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Safeguarding Policy

My responsibility as a childminder is to ensure the safety and welfare of all

the children in my care and protect them from harm.
If I believe a child in my care is being abused I will follow the Bradford
Safeguarding Children Board (BSCB) procedures.

About me

I Rabia Khatun am the named person responsible for safeguarding in the

setting. The welfare of every child in my care is paramount. I have
completed a child protection course which has given me insight into how to
identify the signs and symptoms of different types of abuse. I also have a
background of working in Childrens Social Care. I have a valid DBS check.

If I am concerned a child is being harmed I will use the 4 stages below:

Be alert

Question behaviours

Ask for help


These will be used to help me identify and respond appropriately to possible

abuse and/or neglect.
These stages comply with What to do if youre worried a child is being
abused, advice for practitioners (March 2015) pg12.

I will record in writing all concerns about a childs welfare and the
decisions made. Records will be legible, including time and date, be
signed, will be stored safely and kept confidential unless they need
sharing with other agencies.

If the child is in immediate risk I will contact 999.

Information will be shared with the relevant agencies from the onset.

Child Sexual Exploitation

This form of abuse can be difficult to identify, however I will watch out for
unusual behaviours like:

The child being withdrawn.

Sudden change in behaviour.


The child being clingy.

The child begins to soil clothes.

Changes in eating habits and sleeping patterns.

The child may display inappropriate sexualised behaviour and language.

The same procedures as child protection will be followed.

In the Bradford district these numbers can be contacted for advice

and to make a referral.

Childrens Social Services Initial Contact Point- 01274 437500.

A referral to Initial Contact Point will not be made without sharing my

concerns with parents first (unless the child would be at risk of
significant harm if I did).

For out of office hours Social Services Emergency Duty Team- 01274

For general queries Childrens Specialist Services can be contacted-

01274 435600.

Childrens Safeguarding and Reviewing Unit- 01274 434343.

NSPCC can be contacted at any time- help@nspcc.org.uk or 0808 800


If the child is in immediate risk I will contact 999.

I will record in writing all concerns about a childs welfare and the
decisions made. Records will be legible, including time and date, be
signed, will be stored safely and kept confidential unless they need
sharing with other agencies.

If a child makes a disclosure to me I will do the following:

Give time and listen.

Explain next steps if this is age and stage appropriate.

Record everything I hear as it is said.

Contact BSCB for advice if I am unsure about what to do and/or refer

to my policy and procedures.

I will have the relevant training which will help me to identify signs of
possible abuse and neglect which may include:

Significant changes in a child's behaviour.

Deterioration in a child's general well-being.

Unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse or neglect.

A child's comments which give cause for concern.

Any reasons to suspect neglect or abuse outside the setting e.g. in the
child's home.

Prevent Duty

Under the Counter- Terrorism and Security Act 2015, all early years
childcare providers have a duty to prevent people from being drawn into

The statutory guidance makes it clear that as a childminder I am expected

to assess the risk of children being drawn into terrorism and how to support
I will use my professional judgement and be alert to changes in children's
behaviours which could indicate that they may be in need of help or
protection. Children at risk of radicalisation may display different signs or
seek to hide their views.
I will make a referral to the Channel programme when appropriate. Channel
is a programme which focuses on providing support at the early stage to
identified vulnerable people.

I will engage and work with parents/families as they are in a key position to
spot signs of radicalisation.

All staff members will have relevant training and knowledge in order to be
equiped to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism and
challenge extremist ideas.

In order to ensure children are safe from terrorism and extremist material
when accessing the internet, I will ensure suitable filtering is in place.

I will build children's resilience to radicalisation by promoting the

Fundamental British Values and allowing them to challenge extremist views in
a safe environment. I will focus and reinforce the following:
Democracy- making rules together.
Rule of law- understanding rules matter.
Individual liberty- freedome for all.
Mutual respect and tolerance- treat others as you want to be treated.

If I have a concern about a child I will follow the same as procedure as child
Michael Churley is the Prevent Coordinator for Bradford Council. He can be
contacted on 01274 432816 for any questions and advice.

Internet access/Safety

In order to promote internet safety, rules will be agreed with the

children which they will then be expected to adhere too. Also parental
controls will be activated where possible and supervision if required.

Children and staff will not be allowed to use personal smart phones,
cameras and iPads whilst in the session. Parents will also be advised
not to use their mobile phones to take pictures whilst in the setting.

I will use a camera at the setting which is strictly for taking photos of
the children in my care and to capture their development to use as
evidence in their personal files and to use for display purposes. I am
also registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) in
order to ensure all information stored on any child in my care is kept

Allegations made against the childminder, member of staff or family


All allegations pf abuse of children by those who work with children will be
taken seriously.

The following procedure will be applied in all cases in which it is alleged that
a person who works with children has behaved in a way that has harmed a
child or may harm a child, possibly committed a criminal offence against or
related to a child or behaved towards a child/ren in a way that indicates
they are unsuitable to work with children.

As the lead practitioner I am responsible for liasing with the local statutory
childrens service agencies and with Bradford Safeguarding Childrens Board.

If an allegation is made against me I will inform Ofsted without delay who

will follow their procedures and will notify Bradford Safeguarding Childrens

If an allegation is made against a member of my family who do not work

directly with the children or a member of staff, I will immediately inform
the Bradford Safeguarding Childrens Board, Local Authority Designated
Officer (LADO) immediately and follow their advice and guidance.
The Designated Officer for Bradford Safeguarding Childrens Board can be
contacted via the Duty Officer, Child Protection Unit on 01274 434343.

It is not permissible for me to conduct an enquiry about suspicion or

allegation of abuse with respect to:
A relative.
A friend.
An immediate colleague.

I will then inform Ofsted within 14 days of the allegation being made.

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