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Robbie Sorrentino

Mrs. Honaker

AP English 12

May 12, 2017

Getting Logical on Suicide

Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, more commonly known as Logic, has strived to promote

Peace, Love, and Positivity in a world ridden with violence and criticism. Rap music has risen to

the stage in the last decade, promoting desires such as money, sex, or drugs. Logic has taken a

slightly different approach with his most recent album, Everybody, placing issues of racism and

equality in the spotlight bringing further depth into the rap genre. He expresses the need to feel

accepted by others emblematic of a time when society determines what a person should or

should not be. In 1-800-272-8255 Logic tackles the difficult topic of suicide, bringing attention

to its sudden increase in the United States, displaying music as a medicine for sadness, and

preaching the misconception that depression will last forever.

By titling his song 1-800-272-8255, Logic makes a definitive statement to his listeners

concerning suicide. The number is the same as the National Suicide Prevention Hotline paying

homage to the structure of the song. The beginning verse is the story of a person who wants to

take their own life and is conversing with a NSPH representative. The dispatcher on the other

end of the line responds communicating why the person has reason to live. The final verse

concludes with the person stating I finally wanna be alive (Logic). In America, 13 per 100,000

people commit suicide each year, which is the highest rate in the past 30 years (Tavernise).

Suicide is developing into a severe problem compared to levels of the past. In 2014, 42,773
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people died of suicide as opposed to just 29,199 in 1999 (Tavernise). Even with the growth in

deaths, many people are still scared to talk about it because they dont know what the

implications are (Shafii). Logic chooses to overcome this stigma and create lyrics that are cut

and dry. In his first verse he simply states, I just wanna die (Logic). Suicide is serious and

Logic does not take it lightly but responsibly as it should given the United States current

situation. Some people truly do want to kill themselves because of how they feel. The song is an

exact representation of how reaching out can make a difference. On April 28th, 2017, the day 1-

800-272-8255 was released, the NPSH received a significant increase in call volume


In addition to inciting action, Logic demonstrates the power of music as an outlet for

ones emotions. He asserts, I know Im hurting deep down but cant show it (Logic). The

individual cannot seem to muster the courage to display they are feeling suicidal. This is most

likely the result of the warped view that people must fit a perfect image as seen in the media.

Humans are inherently shy to show weakness fearing judgement. By playing 1-800-272-8255,

Logic can help the person show it. He can proclaim to the world the pain locked inside. Those

who are hurting often listen to music characteristic of the way they are feeling. The sounds help

them to cope with and recover from the events that have damaged them. Playing music actually

reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol and lessens pain by causing the body to release

endorphins (Novotney). Thus listeners experience less anxiety due to songs they can relate to

such as 1-800-272-8255.

Lastly, in the final third of his song, Logic gives reason to struggling individuals to fight

for life. He explains that holding on, though the roads long and seeing light in the darkest

things is the key to achieving happiness at some point in the future (Logic). Times will get
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better, and sadness is not a permanent condition. In times of crisis, humans tend to process in

black and white thinking, that its either this or its that. Isolation caused by distress preys on

itself to create this ever narrowing circle of connections (Shafii). People with depression get lost

in their thoughts and insecurities failing to escape the bottomless pit of sorrow. This downfall is

present specifically in teenagers in 21st century. As they develop into adults, their brains have yet

to fully mature and often cannot comprehend the possibility of changes farther into the future.

Logic ironically uses a logical response to the suicidal caller in the song to remind the person

that life has its ups and downs using the rising and setting of the sun as a metaphor for good and

bad times, Whats the day without a little night? (Logic). The modern media defines the perfect

life in terms of imperfect goals involving ideas such as materialism and appearance. In reality,

there are events that highlight our triumphs and others that accentuate our failures. The nation

rallied in 1969 as technological advances pushed industries to land men on the moon. Years later

in 2001, terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center in New York City killing

thousands in one of the most traumatic happenings in the history of America. This process is

what makes life, life. Human victories would not feel magnificent without the defeats with which

to compare them too. Logic even speaks of the happiness felt with the very first breath when

your heads been drowning underwater (Logic). 1-800-272-8255 reveals that suicide should

not be considered an option, because it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Logic uses his natural ability as a lyricist to create timeless music addressing suicide at a

time when its presence has never been more significant in 1-800-272-8255. His music can be

used as a form of healing on the road to recovery as it proves that sunny days are along the path

ahead. The act of killing oneself is never the answer to ones problems. This message will ring in

the ears of listeners throughout the ages.

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Works Cited

Havens, Lyndsey. "National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 'Honored' by Logic Putting Phone

Number in His Song Title." Billboard. Billboard, 4 May 2017. Web. 12 May 2017.

Logic. 1-800-272-8255. Everybody. Group Visionary. 2017. https://genius.com/Logic-1-800-


Novotney, Amy. "Music as medicine." Monitor on Psychology. American Psychological

Association, Nov. 2013. Web. 12 May 2017.

Shafii, Chakameh. "Let's Talk About Suicide Precisely Because It Makes Us Uncomfortable."

The Huffington Post. The Huffington Post, 27 Apr. 2017. Web. 12 May 2017.

Tavernise, Sabrina. "U.S. Suicide Rate Surges to a 30-Year High." The New York Times. The

New York Times, 22 Apr. 2016. Web. 12 May 2017.

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