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Models and Strategies of Teaching

Centre for Graduate Studies

Master of Education

Part 2
Learning Materials
Models and Strategies of

Models and Strategies of Teaching

The materials for this course contain an assigned textbook and this course guide. For
this course, the assigned textbook is:
Joyce, B., Weil, M. and Calhoun, E.
(2009). Models of Teaching Boston, MA:
Allyn & Bacon.

The contents of the assigned textbook are

organised in six separate parts comprising
22 chapters. Each chapter provides details
on a number of focus areas through
narratives, scenarios and explication on
each model of teaching. For this course,
three Families of Models are covered, i.e.
Social models, Information-processing
models and Behavioral models. To help
you manage your learning, these three
families are organised under eight topics in
the Study Guide while related chapters are
listed as Assigned Readings under
respective topics.

As indicated by B. Joyce, M. Weil and E. Calhoun, the authors of the assigned

textbook, the text aims to help instructors apply contemporary ideas and theories of
teaching-learning processes in the classroom. This may be done by analysing
attributes of effective teaching in schools and colleges and by examining how
interactions between the teacher, learner and environment affect learning. For this
purpose, you would have to plan, teach and assess learning activities, as well as
evaluate your own teaching as the basis for improvement as an instructor. In order to
grow professionally, you would at all times demonstrate appropriate professional
judgment, ethics, values and practices in schools and colleges.

Ensure that you have the right textbook and read the material for understanding and
further developing your knowledge of teaching and learning. You should aim to read
the assigned chapters before going to class, and use the ideas in each chapter for
classroom discussion and online participation during the course.

Models and Strategies of Teaching

The following supplementary texts are also recommended for the course:
x Lang, H. & D. Evans (2005). Models, Strategies and Methods for Effective
Teaching. NY, USA: Allyn & Bacon.
x Nugent S. & F. Karnes (2005). Social & Emotional Teaching Strategies. Waxco,
Texas: Prufrock Press.
x Tileston D. (2003). What Every Teacher Should Know About Effective Teaching
Strategies. California: Corwin Press.

Additionally, you would have to read research-based articles from a number of

journals in education. This is to keep abreast of current developments in the field as
well as to hone in your understanding of related theories and instructional models or
strategies. Some of the journals you may wish to access are listed in the online sites
such as http://journalseek.net/educ.htm and http://www.londonmet.ac. uk/
deliberations/ journals/.

Source: http://public-domain.zorger.com/more-nonsense/

Models and Strategies of Teaching


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