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October 3 2008

To: Andree Marin

Linda Williamson
Director of Communications
Patricia Tomasi www.cdf.name
Communications Officer

“There were no dates in this history, but scrawled this way and
that were the words BENEVOLENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS and
MORLITY…finally I began to make out what was written between
About Us the lines; the whole volume was filled with a single phrase: Eat
The Ombudsman of Ontario is an Officer of the Provincial Legislature who is independent of government and political
parties. The Ombudsman’s job is to ensure government accountability through effective oversight of
the administration of government services. The Ombudsman is appointed for a five-year renewable term and
his powers and authorities are contained in legislation
Theunder the Ombudsman
Attorney Act.
General administers the Ombudsman Act

• The Ombudsman (Bio) The Attorney General is a master charlatan adept to deception,
• Organizational Structure prevarication and manipulation as he orchestrates the entire
• How We Work government to protect and cover up the conspiracy.
• Ombudsman Act Perhaps not so masterful, once you get the hang of his M.O.
• it is particularly obvious but it has worked seemingly forever and
Ombudsman History in Ontario
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being the advisor of all government departments and agencies what
or who is to stop him? WE WILL SEE.
On June 9 2006 Janet Ortved of the Ombudsman’s office states they
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have no authority to deal with judges, the courts or the police
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See page 3 of the Ombudsman document at the following
All Contents © 2008, Ombudsman Ontario. All Rights Reserved.

See Ombudsman Press Release page 5
Now he is after the police but not for the reason one my suspect
The Attorney General and cooperative conspirators with the media
major players do not give a damn about the people. Diversions
under pressure to kill many birds with one stone.

This “who we are” was published on the Ombudsman web site when I first went to them for help May
31 2006
See Ombudsman document at following link

See the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition web site that has caused this slandering the police consistent with their
M.O. in like issues

When under pressure with the police involved the police upper echelon who are in on the conspiracy as irrefutably
proven they take the fall dragging the integrity of the entire force with them, but in exchange certain concessions
are made, they restructure to the taxpayers lament and all make out like bandits again and again in perpetuity or
until the Charter Democracy Force evidence stops them.

After restructuring the public regain confidence and just by Andree Marin providing the Press Release pressure
from the other people who have been complaining is released , but not us of CDF who are wise to their game
irrefutably documented over and over again.

They managed to quash former RCMP Commissioner Zack’s allegations of organized crime infiltrating the
government and when the Standing Committee on Public Accounts was looking into the RCMP pension fund
scandal where the RCMP upper echelon were involved and the DOJ was linked to it Minister of Public Safety
Stockwell Day stepped in with a Task Force to save the taxpayer money, ha! ha! and when the Task Force Report
came out no mention of the DOJ but purportedly the RCMP were restructured in compliance with the report but it
obviously did not take as you will read in the September 3 2008 RCMP Final Letter of Disposition.

This is evidenced as to how and why Ombudsman offices are created to diffuse public pressure but ultimately they
are there to protect the conspirators from the public.

Everything they do purportedly for the benefit of society is to cover up their conspiracy and ultimately costs the
taxpayers a whole lot more money where we would be better off to just let them rob us blind and resign our selves
to it.

We can fix them by slacking off dropping our income with the whole middle class going on government aid. Of
course that is insane but not as insane as to let them continue ransacking us.

Andree Marin

If this is not true to support your allegations against the police you could Release the evidence to the Press that I
have provided you.

But that won’t Release pressure from the conspirators but instead finally expose them. Right?

Of course the upper echelon are in on the conspiracy and of course what you state is true but your
recommendations as to correcting the situation is more than superfluous causing the conspiracy to expand where
the only legitimate manner to appropriately charge the upper echelon with conspiracy with the intent to track it to
top where the Ontario Attorney General is just the governments appointed puppet as is the Minister of Justice and
Attorney General of Canada.

Every person adept to sane moral thought and reason in, of and with “The Spirit of the Law” who becomes
coherent to all the evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force web site www.cdf.name and affiliate sites
will recognize that the conspiracy is surrounded with no way out and every initiative once published can only be
further evidence of the conspiracy as if any more is needed and we can afford to wait until we are all eating each
other to survive.

