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IDNA ‘You must sign elow and retarn this booklet with fhe Amsiver Set, Failure to do so may result in isqualiteaton rest cope 01253010 MAY/TUNE 2011 ‘Signature CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE, EXAMINATION : HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY Paper 01 - General Proficiency 75 minutes 06 JUNE 2011 ( READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, This test consists of 60 items. You will have,75 minutes to answer them. p In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3." Do not be concemed that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are itemgpio.this test . 4, Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D) Read each item ‘you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item ancl shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Abnormally high blood pressure is called Sample Answer (A) distension (B) hypotension ® e ® (©) hyperteasion (D) ~ hyperglycaemia ‘The best answer to this item is “hypertension”, so answer space (C) has bern shaded, 6 Ifyou want to change your answer, crase it completely before you fill in yur new choice. 7. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carc fully as you can. If you cannotanswer an item, omit it and go ori to the next one. ‘Your seore will be the total number of correct answers. 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DU SO. Copyright © 2009 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved, oe ‘Hem refers tothe following diagrams 6f some specialized ‘cells in the human body. i { 1 i ©) i ® Hi © l Which cell transmits nerve impulses? Hems 2. 3 refer tothe following diagram which demonstrates osmosis 20% sugar solution Visking —— tube | 40% sugar solution ‘The MAIN function of the visking tube isto 3, Which of the following processes occurs after actasa several hours? (A) plastic bag (A) Water moves om te beaker into ®) permeable membrane the visking tube. (©), non-permeable membrane (8) Watermoves from the visking tube (D)” partially permeable membrane into the beaker. (C) Sugar moves from the beaker into the visking tube. (D) Sugar moves trom the visking tube into the beaker. GOON TOTHE NRYT DARE © 4 Which of the following factors is NOT 9, necessary, for photosynthesis to take place? (A) Water {(B) Oxygen (© Sunlight (D) Carbon dioxide Item 5 refers to the following flow chart of 10. ‘an aquatic food hein. Phytoplankton —+ zooplankton > small fish — large fish What is the stetus ofthe small fish? (A) Producer (B) Primary consumer (©) Secondary consumer ©) Tertiary consumer Whatis the MAJOR natrientfound in baked chicken? (A) Fat ee @B)_ Protein (© © Starch ©) Vitamin Inadequate amounts of Vitemin A result in (A) tickets @) anaemia (©) bericberi D) _ night blindiess 2 Which ofthe followingisNOT a fat-soluble vitamin? (A) Vitamin A ®) Vitamin (©) VitaminD @) ~~ Vitamin K Which of the following 'eagents is used in attest for glucose? (A) Copper sulphate, (B) Benedict's solution (©) Sodium hydroxide () Iodine solution Which of the following statements are TRUE of water? 1. Waterisan essential partofall body fluids. I. Water takes part in many chemical reactions occuring in the body. UI Waterisessentia! tohydrolyse food during digestion. IV. Water is a fiuid Jor transport. (A) 1, Wand I only* (B) 1, Hand TV only (©) 01, Mand IV only ©) 1,0, WandIv Which of the following food items would BEST help to prevent constipation? 1 Orange I Lettuce MI Flour TV. Cheese (A) Tonly (B) and only (©) Wand IV only , ©) 1 Wand iit only Abalanced dietis BEST defined as one that (A) contains quantities of all nutrients to maintain healt (8) contains equal amounts of all the major nutrients (©) provides the corect amount of ‘energy for the body to use cach day (D) equates food exten with faeces discharged GO ON TO TIE NEXT PAGE, 13. 14. 15. 16, Which of the following teoth aid in grinding food into smaller pieces? (A) Incisors and canines (B).——_-Molars and premolars (©) —_Incisors and premolars @) ‘Canines and molars “Ae Which row in the table below CORRECTLY matches each nutrient in the colunjn healing to its simplest form? Starch Protein Fats | (A) | Glucose [Polypeptides | Fatty acids and glycerol (B),| Sucrose | Amino acids —_| Fat deposits : (©) | Glucose | Amino acids —_| Fatty acids and glycerol (@) |Maltose | Dipeptides Glycerol Items 15-16 referto the following diagram which shows part of the human respiratory ‘Volum: Which labelled structures consist of carti- 17, lage? (A). PandR (B) Pends (©) Rands @) Sent Where is the site of gaseous exchange? A Q @) s © T My U Item 17 refers to thd diagcam below which shows a spirometer trace. eof air am’) | ie Time @) ‘Which labelled area fepresents vital capac ity? @) ‘®) ©) @) 1m GOON 1 THE NEXT PAGE, 18. 