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Oracle Lease and Finance Management

Release 12.2.6

Application Release: 12.2.6

Author Oracle Lease Quality Assurance Team

Creation Date 17-Aug-2016

Last Updated Date 23-Aug-2016

Version 1.0

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 1
Table of Contents

1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

2 PATCH DETAILS .............................................................................................................................................. 6

2.1 CONSOLIDATED PATCH DETAILS ............................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
3 NEW FEATURES AND FUNCTIONAL CHANGES ..................................................................................... 7
3.1 NEW FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 FUNCTIONAL CHANGES .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2.1 Principal Paydown for Contract Associated to Investor agreement ...................................................... 7
3.2.2 Investor Payable Invoice Numbers and Total Transaction Amount ...................................................... 7
3.2.3 Investor Disbursement on Partial Termination of Contract .................................................................. 7
3.2.4 Investor agreement Number display on Contract .................................................................................. 7
3.2.5 Alphanumeric value for Investor balancing segment ............................................................................. 7
3.2.6 Passthrough Disbursement for Service line linked to an asset .............................................................. 7
3.2.7 Rebooking a Reamort Loan after Partial Termination .......................................................................... 8
3.2.8 Investor_Unbilled_Streams and Investor_Unaccrued_Income Formula............................................... 8
3.2.9 Accounting for Add New Contract to Activated Investor agreement ..................................................... 8
3.2.10 Investor Disbursement for Reamort contract ......................................................................................... 8
3.2.11 Variable Interest Streams in the Investor pool....................................................................................... 8
3.2.12 Unbilled Receivable Calculation on Quote............................................................................................ 8
3.2.13 Webservice - Compute Quote IIR........................................................................................................... 8
3.2.14 Default Remarketer Team For Asset Returns ........................................................................................ 8
3.2.15 Principal Balance For Catchup/Cleanup Quote .................................................................................... 9
3.2.16 Contract Type Consolidated Quot For Evergreen Contract .................................................................. 9
3.2.17 Search On Consolidated Term Quote By Recipient ............................................................................... 9
3.2.18 Partial unit Termination ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.19 Subsidy ................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.20 Lease Center ........................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2.21 Contract with Release asset ................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.22 Billing .................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.23 Quote Cancellation .............................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.24 Termination with Purchase with grouped invoices .............................................................................. 11
3.2.25 Accrual ................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2.26 Quote Recipient Validation for Consolidated Quote ........................................................................... 11
3.2.27 Update of Subsidy Causes Error during Rebook and Partial Termination ......................................... 11
3.2.28 Finance Fee Extension on Contract Rebook when Upfront tax treatment is Financed ....................... 11

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3.2.29 Multiple Specific Loss Provision are not Reversed when Terminating Contract ................................. 11
3.2.30 Receipt amount in Lease Center Transaction Tab ............................................................................... 12
3.2.31 QA Checker Error for Renewal Quote with End of Term as Percentage............................................. 12
3.2.32 GL Date for AP Consolidated Invoices ................................................................................................ 12
3.2.33 Pass through Streams for ESG Loan Contract .................................................................................... 12
3.2.34 Update Return Status of an Asset to Scrap .......................................................................................... 12
3.2.35 Rebook Contract with Quote Approver as Lessor ................................................................................ 12
3.2.36 Credit Memo for the Advance Payments .............................................................................................. 12
3.2.37 Terminate Assets with zero Purchase amount...................................................................................... 13
4 FUNCTIONAL IMPACT .................................................................................................................................. 14

