made breakfast. 01:11:56 You didn't say he was a
I thought I was going straight. 01:11:12 Pararescue.
01:10:09 01:11:12 If you guys eat that sort of thing. 01:11:58
01:10:12 But I guess I just traded in 01:11:15 01:11:59 - Is this Riley?
the KGB for HYDRA. 01:11:17 So, the question is, - Yeah.
01:10:15 01:11:18 01:12:01
01:10:20 (SIGHS) 01:11:19 who at S.H.I.E.L.D. could launch 01:12:02 ROMANOFF: I heard they
01:10:21 a domestic missile strike? couldn't bring
01:10:21 I thought I knew whose lies I was 01:11:21 in the choppers because of the
telling, 01:11:23 Pierce. RPGs.
01:10:23 01:11:24 01:12:04
01:10:27 but I guess I can't tell 01:11:24 Who happens to be sitting on 01:12:04 What did you use? A stealth
the difference any more. top chute?
01:10:30 of the most secure building in 01:12:05
01:10:31 There's a chance you might be the world. 01:12:05 No.
in the wrong business. 01:11:27 01:12:06
01:10:33 01:11:27 But he's not working alone. 01:12:07 These.
01:10:38 I owe you. 01:11:28 01:12:09
01:10:39 01:11:28 Zola's algorithm 01:12:14 I thought you said you were a
01:10:41 It's okay. was on the @@/Lemurian pilot.
01:10:42 Star.@@\ 01:12:15
01:10:42 If it was the other way around, 01:11:30 01:12:15 I never said pilot.
01:10:45 01:11:32 So was Jasper Sitwell. 01:12:16
01:10:46 and it was down to me to save 01:11:33 01:12:20 I can't ask you to do this, Sam.
your life, 01:11:37 So, the real question is, 01:12:22
01:10:47 how do the two most wanted 01:12:23 You got out for a good reason.
01:10:48 now you be honest with me, people 01:12:24
01:10:49 01:11:39 01:12:24 Dude, Captain America needs
01:10:51 would you trust me to do it? 01:11:39 in Washington kidnap my help.
01:10:53 a S.H.I.E.L.D. officer in broad 01:12:26
01:10:55 I would now. daylight? 01:12:26 There's no better reason to get
01:10:56 01:11:42 back in.
01:10:59 And I'm always honest. 01:11:43 The answer is, you don't. 01:12:28
01:11:01 01:11:45 01:12:31 Where can we get our hands on
01:11:02 Well, you seem pretty chipper 01:11:46 - What's this? one of these things?
01:11:04 - Call it a rsum. 01:12:33
01:12:33 The last one is at Fort Meade. 01:13:15 (WHISPERS) Hail HYDRA. 01:14:09
01:12:35 01:13:17 01:14:09 Because that tie looks really
01:12:35 Behind three guarded gates 01:13:20 - See, it's right there... expensive,
and a 12-inch steel wall. - Yeah, I just saw that. 01:14:11
01:12:38 01:13:22 01:14:12 @@/and I'd hate to mess it
01:12:41 Shouldn't be a problem. 01:13:23 - Should I get it checked? up.@@\
01:12:42 - I think you should. 01:14:14
01:12:44 Listen, I got to fly home tonight 01:13:25 01:14:20 (GRUNTING)
01:12:45 01:13:27 (CELL PHONE RINGS) 01:14:22
01:12:46 because I got 01:13:28 01:14:23 Tell me about Zola's algorithm.
some constituency problem 01:13:33 I need a minute. 01:14:25
01:12:48 01:13:34 01:14:26 Never heard of it.
01:12:49 and I got to press the flesh. 01:13:34 Bring the car around. 01:14:27
01:12:51 01:13:36 01:14:27 What were you doing
01:12:51 Any constituent in particular, 01:13:40 Yes, sir? on the @@/Lemurian Star?@@\
Mr Senator? 01:13:41 01:14:28
01:12:53 01:13:41 WILSON: @@/Agent Sitwell, how 01:14:28 I was throwing up. I get seasick.
01:12:54 Oh, no, not really. was lunch?@@\ 01:14:30
01:12:55 01:13:43 01:14:30 (GASPS)
01:12:56 Twenty-three, kind of hot. 01:13:43 @@/I hear the crab cakes here 01:14:32
01:12:58 are delicious.@@\ 01:14:35 Is this little display meant to
01:12:59 Real hot, you know? 01:13:45 insinuate
01:13:00 01:13:46 Who is this? that you're gonna throw me off
01:13:00 Wants to be a reporter, I think. 01:13:47 the roof?
I don't know. 01:13:47 @@/The good-looking guy in the 01:14:38
01:13:02 sunglasses, your 10 o'clock.@@\ 01:14:39 Because it's really not
01:13:02 Who listens at that point? 01:13:49 your style, Rogers.
01:13:03 01:13:52 @@/Your other 10 o'clock.@@\ 01:14:41
01:13:03 Doesn't sound like 01:13:53 01:14:42 You're right.
much of a problem to me. 01:13:55 @@/There you go.@@\ 01:14:43
01:13:05 01:13:56 01:14:44 It's not.
01:13:05 Really? Because she's killing my 01:13:58 What do you want? 01:14:45
back. 01:14:00 01:14:45 It's hers.
