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Performance and modeling of a moving bed biolm

process: nickel and chromium heavy metal removal
Cite this: RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 113737
from industrial wastewater
Sepideh AghaBeiki,a Ali Shokuhi Rad*b and Ali Shokrolahzadeha

The process of a lab-scale moving bed biolm reactor (MBBR) using simulated sugar-manufacturing
wastewater as feed was investigated. The concentration of the metals used in the present study were 10,
30, 50 and 100 milligrams per liter with a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 800 mg L1. After
activation of the reactor at adapted circumstances of microorganism, chromium and nickel as heavy
metals were added to the system during a specied time interval with concentrations of 10 to 100
milligrams per liter. The results showed that the COD removal eciency of the system was 1.87% at the
time of the microorganisms' adaptation. The maximum removal of chromium at the concentration of
50 mg L1 and time of 20 h was 93.52% and this percentage was 82.41% for nickel at the concentration
Received 29th September 2016
Accepted 25th November 2016
of 30 mg L1 and time of 20 h. Then, for the biological modeling process, three models including rst-
order, second-order (Grau) and StoverKincannon model were used. Finally, according to the kinetic
DOI: 10.1039/c6ra24259f
analysis of chromium and nickel removal, the StoverKincannon model was selected as the appropriate
www.rsc.org/advances model for modeling the MBBR process.

Cu, Ni and Zn using dierent absorption surfaces were inves-

1. Introduction tigated by this system.16
The increasing awareness about the irreparable dangers of MBBR is a combination of suspended and attached
environmental pollution caused by discharging euents and biomasses. In such a reactor, the biomass grows as a biolm
pollutants to nature has caused the environment protection on small carrier elements that move around in the reactor
laws to become very strict in the past two decades.1,2 One of the maintaining the biomass per unit volume at a high level. In
best options is to use a low-cost bioreactor capable of aerobic processes, the biolm carrier movement is eected by
enhancing the euent quality.3 Therefore, various methods blowers. Therefore, the MBBR process has the advantages of
such as modeling,4 articial neural network,5 response surface attached and suspended growth systems.17 A key characteristic
methodology,6 kinetic study,7 etc. have been used to investigate of MBBR reactors is not only the increase in the eective
the usefulness of these reactors. A Moving Bed Biolm Reactor carrier area that thereby directly contributes to a larger biolm
(MBBR) was supplied by a Norwegian company, in collabora- but also that it allows good conditions for the transport of
tion with SINTEF research center in 1987 to exploit the substrates into the biolm.18 Because of the extremely
advantages of both suspended growth and attached growth compact high-rate process, the hydraulic retention time (HRT)
systems. This type of treatment benets from the growth of in the MBBR is low.8
microorganisms as biolms and is a promising option for Low operating costs as well as high system eciency and
wastewater treatment.8,9 MBBR technology has been success- performance, small coherent system and ecient treatment of
fully applied to many types of wastewater including paper mill sewage, lack of eclipse, low hydraulic losses, process depen-
wastewater,10 pharmaceutical industry wastewater,11 municipal dence on the activated sludge systems and attached systems,
wastewater,12 and sh farm wastewater.13 Su et al.14 used MBBR lack of necessity for reverse wash and lack of sludge are the
system to remove nitrate and Mn(II). Saien and Azizi searched most important factors in the progression of the reactor in
on chromium and nickle photocatalytic treatment eciencies wastewater treatment.13,19
using this system.15 In another study, the removal of As, Cd, Cr, The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of
MBBR system in heavy metals removal from the wastewater. To
analyze the kinetics of the biological reactions, the rst-order,
Young Researchers and Elites Club, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University, second-order (Grau) and StoverKincannon models have used.
Tehran, Iran
The reactor volume as well as the output pollutant concentra-
Department of Chemical Engineering, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Qaemshahr, Iran. E-mail: a.shokuhi@gmail.com; a.shokuhi@qaemiau.ac.ir; Fax:
tion are predicted in proportion to the most appropriate
+98-32367735; Tel: +98-9112134588 kinetic model.