5 TESTING RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................. 15

5.1.1 Usage and Passthrough Enhancements ............................................................................................... 15
5.1.2 Metered Usage Service Enhancement Bill in Evergreen/IPR ........................................................... 15
5.1.3 Usage Passthrough in Evergreen period ............................................................................................. 15
5.1.4 Refinance Quotes and Contracts .......................................................................................................... 15
5.1.5 Insurance ............................................................................................................................................. 16
5.1.6 Investor agreement............................................................................................................................... 16
5.1.7 Enabling Notes and Attachments ......................................................................................................... 16
5.1.8 Enhancements to Ease Billing Tax Calculation for Large Location Distribution Support .................. 17
5.1.9 Automate modification of Terms and Conditions during Contract Renewal ....................................... 17
5.1.10 Principal Paydown for Contract Associated to Investor agreement .................................................... 17
5.1.11 Investor Payable Invoice Numbers and Total Transaction Amount .................................................... 17
5.1.12 Investor Disbursement on Partial Termination of Contract ................................................................ 17
5.1.13 Investor agreement Number display on Contract ................................................................................ 18
5.1.14 Alphanumeric value for Investor balancing segment ........................................................................... 18
5.1.15 Passthrough Disbursement for Service line linked to an asset ............................................................ 18
5.1.16 Rebooking a Reamort Loan after Partial Termination ........................................................................ 18
5.1.17 Investor_Unbilled_Streams and Investor_Unaccrued_Income Formula............................................. 18
5.1.18 Accounting for Add New Contract to Activated Investor agreement ................................................... 19
5.1.19 Investor Disbursement for Reamort contract ....................................................................................... 19
5.1.20 Variable Interest Streams in the Investor pool..................................................................................... 19
5.1.21 Unbilled Receivable Calculation on Quote .......................................................................................... 20
5.1.22 Webservice - Compute Quote IIR......................................................................................................... 20
5.1.23 Default Remarketer Team For Asset Returns ...................................................................................... 20
5.1.24 Principal Balance For Catchup/Cleanup Quote .................................................................................. 20
5.1.25 Contract Type Consolidated Quot For Evergreen Contract ................................................................ 20
5.1.26 Search On Consolidated Term Quote By Recipient ............................................................................. 20
5.1.27 Partial unit Termination ...................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.28 Subsidy ................................................................................................................................................. 21
5.1.29 Lease Center ........................................................................................................................................ 21
5.1.30 Billing .................................................................................................................................................. 21
5.1.31 Quote Cancellation .............................................................................................................................. 21

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5.1.32 Termination with Purchase with grouped invoices .............................................................................. 22
5.1.33 Accrual ................................................................................................................................................. 22
5.1.34 Quote Recipient Validation for Consolidated Quote ........................................................................... 22
5.1.35 Update of Subsidy Causes Error during Rebook and Partial Termination ......................................... 22
5.1.36 Finance Fee Extension on Contract Rebook when Upfront tax treatment is Financed ....................... 22
5.1.37 Multiple Specific Loss Provision are not Reversed when Terminating Contract................................. 23
5.1.38 Receipt amount in Lease Center Transaction Tab ............................................................................... 23
5.1.39 QA Checker Error for Renewal Quote with End of Term as Percentage............................................. 23
5.1.40 GL Date for AP Consolidated Invoices ................................................................................................ 23
5.1.41 Pass through Streams for ESG Loan Contracts ................................................................................... 23
5.1.42 Update Return Status of an Asset to Scrap .......................................................................................... 24
5.1.43 Rebook Contract with Quote Approver as Lessor ................................................................................ 24
5.1.44 Credit Memo for the Advance Payments .............................................................................................. 24
5.1.45 Terminate Assets with zero Purchase amount...................................................................................... 24

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 4
1 Purpose
This document provides a high-level overview of the functional impact of changes delivered in Oracle Lease and Finance
Management Release 12.2.6. The document provides broad guidance to customers to help them develop test plans based on the
identified functional impact.

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2 Patch Details
Patch Number Patch Description
For instructions on applying R12.FIN_PF.C.Delta.6, features and other
information, please refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2113994.1,
Applying the R12.FIN_PF.C.Delta.6 Release Update Pack.

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 6
3 New Features and Functional Changes
3.1 New Features

Please refer to the Release Content Document (2166770.1) for the details of new feature delivered.

Functional Changes

3.2.1 Principal Paydown for Contract Associated to Investor agreement

Unscheduled principal paydown should not be allowed for contracts associated with an investor agreement. A proper error message
should be displayed when you try to create a principal paydown request for such contract.

3.2.2 Investor Payable Invoice Numbers and Total Transaction Amount

Investor payable invoice numbers are consistent in criteria and details pages of investor payable invoices screen. Also the total
transaction amount shown for payable invoices includes the tax amount as well.

3.2.3 Investor Disbursement on Partial Termination of Contract

When partial termination is created for the contract and Investor Disbursement is not run till the termination date, On termination, if
disbursement program is run, investor disbursements are now generated for all eligible disbursements till termination date.