01:13:07 01:14:00 @@/You're gonna go around 01:14:46
01:13:08 But this isn't the place to talk the corner to your right.@@\ 01:14:48 (SCREAMING)
about it. 01:14:02 01:14:49
01:13:10 01:14:02 There's a grey car two spaces 01:14:50 Oh, wait. What about that girl
01:13:10 This is a nice pin. down. from Accounting, Laura...
01:13:11 01:14:05 01:14:53
01:13:13 - Thank you. 01:14:05 You and I are gonna take a ride. 01:14:53 Lillian. Lip piercing, right?
- Come here. 01:14:07 01:14:55
01:13:15 01:14:07 And why would I do that? 01:14:55 Yeah, she's cute.
01:14:56 01:15:48 Your bank records, 01:16:36
01:14:56 Yeah. I'm not ready for that. 01:15:49 01:16:36 What? Are you crazy?
01:14:58 01:15:50 medical histories, voting 01:16:37
01:14:58 (CONTINUES SCREAMING) patterns, 01:16:38 That is a terrible, terrible idea.
01:15:00 01:15:51 (THUD)
01:15:01 (GROANS) 01:15:51 emails, phone calls, 01:16:40
01:15:02 your damn SAT scores! 01:16:41 (SCREAMING)
01:15:10 Zola's algorithm is a program 01:15:54 01:16:42
01:15:12 01:15:55 Zola's algorithm 01:16:49 (BRAKES SCREECHING)
01:15:14 for choosing evaluates people's past 01:16:50
01:15:15 01:15:59 01:17:16 (BRAKES SQUEALING)
01:15:15 - insight's targets. 01:16:00 to predict their future. 01:17:18
- What targets? 01:16:01 01:17:23 (SCREAMING) Shit!
01:15:16 01:16:01 And what then? 01:17:25
01:15:17 You! 01:16:02 01:17:36 ROGERS: Hang on!
01:15:18 01:16:06 Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill 01:17:37
01:15:19 A TV anchor in Cairo, me. 01:17:37 (GRUNTS)
the Under Secretary of Defence, 01:16:07 01:17:38
01:15:21 01:16:08 What then? 01:17:51 (BRAKES SCREECH)
01:15:21 a high school Valedictorian in 01:16:09 01:17:52
Iowa City, 01:16:12 Then the Insight helicarriers 01:18:02 (HORN BLARES)
01:15:24 scratch people off the list. 01:18:03
01:15:24 Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, 01:16:15 01:18:04 (PEOPLE SCREAMING)
anyone who's a threat 01:16:17 A few million at a time. 01:18:05
01:15:26 01:16:19 01:18:46 (PEOPLE SCREAMING)
01:15:26 to HYDRA. 01:16:26 SITWELL: HYDRA doesn't like 01:18:47
01:15:28 leaks. 01:19:16 (WINTER SOLDIER
01:15:28 Now, or in the future. 01:16:28 SPEAKING RUSSIAN)
01:15:30 01:16:28 Then why don't you try 01:19:17
01:15:30 In the future? How could it sticking a cork in it? 01:19:18 I have her. Find him.
know? 01:16:29 01:19:21
01:15:32 01:16:30 Insight's launching in 16 hours. 01:20:01 (GRUNTS)
01:15:34 (LAUGHING) 01:16:31 01:20:02
01:15:35 01:16:31 We're cutting it a little bit close 01:20:03 (SCREAMS)
01:15:36 How could it not? here. 01:20:04
01:15:37 01:16:32 01:20:26 Go! I got this!
01:15:39 The 21st century is a digital 01:16:32 I know. 01:20:27
book. We'll use him to bypass the DNA 01:20:27 (SIRENS WAILING)
01:15:42 scans 01:20:28
01:15:43 Zola taught HYDRA how to read 01:16:34 01:20:45 (PEOPLE SCREAMING)
it. 01:16:34 and access the helicarriers 01:20:46
01:15:45 directly. 01:20:55 (INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER)
01:20:56 01:24:24 01:25:33
01:21:07 ROMANOFF: @@/Taking fire 01:24:24 Not here. Not here! 01:25:44 Three holes. Start digging.
above 01:24:26 01:25:46
and below expressway.@@\ 01:24:41 ROGERS: @@/It was him.@@\ 01:26:13 HILL: GSW. She's lost at least a
01:21:09 01:24:42 pint.
01:21:09 @@/Civilians threatened. 01:24:46 He looked right at me 01:26:15
Repeat, civilians like he didn't even know me. 01:26:15 WILSON: Maybe two.
threatened.@@\ 01:24:49 01:26:16
01:21:11 01:24:50 How is that even possible? 01:26:17 - Let me take her.
01:21:15 @@/I make an LZ, It was, like, 70 years ago. - She'll want to see him first.
2300 block of Virginia 01:24:52 01:26:19
Avenue.@@\ 01:24:53 Zola. 01:26:29 About damn time.
01:21:18 01:24:54 01:26:31
01:21:18 @@/Rendezvous, two 01:24:54 Bucky's whole unit was captured 01:26:33 Lacerated spinal column,
minutes.@@\ in '43. 01:26:34
01:21:19 01:24:56 01:26:35 cracked sternum,
01:21:45 Get out of the way! 01:24:56 Zola experimented on him. 01:26:36
01:21:46 01:24:58 01:26:36 shattered collarbone,
01:21:46 Stay out of the way! 01:24:58 Whatever he did 01:26:38
01:21:48 helped Bucky survive the fall. 01:26:38 perforated liver,
01:21:49 (GUNSHOT) Ahh! 01:25:00 01:26:40
01:21:51 01:25:02 They must have found him and... 01:26:40 and one hell of a headache.
