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Lesson 3- Reactions to change

Key Idea: Changes have taken place over time

Year Level: Year 3 & 4

Achievement Objectives:

Health and Physical Education: Level 2 Social Sciences: Level 2

Personal Health & physical Development Students will gain knowledge, skills, and
Personal identity experiences to:
Students will identify personal qualities that Understand that people have social,
contribute to a sense of self-worth. cultural, and economic roles, rights and
Relationships with Other People responsibilities.
Identity, sensitivity, and respect Students will describe Understand how people make choices
how individuals and groups share characteristics and are to meet their needs and wants.
also unique. Understand how cultural practices
Interpersonal skills reflect and express peoples customs,
Students will express their ideas, needs, wants, traditions, and values.
and feelings appropriately and listen sensitively to Understand how time and change affect
other people and affirm them. peoples lives.
Healthy Communities and Environments
Societal attitudes and values
Students will explore how peoples attitudes,
values, and actions contribute to healthy physical
and social environments.

Bi-cultural aspect: Engaging with whanau.

Kupu: tnetanga, tne, tamiti tne, wahine, hine, hunga ppho, rorohiko, ipapa, video

Thinking Using language, Managing self Relating to Participating and

symbols, and texts others contributing

Specific Learning Outcomes Assessment Ideas

Traditional stereotypes have become less Self-assessment against agreed success

relevant, everyone is unique criteria
Girls can do things just as well as boys peer assessment
Gender-stereotypes can influence our display/share end product
expectations teacher observation
Lesson 3- Reactions to change
Activity sequence
Activity 1: Watch Youtube clip The inspirational story of 9-year-old Ezra Frech

Discuss the messages from the story? Using google docs brainstorm in groups: Defining you. Think about
what characteristics make you special (eg. kind nature, helpful to others). Share with class. What common
themes/differences do you notice?

Get a buddy to take a photo of you and turn it into a jigsaw photo. Conclude by watching Elmer the
Patchwork elephant by David McKee (Youtube)

Activity 2: Watch Youtube clip Girls can too do it What are the key messages from the story? Discuss in
groups, compile a list of words and make a class Wordle. As a conclusion, watch storybook Tough Chicks
by Cece Meng.

Activity 3: Watch Youtube clip Always Like a girl . In groups and using google docs record the key
messages from the video? What if you could swap role and be a boy/girl for a day suggest ways to
ensure you do not act or speak in ways that promote girls as being inferior. Brainstorm and collaborate ideas.
As a group choose one of the ideas and make a photo story using coloured pens and paper initially. Take a
photo of each persons drawing and make a group video presentation using Biteable video as a platform.
Each student to type a simple message for their photo.

Activity 4: Brainstorm class: Where gender stereotype ideas come from? Make a class poll using easypolls.
Home exercise: interview parents to find out their views. Compile findings in a class poll using easypolls.
Compare and contrast findings with class poll. What are the key findings? How could students influence their
parents views and change them so they are not stereotyped in regards to gender? Make individual electronic
posters using bighugelabs highlighting a key concept about gender stereotypes, illustrating a clear message
of How changes have taken place over time. Share with class. Students choose own method of gathering
photo for the poster.

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