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Anthony Scott
Amy Baca
Mariah Bahati
Miya Carter
Ms. Marzan

Position 1

History of the Problem 2

Causes of the Problem 3

Consequences of the Problem 4

Proposed Solutions to the Problems 5

Opponents Oppositions 6

Table/Graph 7

Work Cited 8

Our position this topic was very skeptical about the topic. We didnt have any idea what it was

about. When we did more research we found out it was an economic term. There wasnt much

information regarding the topic. Most of what we obtained was from economic rebounds of this

topic. We tried to find ways of connecting this to the environment. I tried to find facts about

energys role in our government and was disappointed the evidence I found. There were less

things influencing the economy that are sustainable. Our understanding and prior knowledge lead

us to take a more renewable path. As a result, we chose clean energy independence.

Energy Independence rose as a potential autarky for energy resources. It was conceptualized

around the early 21st century. During this time the US was embargoing oil large amounts of oil

from the middle east. This meant measuring the amount of spending done to embargo oil. After

economic issues arose, politicians began to interpret ways to solve them. Politicians began

debating whether or not the USA should or shouldnt embargo oil. Many politicians have tried to

push in a positive direction help with spending.

The problem of embargoing oil was shown, when politicians began questioning resource

partnering country. These countries were either unstable states or in political strife. Another issue

was the limited jobs Americans had. In addition environmental degradation caused by the use of

oil and oil spills caused by drilling. Factors like these brought attention to some environmentalist

but not many political official.

Some politicians argue that the embargo of oil support a fraction of the economy. In addition

some have tried to push for more to stop the transfer of oil. Environmentalist have tried to direct

more focus on clean renewable energy. Though President Barack Obama pushed for more clean

solar energy. His administration created the solar energy and clean air act.
The factors that trigger this issue are varied in scale and size. One being political turmoil caused

by internal conflict. Future political tension caused by drained or declining economy. Public

demand for domestic jobs and sufficient resources. Potential needs not being met in terms of

political spending. Philanthropist based greed can cause no action to be taken or done. No laws

being made to prevent or stop this. Most of these may be small in scale but have the necessary

results to show. More government and business officials are choosing to keep importing oil.

They spend around 10 to 50 dollars a barrel of oil and petroleum. This can add up to over a

million in federal dollars spent on resources. The need for jobs only drives the continual need for

sustainable wealth. Many individuals refuse to stop transporting overseas petroleum, because it

act as a means for business in other countries.

The consequences of not having renewable energy independent economy are; lack of resources,

lowered production, unstable economy, potential needs not being met, or a systemic drain on

funding, energy crisis, economic depression, and expansive poverty. In many years from now oil

reserve in the US will increase by 2050. Oil not being renewable will cause an energy crisis.

This will result in many commodities not being usable. In addition could harm the means of

production and make oil expensive. Future generation will end up not having access to natural

resources. Some forms of production will be halted or in most cases not be usable. It could cause

demand to be met with higher prices. Federal funding may overspend trying to keep up with oil

energy economy. Future needs may not be satisfied or met due to lack of resource in next 30

years. This can cause an economic depression far worse than the Great Depression. As a result

will cause an unstable economy thus leading to need for jobs. In conclusion more people will end

up employed or without jobs by the mid to late 21st century.

A topical solution to this issue is using clean sustainable resources. This can effectively curb the

effects of environmental degradation. As well as not causing harm it can provide generational

wealth. An economy, that is based on, sustainability and renewable resources, can meet the needs

of individuals. In order to get to this stage people have to influence their politics. There must be

laws put into place to stop usage of oil. To end loss of generational wealth and put more

sustainability.Maintain your central air conditioner by cleaning the outside compressor with a

garden hose (be sure to shut off power at the fuse or breaker first). Keep plantings at least one

foot away for adequate airflow.

Remove clothes from the dryer while they're still damp and hang them up. This will save energy,

prevent static and reduce wrinkles and shrinkage.

Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs. These bulbs use 75 percent less energy than typical

incandescents, and they last 10 times longer.


Opponents who uninclined to side with our solution will argue its usefulness. Some politicians

will argue that it will not help the US. Due to some countries relying on the purchase of

petroleum products. This will cause our government to assume another level of responsibility.

Then they argue that some jobs are supported by oil embargo. In addition they may stir up

tensions with other countries. Usual rhetoric coming from economist are it may be beneficial but

too risky.

Hultman, N. (2017, April 12). Trump's executive order on energy independence |
Brookings Institution. Retrieved May 26, 2017, from

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