01:23:35 Bucky? 01:25:03 01:26:42
01:23:36 01:25:03 None of that's your fault, Steve. 01:26:42 Don't forget your collapsed lung.
01:23:37 Who the hell is Bucky? 01:25:05 01:26:43
01:23:38 01:25:09 Even when I had nothing, I had 01:26:44 Let's not forget that.
01:23:51 (SIRENS WAILING) Bucky. 01:26:45
01:23:53 01:25:11 01:26:45 Otherwise, I'm good.
01:24:07 Drop the shield, Cap! 01:25:14 We need to get a doctor here. 01:26:47
Get on your knees! 01:25:16 01:26:47 They cut you open. Your heart
01:24:08 01:25:16 If we don't put pressure on that stopped.
01:24:08 Get on your knees! wound, 01:26:49
(ALL SHOUTING) 01:25:17 01:26:49 Tetrodotoxin B.
01:24:10 01:25:17 she's gonna bleed out here in 01:26:51
01:24:10 Get down, get down! Get on the truck. 01:26:52 Slows the pulse to one beat a
your knees! 01:25:19 minute.
01:24:13 01:25:22 (GROANING) 01:26:54
01:24:13 Down! 01:25:23 01:26:54 Banner developed it for stress.
01:24:14 01:25:26 Ah. That thing was squeezing my 01:26:56
01:24:14 Don't move. brain. 01:26:56 Didn't work so great for him,
01:24:15 01:25:29 but we found a use for it.
01:24:22 Put the gun down. 01:25:32 Who is this guy? 01:26:58
01:26:59 Why all the secrecy? 01:28:40 01:30:27 He said peace wasn't an
Why not just tell us? 01:28:41 You met him earlier this week achievement,
01:27:00 on another assignment. 01:30:30
01:27:01 Any attempt on the Director's 01:28:44 01:30:30 it was a responsibility.
life had to look successful. 01:28:47 I knew him. 01:30:32
01:27:03 01:28:48 01:30:33 See, it's stuff like this
01:27:03 Can't kill you if you're already 01:28:57 Your work has been a gift to that gives me trust issues.
dead. mankind. 01:30:37
01:27:06 01:28:59 01:30:37 We have to stop the launch.
01:27:06 Besides, 01:29:02 You shaped the century. 01:30:39
01:27:07 01:29:03 01:30:40 I don't think the Council's
01:27:08 I wasn't sure who to trust. 01:29:04 And I need you to do it one more accepting my calls any more.
01:27:10 time. 01:30:42
01:27:25 Sergeant Barnes. 01:29:06 01:30:45 What's that?
01:27:27 01:29:07 Society's at a tipping point 01:30:46
01:27:29 Bucky, no! between order and chaos. 01:30:46 Once the helicarriers reach
01:27:30 01:29:11 3,000 feet,
01:27:30 (BUCKY SCREAMING) 01:29:11 And tomorrow morning, 01:30:49
01:27:31 we're gonna give it a push. 01:30:49 they'll triangulate with Insight
01:27:34 ZOLA: @@/The procedure has 01:29:14 satellites,
already started.@@\ 01:29:15 But, if you don't do your part, becoming fully weaponised.
01:27:37 I can't do mine. 01:30:52
01:27:41 @@/You are to be the new fist of 01:29:18 01:30:53 FURY: We need to breach those
HYDRA.@@\ 01:29:20 And HYDRA can't give the world carriers
01:27:44 the freedom it deserves. 01:30:55
01:27:45 @@/Put him on ice.@@\ 01:29:23 01:30:55 and replace their targeting
01:27:46 01:29:26 But I knew him. blades with our own.
01:27:57 Sir. 01:29:27 01:30:58
01:27:58 01:29:28 (SIGHS) 01:30:58 HILL: One or two won't cut it.
01:27:59 (STAMMERS) He's unstable. 01:29:29 01:30:59
01:28:00 01:29:34 PIERCE: Prep him. 01:30:59 We need to link all three
01:28:01 Erratic. 01:29:35 carriers for this to work,
01:28:02 01:29:36 He's been out of cryo freeze too 01:31:01
01:28:15 Mission report. long. 01:31:01 because if even one of those
01:28:16 01:29:38 ships remains operational,
01:28:20 Mission report now. 01:29:38 Then wipe him and start over. 01:31:05
01:28:21 01:29:40 01:31:05 a whole lot of people are gonna
01:28:34 The man on the bridge. 01:30:09 (SCREAMING) die.
01:28:36 01:30:11 01:31:07
01:28:37 (INAUDIBLE) 01:30:22 This man declined 01:31:07 We have to assume everyone
01:28:38 the Nobel Peace Prize. aboard
01:28:39 Who was he? 01:30:26 those carriers is HYDRA.
01:31:10 01:31:43 couch cushions on the floor
01:31:11 We have to get past them, 01:31:43 S.H.I.E.L.D., HYDRA, 01:32:46
insert these server blades. 01:31:46 01:32:47 like when we were kids.
01:31:13 01:31:46 it all goes. 01:32:48
01:31:13 And maybe, just maybe 01:31:47 01:32:49 It'll be fun.
we can salvage what's left... 01:31:48 HILL: He's right. All you got to do is shine my
01:31:16 01:31:49 shoes,
01:31:16 ROGERS: We're not salvaging 01:31:55 WILSON: Don't look at me. 01:32:51
anything. 01:31:56 01:32:52 maybe take out the trash.