3.2.4 Investor agreement Number display on Contract

When a contract is added to investor agreement, the investor agreement number is now shown on a contract number, only after the
investor agreement activation transaction is approved.

3.2.5 Alphanumeric value for Investor balancing segment

Investor balancing segment can be set to an alphanumeric character in accounting options page.

3.2.6 Passthrough Disbursement for Service line linked to an asset

Pass-through disbursement invoices are getting generated for eligible transactions for a service passthrough when it is linked to an

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3.2.7 Rebooking a Reamort Loan after Partial Termination

When a re-amortization loan contract is re-booked after completing a partial termination, the corresponding yields are shown correctly
though there are no financial changes during re-book.

3.2.8 Investor_Unbilled_Streams and Investor_Unaccrued_Income Formula

On activation of investor agreement, in the investor transaction that get accounted, amount derived by formula
INVESTOR_UNACCRUED_INCOME should be the left over amount for the un-accrued periods. Amount derived by formula
INVESTOR_UNBILLED_STREAMS_DF_AMT should be reflecting the left over amount for the un-billed periods.

3.2.9 Accounting for Add New Contract to Activated Investor agreement

On addition of a new contract to an already activated full sale investor agreement, accounting transaction should get created in
Lessors book. Later when a rebook is performed and asset is added to this contract, this add contract transaction should get accounted
in investors books.

3.2.10 Investor Disbursement for Reamort contract

For Reamort contracts that are part of an investor pool, when the investor disbursement programs are run, investor disbursement
should get created for all the prior undisbursed periods including the current period.

3.2.11 Variable Interest Streams in the Investor pool

When interest stream is generated by Create Receivables Variable Rate Invoices program for a variable rate contact, which is
associated to an active investor agreement, such interest streams for variable rate contracts should get added to investor pool.

3.2.12 Unbilled Receivable Calculation on Quote

When contract obligation prorate option is "Prorate" and contract obligation is defined to use AMCTUR formula and billing date in
SGT is set as the First day of next periods. Unbilled receivables calculated on the quote would be correct. it would not have
additional month payment included.

3.2.13 Webservice - Compute Quote IIR

Web service has been created for computing quote IIR. This web service can be used for computing IIR for Solve for rate method.

3.2.14 Default Remarketer Team For Asset Returns

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The profile option "OKL: Default Remarketer team for Asset Returns" has been replaced by an operating unit striped system option.
This provides the flexibility to define Default Remarketer Teams at an operating unit level when implementing multi-org access

3.2.15 Principal Balance For Catchup/Cleanup Quote

For principal basis "Actual" loans, the quote principal balance formula will deduct unpaid principal payments billed and due before
the termination effective date .

3.2.16 Contract Type Consolidated Quot For Evergreen Contract

Contract type consolidated quote can be created for evergreen contract also. Multiple partial termination quote/partial line termination
quotes can be processed using contract type consolidated quote for contract in evergreen status.

3.2.17 Search On Consolidated Term Quote By Recipient

In consolidated quote screen, user would be able to search the consolidated termination quote based on recipient value. The search
would work for both contract type and quote type consolidated quote.

3.2.18 Partial unit Termination

Partial unit termination transactions will not error due to rounding issue in units. Termination transaction will complete successfully.

Payment and streams will be correctly calculated for terminated and non-terminated asset. For terminated asset it will show payment
till termination period for terminated units. For non-terminated asset It will show payment for complete contract period in proportion
of remaining units.

On performing a partial unit termination with purchase, the proceeds from sale amount would be correct amount which is asset line
purchase amount

For an OU that has MEOT ON, on performing a partial unit termination for any one of the assets, correct residual value will be shown
in the termination accounting transaction for the contract

In case of partial asset termination, when purchase option formula is defined as line residual on a contract T&C and purchase option
prorate is line calculation or prorate, purchase amount on the termination quote would be calculated incorrectly with respect to line
residual value.

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When MEOT is off the current functionality was not refreshing the asset serial numbers during split asset process. Changes were made
to refresh the asset serial numbers during split asset process when MEOT is off

3.2.19 Subsidy

Earlier when subsidy was associated to multiple assets, QA checker was throwing error. But now subsidy can be associated to multiple
assets without any error in QA checker.

