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Uriel Haran
Don A. Moore

Every busiress dedsion depends on moking o forcst of re consegr.rcrrces of the decison Afthougfi mo*,
orgoimons do foreastittg most do so bodty. They o*. eier for o pont predidioft-o s:ngfe "best guess',
foreast, when everyone knoua thot this is on clversinplifrcotion of e vutl, orfor o simph ronge foo*.
whidt is lkely o resrlt in osFd ptdkliors more often tnn not ln E orticle e ouon propo* o IrJtel
opproo one tlwt tokes sedously c urcntuinty in forecoxlng ond the mosr common enon jn tlre wol
p@ple think obourt is urqeftointy. (Keywords Humon Bel.r'tiu, Decison Modne

very decision depends, to some degree, on a forecast. Big decisions,

sudr as how many people to hire or how many factories to build
depend fundamentally on what the demand for your product will be
in the future. Even small decisions, ke what route to take to work,
depend on forecasts, such as what traffic will be like. yet companies routinely
make basic forecasting mistakes that can have expensive consequences. The most
elementary mistake most companies make is asking their peopli the wrong fore-
casting questions.
The most corlmon approadr to forecasting rees on a point prediction:
an attempt to guess precisely what the future will hold. This is a bit ke asking your
doctor how long you will live. It is not wor trying to predict, down to e second,
how long you will live. Just so, ir is not wor trying to pedict, down to e last
vehide, what demand for a new model of car will be next year. yet companies
tlpically ask their people to make forecasts as a point prediction.

This research was supported by the Intelligence Advanced Research projects Actvity (lARpA)
via the
Department of Interior Monal Business Cntsr contract number D11pC2d06i. The
U.S. Govemment s
authorizod to reproduce and disibute reprints for Govemment purposes nort\rithstanding
any copyright
annotation thereon. Disclaimer: The views and conclusions expressed herein are
thosE of the authors and
should not be interpreted as necessadly represenng the official polirss or endorsoments,
either expressed
or implied, of IARPA" Dol/NBC, orthe U.S. Govemment.


A Beer Way to Forecast

I., U-rii Haen is a lecturer in the Department
A slightly better approach is to ask for a

j$f- Maagement t Ben-Gurion U niversity range of plausible estimates. A range lorecast leaves
i,af"'th li{egv. <U Haran@som. bgu.ac.il> some margin of error, by asking for the range within
lilr . iior" hotds the Lorraine Tyson which the most probable outcomes lie. While this
::Mitctlsll Chali in Leadership at the ilaas type of question produces more meaningful answers
lSdho-l Business at th University of than does a point prediction, it sets the forecaster up
Califmi t Berkeley. <dm@berkeley.edu>
for failure by exploiting people's cognitive short-
comings. This often results in biased, overconfident
estimates that are wrong more often than they are right. In this article, we confront
the shortcomings of both point predictions and range forecasts. We then propose a
new way of asking for forecasts that offers a variety of advantages over these tra-
ditional methods.

The Point Prediction

The most common way organizations forecast is by asking their people
for a point prediction: a single "best guess" of what will happen-of how many
units they will sell, how high the price will go, or how long it will take to com-
plete the project. This approach has two obvious shortcomings. First, research
shows that asking this single question maximizes overconfidence, exacerbating
the natural human tendency to believe too strongly that you have seen the
truth and know what is going to happen. If you ask people how sure they are
that the truth will fall close to their point prediction, they will give you wildly
overconfident estimates.l In our studies, people routinely claim to be 807o sure
the truth will fall within 5o/o oI their best-guess forecast, but it actually happens
less than 2Oo/o oI the time. When companies commit to a future strategy based
on an excessive faith that they know what that future looks like, they will fail to
prepare for other possibilities. This can make it difficult for them to change
course when they realize, belatedly, that they were heading in the wrong
The other problem with just asking for a point prediction is that it ignores
the fact that what we are forecasting is not a predetermined quantity.2 The out'
come depends on future contingencies that are not yet known-including political
events, the broader economic conditions, and even the weather. These things can
be difficult enough to predict that it makes sense to think of them as random-
and treat the future as if it will be drawn from a distribution of possible futures.
Similarly, a roll of the dice will produce one specific outcome, but when predicting
what will happen it is silly to claim with confidence that you know how the dice
will come up. Instead, it makes much more sense to talk about a distribution of
possible outcomes, think about their respective probabilities, and try to make wise
bets given the full probability distribution.
Although there is uncertainty about any future event, some events are eas-
ier to predict than others. When we receive a forecast, we need to know how
uncertain it is. A point prediction does not allow forecasters to express their level
of uncertainty in the estimate. Estimating a volatile {uture value is a fundamentally


