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Microsoft Access

An Access database can have a maximum of one table

Datasheet View is used to precisely determine the characteristics of each field
You cannot modify the size of a field in Design View
A database is like a container because it can hold several types of objects, including tables,
forms, reports, and queries
The Show Margins command can be used to set precise column widths
The page orientation can be changed with the Print Preview command
Portrait orientation causes a table to print horizontally on a page
Tables are composed of records
Text, Number, and Currency are examples of data types
You can enter data into a table in Design View
Filters are a temporary way to view records that meet specific criteria
To select an entire record, click anywhere in the record
An input mask can automatically enter parentheses around the area code of a phone number
Changing the structure of a table will never result in lost data
The table template is used to automate data entry in a table
A pencil icon in the row selector indicates that a record is being edited
Once you are in Datasheet View, you cannot go back to the Table Design View
To use Filter by Form you must first click on the field that contains the desired value
The Table Template provides a variety of sample fields to use in a table
Using validation rules, you can set a specific range of values allowed in the field
Forms can be used to enter data in tables
The main benefit of forms is that they allow you to view several records simultaneously
The navigation buttons at the bottom of a form can be used to move between records
Forms do not display currency symbols ($) and other formatting characters
You must first select a table before creating a simple form from the ribbon
The Report Wizard lets you choose the fields you wish to include in a report
The design of a report cannot be changed once the report has been saved
The Report Wizard lets you choose Portrait or Landscape orientation
Reports can be used to enter data
An object can be copied and then pasted to a different database
Criteria determine the records selected by a query
The Query Design grid is where you define a query
You can add fields to the Query Design grid by double clicking the desired fields on the field
list(s) above the Query Design grid
You can add all fields to the Query Design grid by double clicking any field in the field list
Changing data in the recordset has no impact on the underlying data in the table(s) on which the
query is based
You must type criteria in the same case (upper or lower) as the data in the tables you are
querying or Access will not select the desired records
If a field has been entered into the Query Design grid, you cannot prevent the field from
appearing in the recordset
The two types of compound criteria are AND and OR
You cannot use wildcards for numeric values
Access can sort on more than one field at a time

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