01:31:17 01:31:56 I do what he does, just slower. 01:32:53
01:31:17 We're not just 01:31:58 01:32:58 Come on.
taking down the carriers, Nick. 01:32:02 Well... 01:33:00
01:31:19 01:32:03 01:33:03 Thank you, Buck,
01:31:19 We're taking down S.H.I.E.L.D. 01:32:06 (SIGHS) but I can get by on my own.
01:31:20 01:32:07 01:33:06
01:31:20 S.H.I.E.L.D. had nothing to do 01:32:10 It looks like you're giving 01:33:07 The thing is, you don't have to.
with this. the orders now, Captain. 01:33:11
01:31:21 01:32:12 01:33:14 I'm with you to the end of the
01:31:21 You gave me this mission. 01:32:24 BUCKY: @@/We looked for you, line, pal.
This is how it ends. after.@@\ 01:33:16
01:31:24 01:32:25 01:33:17 (SIGHS)
01:31:24 S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been compromised. 01:32:25 (CHURCH BELL TOLLING) 01:33:18
You said so yourself. 01:32:26 01:33:19 He's gonna be there, you know.
01:31:26 01:32:27 @@/My folks wanted to give you 01:33:21
01:31:26 HYDRA grew right under your a ride to the cemetery.@@\ 01:33:21 I know.
nose 01:32:29 01:33:22
and nobody noticed. 01:32:29 I know, I'm sorry. 01:33:23 Look, whoever he used to be
01:31:28 I just kind of wanted to be alone. and the guy he is now,
01:31:28 Why do you think we're meeting 01:32:32 01:33:26
in this cave? I noticed. 01:32:33 How was it? 01:33:27 I don't think he's the kind you
01:31:31 01:32:35 save.
01:31:31 How many paid the price 01:32:35 It was okay. 01:33:29
before you did? 01:32:37 01:33:29 He's the kind you stop.
01:31:33 01:32:37 She's next to Dad. 01:33:30
01:31:36 Look, I didn't know about 01:32:39 01:33:33 I don't know if I can do that.
Barnes. 01:32:41 I was gonna ask... 01:33:35
01:31:38 01:32:42 01:33:35 Well, he might not give you a
01:31:38 ROGERS: Even if you had, 01:32:42 I know what you're gonna say, choice.
would you have told me? Buck. 01:33:37
01:31:40 I just... 01:33:37 He doesn't know you.
01:31:40 Or would you have 01:32:44 01:33:39
compartmentalised that, too? 01:32:45 BUCKY: We can put the 01:33:39 He will.
01:33:40 01:35:04 TECH 2: But it's his spot. 01:35:42
01:33:43 Gear up. It's time. TECH 1: So where's he been? 01:35:44 @@/You've heard a lot about me
01:33:44 01:35:05 over the last few days.@@\
01:33:47 You gonna wear that? 01:35:05 TECH 2: I think Afghanistan. 01:35:46
01:33:48 01:35:07 01:35:47 @@/Some of you were even
01:33:48 No. If you're gonna fight a war, 01:35:07 Negative DT Six. The pattern is ordered
you got to wear a uniform. full. to hunt me down.@@\
01:33:52 01:35:09 01:35:49
01:34:00 Oh, man. 01:35:09 Well, he could've said 01:35:50 But I think it's time you know the
01:34:01 something. truth.
01:34:02 I am so fired. 01:35:10 01:35:53
01:34:04 01:35:10 (HIGH-PITCHED FEEDBACK) 01:35:56 S.H.I.E.L.D. is not
01:34:29 MAN ON PA: @@/We are in final ALL: Ahh! what we thought it was.
launch sequence.@@\ 01:35:12 01:35:58
01:34:31 01:35:12 Must be the dish. 01:35:58 It's been taken over by HYDRA.
01:34:33 We are go on guidance. 01:35:13 01:36:00
01:34:35 01:35:15 I'll check it out. 01:36:01 @@/Alexander Pierce is their
01:34:37 WOMAN ON PA: @@/All 01:35:17 leader.@@\
personnel to launch stations.@@\ 01:35:17 MAN ON PA: @@/Triskelion 01:36:03
01:34:39 command 01:36:07 @@/The S.T.R.I.K.E. and Insight
01:34:39 PIERCE: And how was your request we clear the area for crew
flight? launch.@@\ are HYDRA as well.@@\
01:34:41 01:35:20 01:36:09
01:34:41 HAWLEY: Lovely. 01:35:24 Excuse us. 01:36:10 @@/I don't know how many
01:34:42 01:35:25 more,@@\
01:34:42 The ride from the airport, less 01:35:25 PIERCE: @@/I know the road 01:36:11
so. hasn't exactly been smooth,@@\ 01:36:12 but I know they're in the
01:34:44 01:35:28 building.
01:34:45 Sadly, S.H.I.E.L.D. can't 01:35:28 and some of you would have 01:36:13
control everything. gladly 01:36:15 @@/They could be standing
01:34:47 kicked me out of the car along right next to you.@@\
01:34:47 Including Captain America. the way. 01:36:17
01:34:49 01:35:31 01:36:18 @@/They almost have what they
01:34:53 This facility is biometrically 01:35:34 Finally, we're here. want.@@\
controlled. 01:35:35 01:36:20
01:34:55 01:35:35 And the world should be 01:36:21 @@/Absolute control.@@\
01:34:55 And these will give you grateful. 01:36:23
unrestricted access. 01:35:37 01:36:23 They shot Nick Fury.