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2. Materials and methods

2.1. Reactor
The rectangular cube reactor with a capacity of 32 L is made of
Plexiglas. In this reactor, the original Kaldnes carrier was made
of high-density polyethylene (k1 type) produced by Pakan Gha-
treh Company with a density of 70%. The specications of the
Published on 30 November 2016. Downloaded by Universidade Federal Fluminense on 15/05/2017 19:27:19.

Kaldnes are presented in Table 1. At the bottom of the reactor,

an air stone, which is embedded, is connected to the air
compressor (Hailea-Model: ACO-318) with a capacity of 60 L
min1 by a hose which provides the required amount of oxygen
and rotates the Kaldnes in the reactor.13 Furthermore, in the
reactor output, a net is embedded to keep the Kaldnes. To take
samples from the reactor, 4 valves are installed at a distance of Fig. 1 (a) Activated reactor before (left) and after Kaldnes input and
20 cm from each other on the reactor. To feed the reactor, biolm formation (right), and (b) biolm layer formation on Kaldnes
a 500 L tank was connected by a hose to the reactor and the feed surface.
input to the reactor was adjusted by a dosing pump with the
known ow rate (see Fig. 1).
2.3. Sampling and analysis
2.2. MBBR start-up During the period of test operation, dissolved COD, mixed
Aer piloting, to ensure the health and seal the system, the liquor suspended solids (MLSS), and dissolved oxygen (DO)
reactors were lled with water for two days and the air were measured at the inuent and euent from the reactors.
compressor was installed and the Kaldnes were put inside the Analytical procedures followed in this study for COD, MLSS, and
reactor to adjust the amount of the air required for completing DO determinations were those outlined in standard methods
the Kaldnes rotation. The aim of activating the bioreactors is for the examination of water and wastewater.23 The DO was
to create the microbial videos inside the Kaldnes and eventu- measured by a membrane covered amperometric electrode, and
ally to obtain the stability state. Due to the use of the synthetic nally CRISON pH meter was used to measure pH. To measure
wastewater, the stage of the micro-organisms adaptation is of metal concentration, inductively coupled plasma mass spec-
great importance. To prepare the synthetic wastewater, trometry (ICP-MS) device was used. ICP-MS is a category of mass
molasses obtained from the sugar mill has been used as the spectrometry that is capable of identifying metals and dierent
source of carbon and potassium dihydrogen phosphate non-metals at concentrations as low as one part in 1015 (part per
(KH2PO4) has been used as the source of phosphorus and urea quadrillion, ppq) on non-interfered low-background isotopes.24
has been used as the source of nitrogen.20 To activate the
reactors, seeding operation was used. To seed the reactors, the
2.4. Kinetics of biological reactions
return line path sludge was used. During the activation time,
the organic load of the synthetic wastewater with the adjusted The biological models are used to determine the relationship
ratio of C/N/P which is equal to 100 : 5 : 1 was added gradually between the variables (wastewater concentration (S0), output
for the growth of the micro-organisms and the formation of concentration (Se), volume and hydraulic retention time (HRT)),
the biolms on the Kaldnes (see Table 2).21,22 An appropriate and these associations help to evaluate the empirical designs
biolm was formed on the Kaldnes aer the bioreactor activity and results.25 These models are also used to control and predict
for 88 days. Aer the biolm growth and the micro-organisms the performance of the treatment and optimize the units built
adaptation to the existing micro-organisms, dierent in laboratory scale. In this study, to analyze the kinetic biolog-
concentrations (10, 30, 50 and 100 mg L1) of chromium and ical reactions of chromium and nickel removal, three models of
nickel heavy metal salts (Cr(NO3)3$9H2O 0.78 g L1, NiN2- rst-order, second-order (Grau) and StoverKincannon models
O6$6H2O 0.5 g L1) have been added to the synthetic have been used.
wastewater. 2.4.1. First-order removal model. Assuming the rst-order
removal model, the rate of the pollutant concentration changes
in the reactor to remove the pollutants is presented as follows:26
Table 1 Data for Kaldnes biolm carriers