A Better Way to Forecast

different task than making a forecast in stable market conditions.r However, a

point prediction can look the same in both cases; the one "best guess" does not
reflect the forecaster's uncertainty. Knowing this uncertainty is crucial for the deci-
sion maker, who can determine from it whether she should try to collect more
information before choosing a course of action, or how much caution to exercise
when making this choice. For example, when the CFO's best guess for the com-
pany's next quarter's growth will be 2"/", does it mean the she thinks they can go
as high as )o/o? can they go as low as lo/"? would it be a surprise if sales declined,
relative to last year? Knowing the probabilities attached to these outcomes is crucial
for any decision that depends on the forecast.
Asking for a point estimate creates obvious problems with some types
of probability distributions. what's the best point-estimate of the number of
Americans who will be infected with anthrax next year? The most likely number
(the mode of the probability distribution) is low-probably zero. Does this mean
the government should invest zero dollars on preparing vaccines? probably not,
as long as there is some chance that the number of people affected will be in
the hundreds, or even thousands. But what is this chance? A point prediction
does not tell us that.
Having a sense of what the probability distribution looks like is essential for
making decisions like how many anthrax vaccines to produce. Even the most ele-
mentary production and inventory models require that companies understand the
probability distribution. That allows them to better calculate the costs and benefits
of producing too much versus too little, when combined with crucial considera-
tions such as the carrying cost of inventory or the profitability of sales.
Some managers try to infer a possible range from a set of point predictions.
unfortunately, this technique can lead to false conclusions. A point prediction
simply contains too little information. A decision maker cannot assume that
uncertainty in the ultimate outcome will be reflected in differing forecasts fom
different people. If all forecasters hold the same probability distribution, they
may all provide the same point prediction yet all have little confidence in it. For
instance, if a pregnant woman asks ten different obstetricians when she will
deliver, they will all provide the same due date, approximately 3g weeks from
the date of conception. while this may be the single most likely outcome, the
probability that a particular baby is born on its due date is only about 5%.
A second challenge in building probability distributions around point pre-
dictions arises from asymmetric distributions, in which the forecaster,s best guess
is not centered between the confidence interval's low and high bounds. For exam-
ple. when a music recording executive is trying to predict sales of a new song by a
new artist, the best guess would be low, since big hits are rare. However, the rea-
son to bet on the artist in the first place is the possibility that the song will become
a big hit. Plotting the distribution of music sales produces a Iarge number of songs
with low sales and a few hits. Therefore, it is likely that the forecaster's confidence
interval will not be centered on the most likely value (the mode) of the distribu-
tion. For all these reasons and more, forecasts are substantially more useful when
they contain more information than a single point prediction.


A Better Way to Forecast

The Range Forecast

How many times were you advised to "expect the best and prepare for the
worst"? The decision maker who uses lorecasts as a major source of information
upon which to base her decisions wants to be prepared for more than one exact
outcome. Point predictions do not tell us what it is we should prepare for. Rather,
a decision maker needs multiple estimates, representing a number o{ different sce-
narios that might happen; let's start with two-a reasonable "best case" and a rea-
sonable "worst case." Note that we do not mean the absolute best and worst
scenarios one could imagine. It would be nice to be dealt a royal flush in poker,
but it would be overly optimistic to devise your betting strategy based on such
an expectation. The most fantastic or catastrophic outcomes, while intriguing,
may be exceedingly unlikely. It is more useful, then, to focus the decision maker's
attention on the more probable outcomes for which she should prepare. This
brings us to the other popular mode of forecasting-the range forecast, also
referred to as confidence interval. A confidence interval is the range of probable out-
comes that lie between the reasonable best and worst cases. Each morning we know
when we should think about heading to work if we want to get in early, and when
we should start rushing if we do not want to be late. Any time between these two is
inside our confidence interval for getting to work at an appropriate time.
When forecasting a particular value, such as what time we will get to work,
we can make that forecast more precise at a potential cost to accuracy. Forecasting
with 100% certainty that you will be at work by 7:30, and scheduling an impor-
tant meeting with your boss for that time. might be reckless if there is a chance
you won't leave the house when you need to. Therefore, this range is more useful
when accompanied by a confidence level, a percentage that indicates how confi-
dent the forecaster is that e true outcome will fall within the bounds of the
interval. The more precise estimates include a narrower range of values and lower
confidence, whereas the more conservative ones splay a higher confidence
level, but include more possibilities.

