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the methodology combines the benefits of statistical quality control, business and

manufacturing process improvement, quality escape identification, root cause

determination, and preventive actions to eliminate escapes in the future.

. focus on process improvement with equal emphasis on quality and flow: Right the first
. rreasure problems for their learning potential.

prioritize the actions to take, focus on quality and cost reduction, and assign

a bottoms-up approach that uses the average employee to implement positive change.


However, the processes and practices in this industry are quite primitive and lack
performance-measuring techniques for decision makers.

This research is focussed on performance evaluation of aviation manufacturing industry

of Pakistan through TQM. Eight well-established dimensions of TQM frequently used by
renowned researchers were used for an evaluation of

Both qualitative and quantitative survey techniques were used for gathering the data for
subsequent empirical analysis.

The available literature in the total quality management (TQM) suggests a set of
standardized factors for evaluating the performance of any organization.

The final task of the quality system is to ensure aerospace systems at a high level of
quality, to ensure their airworthiness (Galisanskis, 2004).

The aviation industry operates in a very high-tech and competitive market, where flight
and personnel safety is of paramount importance due to a higher rate of fatalities in
case of any accident. The other factor that makes it vital is the enormous costs that are
involved. Therefore, it is mandatory that it requires higher degrees of professionalism,
quality standards and zero-tolerances due to the nature of the work undertaken in the
aerospace industry (Luxhj, 1999).

To maintain a high safety standard in PAMI, the quality should be in-built into the
product/process design.
Supplier quality. The defective or low quality raw material leads to manufacturing of low
quality products.

This dimension includes quality of purchased parts, reliability of suppliers, technical

support to suppliers, long-term supplier relationship and involvement of suppliers while
specifying the materials.

The response to the questionnaire was fed into statistical software SPSS Version-17 for
further analysis.


that reliability and safety in aviation is a team effort and that all individuals are
responsible for doing their part towards the maintenance of a safe flying environment.

How is quality defined in the aviation sector? To answer this question, we must first
determine who is the customer. Actually, there are not only many customers in aviation,
but there are also many levels of customers in aviation.

Aviation is rife with safety-sensitive and critical job positions and requires extremely high
levels of quality and reliability in hardware and personnel skills.

The objective of this paper is to present aviation safety in the TQM framework of
customer focus, continuous process improvement, and total involvement in order to
show that reliability and safety in aviation is no accident.

Aviation in particular is subject to the old saying that a chain is only as strong as its
weakest link.

Regardless of this, the reliability and safety in aviation is a complex team effort, and that
is why we are saying that safety is no accident.


A lower quality of service is unacceptable as it compromises the safety of air travel.

A measure of an efficient aerospace maintenance and repair service is the repair

turntime. This is defined as the duration taken to repair or overhaul aircraft components
and return them as useable to the customer. A longer turntime constrains airlines to
either maintain a higher stock level of spares or force the aircraft to remain grounded if
no inventory is available.

For the company, three factors are key to implementing TQM. First, TQM is seen as the
process of transforming an organizational culture from the present reactive mode to a
proactive mode, to reduce delays in maintenance and overhaul. This is achieved by
improving the repair and maintenance turntime of aircraft components. Ultimately, the
company hopes to shift to a continuous improvement mode. Second, TQM is seen as a
system to help the firm become more efficient and effective, to respond better to
customer needs. Finally, the company wants to use a process improvement tool to
enhance its competitive advantage through improved quality, higher productivity and
better customer satisfaction.

The company already has a quality management system (QMS), based on the

The QMS is audited annually to ensure compliance with regulations.

The MD then met all QIT members together with the steering committee. The need for
the TQM initiative and its benefits were reiterated. Individual department managers then
briefed their supervisors and employees on the TQM implementation. General
information about the TQM process and benefits was emphasized to employees. Apart
from verbal communication, the visual mode was also employed. A TQM notice board
was put up, containing each QITs team photograph, project write-ups, goals and
milestone charts. Posters on quality and teamwork were also placed in various parts of
the company.

in dollar value terms, the

PAPER Measuring operational safety in


Safety has to be considered a process of continuous improvement; the absence of
accidents is no guarantee that they will remain absent.

Optimization of the aircraft general

overhaul process
However, the particular methodology can be proved potentially useful and highly
germane when applying to other aircraft types. Optimal maintenance concepts are
designed to provide the optimum system reliability and safety, and lowest possible
maintenance costs (uknic, 2010). Proper maintenance techniques are highlighted in
recent years because of the demands of increased safety and reliability of the system
functioning, increasing complexity and rising costs of materials and labor. For some
systems, such as aircraft, it is essential to avoid failure during operation, because it can
be dangerous and disastrous.

