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FSP 150CC-GE20x Product Training

Course 9 Performance Monitoring

FSP 150CC-GE206 R4.4.x

FSP 150CC-GE201 R4.3.x

October 2010 V1.3

Module Contents

PM General Information

Ethernet PMs

Optical PMs

Threshold Crossing Alerts

2 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

PM General Information

PM Statistics
1 Day 2 Bins, current & previous day
15 Minute 33 Bins, current, 32 history (indexes 1~32) accommodates 8
hours of history of 15 minute bins
Rollover counts available via SNMP only

15 minute intervals are aligned to the quarter hour. They end at :00, :15,
:30 and :45

1 day intervals are aligned to the day. They end at midnight.

History counts are managed in a circular fashion with the oldest bin being
overwritten at the end of an interval when a current bin transitions to a
history bin.

PM data does not survive reboots

A bin is marked suspect if duration of the collection period is off the

expected duration by more than +/- 10 seconds. Link down/LOS will also
result in a bin being marked suspect. Designated by an asterisk to the
left of the time in the GUI.

3 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Performance monitoring
Performance Monitoring enables in-service, non-intrusive system monitoring
to aid in isolating and diagnosing issues that may occur during operation.

Selecting the performance monitoring application allows the user to view

performance counts, view and edit threshold settings and initialize registers

4 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Performance monitoring
To view performance monitoring stats, simply click on the entity in the
selection tree;

From within this window you can view 15 minute and 1 day data bins, as well as
threshold settings

5 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Performance monitoring (GE206/GE206F)

Summary Window - Displays current TX/RX PM stats like a test set. Automatic
refresh range is 5 to 60 seconds.

6 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

PM File Export

To export performance monitoring stats click on the Export button

When a PM Export operation is requested by the GUI the system shall

automatically embed the name of the Entity ID and date in the filename

7 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

PM Export File Column Descriptions

When exporting a PM file, the system includes

Description field which expands each MONTYPE acronym into a
reasonable text string
Direction field which identifies the direction (TX or RX)
Location field which identifies the location (Near End of Far End)

8 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ethernet PMs

RMON Etherstats are collected on:

Access ports
Network port

Additional, 150CC specific, counts are collected against

Access ports
Network port

9 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ethernet PMs
RMON Etherstats

Abbr Count Name Dir Description

ESBP Broadcast Packets Received RX Total good packets rcvd that were directed to the broadcast address

ESC Collisions RX The number of instances of Transmission collisions.

Total packets received that had a length (excluding frm bits but including
FCS octets) between 64 and 1518 octects, inclusive, but had either a bad
ESCAE CRC Aligned Errors RX
FCS with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-
integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
The total number of events in which packets were dropped due to lack of
ESDE Drop Events RX resources. Note that this number is not necessarily the number of packets
dropped; it is just the number of times this condition has been detected.
Total number of packets that were less than 64 octets AND had an FCS
ESF Fragments RX
Error or Alignment Error.

ESJ Jabbers RX Frame size > MTU with CRC error.

Total good packets rcvd that were directed to the multicast address. Note:
ESMP Multicast Packets Received RX
does not include packets directed to broadcast address.
Total number of octets received (including bad packets) on an interface
ESO Octets Received RX
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
Total packets received that were longer that 1518 octets in length but were
ESOP Over Sized Packets RX
otherwise well formed.
Total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets and
ESP Packets Received RX
multicast packets) received on an interface.

10 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ethernet PMs
RMON Etherstats

Abbr Count Name Dir Description

ESP64 64 Byte Octet Frames RX Total number of good packets received that were 64 octets in length.

Total number of good packets rcvd that were between 64 and 127 Octets in
ESP65 5 to 127 Byte Octet Frames RX
128 to 255 Byte Octet Total number of good packets rcvd that were between 128 and 255 Octets
Frames in length.
256 to 511 Byte Octet Total number of good packets rcvd that were between 256 and 511 Octets
Frames in length.
512 to 1023 Byte Octet Total number of good packets rcvd that were between 512 and 1023 Octets
Frames in length.
1024 to 1518 Byte Octet Total number of good packets rcvd that were between 1024 and 1518
ESP1024 RX
Frames Octets in length.
1519 to 1536 Byte Octet Total number of good packets rcvd that were between 128 and 255 Octets
ESP1519 RX
Frames in length.
Total packets received that were less than 64 octets in length but were
ESUP Under Size Packets RX
otherwise well formed.