The Tradeoff Inherent in Making a Range Forecast

Confidence intervals do provide more useful information for the decision
maker than do point predictions, but they still leave much to be desired. Confi-
dence intervals require a trade-off between accuracy and informativeness. If the
only goal were accuracy, meaning that the interval will include the actual value,
the best way to achieve it is a forecast of infinite size. For instance, profits next
quarter will be somewhere between infinitely negative and infinitely positive.
This range would certainly include the true value, but it would not be the least
bit helpful for deciding whether to invest. To be more useful, a range must be
focused. It should help the decision maker understand which outcomes are likely
to happen and which are not. The narrower the range of the estimate, the more
informative it is; but when it gets too narrow, it becomes more likely to miss
the true value. Hence, a forecaster must make a tradeoff between being as infor-
mative as she can be (by narrowing the range included in the interval estimate)
and being accurate by increasing the likelihood that the confidence interval will
include the true value (by making it wider). This tradeoff is often difficult, iI not


A Better Way to Forecast

impossible, to resolve. A confidence interval that is too wide is not very helpful for
the decision maker to decide which course of action to take. However, an estimate
that misses the true answer is also obviously problematic.
Research consistently finds that forecasters set intervals too narrowly.a If
people accurately determine their ranges, then 90% confidence intervals should
include the correct answer 9 out of l0 times, 80% confidence intervals should hit
the mark 8 out of I0 times and so on. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and the
difference between expectation and reality is sometimes shocking: 907o confidence
intervals tend to include the correct answer only about half of the time. while the
average hit-rate of 80% confidence intervals is typically around l5olo!
Why are we so bad at producing accurate and well-calibrated confidence
intervals? Research has identified two reasons. One is the tendency to focus exces-
sively on the most salient options, or the ones we think are the most probable, and
ignore all other options.5 While one possible outcome may be more likely than any
other, it may not always be more likely than all other outcomes combined.
Consider, for example, the question of who will win the next World Series. Many
baseball fans, especia)ly in New York, start the season expecting the yankees to be
the next champions. After all, the Yankees are the richest team in the league. have
more all-stars than any other team. and have the most World Series appearances
(and wins) in the last 20 years. So if you have to bet on one team. it would not
be unwise to put your money on the Yankees. However, are the yankees more
likely to win a championship than all other teams combined? probably not: while
the world series has been won by the Yankees 5 times in the last 20 seasons,
it was won by a team other than the Yankees l5 times. so while the yankees are
a better bet than any other team. betting that they will not be the champions is still
smarter than betting that they will. The trouble is people are not good in combining
the likelihoods of all other events and adjusting their estimates accordingly.6
Another reason for the poor performance of confidence interval estimates is
that even smart people err in creating them. when someone says they are 90yo sure
of something, what do they actually mean? According to probability theory. 90%
confidence that an event will occur means that if there existed 100 parallel universes.
the event in question would occur in 90 of them, or that if the current conditions for
this event could be replicated 100 times, the event would occur in 90 of these repli-
cations. Grasping this notion is not intuitive, and many studies have indeed found
that human intuition operates according to principles other than those prescribed
by probability theory.T In a series of experiments we conducted, many of our partic-
ipants reported a certain level of confidence, e.g., 80'/", in a prediction, but then
preferred to take a bet with a lower chance of winning, e.g., 670/o, over betting on
their prediction. If someone's stated level of confidence does not match the proba-
bility of occurrence they report, then how should we interpret their forecasts, and
what does this tell us about how to make them better?

