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Table of Contents Contents Introduction 1. Part A: Managing Finance 1.

1 Roles of
financial institutions 1.2 Interpretation of financial statements of Coca Cola
Company 1.3 Management of Finance in Coca Cola 2. Part B: Managing People 2.1 In
novative Human Resource Management (HRM) practices 2.2 Human Resource Management
within Coca Cola 2.2.1 Organizing Human Resources at Coca Cola 2.2.2 Training 2
.2.3 Leading 2.2.4 Motivation 2.2.5 Controlling 2.2.6 Sales Persons Evaluation Sy
stem 2.7 Innovation in Coca Cola: 3. Part C: Managing Information 3.1 Informatio
n Management and its role 3.2 The elements of information management 3.3 The inf
ormation life cycle 3.4 Information Management in Coca Cola Conclusion Reference
s Page No. 02 03 04 05 05 05 05 05 06 08 08 09 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 17-18
Introduction This assignment is related with the concept of operation management
. After explain the concept of operation management and related terms the writer
also evaluated the operation management of a company named Coca Cola Company. O
perations management (OM) is the business function that plans, organizes, coordi
nates, and controls the resources needed to produce a companys goods and services
. 1. Part A: Managing Finance 1.1 Roles of financial institutions The roles of f
inancial institutions are critical to modern, functional economies throughout th
e world. Some of the most important roles of financial institutions include prov
iding credit, enforcing fiscal policy and increase investment opportunities. Dif
ferent financial institutions may fulfill different roles in an economy; even di
stribution of different kinds of financial institutions can help ensure that the
needs of consumers and investors are met throughout the geographic range of an
economy. Because of the growth and development of the financial institutions, a
large portion of the world
people can easily get access of liquid money which is very important for a smart
beginning. Bank becomes the key place for the people to keep their money safe a
nd also in storing the valuable assets. Besides, the deposit in the bank is alwa
ys guaranteed for more money in the return which is very significant for the eco
nomy and sustainability of the people. It allows the individual to increase its
reserves. Besides, the mutual fund and group investment opportunities are openin
g new windows of collective business in the society and its helping to erase the
problem of unemployment and financial insecurity. 1.2 Interpretation of financia
l statements of Coca Cola Company Financial statements of Coca Cola for 2010 hav
e been interpreted using some important ratios as follows. Liquidity Ratio 1.3 0
.9 Profitability Ratio Gross Profit Margin 68.8% Pre-Tax Profit Margin 29.7% Net
Profit Margin 20.6% Leverage Ratio Total Debt/ Equity 0.47 Interest Coverage 27
.0 Investment ratio P/E Ratio 16.9 Return on Invested Capital 25.1% Current Rati
o Quick Ratio
From the above table it can be said that Coca Colas liquidity position is good an
d it had enough working capital in 2010. The results of the profitability ratios
show that the company was very much able to make its sales in profit. The lever
age ratio shows that Coca Cola did not used debt in large amount. The result of
the investment ratios that it was able make 25.1% return on its invested capital
. 1.3 Management of Finance in Coca Cola Managing finance is a core responsibili
ty in Coca Cola Company and the major responsibilities of the finance section of
the company isKeeping documents of all the trade dealings is an important task
of the financial section of the company. It is required to keep all the document
s of financial cost for the trade purpose and the receipt of the payment to the
employees and other related expenditure. Its also responsible to keep the income
report updated. It is also responsible to check the spending of other department
s regarding their allocation. Measuring the financial transaction of the company
is a key concern for this department. It is responsible to check the profitabil
ity or the loss of the company. Controlling the financial flow of the company is
also an important task. It is responsible to pay the bill, debt and the salary
of the employees. This department is responsible for keeping enough money in the
account so that company can survive in the crucial moment. Taking the important
and immediate financial decision is also a crucial task the department handles
on behalf of the company. Investment sector and amount also decided by this depa
rtment. Regarding the new investment opportunities for the company this departme
nt gives the final decision as how much money can be invests by the company with
out taking further risk. The legal responsibilities of the company is also taken
by this department as the financial issue like tax report, revenue generation t
hese all are related to the
department. Finance department of the company take the burden of loss or success
of earning on behalf of the company. Financial flow is always keep updated by t
his department. The amount of money going out and coming in is reported by this
department and its related to the survival and the expansion of the company. The
financial section is the most important part of the Coca cola Company as everyth
ing goes via this department and all departments are closely depended on the fin
ancial transaction which comes by the hand of this department. One of the most c
rucial responsibilities the financial department does is maintaining the safe fu
nd for both company and for its employees. Loan sanction and investment is also
related task for this department. There is a fixed system practiced by the depar
tment which is known as the management and accounting informations system. It is
responsible for planning, controlling and also for taking the emergency financia
l decision for the company. Budgetary and monitoring system is also developed fr
om here. In fact, financial success leads to the future of the company and for C
oca cola this responsibility is successfully handling by the fianc department. Th
e regular evaluation system and the proper management of the financial issues ar
e the integral part of the company.