01:34:58 01:35:38 ROGERS ON PA: @@/Attention 01:36:25
01:35:02 TECH 1: I've been parking there all S.H.I E.L.D. agents,@@\ 01:36:26 @@/And it won't end there.@@\
for two months. 01:35:40 01:36:27
01:35:03 01:35:40 @@/this is Steve Rogers.@@\
01:36:27 If you launch those helicarriers 01:37:41 the good guys from the bad
today, 01:37:42 (BREATHING HEAVILY) guys?
01:36:30 01:37:43 01:39:42
01:36:30 @@/HYDRA will be able to kill 01:37:49 I'm not gonna launch those 01:39:42 If they're shooting at you,
anyone that stands in their ships. they're bad.
way.@@\ 01:37:52 01:39:44
01:36:32 01:37:54 Captain's orders. 01:40:01 (GROANING)
01:36:35 @@/Unless we stop them.@@\ 01:37:56 01:40:03
01:36:36 01:37:56 Move away from your station. 01:40:17 Hey, Cap,
01:36:40 @@/I know I'm asking a lot.@@\ 01:37:57 01:40:18
01:36:42 01:37:57 Like he said... 01:40:18 I found those bad guys
01:36:43 @@/But the price of freedom is 01:37:59 you were talking about.
high. 01:37:59 Hold it right there. 01:40:20
It always has been.@@\ 01:38:00 01:40:21 You okay?
01:36:47 01:38:00 Put the gun down! 01:40:22
01:36:47 And it's a price I'm willing to pay. 01:38:01 01:40:24 I'm not dead yet.
01:36:49 01:38:01 Captain's orders. 01:40:25
01:36:52 And if I'm the only one, then so 01:38:02 01:40:32 PIERCE: Let me ask you a
be it. 01:38:05 You picked the wrong side, question.
01:36:54 Agent. 01:40:34
01:36:56 But I'm willing to bet I'm not. 01:38:06 01:40:36 What if Pakistan marched
01:36:58 01:38:08 Depends on where you're into Mumbai tomorrow
01:37:03 Did you write that down first, standing. 01:40:40
or was it off the top of your 01:38:10 01:40:41 and you knew that they were
head? 01:38:21 (GUN CLATTERS) going to drag your daughters
01:37:06 (GASPS) 01:40:43
01:37:06 You smug son of a bitch. 01:38:23 01:40:43 into a soccer stadium for
01:37:08 01:38:24 (GROANS) execution,
01:37:12 Arrest him. (PEOPLE GASP) 01:40:46
01:37:13 01:38:25 01:40:48 and you could just stop it,
01:37:16 I guess I've got the floor. 01:38:27 (ALL GRUNTING) with a flick of the switch.
01:37:18 01:38:29 01:40:52
01:37:25 Preempt the launch sequence. 01:38:54 S.H.I.E.L.D. AGENT: Close the 01:40:52 Wouldn't you?
Send those ships up now. bay door! 01:40:53
01:37:27 01:38:56 01:40:53 Wouldn't you all?
01:37:32 Is there a problem? 01:38:56 Close the bay door now! 01:40:55
01:37:33 01:38:57 01:40:57 Not if it was your switch.
01:37:33 Um... 01:38:57 Close the bay door! 01:40:58
01:37:34 01:38:58 01:40:59 (GLASS SHATTERS)
01:37:38 Is there a problem? 01:39:18 They're initiating launch. 01:41:01
01:37:39 01:39:19 01:41:02 (CHUCKLES)
01:37:40 I'm sorry, sir. 01:39:40 Hey, Cap, how do we know 01:41:03
01:41:08 (ALL GRUNTING) 01:43:07 as you really are? 01:45:46 PIERCE: - I'm glad you're here,
01:41:09 01:43:08 Nick.
01:41:23 I'm sorry. 01:43:09 Are you? - Really?
01:41:24 01:43:11 01:45:48
01:41:30 Did I step on your moment? 01:43:27 Alpha lock. 01:45:50 Because I thought you had me
01:41:32 01:43:28 killed.
01:41:34 Satellites in range at 3,000 feet. 01:43:30 Falcon, where are you now? 01:45:52
01:41:36 01:43:31 01:45:52 You know how the game works.
01:41:37 Falcon, status? 01:43:32 I had to take a detour. 01:45:53
01:41:38 01:43:32 01:45:54 So why make me head of
01:41:38 Engaging. 01:44:00 (GRUNTS) S.H.I.E.L.D.?
01:41:39 01:44:01 01:45:56
01:42:04 All right, Cap. I'm in. 01:44:03 Whoo! 01:45:56 Because you were the best,
01:42:05 01:44:04 01:45:57
01:42:07 Oh, shit. 01:44:05 Oh, yeah! 01:45:58 and the most ruthless person
01:42:08 01:44:07 I ever met.
01:42:32 (ALL GRUNTING) 01:44:13 I'm in. 01:45:59
01:42:34 01:44:14 01:45:59 I did what I did to protect
01:42:39 HILL: @@/Eight minutes, 01:44:17 Bravo lock. people.
Cap.@@\ 01:44:19 01:46:02
01:42:40 01:44:21 Two down, one to go. 01:46:03 Our enemies are your enemies,
01:42:41 Working on it. 01:44:22 Nick.