When rate subsidy is added to contract the calculated amount will be truncated till the currency precision. Same amount will be used
while activating the contract. So QA checker will not throw any error for rate subsidy amount.

3.2.20 Lease Center

Receipt created directly in receivable responsibility can be seen in lease center Transaction tab and Account tab

Receipt with multiple invoice line will show correct applied amount in transaction tab with respect to the respective invoice line

Transaction tab will show correct transaction amount, applied amount and remaining amount

Lease center termination quote Ui also has termination asset number field available to create partial unit termination through lease

3.2.21 Contract with Release asset

When Stop termination on acceptance flag is checked and an asset is terminated without purchase, then user change the asset return
status from Return to Manual Re-lease. This release asset can be added to contract and can be booked successfully.

3.2.22 Billing

When invoices are generated with advance billing program, the auto invoice master program for transaction source OKL_Contracts
will not show those transactions. Those transactions will be stamped as success and will not be shows as exception in auto invoice
master program.

3.2.23 Quote Cancellation

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On cancelling a termination quote adjustment transactions are getting generated with correct amounts. Adjustment transactions created
for a invoice with single/ multiple/ No rax lines, match with original amounts.

Cancelling Quotes where Tax is not setup for the termination quote invoice is cancelling all the lines in the quote.

3.2.24 Termination with Purchase with grouped invoices

When MEOT is enabled and termination with purchase quote is created, on complete payment of purchase amount, the OKL - AM :
Termination quote acceptance workflow would get completed.

3.2.25 Accrual

On using print lead days a future dated invoice was preventing catch-up accruals from being generated correctly for a contract. The
presence of future dated invoice was interfering while changing the accrual status from non revenue to revenue.
This has been fixed so that only open invoices till system date are considered while evaluating the accrual status. Any
open invoice which is future dated is ignored.

3.2.26 Quote Recipient Validation for Consolidated Quote

While creating a consolidated quote with renewal quotes, system should not validate Quote Recipient terms and condition at contract
level incorrectly as quote recipient is not required for renewal Quote.

3.2.27 Update of Subsidy Causes Error during Rebook and Partial Termination

Once a subsidy is associated to booked contract, user can only update description and end date on subsidy definition. No other
changes would be allowed. It would prevent errors during rebook and terminations.

3.2.28 Finance Fee Extension on Contract Rebook when Upfront tax treatment is Financed

Upon rebook of a contract with revision type Extend term, finance fee can also be extended on the contract when finance fee is
added through asset upfront tax treatment as Financed

3.2.29 Multiple Specific Loss Provision are not Reversed when Terminating Contract

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When terminating a contract with more than one specific loss provision, not only the last specific loss provision but previously created
specific loss provision for the contract should also get reversed. All the specific loss provision for the contract should get reversed.

3.2.30 Receipt amount in Lease Center Transaction Tab

Lease center transaction tab should show correct amount for receipt amount applied on the AR invoices, when EB-Tax is not enabled
or EB-Tax is enabled for AR invoices.

3.2.31 QA Checker Error for Renewal Quote with End of Term as Percentage

Upon validation of a renewal quote where the end of term option was defined as a percentage and asset cost is a low dollar amount,
QA checker should be successful. Residual percent should be considered as residual percentage not the amount.

When override value is given for the end of term percentage field where asset cost is a low dollar amount, then also QA checker
should be successful.

3.2.32 GL Date for AP Consolidated Invoices

GL date for account payable invoices generated would be same at the header and line level , when consolidated vendor invoices are

3.2.33 Pass through Streams for ESG Loan Contract

Search of pass-through streams associated to more than one vendor for a ESG loan contract would show correct results without any

3.2.34 Update Return Status of an Asset to Scrap

Status of an asset can be changed to scrapped during the termination quote processing for a termination quote type without purchase.

3.2.35 Rebook Contract with Quote Approver as Lessor

Contract having quote approver term set to lessor can be revised and rebooked when reason selected as change customer .

3.2.36 Credit Memo for the Advance Payments

Credit memo is generated for the advance payments for a contract in evergreen where assets are linked to services and fees which are
subsequently expired and renewed .