This diagram (Figure 7) represents a method for a detailed analysis of the relationship
between the given state of the observed overhaul process process disturbances
(effects) and influential values that cause the occurrence of a given situation (causes).

In addition, Brainstorming (Vulanovic et al., 2003) and Brainwriting had been used as
for identifying the cause of disturbances so for defining the corrective and preventive
actions for the process optimization (Figure 8).

Discovering the causes of disturbance has led to the necessary remedial and preventive
actions required to optimize the process, and by their implementation reaching

Analysis of the causes of these disturbances led to particular corrective and preventive
actions which are to be undertaken, and these are

The readiness and effectiveness of the armed forces is highly dependent on the state of
its equipment in terms of availability and reliability.

Implementing a quality maintenance system in a military organization, Mark Goh, Guan-

How Tay, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 12 No. 4, 1995,
pp. 26-39

Part-out-based spares provisioning

A military aviation maintenance case study
When resources are usually limited, the interchangeable spares which are necessary
for repair can also be removed from another similar device rather than from the
inventory. This is called cannibalization. In general, cannibalization is used due to the
unavailability of spares, when there are, e.g., long supply times during line operation. In
this case, the source aircraft is usually unserviceable.

enhanced capabilities on national security

It should be noted that there are differences between the civilian and the military cases.
In the civilian case a replacement must be profitable, above all, while in the military
case, although economics is an important factor, issues such as capabilities and
national security, as well as political considerations, will often outweigh the economic

Since there are a number of different types of equipment and systems installed in an
aircraft (e.g. electronic, mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment), the rotables
tend to have different failure characteristics (Block et al., 2013a)

In the military case, there is also the need for a high level of information security and
confidentiality to meet defence and national security requirements, normally
necessitating even greater stringency than in the civil aviation case, where business
requirements must be managed.

Hence, further research within the area covered in this paper that would result in
publications would be of great interest to both practitioners and the scientific community.

Service and safety quality in US airlines

Without proper maintenance procedures, personnel training, and record keeping,
additional maintenance spending will not improve airline safety.

Reliability improvement of electronics

standby display system of modern aircraft
Failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA) is one of the effective reliability assessment
tool, which evaluate systematically and document the potential failure modes of a
system or equipment and their causes. It helps in grading the severity of all potential
failure modes and useful in carrying out the changes in early phase of design. The
analysis starts with the potential failure of a smallest component at the final indenture
and goes up to the initial indenture level.

Availability estimation using simulation

for military systems
The recovery processes commonly known as repair systems, are quite complex for
military systems:
They may be carried out at different levels of repair, i.e. at the field depots, at
intermediate depots and at base depots (usually two or three levels are employed
(Upadhya and Srinivasan, 2003b, 2005; Mattila et al., 2003)).
The repair/replacement process is almost always delayed due to unavailability of
spares, maintenance crew or repair equipment at the particular repair level.
Environmental factors such as weather condition and terrain could delay or preclude the
repair processes.
A reliability, maintainability, and safety
model to support the assessment of
space vehicles
It is assumed that each subsystem is composed of a number of modules in series, each
relating to a critical function of the subsystem, and that each of these modules is
composed of 1 or more components in parallel.

Sustainability, organizational learning,

and lessons learned from aviation
Since human errors are considered to contribute to more than 70 per cent of aviation

In order for the aviation industry to learn and improve, it must and does have a way of
identifying errors.

A black box is on every commercial aircraft. It consists of flight data and cockpit voice
recorders. Faith
(1997) wrote that black boxes are the best single source of information for investigators.
As a memory, they provide data on the long series of events that occur during a flight.

Developing key performance indicators

for airport safety and security
It is also very important to have a feedback system in place and to carry out periodic
review of the entire system.

Modeling enablers of TQM to improve

airline performance
Top management commitment is one of the most crucial factors for TQM program
implementation cited in literature.

Employee participation at all levels is the key to successful implementation of TQM as it

will help to increase flow of information and knowledge and will contribute toward
resolving problems (Vouzas et al., 2007).
Quality of maintenance: Mirce Mechanics
Numerous industrial and personal accidents have been maintenance related. It means
that as result of an inherent fault or a failure that took place during the maintenance
process, the maintained system experienced in-service failure.