01:42:42 01:44:25 LEAD PILOT: All S.H.I.E.L.D. 01:46:05
01:42:50 What are you doing? pilots, scramble. 01:46:05 Disorder. War.
01:42:52 01:44:26 01:46:08
01:42:52 She's disabling security 01:44:27 We're the only air support 01:46:09 It's just a matter of time
protocols Captain Rogers has got. before a dirty bomb goes off in
01:42:53 01:44:30 Moscow,
01:42:53 and dumping all the secrets 01:44:43 (GROANS) 01:46:11
onto the Internet. 01:44:44 01:46:11 or an EMP fries Chicago.
01:42:55 01:45:12 Disabling the encryption 01:46:13
01:42:55 - Including HYDRA'S. is an executive order. 01:46:15 Diplomacy?
- And S.H.I.E.L.D.'s. 01:45:15 01:46:16
01:42:57 01:45:15 It takes two Alpha Level 01:46:17 A holding action, Nick. A band-
01:42:58 If you do this, members. aid.
01:42:59 01:45:17 01:46:19
01:42:59 none of your past is 01:45:17 Don't worry. Company's coming. 01:46:20 And you know where
gonna remain hidden. 01:45:19 I learned that. Bogota.
01:43:01 01:45:19 (HELICOPTER APPROACHING) 01:46:23
01:43:04 Are you sure you're ready 01:45:20 01:46:25 You didn't ask.
for the world to see you 01:45:42 Did you get my flowers? You just did what had to be
01:43:07 01:45:43 done.
01:46:27 01:47:20 @@/Emergency evacuation
01:46:28 I can bring order to the lives 01:47:24 (HYDRA SOLDIERS GROANING) alert.@@\
of seven billion people 01:47:25 01:48:48
01:46:33 01:47:26 Six minutes. 01:48:48 @@/All personnel, proceed to
01:46:33 by sacrificing 20 million. 01:47:27 designated safety zones.@@\
01:46:35 01:47:27 Hey, Sam, gonna need a ride. 01:48:51
01:46:37 It's the next step, Nick. 01:47:30 01:48:53 S.H.I.E.L.D. AGENT: All
01:46:39 01:47:30 Roger. Let me know when you're S.H.I.E.L.D.
01:46:39 If you have the courage to take ready. agents regroup at Rally Point
it. 01:47:32 Delta.
01:46:40 01:47:35 I just did! 01:48:55
01:46:40 No. I have the courage not to. 01:47:36 01:48:55 (YELLS)
01:46:42 01:47:44 (GROANS) (ALL GRUNTING)
01:46:47 S.H.I.E.L.D. COMPUTER: 01:47:46 01:48:57
@@/Retinal scanner active.@@\ 01:47:54 You know, you're a lot heavier 01:49:00 DISPATCH: (ON RADIO)
01:46:49 than you look. @@/Sir, the Council's been
01:46:49 (CHUCKLES) 01:47:56 breached.@@\
01:46:50 01:47:56 I had a big breakfast. 01:49:02
01:46:50 You don't think we've wiped 01:47:57 01:49:03 - Repeat, Dispatch.
your clearance from the system? 01:47:59 Steve! @@/- Black Widow's up
01:46:53 01:48:01 there.@@\
01:46:53 I know you erased my password. 01:48:03 (BOTH GRUNTING) 01:49:05
01:46:55 01:48:04 01:49:05 Headed up.
01:46:55 Probably deleted my retinal 01:48:27 (YELLING) 01:49:07
scan. 01:48:28 01:49:09 - Falcon?
01:46:57 01:48:31 WILSON: @@/Cap! Cap, come in. @@/- Yeah.@@\
01:46:57 But if you want to stay ahead Are you okay?@@\ 01:49:10
of me, Mr Secretary, 01:48:33 01:49:10 Rumlow's headed for the
01:47:00 01:48:33 Yeah, I'm here. Council.
01:47:04 you need to keep both eyes 01:48:35 01:49:11
open. 01:48:35 I'm still on the helicarrier. 01:49:11 I'm on it.
01:47:07 01:48:36 01:49:12
01:47:12 COMPUTER: @@/Alpha level 01:48:37 - Where are you? 01:49:24 People are gonna die, Buck.
confirmed.@@\ @@/- I'm grounded.@@\ 01:49:25
01:47:13 01:48:39 01:49:27 I can't let that happen.
01:47:14 @@/Encryption code 01:48:39 The suit's down. Sorry, Cap. 01:49:29
accepted.@@\ 01:48:42 01:49:37 Please don't make me do this.
01:47:15 01:48:43 Don't worry. I got it. 01:49:38
01:47:16 @@/Safeguards removed.@@\ 01:48:44 01:49:57 (BOTH GRUNTING)
01:47:17 01:48:45 (ALARM BLARING) 01:49:59
01:47:17 Charlie carrier is 01:48:46 01:50:49 Done.
45 degrees off the port bow. 01:48:46 WOMAN: (ON PA) 01:50:50
01:50:51 And it's trending. 01:52:29 CHARLIE XO: (ON RADIO) @@/65 01:53:57 @@/Three,@@\
01:50:52 seconds to satellite link.@@\ 01:53:58
01:50:56 (GROANING) 01:52:31 01:53:58 two...
01:50:57 01:52:32 Targeting grid engaged. 01:53:59
01:50:59 Unless you want a two-inch Lowering weapons array now. 01:53:59 (GRUNTS)
hole in your sternum, 01:52:35 01:54:01
01:51:01 01:52:39 One minute. 01:54:01 One.