Improving Forecast Ranges

Research on forecasting tinds that people's statistical intuitions can be highly
accurate, but their judgments are drastically influenced by the methods they use.8
Several researchers have tested different ways to improve confidence intervals.


A Better Way to Forecal

Jack Soll and Joshua Klayrnan suggested the forecaster ask herself two separare
questions-which value is so high that the true value will most likely fall below it
and which value is so low that the true value will most likely fall above it? For
example, an interval estimate of 80% confidence should stretch between a value
that is 90% likely to be below the rrue ourcome and a value thar is 90% likely to
be above it. This way, they argued, the forecaster's focus shifts from her best guess
to separate assessments of a best-case and a worst-case scenario.e
A curious finding has emerged from forecasting research. A number of
studies have found that, while people are consistently overconfident when esti-
mating value ranges for a given level of confidence, this overconfidence largely
disappears when performing the reverse task-estimating confidence in the accu-
racy of ranges. lo For example, you ask someone for a 90o/o confidence interval for
the high temperature a month out, they will give you a range that misses the
mark more than half the time. However, if you take that same range of temper-
atures and ask. "How likely is it at the high temperature a month lrom today
will fall inside this range?" the chance that they will estimate for this range to
include the actual temperature will probably be substantially lower than 907o.tl
This difference is called format dependence, and it basically means that matching
an interval estimate for an uncertain quantity with its prected likelihood of
including this quantity produces different results, depending on the format of
the question.t2 This insight leads to the lollowing promising idea for improving
the accuracy of confidence intervals: first, ask the forecaster lor the high and
low bounds of a plausible range, without specifying a probability; next, ask them
to estimate the chances that the outcome falls inside the range.rl
This is a step in the right direction for improving confidence intervals. The
problem is that likelihood estimates are not as useful for decision makers as are
value estimates. A product manager might be interested in the chance that
demand for the product will be between 15,000 and 20,000 units this quarter,
but she probably will be more interested to know what the demand is likely to
be. However, perhaps these likelihood judgments can be transformed somehow
to interval estimates. This is the question that we attempted to answer in our
research-and we think we may have found the answer.

Introducing the SPIES Method-Subjective Probability Interval

Based on the prior findings outlined above, we have developed a novel
approach to eliciting forecasts. This method, called SPIES (short for Subjective Prob-
ability Interval Estimates), prodes a simple way to produce forecasts and predic-
tions that offer both better accuracy and greater flexibility for the decision maker.
The foundation of the SPIES method consists of a number of principles. First,
forecasting should be as simple as possible. Second, the forecaster should take into
account all possible outcomes. This prevents some scenarios from simply being
overlooked. Also, a graphical presentation of the entire distribution prior to the esti-
mate has been lound useful in improving accuracy.'o Third, building on the lindings
of format dependence research, likelihood judgments should be generated by the


A Better Way to Forecast

forecaster rather than built into the question. Finally, the likelihoods of the possible
outcomes should be weighed relative to one another, rather than generated as
precise probabilities. This will free the forecasters from calculating their estimates
so that they sum up to exactly 100% and minimize the biasing effects of thinking
in probabilities.r5 Based on these principles, the SPIES method includes a graphical
interface, which presents the forecaster with the full range of possible outcomes. This
range is divided into a number of bins, If one forecasts a candidate's vote share in an
upcoming election, then the forecaster sees a range that extends from zero to 100,
and this range can be divided into bins of l-10%, ll-20o/o,2L-3Oyo and so on
(see Figure I). For each one of these bins, forecasters estimate the likelihood that
the true outcome will fall inside it. For simplicity's sake. they do this by allocating
points to each bin. The more probable the forecaster thinks a bin is to include the true
outcome, the more points she assigns it. An attentive reader would realize immedi-
ately at these points are akin to probabilities. However, unlike probabilities, points
are not constrained to equal 100 or to represent an exact likelihood. The absolute
number of points given to a single bin is unimportant, as long as bins get points in
proportion to thei likelihood. Of course, not every bin must be assigned points;
the forecaster can think that the true outcome falling in a certain bin is impossible
and give that bin zero points. To see a SPIES forecasting tool in action, visit
By rating all the bins, a forecaster reveals his or her subjective probability
distribution. This probabity distribution is rich in information. It can tell us which
value range the forecaster thinks is most probable, how uncertain the forecaster
believes the estimate is, which outcomes we should expect, and which we can
invest fewer resources in preparing for. However, sPIES can also produce confidence
intervals. By combining the estimated probabilities of the bins, and with a few

FIGURE l. A SPIES elicitation showing l0 bins and points assigned them reflecting their
rated likelihood.

