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November 09

Hello from South Africa

A newsletter from Mark and Carol Grieve, missionaries

with CMS in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Kids from church rugged up in a cold ovember
Contact Details
53 Bertha St, Sophia Town, South
Africa, 2092 Getting the E = Evangelising. Remaining ex-
Email; mcgrieve@cms.org.au or
BEST out of ternally focused, by focusing on
community outreach projects, soc-
2010 cer days, hospitality lunches and
Praise Points dinners, door to door and a world
There is enormous hype around cup strategy.
Thank God for our international next years world cup here in South
evening and men’s camp that Africa. Every day people are S =Serving. The goal to see every
have both been community counting down to the 1st of June. I member of the church in active
building. have decided to caste our own vi- service. This may include serving
sion seeking in line with our origi- in one of the following areas; Hos-
Thank God for my safe and nal mandate not to be the best pitality, set up, welcoming, music,
very informative trip to Atlanta church in the community but the leading, preaching, finance, admini-
early this month. Praise God best church for the community. stration, children, youth, commu-
for the support our church re- We will focus on four areas in the nity days, and choir.
ceives form Perimeter church new year.
Atlanta and the interest they T= Training. Over the next two
have taken in our community. B = Belonging. Each member is to years I want to train as many people
be part of a small group. This may as I can in ministry and service.
Prayer Points involve any group form 4 to 12, Knowing that I will be going after
single sex or mixed. The purpose this time I would love to see the
For our students and young of which is to grow disciples, create Church left in the hands of those
workers who will head home a close knit community and to be who are well equipped to carry it
during the Christmas break. mission minded. forward.
For safety in travels and for
them to be living out the gospel
away from their church and
support networks.

For the Carol service we will

have on the 13th of December.
We are seeking to advertise it
throughout the community and
since Sophiatown hasn't had a
carols by candlelight before this
will be a great opportunity in
reaching out to others.

For approval of our MAP staff

for next year and the funds to
come in to support them. They
include Dineo, Hope and Oupa.

For FOCUS as they are away

on their annual trip to Durban to
minister in a township. Mingling at SCC after the morning service.
Men’s Camp International On the Home
Evening Front
Last Friday night we had a great We are looking forward to be
time at our international evening heading back to Australia in
event. We got people to cook January for a quick visit to see
traditional food and wear tradi- family and friends. Our plane
tional clothing. Although it was trip there is a grueling 26 hours
a cold and wet night we soon via Dubai and the return is even
warmed up with the spicy food worst with a whopping 29 hours.
and lively dancing. The dancing Our boys travel well so hope-
The October men’s camp consisted of Australian bush fully it won’t be too bad.
dancing, Latin American salsa, We still have concerns with the
some Zulu and Swahili dancing local school that we have put
Our first men’s camp was held as well. It was great seeing peo- our boys in. We are happy with
from the 16th to the 18th of Oc- ple get out of their comfort the interaction they are having
tober. We were 20 guys in total zones and try dances and food with the local children and get-
that headed out to what is from different cultures. ting to know kids from very dif-
known as the bush camp. A few Overall our community days ferent backgrounds to us. Our
tents and our food in some buck- have been successful but it is concerns lie with some of the
ets was basically it. Normally still a little disheartening when influences they impart on our
that would have been fine but few come from the community boys and the quality of educa-
we had a downpour that didn't and our locals fail to support it. tion at the school. Their seems
want to end and so with wet But those who have been com- to be a lot of watching of TV.
firewood and leaking tents our ing continue to grow with the We trust that God will use this
men’s camp became a survivor church and build a solid com- situation for good.
episode. We kept spirits high munity.
however and were still able to
do some activities such as obsta-
cle course and paintball. That
night they opened up the hall for
us and the bunk beds at the main
campsite so we were able to stay
dry and get a good night sleep.
The next day was beautiful and
we did raft building and swim-
ming. It was a great bonding
time for the men. I did three
main talks. The first, ‘A real
man;’ a look at the life of David.
The second, ‘The golden haired
girl,’ about the false idea of the
perfect girl to meet all our needs
and Talk 3 ‘Boys don't cry’; a
look at the impact our fathers
play in our lives and intimacy in
general. Barn dancing at the international evening

“..Whatever you did for the If you would like to sup-

least of these brothers of mine, port us through prayer,
you did for me.” finance or pastoral care
Matthew 25:40

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