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3.2.37 Terminate Assets with zero Purchase amount

Terminate assets for a quote type-termination with purchase, where purchase amount is not mentioned in terms and conditions for the
contract, the quotes are processed and assets are terminated.

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 13
4 Functional Impact

Following are the functional impact due to changes introduced in the Lease Management 12.2.6 release:

o Usage Passthrough
o Refinance contract
o Usage service
o Insurance
o Notes and attachment
o Renewal quote
o Tax extension
o Principal paydown for syndicated contract
o Investor agreement
o Link passthrough service disbursement
o Investor agreement accounting transaction
o Addition to investor pool
o Renewal of service contract
o Notes and attachment
o Unbilled receivable on quote
o Consolidated quote
o Termination
o Auto invoice import
o Contact revision
o Subsidy setup
o Specific loss provision accounting
o Lease center transactions
o GL date for AP consolidated invoice
o Pass-through streams
o Cancellation of quote
o Asset return status update
o Rebook contract
o Default remarketer
o Credit Memo for advance payments

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 14
5 Testing Recommendations

5.1.1 Usage and Passthrough Enhancements

Run Passthrough Transaction Activity report for following scenarios:
o When passthrough fee line and passthrough service line has periodic and stub payments defined and multiple vendor assigned.
o When different payout basis, disbursement payment basis and payment frequency is used such as billing, processing date and
monthly respectively.
o When advance/ Force passthrough is applied on the passthrough fee line and passthrough service line.
o Generate usage/fee/Service passthrough for evergreen period for different payout basis and payment basis
o Duplicate contract when usage passthrough is entered for evergreen period
o Rebook contract when usage passthrough is entered for evergreen period and contract is in evergreen status, to validate
restriction for changes on rebook

5.1.2 Metered Usage Service Enhancement Bill in Evergreen/IPR

o Move a usage based lease contract to evergreen status and verify the service contract renewal
o When usage based contract is in evergreen status further renew the service contract by running concurrent program Renewal
Usage service contracts
o Run usage based billing for service contract in renewal period
o When lease contract is in evergreen status and service contract is renewed, create partial/full termination for usage asset
o Run usage based billing for service contract in renewal period after partial termination of usage asset/contract

5.1.3 Usage Passthrough in Evergreen period

o Generate usage passthrough for evergreen period for different payout basis and payment basis with single and multiple vendor
o Duplicate contract when usage passthrough is entered for evergreen period
o Rebook contract when usage passthrough is entered for evergreen period and contract is in evergreen status, to validate
restriction for changes on rebook.
5.1.4 Refinance Quotes and Contracts
o Refinance contract for few/all asset of source contract

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 15
o Refinance contract activation with addition of new asset on refinanced contract
o Refinance quote processing through activate renewal contract program
o Process billing, accrual, rebook, termination for refinanced contract
o Contract type consolidation quote for refinance quote, renewal quote and termination quote
o Import refinance quote through renewal interface for pricing method- solve for rate, target rate, rate card
o Import fixed rate renewal quote through renewal interface for pricing method rate card
5.1.5 Insurance
o Same third party insurance policy used across contract with in/outside coverage amount
o Run auto insurance program when third party insurance is associated to contract
o Deletion of third party insurance association to contract
o Multiple third party insurance policy to a contract
o Lease insurance policy premium calculation based on capital cost or asset cost
o Auto insurance program when insurance restriction for vendor program agreement, , insurance asset class and vendor is
o Lease policy creation when insurance restriction for vendor program agreement, , insurance asset class and vendor is created
o Third party insurance policy verification in lease center
5.1.6 Investor agreement
o Syndication of variable rate/ fixed rate contract
o Investor billing, disbursement for variable rate and fixed rate contract for non- full sale and full sale
o Investor disbursement for termination obligation amount, purchase amount, late charge and late interest, other termination
related amount like fee/penalty.
o Expiration of investor agreement
o Contract to full sale pool when contract has amount lying in non accrual account/accrual account
o Revision of investor agreement associated contract and addition of new asset and changes in existing asset
o New accounting sources verification from account payable and account receivable
o New balancing segment value verification in fixed asset after FA transfer process
o Buy back for non full sale and full sale contract
o Full/Partial termination with/without purchase for full sale/non full sale contracts
o Acceleration of subsidy for the contract associated to full sale investor agreement
o Verification of new formulas for close out contract balance
o Verification of revenue and billing mismatch
o Addition of new contract to an activated Investor agreement
o Investor agreement number verification at contract header when contract is associated to single or multiple investor agreement.
5.1.7 Enabling Notes and Attachments