Set the sliders below to assign points to each bin.The higher the likelihood that the actual value
will fall within a bin,the more points you should assgn ir

Estimate Likelihood

[0- o]
,.j*:*:;-^"-_-::_* -.".."'' 0 points

[>10-20] \-).......-... ....."." ". ,,. .....-...... .. ....... .) 4 poinrs

[>20-30] 'ffi; ilpoints

[>3040] i... .:: .. -::...-)
.:.i..L.. .:::.:.... |8 points
[>40-so] {:-:--:-i. j---:,--:-::-.: : ":: -'. .:, 38 points

[>so-60] (i- :*- ---.-'; 58 ponts

[>60-70] '--*-.'-.. L.,i.... -j
.... ......... 34 points

[>70-80] {";";"; i"-"""-"----:---..... 23 points

[>80-eo] (:i';::::::....::":-:.:.......... ...:t t0poins

[>eo-loo] Li------_--- --:- ---- --, 2points


A Better Way to Forecast

additional assumptions, we can use a spIES report to construct any confidence

interval the decision maker may find useful. This provides great flexibility to the deci-
sion maker, which other forecasting formats have trouble with. Suppose a product
manager requests an interval estimate of the next quarter's demand for her product.
She is initially interested in a safe estimate, with a confidence level oI 9Oo/o, but this
estimate turns out to be too broad and not informative enough. The manager can
then compute a more focused 75o/o or a 50o/o confidence interval using the same
SPIES report. There is no need to ask the forecaster to redo the foecast.
Having a sense of the full probability distibution is essential for planning
purposes. For one thing, it allows firms to navigate the twin risks of producing
too much versus producing too little. In order to decide how to balance these
risks, the costs of excess inventory must be compared with the costs of unfulfilled
demand (including lost business and angry customers). If your inventory is costly
to produce, the product is highly perishable, and profit margins are thin, then you
might decide to err on the side of producing less and risking stockouts. On the
other hand, if you have plenty of warehouse space, overstock lasts indefinitely,
and marginal profits are high, then it might be worrh producing enough that
stockouts are unlikely. Understanding the full probability distribution is essenrial
lor planning how best to handle these two opposite risks.
In addition to the flexibility it offers, SPIES is simply a berter method for
producing accurate forecasts. A growing body of research documents tests of the
quality of the confidence intervals computed from SPIES, comparing them with
intervals produced in the traditional method. The SPIES method outperformed
traditional confidence intevals every time. For example, in one study we asked
participants to estimate the temperature in Washington, D.C., in a month. While
people who forecasted with 90% confidence intervals were correct only 29"/o of
the time, SPIES produced 90o confidence intervals that hit the true answer at a
nearly 74o/o ra.e.In another study, participants estimated years of historical events
using either confidence intervals or SPIES. Once again, SPIES improved accuracy
over the traditional method, from 54o/o to 77"/o.t6
More recent research has also found that forecasting with SPIES can lead to
better decisions. In a simulated supply chain and order decision experiment, partici-
pants who used SPIES to forecast future product demand achieved 3.I % higher prof-
its than those who made their forecasts using 90% confidence intervals.rT
The SPIES method is easy to implement and does not require an advanced
degree in decision analysis. It has been put to use successfully in some real fore-
casting tasks, including in our work for the Good Judgment Project forecasting
geopolitical events for the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity as a part
of thei ACE forecasting tournament. (Visit <www.goodjudgmentproject.com> for
more information.) However, the method is not without its challenges.