2. Part B: Managing People 2.1 Innovative Human Resource Management (HRM) practi
ces Because of the rapid change in the business culture of the world on behalf o
f the globalization process, there is completion increasing day by day. Innovati
on becomes the key word in terms of adopting with the changing dynamics of the b
usiness where the HRM department is playing the key role (Sparrow, Schuler and J
ackson 2005). Innovative practice alone never brings success for the company at
present days (Levine and Olson 2006). There needs to have the practicable implic
ation regarding the innovative ideas taken by the HR department of the company (
Schuler and Jackson 2007). HRM practice is basically a method to attract, develo
p, motivate and retain the workers through an effective policy planning and stro
ng adaptation (Schuler and Jackson 2007). The survival and strength of the compa
ny is related in smart HRM practice by the authority. There should have a focus
on the employees regarding their skills, creativity and planning towards the suc
cess of the company and the intention of the workers in the company about their
approach towards the aims and objectives decided by the company (Delery and Doty
2006). HRM practice by the company is to enhance the skill of the employees and
to facilitate the worker for a better development focusing the future of the co
mpany (Minbaeva 2005). HRM is not only the issue of the company practice, it is
equally important to keep the courage and strength in this competitive world to
exist. In conclusion, it can be said that HRM practice is all about policy, plan
ning and a sense of motivation for the employees in focusing the success and pro
fit for the company in the long run. Among the several pattern of HRM practice t
he strategic HRM practice is most applicable in the present world context (Husel
id 2005). There are some other approach named contingency and configuration appr
oach (Wright and McMahan 2005). Innovation and practical explanation is the key
concern in every strategy regarding the HRM development of the company. Accordin
g to the study there are 5 core issues are related to the innovation process and
these are evaluation of performance, managing the career, rewarding, training a
nd development and finally promotional aspects (Shipton, Fay, West and Patterson
2005). 2.2 Human Resource Management within Coca Cola HR management is in key i
mportance for every organization whatever the size and prospect.
Aiming to a better future there should have a policy planning regarding the HRM
development in the company like Coca cola. As an international company, Coca Col
a always believes that its people who are most important than the technology reg
arding the success and failure. So the HRM practice is in high importance by the
company. There are various positive sides regarding the HRM practice by the Coc
a Cola Company. As a global company there are diversities among the region regar
ding culture, norms, choices of the people and to catch the psychology and read
the people appropriately there is a proper HRM needed in the company like Coca C
ola and this company is exactly practicing through its strong HRM practice and r
eaching the heart of the people. To address the diversity in service the company
always put strong importance over the HRM practice accordingly. 2.2.1 Organizin
g Human Resources at Coca Cola Coca Cola Company focuses on the engagement and m
aintenance of the skilled and efficient employees in the Company for the better
service providing and bringing dynamics in the working environment. The policy o
f the company and the friendly environment makes the employee a home feelings an
d it is very important to make the feelings of being united and work as a group.