01:51:01 I'd put that gun down. 01:52:40 01:54:02
01:51:02 01:52:44 (GUNSHOT) 01:54:05 (PANTS) Charlie lock.
01:51:05 That was armed the moment (GROANS) 01:54:06
you pinned it on. 01:52:45 01:54:06 Where are the targets?
01:51:07 01:53:00 HILL: (ON RADIO) @@/30 01:54:07
01:51:22 (GROANS) seconds, Cap.@@\ 01:54:09 Where are the targets?
01:51:23 01:53:01 01:54:10
01:51:26 Ahhh! 01:53:03 Stand by. (GROANS) 01:54:10 Okay, Cap, get out of there.
01:51:27 01:53:04 01:54:11
01:51:41 Drop it! 01:53:07 Charlie... (GROANS) 01:54:29 Fire now.
01:51:42 01:53:09 01:54:30
01:51:42 Drop it! 01:53:11 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 01:54:31 - But, Steve...
01:51:43 01:53:13 - Do it!
01:51:44 (SCREAMS) 01:53:18 CHARLIE WEAPONS TECH: (ON 01:54:32
01:51:45 RADIO) @@/We've reached 3,000 feet.@@\ 01:54:33 @@/Do it now!@@\
01:52:04 I'm on 41, headed toward 01:53:20 01:54:34
the southwest stairwell. 01:53:20 Sat link coming online now. 01:54:57 (WINTER SOLDIER SCREAMING)
01:52:07 01:53:21 01:54:59
01:52:10 (GROANING) 01:53:24 Deploy algorithm. 01:55:05 What a waste.
01:52:12 01:53:25 01:55:06
01:52:14 This is gonna hurt. 01:53:26 CHARLIE WEAPONS TECH: 01:55:06 ROMANOFF: So, you still on the
01:52:16 Algorithm deployed. fence
01:52:17 There are no prisoners with 01:53:28 about Rogers' chances?
HYDRA. 01:53:29 PIERCE: (ON RADIO) 01:55:09
Just order. @@/We are go to target.@@\ 01:55:09 Time to go, Councilwoman. This
01:52:20 01:53:30 way.
01:52:20 And order only comes through 01:53:49 CHARLIE WEAPONS TECH: Come on.
pain. @@/Target saturation reached.@@\ 01:55:12
01:52:22 01:53:51 01:55:13 You're going to fly me out of
01:52:24 - You ready for yours? 01:53:51 All targets assigned. here.
- Man, shut the hell up. 01:53:52 01:55:14
01:52:26 01:53:52 Fire when ready. 01:55:15 You know, there was a time
01:52:28 Lieutenant, how much longer? 01:53:53 I would've taken a bullet for you.
01:52:29 01:53:56 Firing in... 01:55:18
01:53:57 01:55:18 You already did.
01:55:19 on the outside of the building. 01:59:38
01:55:19 You will again, when it's useful. 01:58:09 02:01:26 (R&B MUSIC PLAYING)
(GROANING) 01:58:10 Hill! Where's Steve? 02:01:28
01:55:21 You got a location on Rogers? 02:01:50 On your left.
01:55:35 Romanoff. 01:58:13 02:01:51
01:55:36 01:58:17 (STRAINING) 02:01:57 (R&B MUSIC CONTINUES
01:55:37 Natasha. 01:58:18 PLAYING)
01:55:38 01:58:20 (GRUNTS) 02:01:59
01:55:40 Natasha! Come on! 01:58:21 02:02:17 (INAUDIBLE)
01:55:41 01:58:29 You know me. 02:02:19
01:55:46 Ow. 01:58:30 02:02:42 FEMALE BAILIFF: @@/Do you
01:55:47 01:58:32 No, I don't! solemnly
01:55:49 Those really do sting. 01:58:33 swear to tell the truth, the whole
01:55:50 01:58:41 (PANTING) truth,@@\
01:56:23 (WEAKLY) Hail HYDRA. 01:58:42 02:02:45
01:56:24 01:58:43 Bucky. 02:02:45 @@/and nothing but the truth?
01:56:57 (GRUNTING) 01:58:44 @@\
01:56:59 01:58:46 You've known me your whole 02:02:46
01:57:13 (BOTH GRUNTING) life. 02:02:46 ROMANOFF: @@/I do.@@\
01:57:14 01:58:47 02:02:47
01:57:16 (GROANS) 01:58:55 Your name is James Buchanan 02:02:49 COMMITTEE MEMBER: @@/Why
01:57:17 Barnes. haven't
01:57:20 You're out of your depth, kid. 01:58:58 we yet heard from Captain
01:57:21 01:58:59 Shut up! Rogers?@@\
01:57:25 Son of a bitch! 01:59:00 02:02:51
01:57:27 01:59:09 I'm not gonna fight you. 02:02:51 (CAMERAS CLICKING)
01:57:39 Please tell me you got 01:59:10 02:02:53
that chopper in the air! 01:59:14 You're my friend. 02:02:54 I don't know what there is
01:57:41 01:59:15 left for him to say.
01:57:41 ROMANOFF: (ON RADIO) 01:59:19 (ROARS) 02:02:56
@@/Sam, where are you?@@\ (GRUNTS) 02:02:56 I think the wreck in
01:57:43 01:59:21 the middle of the Potomac
01:57:43 41st floor! Northwest corner! 01:59:22 You're my mission. 02:02:58
01:57:45 01:59:24 02:02:58 made his point fairly eloquently.
