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Creating a Microsoft Excel Workbook

1. Start Microsoft Excel.
2. Create a Microsoft Excel workbook.
3. Save a Microsoft Excel workbook.
4. Learn about the Status Bar.
5. Add and delete Microsoft Excel worksheets.
6. Copy and move worksheets.
7. Split the worksheet window.
8. Close a Microsoft Excel workbook.

B). The Ribbon

1. Learn about tabs.
2. Learn about groups.
3. Learn about commands.
4. Learn which groups and commands are found on which tabs.

C). The Backstage View (The File Menu)

1. Open a Microsoft Excel workbook.
2. Start a new Microsoft Excel workbook.
3. Use Microsoft Excel templates.
4. Print a Microsoft Excel workbook.
5. Personalize your copy of Microsoft Excel.

D). The Quick Access Toolbar

1. Add common commands to the Quick Access Toolbar.
2. Add additional commands to the Quick Access Toolbar.
3. Move the Quick Access Toolbar.

E). Entering Data in Microsoft Excel Worksheets

1. Enter text in Microsoft Excel worksheets.
2. Add or delete cells in worksheets.
3. Enter numbers and dates in Microsoft Excel worksheets.
4. Use the Fill Handle to add data to cells.

F). Formatting Microsoft Excel Worksheets

1. Hide worksheets.
2. Add color to workbook tabs.
3. Freeze panes
4. Split worksheets

G). Format cells

1. Decimal places
2. Date and time formats
3. Fractions
4. Currency Vs Accounting
5. Text to numbers
6. Numbers to text ( introduce value function)
7. Custom number format
8. Format painter
9. Cell styles
10. Themes

H). Functions
1. Count and sum
Count and sum
Count blank / nonblank cells
Sum product
2. Logical functions
If function
Nested If
3. Cell references
Relative, absolute, mixed references
3D reference

4. Text functions
Join strings- Concatenation, &, left, Right, Mid, Len, Find,
Separate strings
Text to column
Lower / Upper case
Remove unwanted characters Trim, clean
Compare text Exact, =
Find Vs Search
Substitute Vs Replace

5. Date and time functions

Year, Month, Day, Date, NOW, Hour, Min, Sec, Time
DATEDIF, Weekday, TEXT, Networkdays, Workday,

6. Statistical functions
Average, AverageIf, Median, Mode, Standard deviation, Min,
Max, Large, Small, Rand, Randbetween, Rank

7. Round Function
Round, RoundUp, RoundDown,
Chop off decimals int, trunk

8. Lookup &Reference functions

Vlookup, Hlookup, Match, Index, Choose

9. Formula errors
##### error
#NAME? error
#VALUE! error
#DIV/0! error
#REF! error
I). Data Validation
1. Create data validation Rules
2. Create drop down list
3. Dependant drop down list

J). Print
1. Workbook views
2. Page breaks
3. Headers and footers
4. Page numbers
5. Print titles
6. Print Gridlines and headings
7. Print area

K). Data Analysis

Using one column, Multiple column
Sort by colors
2. Filter
Numbers and text filters
Date filters
Advanced filters And criteria, OR criteria, Formula as criteria
3. Conditional formatting
Manage rules, data bars, color scales, Icon sets, New rule
Using developer tab create check list
4. Charts
Create a chart, change chart type, switch row / column, chart
title, legend position, Data labels
Chat types- Column chart, Line chart, Pie chart, Bar chart, Area
chart, Scatter chart
Data series, Axes, Chart sheets, Trend lines, Error bars, Spark
lines, Gantt chart
5. Pivot tables
Group pivot table items
Multilevel pivot table
Pivot chart

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