19. 20. Which isthe correct sequence ofsteps inthe process of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? 1. Sweep around deep inside the person's mouth with yourfingersto make sure thatnothingis blocking the windpipe. \ IL Laytheperson faceupwards, tipthe head well back and pull the lower jaw forward and upwards. IL Look at the person's chest to see if breathing has restarted. IV. Close off the person's nostrils. ‘Take a deep breath, place your mouth over the person's mouth and breathe out into the person's mouth. @ Liv @) Vim © ULW01 ©) Wwunit Which of the following BEST describes the fimnction of the pacemaker of the heart? (A) __ Increases the heart rate @) Decreases the heart rate (©) Regiilaies the heart rate @) Prevents the heart from overwork- ing The left side of the heart has a thicker muscular wall in order to (A)___ pump blood to the lungs (B)) pump blood to the rest of the body (©) receive blood from the lungs (PD) receive blood from the rest of the body 21. 22. 24, ‘The human circulatory system transports (A) nutrients, heat and fibre (B) oxygen, hormones and blycogen (©) oxygen, starch and nitrogenous waste “(D), nutrients, nitrogenous waste and oxygen Redblood cells containnonucleus because (A) they are too small (B) they have haemoglobin (© _ they are biconcave dises ©) thisimprovestheiroxygen- carrying capacity The composition of Iymph is similar to plasma but lymph contains (A) less fats ®B) — elycogen {C) less proteins @) more proteins The function of the marrow of long bones in the body is to (A) store iron ie (B) reduce friction (©) make blood plasnia (D), make red blood cells GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 25, 26. Iteims25=26referto the following diagram 27. which shows a human skeleton. 28. (a) @) ——O » @) 30. Which of the labelled parts is the femur? humerus? Bones act as levers| while cartilage assists with (A) @) © ©) connecting jnnscles to bone reducing fription at the joints holding joixts together ‘movement at a joint Which of the following BEST describes | excretion? (A) The elimination of waste products by means df perspiration (B) The removal of undigested food material from the intestines (©) The elimination of waste products of metabolism from the body () — Theremoval of waste products that havenotbe¢n absorbed by the body ‘The CORRECT path, fornitrogenous waste to exit the body is a ®) © @) fenal artery |-> nephrons —> ureter = bladder b> urethra senal vein—+|glomerulus—> urethra — bladder j-> ureter liver + kidgey + collecting duct — renal vein —> bladder hepatic artery nephrons» colon — caecum ++ rectum, Which of the following occurs when blood alucose level isto high? (A) The liver converts glucose to glycogen. (B) The pancreas secretes glycogen. (©) Fatis broken down to glucose. (D) Glucose is absorbed by nervé cells. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 31. 32. 33, Which of the following BEST describehow body temperatureisregulated onahot day? 1. Blood vessels in the skin dilate. TI. Blood vessels in the skin constrict. DL Heir on the skin stands up. TV. Sweating occurs. (A) Land 111 only @®). Land IV only (©) Wand Honly (D) Wand IV only ‘The condition known as long-sightedness can be corrected by the (A) use of a concave lens @)._use of aconvex lens 34. (©) use of a oylindrical lens ©) removal of the lens of the eye The central nervous system is made up of the (4) brain and spinal cord (B) brain and spinal nerves (©) brain and cranial nerves ae () spinal cord and cranial nerves : 36. Item 34 refers to the following diagram which shows a cross-section of the spinal cord and a reflex are, Ventral Which of the regions labelled on the diagram releases a neurotransmitter sub- stance due to the arrival of an impulse? ir @ 1 @ w © m © Ww An example ofa voluntary action is (A) the knee jerle (B) blinking an eye (©) dropping hot knife (D). turing on a light switeh ‘One fanction of endocrine glands is to (A) secrete hormones into duets (B) respond quickly to 4 stimnlus (©). _ secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream, ©) producehomoneswhichtargetonly one organ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 37. 38, 39. 40. Which of the following is true of asexual reproduction? (A) Two parents are needed. (B) Two gametes fuse together to form a zygote. (© It is important for growth and production of different offspring. @)! It is important for growth and production of identical offspring. Menstruation in the human female begins (A) at ovulation (B) when oestrogen levels are high (©) when progesterone levels are high (D). with the breakdown of the uterine wall Just before birth the usual position of the baby in the uterus is (A) upright (B) sideways (© upside down ©) . horizontal Which ofthe following contraceptive meth- ods is associated with side effects such as nausea, breast discomfort and increased circulatory problems? (A) TD ®) Pitt (©) Diaphragm (@) Female condom 4. 