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Technology to improve life

Technology is a set of techniques used in scientific and systematic way

for the generation of products that satisfy the needs of the human being, in the
most diverse senses such as, food, agriculture, housing, communication, study,
among many other things. In this essay I will describe why. I agree that
technology that improves the quality of life, the way technology can improves
some product and how technology is always in constant movement on the form
of communication.
First, For a more pleasant life! Today technology helps people with
disabilities improve interaction with their peers and in this way integrate better
into society. The technology today is a key tool for overcoming many diseases,
this makes it possible to improve the quality of life of many people, so the
technology remains in constant progress for the improvement of electronic
devices capable of making a more pleasant life, for example computed
tomography this serves for the diagnosis and the programming of the
treatment as well as for disorders in the soft tissues like those of the brain,
nuclear magnetic resonance this technique allows the detection of very small
Second, what awaits technology for the future? the technology is
constantly changing and a clear example of them are the technological devices
that we use every day, this helps us to facilitate the investigation of many
things, as well as to perform tasks much faster, which in the past did not exist
those tools and required a greater work. For example of them is the cell phone,
this device helps the communication, also the laptop that is a portable tool for
carrying out work and many other things.
Third, what to say! In fact it is where we can most see the technology in
its apogee and in its maximum degree of complexity. We have computers,
robots, television, radio, etc. Technology is a tool that facilitates
communication, a clear example of which is social networks, we can now be
more communicated between us, even with people living far, and the creation
of this technology has allowed progress in areas such as conferences through
video calls, as well as the use of social networks to express themselves, to
learn about important news, etc.
In conclusion, in this essay I described the impact that technology has
for a better quality of life in which it translates into a more pleasant and lasting
life, The creation of technological devices as a tool for the study that this
translates into tools for a life less complicated, easier, which have been
evolving over the years and how social networks have facilitated
communication and learn about events. In my opinion technology helps us and
facilitates life, the functioning of everyday life to make it less difficult.
(Homework 2)
Study and work at the same time.
Yes you can!
There are many places in the word where teenager studying while
working, it requires a lot of work. However, in this essay I will describe why, I
think is a good idea that teenager who work and study can be organize,
methodic and have will power.
First, organize is important because everyone needs to organize the
time, a few teenagers are embarked on the titanic taste of studying while
working. I will not deny that with how hard it is to study and how unbearable it
is sometimes to get up each morning to go to work, putting the two together
many seem like a feat. Organize can be help teenagers in school to get a better
grades, in university for do all homework and have time to study every day,
Second, the methodic is the steps to follow so teenagers can do both
activities is to better organized the time, since education breaks down barriers.
Some examples that could be followed for the success of both activities is to
better organized the time, since many teenagers waste time in technological
devices and this limits the learning time and brain is not able to process so
much information.
Third, If others can, I can too In some country it is common to see
teenagers working while studying because of the poor quality or for do they
dreams, so is really complicated do both activities, but if teenagers can be
organize and have a good steps to follow. They can be working while studying.
For examples, teenagers needs to optimize time to achieve the goals.
In conclusion, in this essay, I have described how teenagers that work
while studying learn to be organized, to be methodic and with will power. In my
opinion do both activities is really hard, but teenagers can be do everything if
they optimize time.

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