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Top 10 Apache Modules list:

1. mod_rewrite - Allows you to match url patterns with regular expressions, and
do a transparent redirect, or apply a HTTP status code response.

2. mod_deflate - allows you to compress content before sending it to the browser

using gzip compression. Browsers have supported the ability to automatically
decompress the content for you. It saves lots of bandwidth (sometimes up to
70%), and decreases page download times.

3. mod_security - a module that lets you block content based on form post data,
urls, pretty much anything in the request.

4. mod_speling - this module performs spell checking on a url. If your moving

from windows to unix (case sensitive) this can save you a lot of time fixing case

5. mod_cache - a content cache keyed to URIs. You can cache in memory, or to


6. mod_setenvif - allows you to handle different environment variables, can be

used to block email harvesters, referer spam, etc.

7. mod_auth* - You can authenticate against pretty much any repository you can
think of with one of the mod_auth modules, eg mod_auth_mysql,

8. mod_ssl - HTTPS support for Apache.

9. mod_proxy - Turns Apache in to a Forward or Reverse proxy server.

10. mod_benchmark - stores benchmark info and provides charts.

11. mod_evasive: prevent DDoS and DoS attach

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