Challenges wth Using SPIES

The leading cause of forecasting failures is our limited ability to fully inte-
grate and accurately weight the different pieces of information we use to make a
forecast. The SPIES method does nothing to fix people's flawed cognitive processes,


A Better Way to Forecast

but rather works around them to produce estimates that are more informative and
more likely to be accurate. However, similar to traditional forecasting methods,
forecasts produced using SPIES are still made by humans and are dependent on
the forecaster's assumptions and beliefs. For example, suppose a forecaster insists
that the SEP 500 will not fall by more than twenty points in one day and sets the
lowest bin's minimum value to twenty (implying a zero probability of any value
below it). A SPIES forecast will also reflect this error. However, it reduces the chan-
ces of more common, routine errors. Current research now looks at how the bins
themselves should be set. The most common approach divides the range into bins
of equal width. However, the forecaster herself can set the width of each bin
dynamically within the range. Initial tests of this oprion have not yielded any
improvements in forecast accuracy.
Making forecasts using SPIES is unfamiliar to most people. Probabilities,
confidence intervals, and probability distributions are not the most intuitive ways
to think about uncertainty. Completing a full SPIES probability distribution takes
longer than simply making a point prediction. However, research suggests that
this extra time is helplul in getting people to think about the issue and make
more accurate forecasts as a result. when asked for a simple point prediction,
our research shows that people can respond quickly with a forecast, and will
gamely claim that they are 80o/",90o/o, even l00o/o sure that their estimate is
about right. The evidence suggests that these speedy intuitive assessments, while
they may be easier to come up with, and may feel more ,,rigtrt,,, do not tend to
be accurate, and are associated with reckless degrees of overconfidence. SpIES
helps us sidestep some of the biases to which human intuition is vulnerable. but
that does usually entail more work.
Many firms have invested in inventory-management systems that are not
built to work with sPIES inputs. These systems routinely take point-prediction
inputs and combine them with historical data, benchmarking, or data from rele-
vant reference classes in order to interpolate a probability distribution and com-
pute production and purchase quantities. Sometimes these systems can do an
adequate job if they have enough high-quality historical data. However, their use-
fulness diminishes drastically when the quality and quantity of historical informa-
tion decreases. when you are considering a new product or a new market, prior
data are absent and technological systems that rely on statistical analysis of prior
data fall silent. In these circumstances, informed human judgment is the best
option, and sPIES is a valuable tool for helping people think through the pro-
found uncertainties associated with novel products and new markets.

Making accurate forecasts of a future outcome is uniquely challenging. A
primary reason for this is the difficulty to foresee and consider all of the factors
that might influence the future. The frailties of human judgment are exacerbated
by the tendency to underestimate the extent of their missing knowledge. Even
when there are crucial gaps in our understanding of how the future will unfold,
we routinely fail to appreciate the imperfection in our foresight. when we rry ro


A Better Wav to Forecast

provide organizations with the answers they ask of their forecasters, such as exact
future values, gross errors are inevitable.
Research on forecasting has looked for ways to alleviate these problems by
investigating the cognitive underpinnings of these biases, developing programs for
training forecasters to estimate uncertainty better, and developing new approaches
that are less prone to biases. We have presented one such method. SPIES offer a
significant improvement in accuracy of range foecasts, compared to the direct range
estimation method. In addition to improved performance, SPIES provide managers
the flexibility of changing their forecast criteria, such as the width of the confidence
interval or the confidence level associated with it, midstream, without having to
collect new forecasts. This way, the manager can get a more informative forecast,
or get answers to different quesons, all from the same information set. Forecasts
made with SPIES are richer in information than are traditional forecasts. Thus, SPIES
enable the forecaster to incorporate more inlormation into the prediction, but also to
convey how much she thinks she knows, and how reliable she thinks her forecast is.
Understanding the forecasters' level of confidence may be the most important
feature of any forecast.

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A Better Way to Forecast

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califomia Managemmt Review, vol. 57, No. l, pp. 5-li. IssN oo0E-l2j, eISSN 2l2-854. @ 2014 by
The Regents of the University of Callfornia. All rights reserved. Request permission to photocopy or
reproduce anicle content at the University of Califomia Press's Rights and permissions website at
http://www.ucpressjoumals.com/reprintinfo.asp. DOI: 10. I 525lcmr.2014.57. 1.5.


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