Type of Kaldnes biolm carrier k1 Table 2 The composition of synthetic wastewater

Nominal diameter (mm) 9.1 Composition Amount (g/100 L)

Nominal length (mm) 7.2
Special biolm surface area (in bulk) (m2 m3) 500 Molasses 120
Special biolm surface area at 70% ll (m2 m3) 350 Nitrogen azote 3.77
Average weight of Kaldnes (g) 0.48 Phosphate 1.82
Average weight of Kaldnes with biolm (g) 2.46

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represents the reactor volume (L). In the steady state of the

biological reactor, the removed pollutants concentration
change (dS/dt) is zero. Therefore, eqn (1) can be written as

(S0  Se)/HRT k1Se (2)

Published on 30 November 2016. Downloaded by Universidade Federal Fluminense on 15/05/2017 19:27:19.

where HRT represents the hydraulic retention time (h). More-

over, k1 can be obtained through plotting (S0  Se)/HRT against
Se (determine the concentration of ICP-MS method) and
according to eqn (2).
2.4.2. Second-order removal model (Grau). The equation
for the second-order model will be as follows:26,28

(S0  HRT)/(S0  Se) HRT + S0/k2X (3)

If the second part of the right side of eqn (3) is assumed to be

constant, the following equation is obtained:

(S0  HRT)/(S0  Se) a + bHRT (4)

where, a (S0/k2X) and b are xed. (S0  Se)/S0 represents the

pollutant removal eciency. The amount of X is equal to the
average concentration of the microbial mass in the reactor
Fig. 2 (a) COD and MLSS output concentration changes during (mg L1) and k2 represents the pollutant removal rate constant
reactor start-up, and (b) COD and MLSS removal eciency during (h1).
micro-organisms adaptation after 88 days.
The reactor output concentration prediction equation is as

dS/dt QS0/V  QSe/V  k1Se (1) Se S0(1  HRT/(a + bHRT)) (5)

where S0 and Se respectively represent the feed input and output

concentrations (mg L1), k1 represents the rst-order kinetic 2.4.3. StoverKincannon removal model. One of the most
constant (h1), Q represents the wastewater ow (L h1) and V ecient and eective removal models for the expression of the

Fig. 3 Removal eciency of chromium, nickel in concentrations of 10, 30, 50 and 100 mg L1 and removal eciency of COD after the addition
of heavy metals.

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biolm systems is StoverKincannon model. This model is 3. Results and discussion

presented as follows:29
3.1. Evaluation of bioreactors in adaptation stage
Umax QS0 =A
dS=dt (6) One of the most important steps in activating the biological
ks QS0 =A
systems is the adaptation of the micro-organisms to the envi-
ronmental conditions. As shown in Fig. 2, in the rst days of
Moreover, writing the mass balance around the system, the operation, the biological mass concentration and the COD
Published on 30 November 2016. Downloaded by Universidade Federal Fluminense on 15/05/2017 19:27:19.

following equation will be obtained:26,27 removal eciency percentage in the reactor were negligible.
However, at the time of the micro-organisms adaptation, the
dS/dt Q(S0  Se)/V (7) MLSS and COD removal eciency increased so that COD
removal eciency reaches to 85%. According to Fig. 2, aer the
Therefore, embedding the second sides of the equations in
micro-organisms adaptation (pH 68, DO 34 mg L1, COD
equality, the following equation will be obtained:26,27
800 mg L1 and retention time of 88 days), by increasing HRT,
Umax QS0 =A
dS=dt QS0  Se =V (8)
ks QS0 =A

Eqn (8) was used for the rst time for the rotating biological
contactors reactors assuming that the amount of the biological
or MLSS particles suspending in the system is negligible
compared to the attached biological solids. However, in MBBR,
the biological solids have a large share in the reactor and cannot
be neglected. Therefore, in eqn (8), instead of the parameter of
level (L), the parameter of volume (V) is used. Thus, we have:
Umax QS0 =V
dS=dt QS0  Se =V (9)
ks QS0 =V

