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Melendez, Destiny

Mr. Wisner

World History

T/R - 4th Period


Travelers Stranded and Protests Swell Over Trump Order


Key Vocabulary:
Recalibration - to check, correct, change.
Myriad - a countless or extremely great number.
Deliberate - done consciously and intentionally.
Hyperventilate - be or become overexcited.
Implemented - put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.

Summary of the Event:

Protests have emerged ever since President Donald Trump this past
weekend after his order on closing the nation to refugees and people
from certain Muslim countries. 109 travelers were stranded and
blocked from entering the country and this order also prevents
refugees from entering the country for 120 days, and indefinitely for
Syria. In result, thousands of protesters gathered outside the White
House, along in many other locations like JFK International Airport as
well, to stand up against what they felt was an injustice. Phrases like
shame and No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome here! were
chanted all throughout the protests.

People from abroad saw President Trumps actions as a retreat from

traditional American values. European leaders were also quick to
denounce this order, and not to mention that even some Republican
lawmakers called for the president to step back. Reince Priebus, the
White House chief of staff, came to Trumps defense, saying that he
had only done what his campaign had promised to do.

After receiving so much backlash, the white house pulled back a bit
for Trumps temporary, allowing visitors from those 7 countries who
had VISAs to come in. Donald Trump also came to his defense later
that Sunday night, To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media
is falsely reporting, he said in a written statement. This is not about
religion this is about terror and keeping our country safe.
However, before he had made it evident that his concern was towards
Christian refugees, and not to mention that part of his order does show
a preference towards Christian refugees.

My Opinion on the Event:

I could go on forever about my very strong feelings towards Donald Trump;
I knew that something like this would eventually be coming after every
order he had signed during that first week. When I woke up on that day, and
heard that he had already signed the Muslim ban, I dont think words could
describe how I felt. I was outraged, depressed, bitter, and disappointed, and
after finding out that his order gave Christian refugees more benefits and
that when he went on twitter to acknowledge the killings of Christians in the
Middle East, without even taking note of the Muslims who are murdered in
great numbers, in the Middle East, Im just so disgusted. I am very proud,
however, that many Americans went out there and exercised their first
amendment right to take a stand towards this injustice. I am also very proud
to hear that many immigration lawyers volunteered their time to help those
who were being detained, in a way, it restored my faith in our country a bit.

Relate Event to Historical Event:

Protests against any newly elected president are not that uncommon, before
Donald Trump was elected resulting in the largest protest against any
president-elect, there were other presidents who may have received backlash
as well. Back in 2012 when President Obama was re-elected, there were a
several amount of people who went out to protest. Back in January, 2001
hundreds and maybe even thousands had marched to Washington to protest
the inauguration of president-elect George W. Bush. Comparing these events
with the protests that have occurred within the past few months can go to
show how people gathering together to fight for common beliefs, is nothing
new within our society. People have been practising their first-amendment
right since even before Bush. However, in some cases, the protests against
Obamas re-election, some of them were just out there telling him to go
back to Kenya or just saying horrible, racist things, which encouraged
tensions among the people. The protests, like the ones that happened as a
result of the travel ban, on the other hand, encourage unity and demonstrates
that Americans welcome people from all around the world, regardless of
their race or religion.

Relate to Theme:
This event can actually relate to more than one theme, one of them being
politics. Immigration issues are nothing new to politics, so when Donald
Trump signed the order which prohibited entrance to refugees and countries
that were mostly Muslim populated, then the issue automatically classified
as a political issue regarding human rights. This event can also be related to
Revolts and Revolution, now in no way does a protest automatically mean
the same as a revolution, but it does share some common similarities with
revolts. For instance, a revolt can be defined as an attempt to put an end to
the authority of a person or body by rebelling, which is similar to to what is
occurring in this event, an attempt to stop an injustice and an act of fascism.
Now that the ban has been pulled back, is there a possibility for it to
be brought up again?
How can we prevent an unfair ban from happening again?
Why is it that Christian refugees would have had more benefits than
Muslim refugees in that order?
Does the fact that he only tried to ban Middle Eastern countries that
arent in business with him, something that we should be raising
eyebrows at?

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