I know I can speak for the people when I say we want the rewards of efforts and we want to see you government
conspirators get yours.

We are coming and you had best believe it.

I request you deal with the police issues as well as the others on the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition web site in
the same manner you dealt with the police issues on your Press Release, with one exception.

The taxpayer is the victim here and the only valid viable method of stopping crime is to punish attentive to
deterrence conducive to every individuals guaranteed Charter rights consistent with the Constitution.

I reiterate for the umpteenth time the conspirators have initiated illegal laws, and government departments,
agencies and police forces mandates extend further right to the consistent protection of Every individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of
no force or effect.

The days of playing “Silly Bugger” are over.

Either you deal with these issues consistent with the Constitution or the Constitution
will deal with you conducive to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights where
enforcement and punishment attentive to deterrence is prerequisite to every
individual’s safety and wellbeing.

If you think your suggestions work then try dealing with the public criminals in the same manner.

Linda Williamson, Director of Communications-Patricia Tomasi Communications Officer

Why not give the media the entire truth? That would be conducive to the safety and wellbeing of the people.

You two are now involved and I hope I have communicated to a level you can comprehend. Presuming so please
make every effort to revive Andree Marin bringing him to coherence.
You will see the immediate inconsistencies by reviewing just the Ombudsman files I previously sent and
comparing it to your newly Released.

We can no longer buy that the Ombudsman cannot deal with police matters nor can we buy the puppet Attorney
General has many strings dropping from his feet with some attached to Andree Marin.

The evidence irrefutably proves nothing gets Released to the Press the government does not want released to
deceive the people.

Likewise nothing get released the government conspirators do not want released.

Another one of those damned if you do and damned if you do not and I suggest you ponder wisely as to whose side
you take, with the conspirators back to the wall.

An immediate response to acknowledge receipt of this document please

“OmbudsmanPondersHisASS …?October32008”

Invariably government personnel do not comprehend the necessity of guaranteed support for every individual’s ass
unless theirs is up for grabs.

Should you require further evidence to clarify anything….anything at all…Please do not hesitate to contact me
Should you care to meet as I suggested in other writings just say when.
Any problem with the links I am here for you.

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force

Apparently you were once a Director with the SIU which puts you in the highly suspected upper echelon,
but presumably you should be adept to professional investigative practice so incompetency will not fly.
The entire system advised by the Attorney General is “rather amorphous.” Transparent, brittle and now
for the Accountability, maintaining the Constitution secure, and of course let us not forget the

Please note the following document on the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition site under heading Ontario
Ombudsman. “TheSunAlwaysGoesDownOnUsOctober12008.doc”

Downloaded from Ombudsman site October 3 2008

Press Release
Special Investigations Unit must dispel “toothless tiger” image: Ombudsman
investigation finds culture of complacency at SIU

TORONTO (September 30, 2008) – Ontario’s system of police oversight has failed to live up to its promise due to a
“complacent” culture and a lack of rigour in ensuring police follow the rules, Ontario Ombudsman André Marin says in his
latest special report, released today.

In Oversight Unseen, Mr. Marin calls for new legislation to help strengthen the province’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU),
as well as sweeping internal changes to dispel “conspiracy theories” and public perceptions that the SIU has a pro-police bias.

“We heard repeatedly from SIU staff and members of the public alike that the SIU was essentially ‘toothless,’ ” Mr. Marin
says in the report. “It is clear that something must be done to dispel the SIU’s image as a toothless tiger and muzzled watchdog
if it is to earn the respect of police officials as well as the public at large.”

Among the serious problems the Ombudsman identified within the SIU were “endemic” delays and lack of rigour in SIU
investigations, a reluctance to insist on police co-operation, and an internal culture overly influenced by a preponderance of ex-
police officers among its staff.

