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ANSWER KEY-Correct answer is indicated by symbol (V) in options.
HINTS-In some questions options E-HINTS is indicating the hints of answer.
1) Reverse saturation electric current in a silicon pn junction diode nearly doubles for very
A [ ]) 2C rise in temperature.
B [ ]) 5C rise in temperature.
C [ ]) 7C rise in temperature.
D [v]) 10C rise in temperature.

2) In the diode equation, the voltage equivalent of temperature

A [ ]) 11600 / T.
B [v]) T / 11600.
C [ ]) T=11600.
D [ ]) 11600 / T2

3) When a reverse bias is applied to a diode, it will

A [v]) raise the potential barrier.
B [ ]) lower the potential barrier.
C [ ]) increases the majority carrier an electric current greatly.
D [ ]) none of these

4) What is the ratio of IC to IB?

A [ ]) DC
B [ ]) hFE
C [ ]) DC
D [v]) either DC or hFE, but not DC

5) For normal operation of a pnp BJT, the base must be ________ with respect to the
emitter and ________ with respect to the collector.
A [ ]) positive, negative
B [ ]) positive, positive
C [v]) negative, positive

12/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 1

D [ ]) negative, negative

6) When a transistor is used as a switch, it is stable in which two distinct regions?

A [ ]) saturation and active
B [ ]) active and cutoff
C [v]) saturation and cutoff
D [ ]) none of the above

7) A certain transistor has IC = 15 mA and IB = 167 A; DC is:

A [ ]) 15
B [ ]) 167
C [ ]) 0.011
D [v]) 90

8) What does DC vary with?

A [ ]) IC
B [ ]) C
C [v]) both IC and C
D [ ]) IC, but not C

9) What is the ratio of IC to IE?

A [ ]) DC
B [ ]) DC / (DC + 1)
C [ ]) DC
D [v]) either DC / (DC + 1) or DC but not DC

10) Which of the following is true for an npn or pnp transistor

A [v]) IE = IB + IC
B [ ]) IB = IC+ IE
C [ ]) IC = IB + IE
D [ ]) none of the above

12/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 2

11) What is the order of doping, from heavily to lightly doped, for each region?
A [ ]) base, collector, emitter
B [v]) emitter, collector, base
C [ ]) emitter, base, collector
D [ ]) collector, emitter, base

12) In what range of voltages is the transistor in the linear region of its operation?
A [ ]) 0 < VCE
B [v]) 0.7 < VCE < VCE(max)
C [ ]) VCE(max) > VCE
D [ ]) none of the above

13) The magnitude of dark current in a phototransistor usually falls in what range?
A [ ]) mA
B [ ]) A
C [v]) nA
D [ ]) pA

14) What is (are) common fault(s) in a BJT-based circuit?

A [ ]) opens or shorts internal to the transistor
B [ ]) open bias resistor
C [ ]) external opens and shorts on the circuit board
D [v]) all of the above

15) The dc load line on a family of collector characteristic curves of a transistor shows the
A [ ]) saturation region.
B [ ]) cutoff region.
C [ ]) active region.
D [v]) all of the above

16) Clipping is the result of

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A [ ]) the input signal being too large.
B [ ]) the transistor being driven into saturation.
C [ ]) the transistor being driven into cutoff.
D [v]) all of the above

17) Which transistor bias circuit arrangement provides good stability using negative
feedback from collector to base?
A [ ]) base bias
B [v]) collector-feedback bias
C [ ]) voltage-divider bias
D [ ]) emitter bias

18) What is the dc input resistance at the base of a BJT?

A [ ]) DCRc
B [ ]) DC(Rc Re)
C [ ]) DCre
D [v]) DCRe

19) Which transistor bias circuit provides good Q-point stability with a single-polarity
supply voltage?
A [ ]) base bias
B [ ]) collector-feedback bias
C [v]) voltage-divider bias
D [ ]) emitter bias

20) Ideally, for linear operation, a transistor should be biased so that the Q-point is
A [ ]) near saturation.
B [ ]) near cutoff.
C [ ]) where IC is maximum
D [v]) halfway between cutoff and saturation

21) The most stable biasing technique used is the

A [v]) voltage-divider bias

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B [ ]) base bias.
C [ ]) emitter bias.
D [ ]) collector bias.

