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Student A:

Year Level: 3

Growth points reached:

Domain Growth Growth point (in words)


Counting Growth Counting from x (where x>0) by 2s,

Point. 5 5s and 10s
Given a non-zero starting point,
can count by 2s, 5s and 10s to a
given target.

Place Value Growth Reading, writing, interpreting and

Point. 3 ordering three-digit numbers
Can read, write, interpret and order
three-digit numbers

Addition & subtraction Growth Derived strategies (near doubles,

strategies Point. 5 adding 9, build to next ten, fact
families, intuitive strategies)
Given an addition or subtraction
problem, strategies such as near
doubles, adding 9, build to next
ten, fact families and intuitive
strategies are evident.

Multiplication & division Growth Abstracting multiplication and

strategies Point. 4 division (no objects perceived)
Mentally solves multiplication and
division problems (no objects
perceived) using multiplicative
structure of the situation.

Within this interview, David was able to count forwards and backwards by ones. He is also
able to skip count from zero, as well as a non-zero starting point by 2s, 5s and 10s to a given
target. He was able to identify the number that is more or less than the known number. He was
able to recognise that five more than thirty-five is forty and ten less than seventy is sixty.

David is able to read, write, interpret and order three-digit numbers. He was able to use
concrete materials such as pop-sticks to represent a number. By using the bundles of ten and
loose pop-sticks, David was able to make the number thirty six, but firstly grabbing three
bundles and six loose ones. Additionally, David can interpret two and three-digit number lines
and locate the missing value of the given point. He able was to interpret the number line and
understand that halfway between zero and a hundred was fifty.

David was able to use derived strategies such as near doubles, fact families and build to the
next ten when solving a single-digit addition or subtraction problem. To illustrate this, he was
able to understand that twelve is made up of double six and that three and seven is a fact
family of ten.

When solving multiplication and division problems, David was able to use the strategy of skip
counting by 2s, 3s and 5s to determine the whole of a partial model. He was able to recognize
that four packets with three tennis balls in each, is equivalent to twelve tennis balls altogether.
Within this, he was able to skip count by 4s from zero to twelve. In regards to abstract thinking,
he was able to listen to a story and mentally solve the problem using multiplication and division
strategies of skip counting, to a given point.

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