Based on the studies by StoverKincannon30 and Henze and

Harremoes,31 the rate of COD removal and removal eciency
does not depend on the concentration of organic materials or
hydraulic load, but it depends on the organic load applied to the
system. With linearizing eqn (9), we will have:

V/Q(S0  Se) (k3V)/(UmaxQS0) + 1/Umax (10)

where Umax represents the maximum removal rate (mg L1 h1)
and k3 represents the saturation constant (mg L1 h1).
By plotting the reverse rate of the organic materials removal
V/Q(S0  Se) based on the reverse total organic load V/QS0, Umax
and k3 values can be calculated. By writing the mass balance for
the entire reactor, the volume and concentration of the output
organic material from the reactor can be calculated.
Substituting eqn (9) by eqn (7), we will have:
Umax S0
Se S0  (11)
ks QS0 =V

Moreover, volume of the reactor is given by following

V (12)
Umax S0 =S0  Se  ks

Eqn (11) and (12) show that StoverKincannon equation is an

appropriate equation for designing such reactors due to its
ability to calculate the volume and concentration of the output
Fig. 4 First-order removal model to remove chromium (a), nickel (b),
materials from the reactor. and COD (c) by MBBR.

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COD removal eciency also increases and this is due to the the MBBR system was obtained 93.52%. Therefore, it can be
high contact time for the enzymes secreted by the biolm and concluded that the biolm system used in this study has a high
the increase of the biolms biological usability of layers.29 Since eciency and is suitable for biological removal of chromium in
the metal concentrations were put gradually over a long time in optimal conditions (with input chromium concentration of
the system, the changes in MLSS were insignicant. Thus, the 50 mg L1, COD 800 mg L1 and hydraulic retention time of
biolm attached to the acne had insignicant losses which 20 h). For nickel, the removal eciency in optimal conditions
caused an increase in the amount of microorganisms attached (with input nickel concentration of 30 mg L1, COD 800 mg
Published on 30 November 2016. Downloaded by Universidade Federal Fluminense on 15/05/2017 19:27:19.

to the bed inside the reactor. L1 and hydraulic retention time of 20 h) was obtained 82.41%.
The reason for the high eciency removal of nickel and chro-
mium polyphagia bacteria is attributed to the physical property
3.2. Chromium and nickel heavy metals removal
At a later stage, to evaluate the performance of the system in
removing the heavy metals, chromium and nickel solutions
containing the input concentrations of 10, 30, 50 and 100 mg
L1 with the xed COD of 800 mg L1 were added to the system
(see Fig. 3). The maximum eciency of chromium removal by

Fig. 5 Grau removal model to remove chromium (a), nickel (b), and Fig. 6 StoverKincannon removal model to remove chromium (a),
COD (c) by MBBR. nickel (b), and COD (c) by MBBR.

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Table 3 Equations to calculate reactor output concentration and concluded that the reactor does not follow this model and its
volume use is not recommended due to large errors.
Cr QS0 21:55S0
V Se S0    3.4. Second-order pollutant removal model (Grau)
21:55S0 QS0
 23:46 23:46
S0  Se V As the Fig. 5 shows, the coecient R2 of the second-order model
Ni QS0 6:18S0 is more adapted compared to the rst-order model. In Fig. 5,
V Se S0   
6:18S0 QS0 a and b are calculated through plotting HRT/E against HRT and
Published on 30 November 2016. Downloaded by Universidade Federal Fluminense on 15/05/2017 19:27:19.