22) What is the Q-point for a fixed-bias transistor with IB = 75 A, DC = 100, VCC = 20 V,
and RC = 1.5 k ohm?
A [ ]) VC = 0 V
B [ ]) VC = 20 V
C [v]) VC = 8.75 V
D [ ]) VC = 11.25 V
E [ ]) HINTS- Vc=Vcc-IcRc=Vcc-IbDC=20-75101.510=20-11.25=8.75

23) Emitter bias requires

A [ ]) only a positive supply voltage.
B [ ]) only a negative supply voltage.
C [ ]) no supply voltage.
D [v]) both positive and negative supply voltages.

24) Which transistor bias circuit arrangement has poor stability because its Q-point varies
widely with DC?
A [v]) base bias
B [ ]) collector-feedback bias
C [ ]) voltage-divider bias
D [ ]) emitter bias

25) At saturation the value of VCE is nearly ________, and IC = ________.

A [ ]) zero, zero
B [ ]) VCC, IC(sat)
C [v]) zero, I(sat)
D [ ]) VCC, zero

26) Voltage-divider bias has a relatively stable Q-point, as does

A [ ]) base bias.

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B [v]) collector-feedback bias
C [ ]) both of the above
D [ ]) none of the above

27) The linear (active) operating region of a transistor lies along the load line below
________ and above ________.
A [ ]) cutoff, saturation
B [v]) saturation, cutoff
C [ ]) saturation, saturation

D [ ]) cutoff,cutoff

28) The input resistance of the base of a voltage-divider biased transistor can be neglected
A [ ]) at all times.
B [v]) only if the base current is much smaller than the current through R2 (the lower bias
C [ ]) at no time.
D [ ]) only if the base current is much larger than the current through R2 (the lower bias resistor).

29) Changes in DC result in changes in

A [ ]) Ic
B [ ]) Vce
C [ ]) The Q-Point
D [v]) all of the above

30) How many layers of material does a transistor have?

A [ ]) 1
B [ ]) 2
C [v]) 3
D [ ]) 4

31) For what kind of amplifications can the active region of the common-emitter
configuration be used?
A [ ]) Voltage

12/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 6

B [ ]) Current
C [ ]) Power
D [v]) All of the above

32) In which region are both the collector-base and base-emitter junctions forward-biased?
A [ ]) Active
B [ ]) Cutoff
C [v]) Saturation
D [ ]) All of the above

33) Determine the value of when = 100.

A [ ]) 1.01
B [ ]) 101
C [v]) 0.99
D [ ]) Cannot be solved with the information provided
E [ ]) HINTS-=/1+=100/1+100=100/101=0.99

34) dc = ________
A [ ]) Ib / Ie
B [ ]) Ic / Ie
C [v]) Ic / Ib
D [ ]) None of the above
E [ ]) NOTE.dc=Ic/Ib, dc=Ic/Ie, and dc=Ie/Ib

35) What are the ranges of the ac input and output resistance for a common-base
A [v]) 10 ohm -100 ohm , 50 k -1 M ohm
B [ ]) 50ohm k -1 M ohm, 10 -100 ohm
C [ ]) 10 ohm-100 k ohm, 50 -1 k ohm
D [ ]) None of the above
E [ ]) HINTS-Common Base have lowet input resistance and highest output resistance
NOTE-1.Common Collector have highest input resistance and lowest output resistance
2.Common Emitter have medium input resistance and medium output resistance

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36) What is the ratio of the total width to that of the center layer for a transistor?
A [ ]) 1:15
B [ ]) 1:150
C [ ]) 15:1
D [v]) 150:1

37) Which component of the collector current Ic is called the leakage current?
A [ ]) Majority
B [ ]) Independent
C [v]) Minority
D [ ]) None of the above

38) The cutoff region is defined by Ib ________ 0 A.

A [ ]) >
B [ ]) <
C [v])
D [ ])

39) In a fixed-bias circuit, which one of the stability factors overrides the other factors?
A [ ]) S(Ico)
B [ ]) S(Vbe)
C [v]) S()
D [ ]) Undefined

40) Which of the following is (are) related to an emitter-follower configuration?