ESBF Broadcast Frames TX Total number of broadcast frames sent out the port.

Total number of bytes, excluding framing bits, but including FCS sent out
ESBS Bytes Sent TX
the port.

ESFS Frames Sent TX Total number of frame sent out the port.

ESMF Multicast Frames TX Total number of multicast frames sent out the port.

ESUF Unicast Frames TX Total number of unicast frames sent out the port.

11 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ethernet PMs
Access Port Counts

Abbr Count Name Dir Description

Average Bit Rate Collected at the MAC. Raw count of bandwidth received on the port. ECPA traffic
Received injected after this point in the data stream.
ABRRL- Average Bit Rate Collected at the FPGA. Includes transport tag overhead. This count will be greater
RX1 Limited Received than ABR-RX when there are no discards.
AFP Priority Tagged
APFD RX The number of priority tagged frames that did not pass the AFP test.
Frames Dropped
AFP Untagged
AUFD RX The number of untagged frames that did not pass the AFP test.
Frames Dropped
Bytes Transmitted
BT-RX RX The number of bytes successfully transmitted on the Network port.
into Network
Bytes Tail Dropped
BTD-RX RX The number of bytes discarded due to queue overflow in the ingress direction.
by RX Policer
Frames Dequeued -
FD-RX RX The number of frames successfully transmitted on the Network port.
Frames Filtered by
FFD-RX RX The frames filtered by the MAC filter in the ingress direction.
MAC Bridge

Frames Marked as RX
FMG-RX The number of frames marked greed in the ingress direction.
Green by RX Policer

Frames Marked as RX
FMRD-RX Red Dropped by RX The number of frames marked red and discarded in the ingress direction.

12 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ethernet PMs
Access Port Counts

Abbr Count Name Dir Description

Frames Marked as
FMY-RX Yellow by RX RX The number of frames marked yellow in the ingress direction.
Frames Marked as
FMYD-RX Yellow Dropped by RX The number of frames marked yellow and discarded in the ingress direction.
RX Policer
Frames Tail
FTD-RX RX The number of received frames discarded due to queue overflow.
Dropped - Receive
L2 Control Protocol
L2CPFD RX The number of layer 2 control PDUs discarded.
Frames Discarded
L2 Control Protocol
L2CPFP RX The number of layer 2 control PDUs sent to the processor (peered).
Frames Processed

Note 1: when there is a link down on the Network port, no

frames are dequeued out the Network hence the ABRRL-RX
count does not reflect any traffic flow.

13 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ethernet PMs
Access Port Counts

Abbr Count Name Dir Description

Average Bit Rate

ABR-TX TX The average bit rate of data transmitted out the port.
Average Bit Rate
ABRRL-TX Limited TX The average bit rate transmitted over the specified interval in the egress direction.
Bytes Tail Dropped
BTD-TX TX The number of bytes discarded due to queue overflow in the egress direction.
Frames Dequeued -
FD-TX TX The number of frames transmitted out the port.
Frames Marked as
FMG-TX TX The number of frames marked greed in the egress direction.
Green by TX Policer
Frames Marked as
FMRD-TX Red Dropped by TX TX The number of frames marked red and discarded in the egress direction.
Frames Marked as
FMY-TX TX The number of frames marked yellow in the egress direction.
Yellow by TX Policer
Frames Marked as
FMYD-TX Yellow Dropped by TX The number of frames marked yellow and discarded in the egress direction.
TX Policer
Frames Tail The number of frames discarded direction due to queue overflow in the egress
Dropped - Transmit direction.

14 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ethernet PMs
EVC Counts Per Policer and Shaper

A2N and N2A Policer

Abbr Count Name Description

ABR Average Bit Rate - Received Collected at the FPGA. Includes transport tag overhead.

FMG Frames Marked Green The number of frames marked green by the policer.

FMRD Frames Marked Red Dropped The number of frames marked red by the policer and dropped.

FMY Frames Marked Yellow Passed The number of frames marked yellow by the policer and successfully queued.