Copyright 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 16
o Ensure web service is deployed successfully for the objects enabled for notes and attachments.
o Create and update note with and without attachments
o Search notes through ui and web service

5.1.8 Enhancements to Ease Billing Tax Calculation for Large Location Distribution Support
o Partial unit termination with and without purchase with tax line split
o Partial and full termination with and without purchase with tax line split
o Lease billing with splitted lines
5.1.9 Automate modification of Terms and Conditions during Contract Renewal
Renewal quote creation with/without contract template entered
Update Renewal quote for contract template
Renewal contract processing and verification of terms and condition in renewal contract, when renewal quote have contract
template associated
Renewal quote/contract creation through renewal interface with/without contract template

5.1.10 Principal Paydown for Contract Associated to Investor agreement

o Unscheduled principal paydown validation for a contract that is part of full sale investor agreement
o Unscheduled principal paydown validation for a contract that is part of non-full sale investor agreement

5.1.11 Investor Payable Invoice Numbers and Total Transaction Amount

o Investor disbursement invoice generation when tax is enabled
o Verification of investor payable invoice amount in investor payable invoice summary screen
o Verification of investor payable invoice amount in investor payable invoice detail screen

5.1.12 Investor Disbursement on Partial Termination of Contract

o Investor disbursement invoice generation for prior period and current period after partial termination of a contract
o Investor disbursement invoice generation for prior period and current period after partial unit termination of an asset

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5.1.13 Investor agreement Number display on Contract
o Add contracts to investor agreement and verify investor agreement number on contact, before approving the investor activation
o Assign contract to investor agreement and verify investor agreement number on contract, after approving the investor
activation transaction

5.1.14 Alphanumeric value for Investor balancing segment

o Setup investor balancing segment value use alphanumeric and perform investor agreement activation
o Setup investor balancing segment value use numeric and perform investor agreement activation

5.1.15 Passthrough Disbursement for Service line linked to an asset

o Disbursement invoice generation for service passthrough line for payout basis billing, when service line is associated to an
o Disbursement invoice generation for service passthrough line for payout basis partial receipt, when service line is associated to
an asset
o Disbursement invoice generation for service passthrough line for payout basis full receipt, when service line is associated to an
o Disbursement invoice generation for service passthrough line for payout basis due date, when service line is associated to an

5.1.16 Rebooking a Reamort Loan after Partial Termination

o Create a reamortized loan contract with assets. rebook it after completing partial termination to verify yields generated are
o Create a reamortized loan contract with assets and financed fees associated to it. rebook it after completing partial termination
to verify yields generated are correct
o Create a reamortized direct finance lease contract with two assets. rebook it after completing partial termination to verify
yields generated are correct
o Create a reamortized multi-GAAP direct finance Lease contract with two assets. Rebook it after completing partial termination
to verify yields generated are correct.

5.1.17 Investor_Unbilled_Streams and Investor_Unaccrued_Income Formula

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Verification of Investor_Unbilled_Streams_DF_AMT and Investor_Unaccrued_Income formula on activation of Investor
agreement for following scenarios:
o Bill and accrue a direct finance lease contract for few month (say 4 months) and associate to full sale investor agreement.
o Bill a direct finance lease contract for few month (say 4 months) and accrue it for less month (say 2 months) and associate to
Full sale investor agreement.
o Bill a direct finance lease contract for less month (say 2 months) and accrue it for more months (say 4 months) and associate to
full sale investor agreement.
o Associate a direct finance lease contract to full sale investor agreement when no accrual and billing is generated for the

5.1.18 Accounting for Add New Contract to Activated Investor agreement

Verification of accounting transactions for following scenario:

o Associate a contract to Full sale investor agreement and activate the investor agreement
o Add a new contract to an activated full sale Investor agreement and approve the add contract transaction
o Rebook a contract which is already associated to a full sale investor agreement and add new asset during rebook. Add the
newly added asset to activated investor agreement and approve add contract transaction.

