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Customer Communication

Last Updated: 26/05/16

Prepared by: Will Milburn
Release Version 1603

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................2
1.1. Logging into Customer Communtications ..................................................................................................2
1.2. Customer Communications home screen ..................................................................................................3
2. Enabling & Configuring Customer communications...........................................................................................3
2.1. Main Configuration.....................................................................................................................................3
2.2. Communication interests configuration.....................................................................................................5
2.3. Field mapping configuration.......................................................................................................................5
3. New Reports .......................................................................................................................................................6
3.1. Creating a report from new reports ...........................................................................................................6
3.2. Campaign respones dataset .......................................................................................................................8
4. Creating a campaign ...........................................................................................................................................8
4.1. Creating a new campaign ...........................................................................................................................8
4.2 Test campaign .............................................................................................................................................9
4.3 Running/ Scheduling a campaign .............................................................................................................10
4.2. Additional field mapping ..........................................................................................................................11
5. Managing Existing campaigns...........................................................................................................................12
5.1. Analysis .....................................................................................................................................................12
5.2. Searching for a specific member ..............................................................................................................13
5.3. Searching for a campaign .........................................................................................................................13
5.4. Setting a campaign inactive ......................................................................................................................14


Customer Communications is designed to integrate with your media channel to allow you to run, schedule,
manage and analyse email campaigns. Using Legends new reports application you can create customisable
reports to extract the member data required and use this for your email campaign.

Currently Customer Communications can only be integrated with Dotmailer and Mandirll (which is a paid add on
for MailChimp), these are external services and are not supported by Legend. For more information on
Dotmailer please visit their website http://www.dotmailer.com/. For Mandrill please go to


Customer Communications is accessed through the Legend Back Office application. To log in to Back Office go to
www.legendbackoffice.co.uk and enter your normal Legend username and password.

You will need the below security token to be able to log into the Back Office Website.



Once you have logged in to Legend Back Office click the icon (top right corner of the screen) to access

available back office applications. You will then see the Customer Communications icon , click on this
and you will then be taken to the Customer Communications home screen which defaults to the campaign
search., shown below:


Customer Communications is turned on in the database. If you would like Customer Communications enabled
please log a ticket with Legend Support, and they will pass it to the relevant team.

Once Customer Communications has been enabled, users with the security token CC_STARTUP will be able to
access the Customer Communications section of Back Office.


Before you can start running and managing campaigns, you must first configure Customer Communications to
integrate with your media channel. To complete the configuration you will need the below security tokens:


You will also need to have the configuration module by Legend. Please log a support ticket for this.

To configure, click on the applications icon at the top right hand corner of the screen and select configuration:

You will then need to select the Customer Communications link within the Applications section.

The configuration is split into 3 tabs; General Configuration, Contact Field Mapping and Communication
Interests. Select General Configuration.

First complete the following at the top of the page.

Reporting username This needs to stay as legendapiuser

Scheduling Support email Set to relevant email

You will then need to select which channel you would like to configure. The channels that are available are
Dotmailer and Mandrill. Please note the configuration for Mandrill needs to be completed by Legend, please log
a ticket with Legend support for this.

Username This will need to be the api username from dotmailer

Password Password for the aip user from dotmailer

Uri Leave as set

From Name Who the email will be sent from e.g. noreply@legendware.co.uk


Communication interests are used to send targeted campaigns to members. Once some interests have been set
up members will be able to see these interests when logging in to their online account, and select interests
relevant to them.

To set up Communication Interests click Communication Interests tab.

Click Add Interest to open the Add Interest window. Enter a Name, Description, Long Description and check or
uncheck Is Active as appropriate.

Click Save Changes and the Interest will appear in the list.

To edit an interest, just click on the pencil icon on the right hand side of the interest, this will open the previous
window where you can make relevant changes or disable the interest.


Field mappings are used to map between Legend and your chosen media. To map your Legend fields over to
your media channel click Contact Field Mapping tab, then select the appropriate media channel from the drop
down at the top.

You will need to input the field mapping by clicking on the green Add Mapping button. The Legend field you
will be using is what the field is called in new reports. You will then specify what the field is called in your media
channel (see example above).


New reports is used to extract the data from Legend for you campaign. So before you can begin creating your
campaign you will need to set up your reports. The below instructions is the basics for how to create a report, if
you need futher detail please see the New Reports Documentation which you can request from the helpdesk.
When New Reports has been fully launched to all customers, this documentation will be available on the Legend
Releases website.


To create a report you will need to go to the following URL and login with your Legend username and password.


Once logged in click on the Reports Tab and select Report Writer from the drop down selection.

You will first need to choose what dataset you would like to use for the report. Datasets are basically the raw
data that is used for the reports. So if I was wanting to run a report to look at my active members I would choose
the Active member List dataset.

