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‘tosinfinitivo to acelerate En lugar det adjetive IKely. se puede emplear Bound, certain, Hable y unlikely. Sin embargo, aunque el significado sea parecido, en esta consiruccién na debemos usar los adjetivos: possible. impossible, probable o improbable. PASADO SIMPLE Y PASADO CONTINUO FORMAS El pasade simple de los verbos regulares se forma ahadionda -ed al infinitive sin to. Infinitive: to work: Pasado simple: | worked, you worked, helshelit worked, we worked you worked they worked, (Cuando ef werbo acaba en-@ solo se afade -t: to change, changed. Las formas negativas se construyen con el pasado simple negativo de! verbo to do y e! infinitive sin to di verbo que conjugamos; 6s decir, con SUJETO+DID NOTSINFINITIVO pars todas Is personas. | id not work, you did not work, heisheit did mot work, we didnot work, you did not work, they Formas contractas:| didn't work, you didn’t work. Las fromas interrogativas se construyen con el pasada simple intorrogativo del verbo to do y el infinitive sin f0 dl verbo que conjugamos, o ses, con DIDsSUJETOSINFINITIVO. Did! work? , did you work’? , did he/shelit work? Para las interrogativas negativas se invierte el orden del sujeto y el auxilar y se sitia not entre el sujeto y el infinitivo, 5 decir, DID+SUJETO+NOT+INFINITIVO Did I nat work? , did you nat work? , did helshevit not work? Formas contractas: Didn't! work? didn't you work? El pasado continuo se tarma con el pasado simple del auxiiar to be y el participio de presente del verbo que 52 conlugs. Iwas working, you were working, be/shelit was working, we were working, you were working, they were working. Las formas negativas s¢ consiruyen situanda not entre el aurilir y el participio de presente. | was nat working, you were not working... Las formas interrogativas se consiruyen inviriendo el orden del sujela y el auxiiar. Was | working? ,were you working? Para las interrogativas negativas se invierte al orden del sujeto y e! ausilar y s¢ situa not entre ef sujsto y el paricipio de presente

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