42, 43, A.cell is described as being diploid when (A) the chromatids align at the equator of the cell * (B) it divides to give four different daughter cells ithas the full chtomosome number it undergoes meiosis Chromosomes are made‘ up of protein and (A) DNA () RNA (© starch ©) fat Which statement BEST describes the term ‘allele’? (A) Apsirof genes whieh codes for the same characteristic (B) The altemative yenes available to — control one characteristic (©) Genes representing homozygous characteristics Only () — Genes which code for different characteristics GO ON TO THR NEXT PAGE 44, 45, Item 44 refers to the diagram below which shows the inheritance of eye colour in a family. ‘The allele for brown eye colour, B, is domi- nant over the allele for blue eye colour, b. BB Bb QA Qn Brown-eyed male eo Blue-eyed male What is the chance that the fourth child would be blue-eyed? A 0% By 25% © 1% () 100% Good health may be BEST described as (A) the absence of disease, as well as ‘complete physical well-being (B) the absence of disease, as well as complete social well-being (©) astateof complete physical, social and mental well-being, @) a state of complete physical and economic well-being 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. . Thelife cyclesofthemosquitoandhousefly are similar because they both (A) lay eggs in water (B) _ havea feeding pupa stage have blood-sucking adults Ihave air-breathing larvae The Aedes aegypti mosquito is known for transmission of (A) dengue ®) malaria (C) cholera @) gastroenteritis 8-50 refer to the followingoptions. (A) Nutritional deficiency disease (B) Chronic disease (©) Inherited disorder (D) Sexually transmitted infection In answering items 48 - 50, match each item with one of the options above. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all, ! A type of disease caused by a lack of Vitamin D Sickle-cell anaemia Herpes genitales GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 51. 52, 54, = 10- Which of the following is NOT a social consequence of drug abuse? The abuser (A) neglects the care and concems of his family (B)) feels driven to increase his drug intake (©) endangers the lives of others in dnimken driving (D) withdraws from friends and associ- ates 55. ‘What type of immunity is acquired when antibodies are produced by a vaccine? 56. (A) Artificial active acquired @) Natural acquired (©) Natural passive (DY) Artificial passive = Which of the following may result from the activities of humans? L + Loss of potable water 1. Pollution of water MI. Decrease in fish production (A) Honly 8), Land IT ont @®), Land only ee ©. Wand Woniy @) 1, Wand ut One propermethod ofcontrollingpollution is (A) buming refuse on a landfill (B) releasing sewage into the sea (C)__ heating water before it is released into the environment ©) replacing toxic substances with non-toxic alternatives Items 55 - 56 refer to the following stages in the water purification process. (A) Soreening : (8) Sedimentation ©) Filtration ®) Chlorination In answering items 55 - 56, match each item with one of the options above, Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all. Sand containing microorganisms removes organic matter. 7 Formation of acid which destroys organ- isms. Pollution is BEST described as the (A) disposal of domestic waste (B) disposal of harmful substances in water (©) contamination of land, water and air by harmful microorganisms contamination of land, water and @) i air by harmful substances ‘Microorganisms are important in the treat- ment of sewage because they (A) _ produce methane which can be collected and used as fuel (B) add oxygen to the sewage to break down the faccdl content © decompose: the urea and other = organic materials to less harmful substances (D) manufacture fertiliser from the sewage which can be used for agricultural purposes GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE: 59. Recycling may BEST be defined as, 60. _ Which of the following substance’ is bio- degradable? ho (A) using a resource over and over in the same form (A) Styrofoem (B) collecting and reprocessing a ®) Wood ‘ (©) reducing the use of a resource ©) Concrete i | resource into new products (©) Plastic i | (D) chemically altering a resource | | IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. i 0125301 0/F 2011

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