FMYD Frames Marked Yellow Dropped The number of frames marked yellow by the policer but dropped by the queuing system.

A2N and N2A Shaper

Abbr Count Name Description

ABRRL Average Bit Rate Transmitted The average bit rate of data transmitted out the port. Based on bytes sent.

BT Bytes Transmitted The number of bytes transmitted out the port.

BTD Bytes Tail Dropped The number of bytes tail dropped (queue overflow).

FD Frames Dequeued The number of frames successfully removed from the queue and transmitted out the port.

FTD Frames Tail Dropped The number of frames tail dropped (queue overflow).

15 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ethernet PMs
EVC Counts totals for the EVC

Abbr Count Name Dir Description

ABR-RX Average Bit Rate Received RX Collected at the FPGA. Includes transport tag overhead.

Average Bit Rate Rate limited

ABRRL-RX RX Collected at the FPGA. Includes transport tag overhead.

FMRD-RX Frames Marked Red Dropped RX The number of frames marked red by the policer and dropped.

The number of frames marked yellow by the policer but dropped by the queuing
FMYD-RX Frames Marked Yellow Dropped RX

FMYP-RX Frames Marked Yellow Passed RX The number of frames marked yellow by the policer and successfully queued.

FTD-RX Frames Tail Dropped Receive RX The number of received frames discarded due to queue overflow.

L2 Control Protocol Frames

L2CPFD RX The number of layer 2 control PDUs discarded.

ABR-TX Average Bit Rate Transmitted TX The average bit rate of data received for the flow in the egress direction.

Average Bit Rate Limited

ABRRL-TX TX The average bit rate of data transmitted out the port for the flow.

FMRD-TX Frames Marked Red Dropped TX The number of frames marked red by the policer and dropped.

The number of frames marked yellow by the policer but dropped by the queuing
FMYD-TX Frames Marked Yellow Dropped TX

FMYP-TX Frames Marked Yellow Passed TX The number of frames marked yellow by the policer and successfully queued.

FTD-TX Frames Tail Dropped Transmit TX The number of frames discarded in the transmit direction due to queue overflow.

16 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

EVP Service PM Counters


QoS Flow

Client Network
CoS Flow P S1 Network EVC
Port Port


A. RMON RX etherStatsTable MAC counters now on the MCC Port Level

B. Frames marked green (FMG)
C. Frames marked yellow (FMY)
D. Frames marked yellow and dropped (FMYD)
E. Frames marked red and dropped (FMRD)
F. Frames Tail Dropped (FTD), Bytes Tail Dropped (BTD)
G. Frames Dequeued (FD), Bytes Transmitted (BT) Frames/Bytes transmitted to the network
Average Bit Rate Rate Limited (ABRRX-RL) It is the average over 15 min interval based on
Bytes transmitted (BT).
Averate Bit Rate Received (ABR-RX) It is the average over 15 min interval based on RMON
Ether Stats Octets.

17 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

EVP Service PM Counters


QoS Flow

Client Network
S1 P CoS Flow Network EVC
Port Port


A. Frames marked green (FMG)

B. Frames marked yellow (FMY)
C. Frames marked yellow and dropped (FMY)
D. Frames marked red and dropped (FMRD)
E. Frames Tail Dropped (FTD), Bytes Tail Dropped (BTD)
F. Frames Dequeued (FD), Bytes Sent (BS) Frames/Bytes sent to the customer
G. RMON TX etherStatsTable MAC counters now on the MCC Port Level
Averate Bit Rate Transmitted (ABR-TX) It is the average over 15 min interval based on RMON
Ether Stats Octets.
ABRTX-RL will be supported on the egress side.