S0  Se V displayed (see Table 4). An increase in each of the a and
COD QS0 38:76S0 b parameters has a direct negative eect on the eciency. The
V Se S0   
38:76S0 QS0
 38:66 38:66 value of Grau second-order constant (k2) depends on the
S0  Se V
inuent substrate concentration (S0) and biomass concentra-
tion (X) in the reactor and increases with the increase of
substrate removal eciency.32
of Kaldnes. Moreover, the dierence in the removal amount of
chromium and nickel may be due to dierences in dimensions 3.5. StoverKincannon pollutant removal model
and physical properties of their atoms.
According to Fig. 6, the Umax and k3 kinetic constants to remove
Results showed that increase in chromium and nickel
chromium and nickel, and COD are shown in Table 4. As the
concentration, the COD removal eciency decreases from 85%
gure shows, the coecient R2 indicates that the test results
to 44%. With increasing the concentrations of chromium and
follow the KincannonStover model. Aer calculating the Umax
nickel, the system would have a hydraulic shock due to the high
and k3, their amounts were placed in the eqn (11) and the
organic load. Chromium and nickel removal eciencies are
reactor outlet concentration could be determined. By placing
respectively 79.6% and 38.4% at the concentration of 100 mg
the Umax and k3 values in eqn (12), the reactor volume required
L1. Furthermore, aer the shock, COD output concentration
for the concentration of the desired output can be achieved.
increases to 870.56 mg L1.
Accordingly, equations to calculate the volume and concentra-
tion of reactor output are also shown in Table 3.

3.3. First-order pollutant removal model

4. Conclusions
As Fig. 4 shows, k1 can be calculated from the slope of the
plotted line. Accordingly, the rst-order kinetic constant (k1) for The results obtained from samples with dierent concentra-
removal of COD and heavy metals like chromium and nickel is tions of metals as input into the MBBR system show that this
provided in Table 4. Considering the low value of R2, it can be system has been successful in terms of COD and metals

Table 4 Parameters of rst-order, second-order (Grau) and StoverKincannon kinetic models on the absorption of chromium, nickel and COD

Kinetic model
Type of pollutant (mg L1) First-order Grau second-order StoverKinconnon

Cr 10 k1 0.2407 h1, R2 0.8011 a 4.5755 h, b 0.9673, k2 Umax 7.44 mg L1 h1, k3

0.044 h1, R2 0.9832 7.18 mg L1 h1, R2 0.9917
30 k1 0.2784 h1, R2 0.8633 a 1.405 h, b 1.1188, k2 Umax 2.18 mg L1 h1, k3
0.427 h1, R2 0.9589 2.1 mg L1 h1, R2 0.9828
50 k1 0.4082 h1, R2 0.9391 a 2.6124 h, b 0.9668, k2 Umax 19.12 mg L1 h1, k3
0.382 h1, R2 0.994 18.05 mg L1 h1, R2
100 k1 0.6781 h1, R2 0.9666 a 1.7178 h, b 1.1605, k2 Umax 57.47 mg L1 h1, k3
1.164 h1, R2 0.999 66.52 mg L1 h1, R2
Ni 10 k1 0.352 h1, R2 0.8553 a 3.9571 h, b 1.2362, k2 Umax 2.52 mg L1 h1, k3
0.056 h1, R2 0.9941 3.11 mg L1 h1, R2 0.9941
30 k1 0.3066 h1, R2 0.9494 a 4.319 h, b 1.0343, k2 Umax 7.83 mg L1 h1, k3
0.14 h1, R2 0.9872 8.28 mg L1 h1, R2 0.9931
50 k1 0.1473 h1, R2 0.6451 a 8.1838 h, b 1.3591, k2 Umax 6.08 mg L1 h1, k3
0.122 h1, R2 0.8802 8.25 mg L1 h1, R2 0.8798
100 k1 0.1806 h1, R2 0.4894 a 12.019 h, b 2.2881, k2 Umax 8.29 mg L1 h1, k3
0.166 h1, R2 0.8955 18.92 mg L1 h1, R2
COD 800 k1 0.0507 h1, R2 0.926 a 20.38 h, b 1.0017, k2 Umax 38.76 mg L1 h1, k3
0.25 h1, R2 0.9972 38.66 mg L1 h1, R2

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113744 | RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 113737113744 This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016

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