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I Match the terms of the left with the right definition on the right (2 p):

1. Angiology a)disease of an aorta

2. Aortopathy b)stone within a vein
3. Endoarterectomy c)X-ray picture of a vein
4. Venogram d)removing fatty deposits on an artery
5. Phlebolith e)study of blood vessels and lymphatics

6). Bronchus f).fungi in bronchi

7). Bronchogenic g).windpipe
8). Bronchoplegia h).originating in bronchi
9). Bronchoesophagostomy i).paralysis of bronchi
10). Broncomycosis j).opening between oesophagus and

11). Laparoscopy k). visual examination of the stomach

12). Proctoscope l). visual examination of cavities
13). Gastroscopy m). instrument to view rectum
14). Panendoscopy n). taking photos with endoscope
15). Photoendoscopy o). visual examination of abdominal cavity

16). Hypervolaemia p). bacteria in blood

17). Hypoxaemia r). blood vessel inflammation
18). Vasculitis s). blood poisoning
19). Bacteraemia t).increase in blood volume
20). Toxaemia u). blood oxygen deficiency

II. Give the adjective form of the following nouns (1 p):

Neurosis; epilepsy; pleura; larynx; ovary; brachim; meninges; lymph; nerve; anastomosis; dyspnea; pectus; auris;
haemorrhagia; schizophrenia

III Fill in the blank with the appropriate medical suffix (1 p):
1. pain _________________________
2. inflammation _________________________
3. urine _________________________
4. poisonous _________________________
5. fear _________________________
6. hardening _________________________
7. destruction _________________________
8. enlarged _________________________
9. surgical repair _________________________
10. softening _________________________
11. a disease _________________________
12. blood _________________________
13. enzyme _________________________
14. vomit ___________________________

IV. Insert the words given below into the gaps (1 p):
varicous veins, avascular necrosis, alveolus, hyoid bone, subarachnoid space, circadian rhythm, lacrimal
glands, rickets, hiatal hernia, dyspnea
1. also called osteonecrosis, aseptic necrosis, or ischemic bone necrosis is a disease that results from
the temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to the bone.

2. is a roughly 24-hour cycle in the biochemical, physiological or behavioural processes of living
3. a softening of bones in children potentially leading to fractures and deformity. It is among the most
frequent childhood diseases in many developing countries.
4. .are enlarged veins that can be flesh-colored, dark purple, or blue. They often look like cords, and
appear twisted and bulging.
5. is an anatomical structure that has the form of a hollow cavity, found in the lung.
6 . is the protrusion (or herniation) of the upper part of the stomach into the thorax through a tear or
weakness in the diaphragm.
7 .is a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the
thyroid cartilage.
8 is a term for suspension of external breathing.
9 is the interval between the arachnoid membrane and pia mater.
10 .are paired almond-shaped glands, one for each eye, that secrete the aqueous layer of the tear film.
V.Enumerate the components of the respiratory and endocrine systems (1 p).
VI.Enumerate the main components of the nervous system (1 p).
VII.Give the disorder or anatomical structure that best fits the description (1 p):
1. is injury to a ligament, caused by overstretching.
2. an inflammation of the sac that cushions your joints during movement.
3. abnormal condition where the heart is located towards the right side of the chest
4. . is the impulse-generating (pacemaker) tissue located in the right atrium of the heart, and thus the
generator of sinus rhythm.
5. is a blockage of the main artery of the lung or one of its branches by a substance that has travelled
from elsewhere in the body through the bloodstream.
6. is inflammation of the epiglottis.
7. is the outermost part of the spinal canal.
8. is pain felt down the back and outer side of the thigh, leg, and foot.
9. is a gland found in the neck, inferior to (below) the thyroid cartilage (also known as the Adam's
apple) and at approximately the same level as the cricoid cartilage.
10. is a syndrome that results when the pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone after
epiphyseal plate closure at puberty.

VIII.Match technical medical terms with their nontechnical meanings or explanations (2 p)

1.Column A Column B
(a) angi/o 1. bile
(b) cyst/o 2. common bile duct
(c) cheil/o 3. bladder
(d) chol/o 4. lip
(e) choledoch/o 5. vessel
2. Column A: Column B
(a) gastroenterology 1. Removal of the stomach
(b) gastroenteropathy 2. Technique of viewing the intestines and
(c) gastroenteritis 3. Study of intestines and stomach
(d) gastroenteroscopy 4. Inflammation of intestines and stomach
(e) gastrectomy 5. Disease of intestines and stomach


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