A [ ]) The input and output signals are in phase.
B [ ]) The voltage gain is slightly less than 1.
C [ ]) Output is drawn from the emitter terminal.
D [v]) All of the above

41) At what region of operation is the base-emitter junction forward biased and the base-
collector junction reverse biased?

12/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 8

A [ ]) Saturation
B [v]) Linear or active
C [ ]) Cutoff
D [ ]) None of the above

42) Which of the following currents is nearly equal to each other?

A [ ]) Ib and Ic
B [v]) Ie and Ic
C [ ]) Ib and Ie
D [ ]) Ib, Ic, and Ie

43) Which of the following voltages must have a negative level (value) in any npn bias
A [ ]) Vbe
B [ ]) Vce
C [v]) Vbc
D [ ]) None of the above

44) Which of the following is assumed in the approximate analysis of a voltage divider
A [ ]) Ib is essentially zero amperes.
B [ ]) R1 and R2 are considered to be series elements.
C [ ]) Re 10R2
D [v]) All of the above

45) Which of the following configurations has the lowest output impedance?
A [ ]) Fixed-bias
B [ ]) Voltage-divider
C [v]) Emitter-follower
D [ ]) None of the above

46) Which of the h-parameters corresponds to re in a common-base configuration?

A [v]) hib

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B [ ]) hfb
C [ ]) hrb
D [ ]) hob

47) For a common-emitter amplifier, the purpose of swamping is

A [ ]) to minimize gain.
B [v]) to reduce the effects of r'e
C [ ]) to maximize gain.
D [ ]) no purpose.

48) What is the typical value of the current gain of a common-base configuration?
A [v]) Less than 1
B [ ]) Between 1 and 50
C [ ]) Between 100 and 200
D [ ]) Undefined

49) An emitter-follower is also known as a

A [ ]) common-emitter amplifier.
B [ ]) common-base amplifier.
C [v]) common-collector amplifier.
D [ ]) Darlington pair.

50) The ________ model fails to account for the output impedance level of the device and
the feedback effect from output to input.
A [ ]) hybrid equivalent
B [v]) re
C [ ]) beta
D [ ]) Thevenin

51) What is the unit of the parameter ho?

A [ ]) Volt
B [ ]) Ohm
C [v]) Siemen

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D [ ]) No unit

52) What does the negative sign in the voltage gain of the common-emitter fixed-bias
configuration indicate?
A [v]) The output and input voltages are 180 out of phase.
B [ ]) Gain is smaller than 1.
C [ ]) Gain is larger than 1.
D [ ]) None of the above

53) The differential amplifier produces outputs that are

A [ ]) common mode
B [ ]) in-phase with the input voltages.
C [ ]) the sum of the two input voltages.
D [v]) the difference of the two input voltages.

54) The ________ model suffers from being limited to a particular set of operating
conditions if it is to be considered accurate.
A [v]) hybrid equivalent
B [ ]) re
C [ ]) beta
D [ ]) Thevenin

55) When the bypass capacitor is removed from a common-emitter amplifier, the voltage
A [ ]) increases.
B [v]) decreases.
C [ ]) has very little effect.
D [ ]) no effect

56) In a common-base amplifier, the input signal is connected to the

A [ ]) base.
B [ ]) collector.
C [v]) emitter

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D [ ]) output.

57) To analyze the common-emitter amplifier, what must be done to determine the dc
equivalent circuit?
A [ ]) leave circuit unchanged
B [v]) replace coupling and bypass capacitors with opens
C [ ]) replace coupling and bypass capacitors with shorts
D [ ]) replace Vcc with ground

58) For the common-emitter amplifier ac equivalent circuit, all capacitors are
A [v]) effectively shorts
B [ ]) effectively open circuits.
C [ ]) not connected to ground.
D [ ]) connected to ground.

59) Which of the following gains is less than 1 for a common-base configuration?
A [v]) Ai
B [ ]) Av
C [ ]) Ap
D [ ]) None of the above

60) A common-collector amplifier has ________ input resistance, ________ current gain,
and ________ voltage gain
A [v]) high, high, low
B [ ]) high, low, low
C [ ]) high, low, high
D [ ]) none

61) The total gain of a multistage amplifier is the ________.