Click on the + icon underneath the field name Datasets and you can choose the relevant dataset for you
report. The example below shows the Active Members List dataset has been chosen. Please note the datasets
must have the field Contact Reference, this is what links the report to Customer Comms. This field must also be
one world (ContactReference), you can edit this by clicking on the pencil icon on the right hand side next to the
field name.

You can add multiple datasets together by clicking on + under neither Datasets and choosing your next
dataset. Please be aware that you can only link datasets together if there is a unique field matching in both

datasets. E.g. Contact Reference, membership number, inventory id are all unique so they can be used to link
the datasets together.

Add filters to your report by clicking on the Add filter button. You can then select which field you would like to
filter by, e.g. by agreements or join dates. You can add as many filters as required.

On the right hand side of the page you can see the available columns that are to be used in the report (see
above). You can change the order by clicking and dragging the column to a different possition, you can remove
the column from the report by clicking on X button next to the column name and you can edit the name of
the column by clicking on the pencil icon directly next to the delete button.

You can view a sample of your report by clicking on the green Refresh button at the bottom of the page, this
will give you a sample of your data without having to export the file.

Once happy with the data click on the pubish icon, give the report a name and description. You will then need to
publish the report for a specified group of people or for all users. The report needs to be visible by the
legendapiuser, you can find what group the legendapiuser is part of by going to setup>users and select the

When you have completed your report and have it set to publish click save. The report will now be visible in
Customer Comms and you can view the report in the user defined report section of new reports.


Results from campaigns can now be viewed in new reports. There is one dataset called Campaign Responses
within the Customer Communications dataset group.

With a large range of different fields available such as Campaign Name, number of opens, number of page views
and number of clicks, this data set can be used to help monitor your campaign. It can be used for a report and
also to create dashboards in new reports.


Once you have completed the configuration and created your report, you will be able to create campaigns in
Customer Communications. To access the application, click on the application icon at the top right of the screen
and select to Customer Communication icon.


To create a new campaign click Create New Campaign: The below security token is required to do so.


Enter a:

Campaign Name

Campaign Description

Media Channel Select Dotmailer or Mandrill depending on what Channel you use

Data Source Select report

Report this will show the list of reports that have been set up in New Reports (see Creating reports in
New Reports on how to create your reports)

Template This is pulled through from your media channel. If you cannot see any/specific templates

click on the icon directly below. This will refresh the templates to show what is created within your
media channel.

Operational or non-operational - Operational campaign emails are sent to all customers regardless of
their communication preferences

Communication Interest

Click Save. Youll then be taken to the Campaign Details screen.

Please note if is operational is not ticked, you will need to select communication interests. These can be
created in the configuration application.


Before you run your campaign, you can complete a test run to make sure your template is correct. Simply click
on Test Run as highlighted below. This will open a pop up box where you need to enter the email address the
test campaign will be sent to.


To schedule a campaign, either create a new campaign or search for a campaign using the Campaign Search
option. Click the campaign name to load the Campaign Details screen, shown below:

You can run the campaign as a one-off straight away by clicking Run.

If you would rather schedule the campaign click Schedule, to load the Schedules screen, then click Add Schedule.

A New Schedule window will open. You can select if you want this to run daily, weekly or monthly at specific
times/ dates. See below examples for each of the schedule types.

Click Create Schedule. Your scheduled runs will then appear in the Schedules screen.


As stated in section 2.3 Field mapping configuration, you can set up your field mapping for what values are set in
new reports to the values set up in your media channel. If the template you are using has values that require
futher mapping you can complete this by clicking on the Field Mapping icon at the top of your campaign page.

Any field that are missing will be hilighted so you can input the values used in new reports.


Once a Campaign has been run, you can select the Runs option to view the individual run details. You can easily
see how many contacts were included in the run, the date and time of the run, and whether it was scheduled or


To see the details of a specific run, select the date of the run. You will be taken to the details screen, shown

You can also click on the Contacts icon to view contacts that were included in the run and view their status. By
clicking on the contacts name, you will be able to see all their campaign interactions in their timeline.


To search for a specific contact and view their interactions enter their details into the search box at the top right
hand corner of the screen. You can search based on First Name, Last Name, Postcode, Date of Birth, Club and

This will then take you the contact home page (this will eventually be replacing Membership management and
sales/prospecting module), click on the timeline icon and you will be able to view all their interactions.


To search for a campaign you will need to go to the Customer Communications home page.

As you can see above you can search for your campaign using the campaign name or using the filter options. As
a default the search will look at active campaigns only unless you tick the field to Include Inactive. To view the
campaign you can either click on the campaign name or select actions and then view.


If you wish to set your campaign inactive, search for your campaign and click view to go to the campaign home
page. On the campaign details page you will see the Set Inactive button. Simply click this to set you campaign
to be inactive.

Once you have done this the status for you campaign will change to Inactive and the button will change to Set
Active. If you later wanted to set the campaign back to active, just click Set Active.


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