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Brenda: Good afternoon, we are here on behalf of Global Studies to present about Human
Trafficking. This is Ana Rodriguez, this is Jesus Lino, and I am Brenda Mejia.

Ana: Today we will be talking about slavery. Not the slavery of the sixteenth hundredths to
eighteenth hundredths. But the slavery of the 21st century era, the slavery of today. YES, you
heard right there is still slavery going on and its called Human trafficking. There are more
people caught in this slavery than in any time period in the world. It is ranked the second largest
criminal industry in the world just after drugs. The United Nations estimates that this generated
$7 to $10 BILLION annually for traffickers.

Jesus: Human Trafficking is the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, and
obtaining a person for labor, services, or commercial sex acts by means of force, fraud, or
coercion. In other words, human trafficking is using force or fraud to violate the human rights
one is born with. Every 30 seconds, someone becomes a victim of modern day slavery.

Ana: There are many different types of human trafficking. The typical one that we all are aware
of is sex trafficking which can be forced prostitution. Accordingtosomeestimates,

Brenda: Furthermore, 19%ofhumantraffickinginvolveslaborexploitation,which includes

domestic servitude, bonded labor, and child labor.

Brenda: Domestic servitude is the demand for domestic workers such as maids, servants,
housekeepers, child-caregivers, and those caring for the elderly. T

Ana: Bonded labor is the most widespread but the least known form of human trafficking in the
world. A person becomes a bonded laborer when their labor is demanded as a means of paying
for a loan. The person is then tricked or trapped into working for very little or no pay. The value
of their work becomes greater than the money borrowed. Violence and threats can be used to
coerce them to stay. In some cases they are kept under surveillance unfortunately sometimes
chained up.

Jesus: 168 million children are involved with child labor instead of learning. 85 million children
are involved in hazardous work. 6 million children in forced labor. Child labor is rare in the
United States due to laws that protect underage people from over working. Unfortunately, in
other countries they do not have laws that protect children from working.



Brenda: What causes human trafficking? Human trafficking varies from country to country but it
preys on the vulnerability of people/situations. Some leading factors of human trafficking are as

Jesus: kidnapping, the sale of children by parents, false marriages, runaways, war, domestic
violence, internet, or false job opportunities that go hand in hand with poverty. In other countries
like Bangkok, Thailand the government is a factor. The government neither controls nor
prevents the problem. There has been cases where the authority is part of the human trafficking

Jesus: Now, you will hear the heartbreaking story of a Sex Trafficking Survivor from San

Ana: All it takes is someone who is striving for change and looking to end 21st century slavery.
We will now discuss ways on how you can get involved

Jesus: Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST) is an organization that partners with
NGOs and government agencies to build a powerful movement to end modern day slavery. You
can get involved with this organization by donating money that will help survivors of modern day
slavery rebuild their lives.

Ana: Another organization that helps human trafficking victims and convict traffickers is A21
campaign. A21 has a 4 P model which is PREVENTION, PROTECTION, PARTNERSHIPS,
AND PROSECUTION. A way for you to get involved with them is to create your own fundraising
page or get involved with one that is already created. Also, you can shop in their website that
has shirts and accessories that convey a strong empowering message about human trafficking.
Or you can simply donate (general donation or monthly donation) All money goes to their effort
in helping victims and ending Human Trafficking.
Brenda: Love-146 is an international human trafficking organization that works to end child
trafficking. This organization provides human trafficking survivors with safe homes and care.
They also provide an education prevention program, which is designed to equip students in the
Texas with ways to protect themselves and their peers from risk and how to get help. They also
created a way to educate others on a wider scale by creating a lesson curriculum that
approaches diverse populations at risk. They also train aftercare workers equipping them with
knowledge to best reach and restore children in their care. You can support this organization by
making a loving donation or joining a task force to brainstorm ideas then take action in your own

Jesus: Abolish Slavery is a human rights organization that helps combat modern-day slavery.
They transition human trafficking victims to safe housing, counseling, education, job training,
alcohol and substance abuse intervention and prevention, and other services that lead survivors
to self-sufficiency. You can get involved with this organization by donating money that will help
these victims.

Brenda: Another Organization you can help is FACESS: Freeing American Children from
Exploitation and Sexual Slavery, this a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the care of
young girls, who were rescued from sex-trafficking and slavery here in the the US. They provide:
food, shelter, clothing education, social life-training, medical care, and life planning skills.
FACESS collaborates with other agencies which provides them with additional services. You
can take action by making caring donations to ensure the continuing support of these girls. You
can also join some of the work projects that will help them build up their small community.

Ana: Last but not least, Urban Light an organization made up of a community individuals
dedicated to making noise regarding boys who are victims of trafficking and exploitation.
Based in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the Urban Light Youth Center rebuilds, restores and
empowers the lives of boys who work in the red light district by providing education,
health services, housing & emergency care. To get involved one can donate, host an
awareness dinner or if you're still in school bring them to do a campus talk.

Jesus: That concludes our presentation. Thank you for your valuable time.

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