Coca Cola Company provides security and insurance to the employees and there ar
e smart retirement service in the company according to the scale and position. T
here are policy, rules and regulations decided by the higher authority from the
very beginning and just because of these strong policies the labor union and oth
er bodies feel comfort to negotiate with the Company if it needs to settle down
an important issue. The external orientation and the internal working environmen
t of the company are truly effective to convince the employees and make them to
work hard as they are treated properly by the authority. Job Analysis and Design
ing Job analysis is the process to determine the duty, responsibility and skill
that is required for the job and the person who is best suit for this position.
It consists of Job description and job specification. Job description: In the jo
b description the responsibility, relationship of the job position with the comp
any, working condition, supervisory issues are included. On the other hand, in t
he job specification the requirement and the qualities for the job are included.
Educational background, previous experience, skills, creative ideas, facing cha
llenge and courageous drive is important as mentioned in the literature regardin
g the specific requirements. There is own policy for both Job description and jo
b specification by the Coca Cola Company and the company has its own policies to
maintain the check and balance regarding the issue. It collects information abo
ut the candidate before selection. There are some core features where the Coca C
ola Company put more importance like the behavioral issue, previous history, loy
alty to the company, qualities as needed to perform better in the company and ch
allenge facing regarding the working context of the company. HRM department of t
he Coca Cola Company follows the process of HRM accordingly regarding the recrui
tment, selecting employees, performance evaluation and training for the personal
development. Planning and Forecasting: This process decides about the position
to be filled in the company by new recruitment and the requirement for that posi
tion. To recruit new employees in the company there are some innovative ideas an
d planning in Coca Cola and it has long tradition in practicing these unique pla
nnings. It focuses on recruiting the employees according to the expectation and t
he proper positioning regarding the vacancy. The estimation about the needs and
demands of the employees is also very important part of the planning in Coca Col
a Company. It put importance on the technological development and enhancing the
creativity of the employees for better production in the company. Before recruit
ment the HRM division makes the overall planning
addressing the requirement and the qualities for the position with the facilitie
s provided by the company. It goes to the higher authority for further approval
and when the final set up done then the recruitment process begin in the company
. Recruitment Process Coca Cola never recruit as standby in the company. When th
e company needs some employees in different fields, the process of recruitment s
tart in the Coca Cola Company by addressing the position and requirement. Genera
l Manager first confirms the recruitment process and then it goes to the HRM div
ision where the rest process takes place. The recruitment always comes from the
internal employees in Coca Cola. If there is candidate with all requirements the
n the company will never go for further search of candidate. Sometimes the HRM d
ivision goes through the data bank of its employees and if they get the person w
ith all requirements among the employees it contact with that particular person
and ask him to decide. If there is a positive response then he automatically fil
ls the vacancy. Its also better for the company as it does not need to train a ne
w employees who will be there for first time. Generally there are various stages
for recruitment and selection. Education and the work experience is the prime c
oncern in the selection process. After the primary screening the candidate shoul
d face some repeated test and interview before final recruitment and confirmatio
n. In the interview process the question will be asked according to the position
and requirement. After the final selection the candidate ask for rethinking bef
ore joining and submitting all the references and necessary materials as require
d to the HRM division. 2.2.2 Training: In Coca Cola Company the training for the
employees has the highest significance. The executive to salesman all have to g
o through the training process as required in the Company. There are some core f
eatures in which the company put an extra importance and these are the ethical i
ssues, intention to know and sole the problems, bringing new ideas and maintaini
ng the entire prohibited task as mentioned in the appointment letter. Dealing wi
th the customer, managing the order, communicating with the dealer and other rel
ated issues are addressed in the training process for a salesman in the Coca Col
a Company. There is no professional trainer for Coca Cola and the company goes t
hrough the video system training for its employees. This training program is not
only related to the skill development as also equally important for the promoti
onal prospects in the Company. 2.2.3 Leading Leadership Style: The uppermost pos
ition in an organizational hierarchy is the general manager. General manager is
generally not directly involved in operational activities but he is the person w
ho takes administrative decisions regarding company policy and operations. To le
ad and direct the subordinates is the duty of the departmental managers. These l
eaders mainly put emphasis on: Help each other in business operations that will
result in growth of the business. To increase customer satisfaction employees sh
ould be encouraged to give new ideas. Managers believe that leadership style use
d in all the departments of CCBPL is democratic as the environment is very deleg
ate and participative. In a marketing and sales department the concept of team m
anagement is widely used as they have to work in dependence of one another. To g
ive a feeling to the subordinates that they are not only the employees but also
a member of the family, they are given a reasonable treatment and dealt in a ver
y good manner.
