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Combinacin de transferencia de calor por conveccin y radiacin.

Tow-Mendoza C .1

Fenmenos de transporte 2, laboratorio de Ingeniera Qumica, Facultad de
Ciencias Qumicas, Universidad Autnoma de San Luis Potos, San Luis Potos, San Luis
Potos, Mxico.
En la sesin de laboratorio, se evalu el conocimiento previo de los estudiantes sobre el
tema tratado en la prctica presente, debidamente procurado al haber requerido de ellos
una gua de estudios respondida. Despus de esto, se discuti sobre lo que
posteriormente se realizara en la sesin experimental.
Durante la sesin experimental de la prctica, se estudi el equipo con el cual se
realizara el experimento. Una vez familiarizados con ste, se tomaron las temperaturas
en distintos puntos del aparato de conduccin lineal de calor HT11, utilizando secciones
intermedias del mismo de distintos materiales. Con esta informacin se pretendera
estudiar el uso de la ecuacin de Fourier en conduccin unidimensional.
Durante la sesin de clculos de la prctica, se calcularon conductividades en las
regiones de mayor y menor temperatura en cada corrida. Posteriormente, utilizando
informacin obtenida, se calcularon las temperaturas en la seccin intermedia, variando
stas con cada material utilizado para el experimento.
Palabras clave:
Temperatura, calor, conduccin, conductividad, ley de Fourier, velocidad de calor de are,
constante de proporcionalidad
In the laboratory session, the students' previous knowledge about the subject treated in
the present practice, duly sought after having requested from them a guide of answered
studies, was evaluated. After this, we discussed what would later be done in the
experimental session.
During the experimental session of the practice, the equipment with which the experiment
was performed was studied. Once familiar with this, the temperatures were taken at
different points in the linear HT11 heat conducting apparatus, using intermediate sections
of the same of different materials. With this information we would like to study the use of
the Fourier equation in unidimensional conduction.
During the practice calculation session, conductivities were calculated in the highest and
lowest temperature regions at each run. Afterwards, using the obtained information, the
temperatures in the intermediate section were calculated, varying them with each material
used for the experiment.

Key words:
Temperature, heat, conduction, conductivity, Fourier law, air heat velocity, proportionality

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