Despite legal regulations requiring all police forces to notify the SIU immediately whenever one of their members is involved
in an incident resulting in serious injury or death, the Ombudsman’s investigation found notifications are routinely delayed,
sometimes by days or weeks. Interviews with “witness officers” are also often delayed, even though SIU rules state they must
take place immediately and no later than 24 hours after the SIU requests them.

The Ombudsman found the SIU not only tolerates these delays and fails to demand justification for them, it also keeps no
records of them. These practices fly in the face of the SIU’s motto “One Law” – stipulating that police and civilians should be
treated alike in investigations – and are compounded by the SIU’s low public profile, he said. “The SIU is practically
pathological in its avoidance of public controversy and consistently goes for the path of least resistance.”

The report makes 45 recommendations, including that the SIU aggressively pursue reasons for police non-co-operation, and
use “whatever means are available” to diversify its workforce. The Ombudsman also recommends that the SIU director’s
reports be made completely public and calls on the province to amend legislation to, among other things, make it an offence
for police forces not to co-operate with the SIU.

The investigation, SORT’s largest to date, was launched in June 2007 and involved more than 100 interviews and the review
of tens of thousands of pages of documents. The SIU and Ministry of the Attorney General co-operated fully and welcomed
the Ombudsman’s recommendations, agreeing to report back to him on their progress in implementing them. However, Mr.
Marin noted he will be “watching closely” because the SIU’s commitments were “couched in vague and vapid generalities,”
while the Ministry’s promise to consult with Ontarians on new legislation was “rather amorphous.”

The SIU, a civilian agency that investigates – and is empowered to lay charges – whenever police are involved in an incident
causing serious injury or death, is unique in Canada. It was established in 1990 to dispel concerns about “police investigating
police.” Mr. Marin’s investigation marks the seventh time the SIU has been reviewed since its creation.

“The history of police oversight in Ontario is marked by successive governments reacting reflexively, whenever public
controversy erupts,” Mr. Marin says in the report. “Consequently, government interest in reforming the SIU has tended to be
short-lived and incomplete.”

Since SORT was created by Mr. Marin in spring 2005, its systemic investigations have sparked reforms to such diverse
government programs as newborn screening, support for special-needs children and the disabled, compensation for crime
victims, legal aid and the lottery system.


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Full report and backgrounders can be found online at www.ombudsman.on.ca

For further information, please contact:

Linda Williamson
Director of Communications
Tel: 416-586-3426


Patricia Tomasi
Communications Officer
Tel: 416-586-3402

Related Materials

Report: Oversight Unseen

(PDF 1.5MB)

Ombudsman’s remarks
(PDF 240KB)

Backgrounder – Quotes
(PDF 240KB)

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Thank You
Thank you for submitting your complaint. An Ombudsman staff member will be in touch with you.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Ombudsman’s Office at 1-800-263-1830, or by email at

Below is a copy of your complaint, which you may print for your records.

Complaint submitted at 10/3/2008 10:10:17 PM

Complaint Type

General Complaint


Frank Gallagher


34 Riverglen Drive
L4P 2P8


905-476-8959 (Home)

Alternate phone





Best time to contact


What government organization or agency is your question or complaint

about? (Please identify by name)

The entire Government Organized Crime. Attorney General Chris Bentley and former AG Michael Bryant major player's along
with the Law Society of Upper Canada.

Who have you dealt with in this organization with respect to your

Janet Ortved G.Guliano Ted Arkwell? ...... Andree Marin

Please summarize the matter you are complaining about and include
any relevant dates.

Evidence published on Charter Democracy Force web site http://groups.google.com/group/rcmp-final-letter-of-disposition and

e-mailed to Ombudsman Go to site under heading Ontario Ombudsman

Summarize what steps you have taken to try and resolve your
complaint including any grievance, appeals and/or requests for
reconsideration you have submitted and what response you

It is all documented and published or referenced on aforementioned web site Charter Democracy Force web site
www.cdf.name references affiliate web sites.

If you have received a final decision on an appeal or request for review
or reconsideration of your complaint, please indicate what the
result was and why you feel this was unfair.

If you consider the matter urgent, please explain why.

Yes. The subject matter is self-evident.

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