In CCBPL the managers are more likely to work in a team and treat their subordin
ates as equals. The manager uses a highly open communicative system. As they enc
ourage the employees in decision making and make of use of group discussions the
y are perceived as participative. To create high involvement from the lower leve
l employees some monetary and non-monetary rewards are used.
2.2.4 Motivation: At CCBPL employee motivation gets high priority. CCBPL uses pr
omotion from within policy and performance basis work as bestowed for promotion.
Goals of the organization are very objective and are perceived achievable by mo
st of the employees. In this case performance base motivates employee to work. C
CBPL is paying more than the industry average as a result plan also works as a m
otivational factor. To motivate employees CCBPL also uses different campaigns an
d competitions between the employees.
Managers get timely feedback about employees activities and managers play a vital
role in motivating employees. The most tow important factors in employee motiva
tion at CCBPL areworking environment, and a challenging milestone.
2.2.5 Controlling Objective evaluation is done for the control process. Employee
s are judged based on some advance fixed criteria and if an employee fails to me
et those criteria then he is evaluated for the reasons and managers take correct
ive actions. Different criteria, reporting and controlling systems vary for diff
erent departments. 2.2.6 Sales Persons Evaluation System: To promote the people o
f an organization to the higher levels of the organization evaluation is very he
lpful and this process is done on quarterly basis. Many rewards like promotion o
r monetary rewards are offered to the best salesman, best market developer and b
est sales manager of the year. This process motivates the salespeople to work ha
rd. A performance development plan has been developed to evaluate performance. A
t the very beginning of the year targets are set and communicated to each sales
manager, each quarter to every market developer and every month to each sales pe
rsons and their performance is measured based on the achievements of the targets
. Call slips, Route call and call are used to evaluate the performance of the sa
les people. 2.7 Innovation in Coca Cola: The ability to systematically innovate
and deliver new products has made Coca-Cola able to survive and grow in an ever-
changing market. The companys earnings growth was 15-20% per year but in late 90s
the company faced three straight years of falling profits. Coca-Cola had turned
into a beverage company from a single core product to keep pace with the rapidly
changing market. It was a major move to Coca-Cola because its past success was
based on one successful product. It started to employ a strategy called play to w
in innovation. The company started decentralization. Coca-Cola is still dominatin
g the beverage industry with 400 different products. It has been possible by the
company because of its ability to innovate and adapt to changing market.
3. Part C: Managing Information 3.1 Information Management and its role Informat
ion management is a term that is used obscurely in several fields. The word is a
synonym of information technology or as identical as data management in compute
r and its applications (Synott and Gruber, 2005) and in this case the emphasis h
as given on structures that inludes quantitative data and their relationship to
the design of database. According to Synott (2007), Information management is si
milar to technology management in business or management. It emphasizes on the r
elationship of information technology to business performance and competitivenes
s. In an organization efficient and effective exploitation of data, information
and knowledge resource management is the main target of information management.
