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Parenting Styles

By: Rae Norton, Tonalli Garcia Rodriguez, and Lexi


How Do Parent Interactions Affect

a Child's Brain Development?
Positive Parenting Styles -Lexi Schroeder

Loving interactions5

New people and interactions5


Spend quality time with child5

Garden parenting3

Negative Parenting Styles - Tonalli Garcia
Over Coddling 10

Parental Influence8

Controlled by your Past3

Desire for Attention 6

A non-supportive Home environment6

Generational Parenting Traits10

Non-Traditional Families- Rae Norton
12 than
Children in traditional families tend to do better
peers in non-traditional families7

- Traditional family: one biological mother and father 7

- Non-traditional family: divorced, step parent, single

parent, cohabiting,widowed, same-sex, foster 7

- Same-sex families are an exception7

Non-traditional familes still...9

Parenting Tips
Create a safe environment3

Add What if in front of a complaint2

Remembering when your parents handle a situation

badly but not when they handled situations well 8

Spend quality time together5

Give your approval5

We Hope You Enjoyed Our

1. http://www.clker.com/cliparts/t/Z/N/P/i/M/brain-md.png


2. Stevens, Heidi. "'What if' makes kids' complaints tolerable ; Phrase lets parents offer reassurance."
Chicago Tribune. 18 Sep. 2016: 3.eLibrary. Web. 28 Sep. 2016.

3. Humphries, Courtney. "Urging Parents to Cultivate Rather than Control Kids." Globe Newspaper
Company, Inc.. 12 aug. 2016: G.2 DB - ELibrary. Web. 28 Sept. 2016

4. Parnell, Sean. "Positive Word Can Make a Difference." News Digital Media. 9 sep. 2016: 12 DB -
ELibrary. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.


5. Perry, Bruce D. "Raising a Nonviolent Child: The Power of Attachment."Scholastic Parent & Child. 1 oct.
2001: 32 DB - ELibrary. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.

6. Toward an Understanding of the Origins of Aggression (N/A)


8. Bowen, Alison. "Will You Parent like Your Parents?" Chicagotribune.com. Chicago Tribune, 30
May 2016. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.

9. Riggs, Damien W; Delfabbro, Paul H; Augoustinos, Martha. "Foster Fathers and Carework:
Engaging Alternate Models of Parenting."Fathering. 1 jan. 2010: 24 DB - ELibrary. Web. 30 Sept.

10. Whiteman, Shawn D; McHale, Susan M; Crouter, Ann C. "What Parents Learn from
Experience: The First Child as a First Draft?" Journal of Marriage and the Family. 1 aug. 2003: 608
DB - ELibrary. Web. 30 Sept. 2016.

11. http://www.clker.com/cliparts/n/M/g/j/d/5/blue-person-symbol-hi.png
12. http://www.clipartkid.com/images/20/pink-female-clip-art-at-clker-com-vector-clip-art-online-royalty-

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