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Comparative Analysis of Data Mining Techniques for Malaysian Rainfall Prediction

Social Network Mining (SNM): A Definition of Relation between the Resources and

Soft Set Approach for Clustering Graduated Dataset OK

An Application of Rough Set Theory for Clustering Performance Expectancy of Indo
nesian e-Government Dataset OK
Mining Significant Association Rules from on Information and System Quality of I
ndonesian E-Government Dataset OK
Clustering Based on Classification Quality (CCQ) OK
Preliminary Study for the Implementation of Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomogr
aphy (ECVT) to Display Fruit Content

jkt selatan/pusat
plasa senayan

The process of learning is one of the activities in a college / institution in a

cademic life.
With better teaching and proper guidance the students can learn much deeper usin
g these tools for their future. As teachers
we must equipped ourselves with correct question techniques
One of the popular and viable approach for data mining is rough set theory

Bahkan, selain memperbaiki aktivitas pembelajaran, data mining juga telah diguna
kan dipendidikan.

Moreover, in addition to the method of approach used in the learning system, dat
a mining has also been used in the field of education to better understand how s
tudents learn and identify the settings in which they learn to improve education
al outcomes.
Moreover, in addition to improve the process of learning in in academic life
The research issue here is what should a teacher guide/what form of facilitation
is going to help the students gaining skills and knowledge of mathematics on th
e computer/internet?

Selain itu, selain dengan metode pendekatan dalam sistem pembelajaran yang akan
data from academic databases which is used to develop various techniques and to
recognize patterns that are unique

Its goal is to better understand how students learn and identify the settings in
which they learn to improve educational outcomes and to gain insights into and
explain educational phenomena.

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