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The 17 Best Books on Central Asia

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Kazakhstan books Turkmenistan books

Uzbekistan books Afghanistan books
Kyrgyzstan books Central Asia books
Tajikistan books

There is a wealth of writing on Central Asia and the Silk Road. The list I have compiled here focuses on the best books for
introductory reading by the general interested reader/traveler. I left out books that are too specific, obscure or academic.

Central Asi a hi story books

Peter Hopkirk The Great Game

Probably the most popular book on Central Asia, and rightly so, this is the ultimate Great Game book. Reads like a spy novel,
only that it actually all happened. A similar, equally gripping book by the same author is Setting the East Ablaze, about the
Bolsheviks plot to bring communism to India through Central Asia (the story of Paul Nazaroff).

Be aware though that the author is British, and he does a good job of painting the Brits as heroes, while other nations get to
fill the role of villains.

The Turks in World History Carter Vaughn Findley

Factual history that manages to excite? In 230 pages, Findley manages to present the complete history of the Turkic people
from their appearance in the Central Asian steppes up to the victory of Erdogan in Turkey. Essential reading that ties
together the whole area in a way no other history has managed, through the prism of the the Turkic people who now rule
Central Asia and Asia Minor.

Religions of the Silk Road Richard Foltz

Concise and very well-written (for a history book), this books takes you on a journey through time, explaining why Central
Asia was (and is) one of the most multicultural places on Earth. Fascinating all the way, from Manichaeism and
Zoroastrianism to Buddhism and Islam.

Central Asia in World History Peter Golden

The best general introduction to the areas history. Not an exhaustive, all-you-need-to-know-and-more history, but a
readable broad overview that will explain a lot without confusing.

If you want to know everything, Inside Central Asia by Dilip Hiro and Svat Souceks A History of Inner Asia are fact-dense
political histories, while Empires of the Silk Road by Christopher Beckwith focuses more on Central Asias connections to the
wider world. Not for the faint of heart!

Fitzroy MacLean- Eastern Approaches

If you like your history more exciting, try Eastern Approaches. One of the best action books ever written, MacLean relates
his adventures as a spy in Central Asia, complete with incredible Rambo-behind-enemy-lines style commando raids and
high-level political negotiations.

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The Silk Road in World History Xinru Liu

Everything you always wanted to know about the Silk Road, this is the benchmark book on this chapter of the history of the
region. For a different take on the same material, 2 other books you can check out are The Silk Road: a New History, and Life
along the Silk Road.

The Empire of the Steppes Ren Grousset

Pretty dry (its from the 30s) but it remains the classic work on the steppe empires of old and its nomadic rulers. Contains
what is probably still the best portrait of Ghenghis Khan.

Journeys on the Silk Road Joyce Morgan & Conrad Walters

The story of Aurel Stein and the archaeological treasures buried in the desert of Xinjiang. Peter Hopkirks Foreign Devils on
the Silk Road covers similar terrain, but focuses more on the race for treasure and the devious tricks Western nations
played to get their hands on the spoils, while Journeys looks more at Stein in particular and the historical treasures
themselves. Both are good books, depends whose style you prefer.

Central Asi a travel books

I guess there are books covering very similar territory in every main language of the world. Here is the best of what I found
in English.

Turkestan Solo Ella Maillart

One of the most adventurous women of all time, Swiss Olympian Ella Maillarts escapades put many of todays adventurers
to shame. Turkestan Solo, her equestrian adventure through Soviet Central Asia in the 1930s, lets you travel back in time
while keeping the adrenaline pumping. Recommended.

The Way of the World Nicholas Bouvier

One of the best books to come out of the travel writing genre of young Westerner goes to far off land looking for adventure,
finds himself instead. Insightful, and just beautifully written. Recommended to every 18-year old looking to get inspired.

Shadow of the Silk road Colin Thubron

Colin Thubron uses beautiful, poetic prose to sketch his overland journey from China to Turkey. He records some interesting
meetings and generally interweaves the narrative with a lot of history. He gets very poetic and pondering at times, though.
More focused on Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan is his 1994 book The Lost Heart of Asia.

Robert Byron The Road to Oxiana

The classic. Byron, eccentric British scholar with a ridiculous knowledge of architecture, visits the Middle East, Persia and
Afghanistan and remarks on its people and buildings. Sounds boring? Trust me.

Silk road to Ruin Ted Rall

A different kind of travelogue, contemporary and heavily drenched in acrid sarcasm. Cartoonist Ted Rall travels Central
Asia and mocks everything that comes his way.

Central Asi a Pol i ti cs books

Great Games, Local Rules Alexander Cooley

The most recent and up to date overview of Central Asias regimes and their stance towards each other and the bigger
powers surrounding them: China, Russia, and the US. Written by a recognized expert on the matter, this is the one to get for
an informed view of present-day politics in the region.

The new Central Asia: Geopolitics and the Birth of Nations Olivier Roy

This one is quite a heavy read, tracking the political history and the birth of the Central Asian nations after the Communist
collapse. In a similar vein is Eric McClincheys Chaos, Violence, Dynasty: Politics and Islam in Central Asia.

The Oil and the Glory Steve LeVine

The number 1 book on the nasty business of oil politics around the Caspian Sea. Great read by a seasoned journalist who
knows the players and was there when it all took place. Another good book on the same topic is Lutz Klevemanns The New
Great Game: Blood and Oil in Central Asia.

Everyday Life in Central Asia Jeff Sahadeo

A series of essays grouped around topics such as community, gender, the nation state and religion, giving a good insight into

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contemporary life in the region. This all has little to do with politics, but at the same time, the book is really revealing in
showing what people are thinking, making it a unique read all the same.

Kazakhstan books Turkmenistan books

Uzbekistan books Afghanistan books
Kyrgyzstan books Central Asia books
Tajikistan books


Stephen December 17, 2013

Great list! Read the Great game back when I lived in Uzbekistan in 2002-2004.


jayne December 10, 2013

This is incredibly helpful! Thanks for putting it together.


saule December 11, 2013

Thank you Jayne!


Pietro August 17, 2013

Hi, did you read this as well? The Silk Road:

Two Thousand Years in the Heart of Asia by Frances Wood
Ive read about it some positive reviews

Thank you a lot



steven August 17, 2013

Did not know about this one yet. I am putting it on my reading list for the next update of this article.


steven August 17, 2013

ps: thanks for the tip!


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