5.1.19 Investor Disbursement for Reamort contract

o Investor disbursement invoice generation for prior period and current period for loan reamort contract, When reamort program
is run for multiple periods but investor disbursement is run later.

o Investor disbursement invoice generation for prior period and current period for direct finance lease reamort contract, When
Reamort program is run for multiple periods but investor disbursement is run later.

5.1.20 Variable Interest Streams in the Investor pool

o When Reamort contract is associated to full sale investor agreement, verify interest gets added to pool once it is processed by
Create Receivables Variable Rate Invoices program

o When Reamort contract is associated to non-full sale investor agreement, verify interest gets added to pool once it is processed
by Create Receivables Variable Rate Invoices program

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o When Loan float estimated and billed contact is associated to investor agreement, verify variable interest gets added to pool
once it is processed by Create Receivables Variable Rate Invoices program

5.1.21 Unbilled Receivable Calculation on Quote

o Termination quote with unbilled receivable when SGT setup for billing is first day of next period and quote obligation is
derived by formula
o Termination quote with unbilled receivable when SGT setup for billing is last day of month and quote obligation is derived by

5.1.22 Web service - Compute Quote IIR

o Compute IIR using web service for solve for rate pricing method.
5.1.23 Default Remarketer Team For Asset Returns
o Termination without purchase for full/partial asset when MEOT is enabled
o Termination without purchase for full/partial asset when MEOT is disabled
5.1.24 Principal Balance For Catchup/Cleanup Quote
o Partial termination for catch-up cleanup loan contract with principal basis actual.
o Full termination for catch-up cleanup loan contract with principal basis actual.

5.1.25 Contract Type Consolidated Quote For Evergreen Contract

o Consolidated quote for evergreen contract for mid term quote both full and partial
o Consolidated quote for evergreen contract for end of term quote both full and partial
o Quote processing through consolidated quote for evergreen contract
5.1.26 Search On Consolidated Term Quote By Recipient
o Quote type consolidated quote with recipient entered
o Contarct type consolidated quote with recipient entered
5.1.27 Partial unit Termination

o Partial unit termination when Stop Termination on Acceptance is enabled

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o Partial unit Termination when Stop Termination on Acceptance is not enabled
o Verification of streams and payments after partial unit termination
o Partial unit termination with and without purchase when Stop Termination on Acceptance is enabled
o Partial unit Termination with and without purchase when Stop Termination on Acceptance is not enabled
o Partial unit termination, when purchase option formula is defined as Line Residual on a contract T&C and prorate option is
o Verification of proceed of sale after partial unit termination
o Verification of streams after partial unit termination

5.1.28 Subsidy

o Contract with multiple asset which are associated to subsidy

o Contract authoring with rate subsidy

5.1.29 Lease Center

o Multiple receipt creation for an invoice both in lease and receivable

o Verification of receipt in lease center Account and Transaction tab
o Receipt un-application and verify transaction in Leasecenter
o Receipt re-application and verify transaction in Leasecenter
o Partial unit termination with purchase from lease center when MEOT is on/off
o Partial unit termination without purchase from lease center when MEOT is on/off
o Contract with release asset
o When Stop termination on Acceptance is enabled, contract booking with release asset
5.1.30 Billing

o Run advance billing and regular lease billing

5.1.31 Quote Cancellation

o Cancellation of quote when quote has multiple assets
o Cancellation of asset return request
o Cancellation of asset from consolidated quote

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o Cancel quote where tax setup is disabled on termination quote invoices for an operating unit where MEOT is ON and Asset
Level Processing is ON.
o Cancel quote where tax setup is disabled on termination quote invoices for an operating unit where MEOT is On and Asset
Level Processing is Off.
o Cancel quote where tax setup is disabled on termination quote invoices for an operating unit where MEOT is Off
o Cancel quote where tax setup is enabled on termination quote invoices for an operating unit where MEOT is On and Asset
Level Processing is ON.