Development of a civil aircraft dispatch reliability

prediction methodology
This is probably due to the complexity, hard operating environment; high stress levels
and continuous demand on this system.

(8) Modifying some of the operation and maintenance procedures for those systems
should enhance their dispatch reliability.
(9) The validity of this method is restricted to the aircraft system-level predictions. More
detailed dispatch reliability
predictions, such as aircraft sub-systems and LRU, are not possible by this method, but
should be developed.

Adoption of Six Sigma DMAIC to reduce

cost of poor quality
Cause and effect diagram. The project team conducted brainstorming to identify the
probable cause of failure. In order to narrow down the focus, these causes were
categorized in different categories in the cause and effect diagram Pareto analysis. In
order to prioritize the cause, the team plotted a Pareto chart using the data collected for
31 rework cases during last four years (2006-2011) as shown in Figure 7. Based on the
results of Pareto analysis, the team selected the problem of extreme tolerances and
wrong fitment for the improvement phase.

This phase involves identification of possible solutions, their implementation and

verification of workability of the solutions (Benbow and Kubiak, 2010). The team created
an Impact/Effort Matrix for assessing the potential impact of solutions against the
estimated effort (Figure 11). The following probable solutions emerged out of the
Impact/Effort Matrix:
. creating a bearing matching software by utilizing the micrometry data;
. procuring an improved automated jig for fitment of bearings; and
. procuring an improved cleaning bath for effective cleaning. A solution prioritization
matrix was created on the basis of the criteria of:
Process failure mode effect analysis (PFMEA): the PFMEA of the process was
conducted for critical steps (micrometry, assembly, testing and packing/transport). All
the failure modes and its effect were identified, controls were planned and RPN
numbers of before and after controls were analyzed and the effectiveness after
implementing the improvements was assessed. It was observed that the RPN numbers
for all the key process activities were significantly reduced after implementation of the
solutions. The PFMEA is shown in Table VII.

An empirical study on critical failure

factors for enterprise resource planning
implementation in Indian retail sector
CE analysis is a tool for analyzing and illustrating a process by showing the main
causes and sub-causes leading to an effect (symptom). The fishbone diagram is easy to
construct and invites interactive participation. CE analyses allow problem solvers to
broaden their thinking and look at the overall picture of a problem.
This analysis tool organizes a large amount of information by showing links between
events and their potential or actual causes and provides a means of generating ideas
about why the problem is occurring and possible effects of that cause. It can help to
focus attention on the process where a problem is occurring and to allow for
constructive use of facts revealed by reported events.
In this study, cause-and-effect diagram was used to identify all the possible causes of
failure of ERP implementation. The problem was simply formulated as failure factor of
ERP implementation. The next step was to identify the main possible causes for these
problems (the effect to be investigated) in order to complete the branches of the
diagram. The actual causes were then identified through brainstorming sessions by the
research team and validated, first, against the comprehensive review of the literature
studied in the previous research, and second, during the pilot study we employed factor
analysis to reduce the number of items to a more manageable number and to group the
items (which are maximally correlated with one another) in factors.
Following several iterations of refinement during pilot studies, 28 causes were identified
as a cause for the ERP implementation failure. Figure 1 shows the final CE diagram for
the ERP implementation failure with the final grouping of causes in specific categories.
These groupings were obtained through factor analysis performed during the pilot
studies (Tables II and III).
4.5 Pareto analysis
Once the causes of ERP failure in Indian retail sector are known, there are difficulties for
a retail sector to control this large number of items which could lead to ERP failure. The
next step is to prioritize the items which are having the maximum impact on the failure
of ERP implementation in retail sector. This was achieved by applying Pareto analysis.
There are some managerial recommendations from the analysis to improve the success
of ERP implementations in Indian retail sector are:

Monitoring quality goals through lean Six-

Sigma insures competitiveness
were the main culprits of defects

Root cause analysis, Lean Six Sigma and

test of hypothesis
Through CED, all potential causes (or inputs) for a single effect (or output) is explored
and depiction of the relationship is made as per their natural association. The CED is
quite popular in LSS implementation as it relates several causes to an effect. The steps
followed are:
(1) conducting brainstorming session to identify ideas/symptoms/causes that are related
to the effect;
(2) identifying the potential causes from the ideas/symptoms; and
(3) grouping the causes by their natural association popularly under four Ms, i.e. man-

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