A [ ]) sum of individual voltage gains
B [v]) sum of dB voltage gains
C [ ]) both
D [ ]) none

12/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 12

62) Which of the following configurations has an output impedance Zo equal to RC?
A [ ]) Fixed-bias common-emitter
B [ ]) Fixed-bias common-emitter
C [ ]) Common-emitter voltage-divider without bypass capacitor
D [v]) All of the above

63) For a common-emitter amplifier, the purpose of the emitter bypass capacitor is
A [ ]) no purpose, since it is shorted out by RE.
B [ ]) to reduce noise.
C [ ]) to despike the supply voltage.
D [v])
to maximize amplifier gain

64) Which of the following configurations has a voltage gain of -RC /re?
A [ ]) Fixed-bias common-emitter
B [ ]) Common-emitter voltage-divider with bypass capacitor
C [v]) Fixed-bias common-emitter and voltage-divider with bypass capacitor
D [ ]) Common-emitter voltage-divider without bypass capacitor

65) What is re equal to in terms of h parameters?

A [v]) hre / hoe
B [ ]) (hre + 1) / hoe
C [ ]) hie - (hre / hoe)(1 + hfe)
D [ ]) hfe

66) What is the controlling current in a common-base configuration?

A [v]) Ie
B [ ]) Ic
C [ ]) Ib
D [ ]) None of the above

12/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 13

67) The input impedance of a BJT amplifier is purely ________ in nature and can vary from
a few ________ to ________.
A [v]) resistive, ohms, megohms
B [ ]) capacitive, microfarads, farads
C [ ]) inductive, millihenrys, henrys
D [ ]) None of the above

68) A Darlington pair provides beta ________ for ________ input resistance.
A [ ]) multiplication, decreased
B [v]) multiplication, increased
C [ ]) division, decreased
D [ ]) none

69) A Darlington pair amplifier has

A [ ]) high input impedance and high voltage gain.
B [ ]) low input impedance and low voltage gain.
C [ ]) a voltage gain of about 1 and a low input impedance
D [v]) a low voltage gain and a high input impedance

70) For a JFET, the value of VDS at which ID becomes essentially constant is the
A [v]) pinch-off voltage
B [ ]) cutoff voltage.
C [ ]) breakdown voltage.
D [ ]) ohmic voltage.

71) The ________ has a physical channel between the drain and source.
D [ ]) all of above

72) A self-biased n-channel JFET has a VD = 6 V. VGS = -3 V. Find the value of VDS.
A [ ]) -3 V

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B [ ]) -6 V
C [v]) 3 V
D [ ]) 6 V
E [ ]) HINTS-Vds=Vdg+Vgs

73) What type(s) of gate-to-source voltage(s) can a depletion MOSFET (D-MOSFET) operate
A [ ]) zero
B [ ]) positive
C [ ]) negative
D [v]) any of the above

74) Midpoint bias for a D-MOSFET is ID = ________, obtained by setting VGS = 0.

A [ ]) IDSS / 2
B [ ]) IDSS / 3.4
C [v]) IDSS
D [ ]) all of these

75) On the drain characteristic curve of a JFET for VGS = 0, the pinch-off voltage is
A [ ]) below the ohmic area.
B [v]) between the ohmic area and the constant current area.
C [ ]) between the constant current area and the breakdown region.
D [ ]) above the breakdown region.

76) Which of the following devices has the highest input resistance?
A [ ]) diode
B [ ]) JFET
D [ ]) bipolar junction transistor

77) The value of VGS that makes ID approximately zero is the

A [ ]) pinch-off voltage.
B [v]) cutoff voltage

12/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 15

C [ ]) breakdown voltage.
D [ ]) ohmic voltage.

78) The JFET is always operated with the gate-source pn junction ________ -biased.
A [ ]) forward
B [v]) reverse
C [ ]) both
D [ ]) none

79) A dual-gated MOSFET is

A [ ]) a depletion MOSFET.
B [ ]) a VMOSFET.
C [ ]) an enhancement MOSFET.
D [v]) either a depletion or an enhancement MOSFET

80) What three areas are the drain characteristics of a JFET (VGS = 0) divided into?
A [v]) ohmic, constant-current, breakdown
B [ ]) pinch-off, constant-current, avalanche
C [ ]) ohmic, constant-voltage, breakdown
D [ ]) none of above

81) In a self-biased JFET circuit, if VD = VDD then ID = ____

A [v]) 0
B [ ]) cannot be determined from information above
C [ ]) 1
D [ ]) none

82) The resistance of a JFET biased in the ohmic region is controlled by

A [ ]) VD.
B [v]) VGS.
C [ ]) VS.
D [ ]) VDS.

