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To investigate how light intensity varies with distance from a point source of light.



Overhead projector


1. Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram.

2. Position the overhead projector 0.17 metres from the screen.
3. Measure the area of the light on the screen.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, with the overhead projector placed at distances of 0.34, 0.51,
0.68 and 0.85 metres from the screen.
5. Record all results in a table with columns for 1/distance2 and 1/area.

Independent variable: distance of overhead projector from screen

Dependent variable: Area of light on screen

Controlled variables: Overhead projector used, brightness of overhead projector, height of
overhead projector

Risk assessment

Risk Precaution Reason

Overhead projector globe Dont look directly into it Very bright
Ruler Hold ruler carefully May be splinters present
Overhead projector Handle with care May drop and cause injuries


Distance e^2 Area 1/Area
(m) (1/m^2) (m^2) (1/m^2)
0.17 34.602 0.042 23.81
0.34 8.651 0.121 8.264
0.51 3.845 0.238 4.202
0.68 2.163 0.357 2.801
0.85 1.384 0.540 1.852


1/d^2 vs 1/A


Gradient using points (5, 5) and (30, 21)

= (21-5)/(30-5)

= 16/25



There is a linear correlation between the reciprocal of the area of the light beam and the
reciprocal of the distance of the projector squared. This holds true to the Inverse Square


The straight line, on the whole, showed the relationship between the distance of the
projector from the whiteboard and the resulting area of the light beam. Through this
experiment, the properties of the Inverse Square Law were shown.

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