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Bake pasado baked participio baked

Extend psado extended participio extended

Add pasado added participio added

Destroy pasado destroyed participio destroyed

Discover discovered discovered

Find pasado found participio found

Heed pasado heeded participio heeded

Know pasado knew participio known

Do pasado did participio undone

Tell pasado told participio told

Build pasado built participio built

Hang pasado hanged participio igual

Pave pasado paved participio igual

Busquen la traduccin para cada uno de los verbos Adems de esto lean algo
referido al imperio romano en Britania (Inglaterra ) algo, un articulo en
espaol ,ya que de eso va tratar el texto del taller ,saludos
To the group

I think the opportunity is ripe and the time is right for getting some thoughts
out of my mind, few occasions are given to me to find myself in a teaching
situation where students are so commited to achievement , have such an
ethical approach regarding the teaching learning encounters, and last but not
least so focused on learning and knowledge itself showing along the way the
best of attitudes and intentions , that is, camaraderie,good faith and
teamwork ; I know it must be rare for students to read this from a teacher but
anyways here it is ,rare neednt be bad to be appreciated ,show some
respect ,etc ,so its my hope here with this words that rare or strange, out of the
ordinary, you name it ; be taken to be something good so what I intend to
mean is that your being ,presence here at this university should be
noticed,appreciated, thanked ,not taken for granted , because whether you
happen to believe it or not,( I consider you to be) you are a honorable
exception to the rule ,with that said I dont mean to offend anyone or the rest
of the students, so its my hope you continue to be as excellent fellows,
students as you are right now ,at the end of the day you are what allow this
university come into being, thanks from a friend.


Creo que la oportunidad est madura y es el momento adecuado para sacar algunos
de enseanza donde los estudiantes estn tan comprometidos con el logro, tienen un

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