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DMF-T index difference between Minangnese and Sundanese Ethnic Group

Age 26-45 Years in Pangalengan Sub-district

Muhammad Faisyal Alauddin Muksin

Faculty of Dentistry, University of Padjadjaran, 40134, Bandung, West Java,


Environmental factors , exactly social and cultural, are important factors in

determining the health status of a person or people group. Indonesia is a country
that consists of various ethnic groups, each of which has many culture different.
Some of them are Minangnese and Sundanese ethnic group. Diet, one of the
form of culture, in Minangnese more cariogenic than Sundanese ethnic group.
Cariogenic diet will increase the incidence of caries. The purpose of this study
was to determine the DMF-T index difference between the Minangnese and
Sundanese ethnic gropup age 26-45 years in Pangalengan Sub-district.
Type of this research is descriptive comparative. Samples were taken by total
sampling with a sample size Minang Ethnic are 32 people with 64 people
Sundanese as a comparison. DMF-T index difference between the Minangnese
and Sundanese ethnic group aged 26-45 years in Pangalengan Sub-distrct using
the chi squared test. The results showed DMF-T Index Minangnese ethnic group
aged 26-45 years in Pangalengan Sub-district of 10.03, whereas DMF-T Index
Sundanese ethnic group aged 26-45 years of 7.79 with p value of 0,03 (p<0,05).
The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant difference between the
Minangnese DMF-T index and DMF-T Index Sundanese ethnic group aged 26-45
years in Pangalengan.

Keywords: DMF-T index, Minangnese, Sundanese, Pangalengan

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