Collect data and process them efficiently and effectively to transfer them into
information and knowledge that become useful to the organization is the main wor
k of information management. It helps to take appropriate decision by ensuring r
egular access to accurate and relevant information.
3.2 The elements of information management Information management has been devel
oped based on several strands. First, the need of acquisition, organization, mai
ntenance and use of documents: archives and records management, and librarianshi
p and information science has led to introduction of information management. Oth
er professionals are also interested in the information field, including databas
e design and development, information storage and retrieval, and the economics o
f information. They can now access any information because of information system
. Second, recent development of information technology has worked as a strong fo
rmative influence for the use of information system and its growing applications
. As the cost of computer based information increased a lot so special attention
has been given to the issue of the value of information and cost-benefit relati
onship in the development of information systems and services. Organizational st
uffs sometimes try to hide this kind of cost and the sudden development of infor
mation management has put a significant consequent on this kind of cost and redu
ced in a significant manner and caused the organizations to view information fun
ctions in a new ray. Finally, some business schools have contributed in the deve
lopment of information by giving wide application of information ideas. These ap
plications have applied increasingly in publicsector organizations. It has been
widely accepted because of its efficient strategic planning, costbenefit analysi
s, resources management and marketing. 3.3 The information life cycle Goodman (2
005) has set out the life cycle of information management where the idea of docu
ment life cycle is in the central of the overall process and it has been derived
from records management. Records of life cycle require following the following
steps and they are sometimes referred to as document control: design and creation
of records; identification; authorization; verification, validation, auditing;
circulation, access, loan, use; back-up procedures and disaster recovery plans;
retention schedules and destruction. The life cycle will vary from organization
to organization depending on the nature of the information within an organizatio
n, the measure used to organize it, the extent of use and the controls put upon
the use the life cycle Determination of requirements, collection, processing, us
e and disposition are five stages that set out a very basic life cycle according
to Commission on Federal Paperwork. According to Commission on Federal Paperwor
k 2007:43, information values must be estimated and measured, and accounted for
each of the given stage.
3.4 Information Management in Coca Cola The worlds largest beverage company is th
e Coca-Cola Company. According to recent data they sell products in almost 200 c
ountries in the world. More than one billion servings of their product are consu
med each day. It is very intimating and crucial to maintain the finances and log
istics of the Coca-Cola due to size of the company. Legacy system which is the o
ld repository and processes system had been used by Coca-Cola and it proved very
inefficient because it wasnt user-friendly and resulted in high costs. Microsoft
excel was used for making financial plans but it requires manual re-entrance of
available information. Excel spreadsheets were submitted in printed form. This
process has made it difficult to combine and renew information. As Coca-Cola had
started expanding its business worldwide so, efficient and concise sharing of i
nformation was very crucial for their success. Information system was the key is
sue in CocaCola. Coca-Cola felt the need of establishing an IT that goes far bey
ond individual finance process. To handle the different aspects of their worldwi
de corporation an integrated business management system was required by the comp
any. Like many other old companies Coca-Cola started using the legacy system. Bu
t they soon realized that if they want to sustain their ever growing business an
d retain competitive advantage they need to find more rigorous system to manage
their global processes. Coca-Cola started to expand rapidly. To manage its finan
cial process throughout the world it decided to incorporate SAP Strategic Enterp
rise Management (SEM) and implemented mySAP financials into their business. To m
ake financial data accessible to management across the globe, SEM created a sing
le environment. MySAP financials are closely integrated with other SAP systems.