18 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

EVPL Service (Flows) PM Counters

A CoS Flow P B,C,D,E

QoS Flow F,G
CoS Flow P
CoS Flow P
Client CoS Flow P Network
S Network EVC
Port CoS Flow P
CoS Flow P
CoS Flow P
CoS Flow P

[A] RMON RX etherStatsTable MAC counters now on the MCC Port Level
[B] Frames marked green (FMYG)
[C] Frames marked yellow (FMY)
[D] Frames marked yellow and dropped RX (FMYD)
[E] Frames marked red and dropped (FMRD)
[F] Frames Tail Dropped (FTD), Bytes Tail Dropped (BTD)
[G] Frames Dequeued (FD), Bytes Transmitted (BT) Frames/Bytes transmitted to the network
Average Bit Rate Rate Limited (ABRRX-RL) It is the average over 15 min interval based on
Bytes transmitted (BT).
Averate Bit Rate Received (ABR-RX) It is the average over 15 min interval based on (BT + BTD)

19 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

EVPL Service (Flows) PM Counters

G P E,F QoS Flow A,B,C,D

P CoS Flow
P P CoS Flow
P P CoS Flow
Client P P CoS Flow Network
Network EVC
Port S Port
P P CoS Flow
P P CoS Flow
P P CoS Flow
P P CoS Flow

[A] Frames marked green (FMG)

[B] Frames marked yellow (FMY)
[C] Frames marked yellow and dropped (FMYD)
[D] Frames marked red and dropped (FMRD)
[E] Frames Tail Dropped (FTD), Bytes Tail Dropped (BTD) Port Level
[F] Frames Dequeued (FD), Bytes Sent (BS) Frames/Bytes Sent to the customer Port Level
[G] RMON TX etherStatsTable MAC counters now on the MCC Port Level
Averate Bit Rate Transmitted (ABR-TX) It is the average over 15 min interval based on RMON
Note that E,F,G are PORT LEVEL.
ABRTX-RL on the egress side is supported at the Port level.

20 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Ethernet PMs
Network Port

The Network port supports:

RX Direction:
RMON Etherstats,
TX Direction:
RMON Etherstats,

21 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Unavailable Seconds

Unavailable Seconds (UAS) on Ethernet ports and EVCs.

Used by Network/Service Management Systems to compute port-
based and VID-based service availability

For Ports this parameter counts up if service affecting defects are

reported on link level, SFP, EFM-OAM or CFM.

For EVCs UAS counts up if the underlying port is unavailable or

service affecting conditions are reported by CFM.

22 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Optical PMs

All interfaces that are configured with an SFP support optical

Note that not all SFPs support the digital diagnostic monitoring
interface (DDMI) which provides access to the following optical
performance parameters.

Abbr Count Name Dir Description

LBC Laser Bias Current RX The laser bias current in mA (1 to 131 mA)

OPR Optical Power Receive RX The receive optical power in dBm (-76 to +16 dBm).

OPT Optical Power Transmit TX The transmit optical power in dBm (-76 to +16 dBm).

23 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

Threshold Crossing Alerts

User provisionable threshold values are supported for all Performance

Monitoring counts and ESA probe statistics.

A separate threshold value is available for each bin interval (e.g. 15-
minute and 1-day for PM)

When the PM count exceeds the provisioned threshold value, a Threshold

Crossing Alert (TCA) is generated. A value threshold of 0 disables TCA
For OPR/OPT: -80 disables TCAs generation. TCA generated if measured value
differs from configured threshold by +/- 4 dBm

The TCA is a transient condition the TCA represents the crossing of

the threshold, not the fact that the count is above the threshold. As a
result, TCAs are not explicitly cleared or visible via show conditions.

When a TCA is generated, an event is logged in the Alarm Log (unless the
admin state of the entity precludes this) and an SNMP trap is generated,
if one or more trap handlers are defined.

More than one TCA may be generated for a single count in an interval.
This can happen if the count is initialized to 0 and crosses the threshold
value a second time in the same interval.

24 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

TCA configuration
Right clicking on an entity and selecting edit thresholds opens the threshold
configuration window, allowing the user to configure 15 minute and 1 day

Note setting a threshold to 0 disables threshold monitoring for that parameter

25 2010 ADVA Optical Networking. All rights reserved. Confidential.

End of Performance Monitoring

The content of this presentation is strictly confidential. ADVA Optical Networking is the exclusive owner or licensee of the content,
material, and information in this presentation. Any reproduction, publication or reprint, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.

The information in this presentation may not be accurate, complete or up to date, and is provided without warranties or representations
of any kind, either express or implied. ADVA Optical Networking shall not be responsible for and disclaims any liability for any loss or
damages, including without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and special damages, alleged to have been caused by
or in connection with using and/or relying on the information contained in this presentation.

Copyright for the entire content of this presentation: ADVA Optical Networking.

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