5.1.32 Termination with Purchase with grouped invoices

o MEOT ON-Partial receipt application of quote purchase amount to verify completion of quote
o When purchase invoice is grouped with other invoice lines, receipt application on purchase invoice to verify completion of
5.1.33 Accrual
o Accrual rule and catch-up rule setup with print lead days on contract
5.1.34 Quote Recipient Validation for Consolidated Quote
o Consolidated quote with both termination quote and renewal quote, when contract does not have Quote Recipient T&C
o Consolidated quote with only renewal quotes, when contract does not have Quote Recipient T&C defined.
o Consolidated quote with only termination quotes, when contract does not have Quote Recipient T&C defined.

5.1.35 Update of Subsidy Causes Error during Rebook and Partial Termination
o Update subsidy which is associated to booked contract asset line
o Update subsidy which is associated to a booked contract finance fee line
o Revision of contract after updating subsidy definition
o Partial termination of contract after updating subsidy definition

5.1.36 Finance Fee Extension on Contract Rebook when Upfront tax treatment is Financed
o Extension of finance fee line during contract rebook for extend term, when asset upfront tax treatment is set to Financed.
o Contract rebook without extending finance fee
o Contract rebook when finance fee is manually added on the contract not through Upfront tax.

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5.1.37 Multiple Specific Loss Provision are not Reversed when Terminating Contract
o MEOT OFF- termination of contract with purchase when multiple specific loss provisions are created for the contract
o MEOT OFF- termination of contract without purchase when multiple specific loss provisions are created for the contract
o MEOT ON- termination of contract with purchase when multiple specific loss provisions are created for the contract
o MEOT ON- termination of contract without purchase when multiple specific loss provisions are created for the contract

5.1.38 Receipt amount in Lease Center Transaction Tab

o Without tax setup apply receipt on AR invoice in lease management, verify Lease center Transaction tab and Account tab
o Without tax setup apply receipt on AR invoice in receivables, verify Lease center Transaction tab and Account tab
o Without tax setup unapply some receipt amount, verify Lease center Transaction tab and Account tab
o With tax setup apply receipt on AR invoice in lease management, verify Lease center Transaction tab and Account tab
o With tax setup apply receipt on AR invoice in receivables, verify Lease center Transaction tab and Account tab
o With tax setup unapply some receipt amount, verify Lease center Transaction tab and Account tab

5.1.39 QA Checker Error for Renewal Quote with End of Term as Percentage
o Renewal quote validation with end on term option as percentage and asset cost to be lesser than the end of term percentage
o Renewal quote validation with end on term option as percentage and asset cost to be lesser than the end of term percentage
value, where override value is given for end of term option on the renewal quote.
o Renewal quote validation with end on term option as amount
o Renewal contract activation with end on term option as percentage and asset cost to be lesser than the end of term percentage
5.1.40 GL Date for AP Consolidated Invoices

o Generate and verify GL Dates for AP invoices generated for pass through disbursements for contracts having vendor
disbursement term associated with invoice consolidation option checked .

5.1.41 Pass through Streams for ESG Loan Contracts

o For a ESG loan contract, with pass through fees associated with more than one vendor .

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Price the contract and search the streams generated for stream level fee.
o For a ESG lease contract, with pass through fees associated with more than one vendor .
Price the contract and search the streams generated for stream level fee.
5.1.42 Update Return Status of an Asset to Scrap
o Update the status of an asset to scrap which is returned during the termination quote processing for a termination quote of type
without purchase for an operating unit where MEOT is ON and Asset Level Processing is ON.
o Update the status of an asset to scrap which is returned during the termination quote processing for a termination quote of type
without purchase for an operating unit where MEOT is OFF.

5.1.43 Rebook Contract with Quote Approver as Lessor

o Revise and Rebook a contract having quote approver term set to lessor
o With rebook reason selected as change customer.
o Validate, price and book the contract.
5.1.44 Credit Memo for the Advance Payments
o For contract in evergreen with evergreen advance IPR payments generated for assets linked to services and fees.
o Expire and renew an asset and check the credit memo generating on processing termination and lease billing for the renewed
asset and also for service line.

5.1.45 Terminate Assets with zero Purchase amount

o Process termination of assets with termination type with purchase for a contract with no amount mentioned in terms and
conditions for an operating unit where MEOT is ON and asset level processing is ON.
o Process termination of assets with termination type with purchase for a contract with no amount mentioned in terms and
conditions for an operating unit where MEOT is Off.

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