SEM is a full proved solution that provides Business Planning simulation for fin
ances and Data warehousing for information collection and data analysis. Financi
al reports and monthly sales forecasts can be done by this system. MySAP financi
als has allowed Coca-Cola to merge its business and planning. Without taking val
uable space on company hard drives, all financial records can be stored in MySAPs
data warehouse. Coca-Cola has implemented a full IT system in its headquarters
so that it can manage its total operations all over the world and can monitor ev
ery field location from the centralized site. To eliminate intercompany transact
ions data is organized in a central warehouse and any new information is adjuste
d frequently so that any new information can be easily consolidated to draft fin
ancial reports. When Coca-Cola prepare its financial month end report then it be
comes very helpful. Coca-Cola can easily track financial health and growth of th
e company because all of this data provides baseline information. MySAP BI is us
ed with MySAP financials as a common repository for every location throughout th
e world. Due to its global expansion Coca-Cola is facing problems in managing it
s diverse group of worldwide suppliers. To act with the line of its business str
ategy Think local, act local Coca-
Cola needs to employ an IT systems that takes into account all of their local bo
ttles in the world. For the overall efficiency and customer satisfaction it is c
rucial to maintain integration between the local bottlers and customers. The key
components of bottlers business operations and profit centers are Direct Store
Delivery (DSD), full service vending and equipment services. To results in maxim
ize efficiency Direct Store Delivery (DSD) utilize real time information. Custom
er information is transmitted to distributors through DSD. By following this pro
cess DSD improves delivery productivity and reduce cost. Individual stores of Co
ca-Cola will reduce unsold inventory and maximize profits by improving the speci
ficity of shipments. With on-site requests system, DSD tightly integrates the IT
systems of the bottlers to delivery personnel. Any variety of mobile devices ca
n be used by field sales representatives, and service staff to send requests. It
has become easier for the stores to respond to their broad range of customer re
quests. To build a more efficient and comprehensive process mySAP SCM system can
be used. Improved customer service and satisfaction can be ensured by improved
SCM. An advance CRM system is necessary to utilize customer information to ensur
e efficient use of this SCM system. To suit the customers needs it is required
that the IT system should be able to handle all the data collected from customer
s. The collected data will be processed to provide information. As Coca-Cola has
started to shift its focus towards their customers so its IT system must also s
hift its functionality to match this change. According to expectations consumer
products companies must be able to meet demand and service requirements on time.
Increasing consumer and customer satisfaction is the key for any company to sur
vive and grow in the market environment (Lo Apotheker, executve board member of
SAP). Coca-Cola s exactly tryng to acheve SAP's Apotheker's phlosophy. SAPs C
RM system has enabled Coca-Cola to transform its business operations towards the
goal of customer focus. To manage order to cash and settlement SAPs CRM provides
a next-generation software solution that supports DSD process. To improve their
customer service and satisfaction the CRM system will support the existing proc
esses of mySAP. It will help Coca-Cola to improve its services and to provide ne
w functionalities and opportunities. As Coca-Cola is a global company it has man
y different types of product lines and the new CRM system has built in a way so
that it can easily support these diverse lines. Improved merchandising, growth i
n market share, increasing customer satisfaction, and reduction in logistics cos
ts has been possible by the updated CRM systems. Customer service can also be ha
ndled and integrated by using CRM system. The process includes reaching out to r
epresentatives in the company for any issues relating to the products. A part of
SAP CRM system can be used to handle the contact centers around the word. To en
sure the best service practices, this system provides services to the customers
through feedback, email, and telephone services. This system also ensures qualit
y monitoring and different types of analyses. CRM system has enabled Coca-Cola t
o ensure efficient customer service in all aspects of its operations.
Conclusion: Operations management is considered as the core part of any kind of
manufacturing business organization. Actually, management operations handle the
most sensitive part of the business. It provided the better management process o
f machines, human resources, workers, technical functions. Strategic manufacturi
ng policy, systems analysis, analysis, productivity and cost control helps to ca
lculate the exact purchase materials to reduce the risks of material cost. Analy
ze the profitability of the product can help companies anticipate the advantages
and disadvantages to avoid, more generally, management activities to enhance th
e content valueadded activities in any specific process. Basically, the value-ad
ding creative activities should be associated with market opportunity for optima
l enterprise performances that help coca Cola
Company know the exact profit. And the statistics established a perfect producti
on to achieve the best quality companies to develop more powerful.
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