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Per.3 1-30-17
Lesson 19 - Words Relating to Praise and Respect
Acclaim Adulate Eulogize Extol Panegyrize
Accolade Esteem Exalt Laud Revere Venerate

Women's March V.S Trump

Many women and men around the world gather and acclaim1 a protest trump called the
Women March. Trump first day of being in office which thousands of marches eulogize2 to raise
awareness on women's rights. The Women March will help accolade3 women justice for Black
women, Native women, poor women, immigrant women, muslim women and LGBTQ women,
for instance, the document states "We believe gender justice is racial justice is economic justice".
The Women March exalt4 more opportunities for women because of the article asserts that black
women earn 64 cents and Latina women earn 56 cents for every dollar a white man earn. A
strategist for Bernie Sanders called Winnie Wong states "We don't ever talk about the impact that
women of color feel as a result of economic inequality," therefore Wong extolled5 the March to
earn $15 to increase the minimum wage.Trump during his campaign states wages were too high
and decided to support minimum wage of $10 an hour.

Wong adulated6 that "All women should be paid equitably, with access to affordable childcare,
sick days, health care, paid family to leave and healthy work environments," therefore she
believes that women of color should deserve to paid $15 an hour and acquired to have health
care. An esteem7 co-founder for the non-profit called Tracy Sturdivant believes color women are
more passable to be in charge of the household or single mothers than white women, therefore,
Sturdivant was frightened that Trump will raise the federal minimum wage to $15. A founder of
JustLeadershipUSA called Glenn Martin reveres8 that two-thirds of incarcerated women are
women of color, therefore "As women go, so does the family," Martin said. In fact, 79% of
incarcerated women are also mothers whose children are often taken away from them once they
are locked up". Martin venerates9 how women who serve time in prison endeavors on finding
employment but many re-entry programs are suited for men not for women. Martin states that
Trump wouldn't be adequate to create a change in America when seventy million Americans
have criminal records. Many organizers and activist are lauded10 and horrified that the numbers
will increase at a rapid pace. Capps is very panegyric11 while addressing how mothers worry
about their children and finances.Finally, the article states "women of color could see a
significant decrease in their access to insurance and reproductive health services" as well how
immigrants will be the cause admission decreases in the U.S.

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