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Acoustical Engineering

Mallari, Jose Emmanuel P. ECE - 4

School of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, Mapua Institute of Technology
Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines

Abstractthe paper presents a possible practical positioning systems. These researches all rely on the
application of funded research into the field of acoustical understanding of how sound waves travel around in a
engineering. Focusing on the application of room
acoustics in engineering and beyond. room and how well materials reflect or absorb the
sound waves. Most of the research into the prioritizes
KeywordsAcoustical engineering Room acoustics this idea and focuses on analytical methods and
computer simulation algorithms to define the
I. INTRODUCTION characteristics of a room beyond that of a physical
Room acoustics is a science dealing with the method.
acoustical characteristics of a room or an enclosed
space. Its applications as of now focus on the One of the most interesting ideas floated around is
determination of the most optimal placement of that of room reconstruction using sound. With a mobile
speakers for maximum efficiency or removing all echo node alongside a co-located loudspeaker and
and reverberation for sound absorption. In describing microphone room scale reconstruction has been
room acoustics we can define it as the science of how studied.
sound waves behave in a particular room or, in general,
an enclosed space.
Research has been performed on the idea of
Room acoustics define four zones of preference in room scale reconstruction using a variety of means,
determining how the sound waves react. The first zone form light, sound and or radio waves. We will focus on
in room acoustics is characterized by the frequency at the works performed using the idea of sound waves to
which the wavelength is below the length of twice the perform room reconstruction of 2-D geometries.
longest length of the room. In this zone of frequency
sound behaves to changes much like changes in static The work done by Fangron peng et al. focused
air pressure. The second zone, above that of the first, is on the recovery of the room shape using a single
approximately up to 11,250 (RT60/V)1/2 and mobile acoustic sensor. In their work, they used a
2000(RT60/V)1/2 at which point the volumes are single mobile node with co-located loudspeaker and
measure in cubic feet to cubic meters. At this zone microphone to determine the arrival times of the first
wavelengths are comparable to room dimensions and order echoes and are used for the room reconstruction.
room resonance is considered. The third zone extends 2 In the study they used the uniqueness of the mapping
octaves and is a transition into the fourth zone; where between the first-order echoes and the room geometry
sound behave like rays of light bouncing around. was consistently guaranteed except for parallelograms.
Researches on room acoustics range from studies In the paper they proposed an algorithmic procedure to
into the nature of materials used in sound dampening, eliminate higher order echoes and retrieve room
speech separation techniques and room scale geometry [1]. This work is unique in that it uses a
singular module to determine the geometry in survering and allow for a more detailed understanding
comparison to other works done in the field. In a paper of the cave systems that can be found here on earth or
done by D. Ba, entitled L1 Regularized room possibly on other planets.
modeling with compact microphone arrays, they
In order to fully accomplish this task we
made us of a microphone array system in order to consider the fact that a combination of RIR and TOA
determine the room geometry. In their work, a multiple along multiple microphone arrays might be required in
stage single wall impulse response in different angles order to grasp the basic outline of a room. Particularly
were used followed by an l-1 regularized least squares we need to consider that in a cave environment the
method to map the measured impulse response to shape and the room response will behave differently
formulate a 3D shoebox room [2]. The downside being than that of a room made with concrete or plaster. In a
cave system echo and reverberation will be present and
that the number of walls is known, limiting the
pose a considerable challenge in determining the shape
applications of the research. of the room.

Another interesting approach taken to retrieve In order to compensate for the levels of echoes
room geometry throught the use of sound was that are to be expected in a cave system a furthered
performed by Ivan dokmanic, Yue M. Lu and Martin refinement to filtering methods can be performed on
Vettereli in their paper entitled, Can one hear the higher order echoes. In a paper done by Zhiping Zhan
shape of a room: The 2-D polygonal case wherein and Zhiqiang Wu, they propose a method, a parametric
adaptive filter, to cancel echoes based on a normalized
they made us a rooms acoustic response or the acoustic finite impulse response filter, a gain factor and a time
room impulse response (RIR) to determine geometry. shift factor [3]. Although the method done will require
Basing the motivation for the research behind the ide more calibrations as the paper was designed to cancel
pose d by M.Kac which simply asks Can you hear echoes as part of a model to cancel echoes from
the shape of a drum?, the team behind the paper loudspeakers.
proposed the idea that through using the acoustic
The work in this field can open up a field of
response of a room you can formulate an algorithm to
science that eluded traditional means due to the risk
determine the shape. In lieu of previous research done involved in exploring unknown environments.
the team of Vettereli et al. provided in their paper
several numerical calculations to provide insight into
the algorithm concerning 2-D estimations. IV. REFERENCES
1. F. Peng, T. Wang and B. Chen, "Room shape
reconstruction with a single mobile acoustic
sensor," 2015 IEEE Global Conference on
III. PROPOSED RESEARCH Signal and Information Processing
(GlobalSIP), Orlando, FL, 2015, pp. 1116-
In the field of room geometry retrieval, much 1120.
work has been done in the analysis of rooms with a 2. I. Dokmani, Y. M. Lu and M. Vetterli, "Can
regular geometry, simple room shapes. What I propose one hear the shape of a room: The 2-D
is that using the aforementioned techniques used in polygonal case," 2011 IEEE International
previous researchers, they be applied to cartography. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
In particular, in the field of speleology wherein the Processing (ICASSP), Prague, 2011, pp. 321-
accurate representation of a room is a vital factor in 324.
research work, making use of acoustical methods to 3. Z. Zhang and Z. Wu, "An adaptive filter with
determine the room can be lifesaving. Speleology or gain and time-shift parameters for echo
spelaeology is the scientific study of cave and orther cancellation," 2016 10th International
karst features. Applying research done into room Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language
geometry retrieval we can simplify the process of cave Processing (ISCSLP), Tianjin, China, 2016,
pp. 1-5.

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