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Hello my name is Novac George Sebastian and my thesis title is Is leisure a pleasure

or not? My coordinator ia professor Manolica Adriana

The thesis was divided into 4 chapters as following: 1 Consumer explained through
leisure and pleasure, 2 Research regarding leisure and pleasure, 3 result
interpretation and 4 conclusions.

The presentation itself is structured into 4 parts as well whichare the research
regarding leisure and pleasure, Results of the research, Conclusions and future

The purpose of the resharch are to identify whether there is a difference in the
perceptions of leisure and pleasure between respondents and to compare the
responses of Gen X and Gen Y as well as to compare Men and women.

The objectives of the research are to see if there is a siginifacnt difference in the
perceptions of leisure and pleasure as well as to see if there is a relatiohsip between
perceived leisure and perceived pleasure

The Hypotheses that result are as following: H1 there isa difference between Gen X
and Gen Y. H2 There is a difference between Mens and women and H3 there is a
correlation between the six determinats of lerceived leisure and perceived pleasure.

As it can be seen in the graph there is a difference in the means of gen X and Gen Y
with Gen x in dark blue having a higher mean

A one way anova tells us that of the 6 determinants the intrinsic satisfaction
difference in means is not statistically significant whilst the other 5 are due to not
going over the 0.05 threshold.

The graph shown now highlights no difference in between men and womens means
while the anova test supports that.

The table shown now which is a model summary of a regression shows a r value of
0.986 which indicates a high degree of correlation and an R square value of 93.8
which means the model explains the variation in the dependant variable 93.8 %

The coefficnet table holds the values needed to build the regression formula, the
formula being as shown now : Perceived lesisure= -2 + 0.3 Intrinsic satisfaction +
0.31 Perceived freedom + 0,38 Arouasal + 0.25 Mastery + 0.35 Involvement + 0.43

The conclusions of the research are as follow:

For generation X and generation Y there is asignifcant difference whith gen X

having means scoring higher on average comapared to gen Y whilst there is no
difference between the responses of men and Women.
Regarding the relgression analysis we can say that our model with six determinants
of leisure explains the variation in perceived pleasure 93.8 % and has a high degree
of correlation nearing a perfect 1.

The limitations of the research are regading to a small sample size and a restricted
number of grouping variables due to time and resource constrains.

As for future research there is an opportunity for a large scale study with more
scalable findings as well as the opportunity to focus more on the pleasure
component. There could also be a qualitative research regarding the differences
between gen X and Gen Y.

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