12/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 16

83) High input resistance for a JFET is due to
A [ ]) a metal oxide layer.
B [ ]) a large input resistor to the device.
C [ ]) an intrinsic layer.
D [v]) the gate-source junction being reverse-biased.

84) For a JFET, the change in drain current for a given change in gate-to-source voltage,
with the drain-to-source voltage constant, is
A [ ]) breakdown.
B [ ]) reverse transconductance.
C [v]) forward transconductance.
D [ ]) self-biasing.

85) If VD is less than expected (normal) for a self-biased JFET circuit, then it could be
caused by a(n)
A [ ]) open RG.
B [ ]) open gate lead.
C [ ]) FET internally open at gate.
D [v]) all of the above

86) What is the level of Ig in an FET?

A [v]) Zero amperes
B [ ]) Equal to Id
C [ ]) Undefined
D [ ]) Depends on VDS

87) At which of the following condition(s) is the depletion region uniform?

A [v]) No bias
B [ ]) VDS > 0 V
C [ ]) VDS = VP
D [ ]) None of the above

12/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 17

88) What is the ratio of ID / IDSS for VGS = 0.5 VP?
A [v]) 0.25
B [ ]) 0.5
C [ ]) 1
D [ ]) 0
E [ ]) HINTS-Id = Idss(1-Vgs/Vp)

89) It is the insulating layer of ________ in the MOSFET construction that accounts for the
very desirable high input impedance of the device.
A [ ]) SiO
B [ ]) GaAs
C [v]) SiO2
D [ ]) HCl

90) The BJT is a ________ device. The FET is a ________ device.

A [ ]) bipolar, bipolar
B [v]) bipolar, unipolar
C [ ]) unipolar, bipolar
D [ ]) unipolar, unipolar

91) The transfer curve is not defined by Shockley's equation for the ________.
A [ ]) JFET
B [ ]) depletion-type MOSFET
C [v]) enhancement-type MOSFET
D [ ]) BJT

92) Which of the following transistor(s) has (have) depletion and enhancement types?
A [ ]) BJT
B [ ]) JFET
D [ ]) None of the above

93) The three terminals of the JFET are the ________, ________, and ________.

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A [ ]) gate, collector, emitter
B [ ]) base, collector, emitter
C [v]) gate, drain, source
D [ ]) gate, drain, emitter

94) A BJT is a ________-controlled device. The JFET is a ________ - controlled device.

A [ ]) voltage, voltage
B [ ]) voltage, current
C [v]) current, voltage
D [ ]) current, current

95) How many terminals can a MOSFET have?

A [ ]) 2
B [ ]) 3
C [ ]) 4
D [v]) 3 or 4

96) Which of the following FETs has the lowest input impedance?
A [v]) JFET
B [ ]) MOSFET depletion-type
C [ ]) MOSFET enhancement-type
D [ ]) None of the above

97) At which of the following is the level of VDS equal to the pinch-off voltage?
A [ ]) When ID becomes equal to IDSS
B [ ]) When VGS is zero volts
C [ ]) IG is zero
D [v]) All of the above

98) Which of the following represent(s) the cutoff region for an FET?
A [ ]) ID = 0 mA
B [ ]) VGS = VP

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C [ ]) IG = 0
D [v]) All of the abov

99) Which of the following is (are) the advantage(s) of VMOS over MOSFETs?
A [ ]) Reduced channel resistance
B [ ]) Higher current and power ratings
C [ ]) Faster switching time
D [v]) All of the above

100) Which of the following describe(s) the difference(s) between JFETs and depletion-type
A [ ]) VGS can be positive or negative for the depletion-type
B [ ]) ID can exceed IDSS for the depletion-type.
C [ ]) The depletion-type can operate in the enhancement mode.
D [v]) All of the above

12/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 20

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