01:57:45 We're on it! Stay where you are! 01:59:24 (GRUNTING) 02:02:59
01:57:47 01:59:25 02:02:59 COMMITTEE MEMBER: Well, he
01:57:47 Not an option! 01:59:26 You're my mission! could explain how
01:57:48 01:59:28 02:03:00
01:58:03 41st floor! 41st! 01:59:31 Then finish it. 02:03:01 this country is expected to
01:58:05 01:59:32 maintain
01:58:05 It's not like they put the floor 01:59:36 Because I'm with you its national security
numbers to the end of the line. 02:03:03
02:03:03 now that he and you have laid 02:03:44 @@/But we're also the ones 02:05:12
waste best qualified to defend it.@@\ 02:05:13 Not going with him?
to our intelligence apparatus. 02:03:47 02:05:14
02:03:07 02:03:49 So, if you want to arrest me, 02:05:15 No.
02:03:08 HYDRA was selling you lies, arrest me. 02:05:16
not intelligence. 02:03:51 02:05:16 - Not staying here.
02:03:10 02:03:52 You'll know where to find me. - Nah.
02:03:10 Many of which you seemed to 02:03:53 02:05:18
have had 02:04:29 So, you've experienced 02:05:19 I blew all my covers.
a personal hand in telling. this sort of thing before. I got to go figure out a new one.
02:03:13 02:04:32 02:05:21
02:03:13 Agent, you should know 02:04:32 You get used to it. 02:05:21 That might take a while.
02:03:14 02:04:34 02:05:22
02:03:14 that there are some on this 02:04:36 We've been data mining 02:05:23 I'm counting on it.
committee HYDRA'S files. 02:05:25
02:03:16 02:04:39 02:05:27 That thing you asked for,
02:03:16 who feel, given your service 02:04:39 Looks like a lot of rats 02:05:28
record, didn't go down with the ship. 02:05:28 I called in a few favours from
02:03:18 02:04:41 Kiev.
02:03:19 both for this country and against 02:04:43 I'm headed to Europe tonight. 02:05:31
it, 02:04:44 02:05:34 Will you do me a favour? Call
02:03:20 02:04:45 Wanted to ask if you'd come. that nurse.
02:03:21 that you belong in a penitentiary. 02:04:46 02:05:36
02:03:23 02:04:47 There's something I got to do 02:05:37 She's not a nurse.
02:03:23 Not mouthing off on Capitol Hill. first. 02:05:38
02:03:25 02:04:49 02:05:38 And you're not a S.H.I.E.L.D.
02:03:27 You're not going to put me in a 02:04:50 How about you, Wilson? agent.
prison. Could use a man with your 02:05:40
02:03:29 abilities. 02:05:41 - What was her name again?
02:03:30 You're not going to put any of us 02:04:52 - Sharon.
in a prison. You know why? 02:04:53 I'm more of a soldier than a spy. 02:05:43
02:03:34 02:04:55 02:05:44 She's nice.
02:03:35 Do enlighten us. 02:04:56 All right, then. 02:05:45
02:03:36 02:04:58 02:05:57 Be careful, Steve.
02:03:37 Because you need us. 02:05:03 Anybody asks for me, 02:05:59
02:03:38 tell them they can find me, right 02:06:00 You might not want to
02:03:39 @@/Yes, the world is a here. pull on that thread.
vulnerable place,@@\ 02:05:07 02:06:02
02:03:41 02:05:09 You should be honoured. 02:06:13 You're going after him.
02:03:42 @@/and yes, we help make it That's about as close as he gets 02:06:15
that way.@@\ 02:05:10 02:06:15 You don't have to come with me.
02:03:44 02:05:10 to saying thank you. 02:06:17
02:06:17 I know. any of them ever knew. 02:09:18 The twins.
02:06:18 02:08:46 02:09:19
02:06:20 When do we start? 02:08:49 We've only scratched 02:09:23 Sooner or later, they will meet
02:06:21 the surface and already, the twins.
02:08:20 It's over. Fury has released 02:08:52 02:09:26
everything to the public. 02:08:55 there are other facilities doing 02:09:28 It's not a world of spies any
02:08:24 HYDRA'S good work around the more.
02:08:25 Everything he knows about. world. 02:09:30
02:08:26 02:08:59 02:09:30 Not even a world of heroes.
02:08:27 @@/Herr@@\ Strucker, if they 02:09:00 We'll feed them to Captain 02:09:32
get America 02:09:33 This is the age of miracles,
word of our work here, and his colourful friends, Doctor.
02:08:28 02:09:04 02:09:36
02:08:29 if they find out we serve 02:09:04 and keep them off our scent. 02:09:38 There's nothing more horrifying
HYDRA... 02:09:06 02:09:40
02:08:30 02:09:06 What about the volunteers? 02:09:41 than a miracle.
02:08:31 HYDRA, S.H.I.E.L.D. 02:09:08 02:09:42
02:08:32 02:09:08 The dead will be buried so deep 02:09:43 Please rate this subtitle at
02:08:33 Two sides of a coin 02:09:10 www.osdb.link/4s6yd
that's no longer currency. 02:09:10 their own ghosts won't Help other users to choose the
02:08:36 be able to find them. best subtitles
02:08:40 What we have 02:09:12 Help other users to choose the
02:08:41 02:09:14 And the survivors? best subtitles
02:08:44 is worth more than 02:09:16 02:09:49

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