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Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 227:261266

DOI 10.1007/s00217-007-0719-4


Microbial and chemical analysis of a kvass fermentation

Elena Dlusskaya Andr Jnsch Clarissa Schwab
Michael G. Gnzle

Received: 5 March 2007 / Revised: 10 May 2007 / Accepted: 28 June 2007 / Published online: 25 July 2007
Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract Kvass is a fermented cereal beverage which pro- rye bread in eastern European countries. Two main kvass-
duced from malt, rye Xour, stale rye bread, and sucrose and making techniques exist using either stale sourdough bread
is consumed mainly in Eastern Europe. Moreover, it is of or malt as main raw materials (Fig. 1). In kvass fermenta-
interest as one of the few examples of traditional, non-alco- tions from stale sourdough bread, all sugars needed for
holic cereal-based beverages. In this study, a commercial yeast fermentation are derived from the bread-making pro-
kvass sample was characterized with respect to the fermen- cess, in the second technique, gelatinized starch is cleaved
tation microXora and the concentration of microbial metabo- by malt enzymes. Prior to fermentation, the kvass batter is
lites. Lactobacillus casei and Leuconostoc mesenteroides diluted in boiling water and clariWed by sedimentation [1].
were present in cell counts of 7.3 107 and 6.0 107 cfu Sucrose is added to the kvass wort and fermentation is initi-
mL1, respectively. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was present ated by addition of bakers yeast or a previous batch of
in cell counts of 3.0 107 cfu mL1. PCR-DGGE analysis kvass. Fermentation is terminated by chilling of the product
veriWed that all dominant fermentation organisms were cul- to 4C before nutrients are exhausted. Kvass has a golden-
tivated. Microbial metabolites in kvass were ethanol, lactate, brown color, the pleasant Xavor of rye bread, low sweet-
and acetate. One of the kvass isolates, Ln. mesenteroides ness, is not obviously alcoholic and has suYcient carbonate
FUA 3086 harboured a putative dextransucrase gene and to give kvass a sparkle on the palate. The Wnal product con-
formed dextran and isomalto-oligosaccharides from sucrose tains carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids, lactic and
and maltose. Fermentation of model kvass wort conWrmed acetic acids and vitamins originating from the raw materials
that all kvass isolates grew in the fermentation substrate, or as a result of microbial activity. The predominant carbo-
moreover, formation of isomaltotriose by Ln. mesenteroides hydrates are maltose, maltotriose, glucose, and fructose, the
FUA 3086 was observed in model kvass fermentation. ethanol content is 1% or less [2]. Kvass is considered to be
spoiled if ethanol accumulates to higher levels. As opposed
to sourdough bread and related fermented cereal products,
Introduction kvass undergoes no heat processing after fermentation and
thus contains high cell counts of viable yeast and lactic acid
Kvass is a non-alcoholic cereal beverage which is tradition- bacteria.
ally produced from rye and barley malt, rye Xour, and stale The usage of artisanal starters which are maintained by
continuous back-slopping remains the most common way
to start kvass fermentations. The microXora of kvass fer-
E. Dlusskaya A. Jnsch C. Schwab M. G. Gnzle (&) mentation is consistently composed of lactic acid bacteria
Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science,
University of Alberta, 4-10 Ag/For Centre, Edmonton, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae [1, 3] but the composition
AB, Canada T6G 2P5 on species level is expected to be quite variable due to
e-mail: mgaenzle@ualberta.ca diVerences in fermentation techniques and feedstock. To
date, microbial associations in kvass fermentations are
A. Jnsch
Technische Universitt Mnchen, poorly investigated. In one study, Lactococcus lactis var.
Lehrstuhl Technische Mikrobiologie, Freising, Germany diacetilactis was proposed as a starter culture in combination

262 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 227:261266

Fig. 1 Flow charts of two main

kvass-making techniques Stale rye bread

Rye malt Rye flour (boiled with

excess water)

Cutting to 2-3 cm cubes,


Mixing with hot water (ca. Mixing and

1:10 solid to liquid ratio) saccharification

Incubation for 12 h at
room temperature

Addition of starter (bakers yeast

or previous batch) and sugar;
fermentation for 12 h at ~20C

Decanting, bottling,
refrigerated storage.

with S. cerevisiae to improve aroma and organoleptic prop- DNA isolation

erties of kvass [4]. It was the aim of this study to character-
ize a kvass sample with respect to the microXora DNA from bacterial isolates and total DNA from kvass
composition and microbial metabolites. were extracted using DNeasy Tissue Kit (QIAGEN, Mis-
sisauga, ON, Canada). DNA from yeasts was prepared
according the following protocol: Cell from an overnight
Materials and methods culture in YPD were resuspended in 200 L of lysis buVer
(2% Triton X-100, 1% SDS, 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris
Microbial isolation and enumeration HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) and subjected to two cycles of
freezing tubes at 80C freezer followed by thawing in a
Kvass (All Stars Bakery, Toronto, ON, Canada) was 95C water bath. Tubes were vortexed for 30 s, 200 L of
obtained from a local supermarket. According to the sup- chloroform was added and vortexed for two more minutes,
pliers information, the kvass was produced from sour- the aqueous layer was transferred to a tube containing
dough rye bread and malt using bakers yeast as starter 400 L of ice-cold 100% ethanol. After storage for 5 min to
culture. Cell counts in kvass samples were determined by allow for precipitation of DNA, tubes were centrifuged at
surface plating of serial dilutions on modiWed MRS agar 14,000 rpm for 5 min, the pellet was washed with 0.5 ml of
[5] with addition of 100 mg L1 of cycloheximide (Sigma, 70% ethanol and air dried. DNA was resuspended in 20 L
Oakville, Canada) or 300 mg L1 of chloramphenicol of TE buVer (10 mmol L1 Tris, 1 mmol L1 EDTA, pH
(Sigma) for enumeration of bacteria and yeasts, respec- 8.0).
tively. Plates were incubated for 48 h at 30C under
aerobic conditions for yeasts and both aerobic and micro- IdentiWcation of isolates
aerophilic (10% CO2, 1% O2, balance N2) conditions for
bacteria. Colonies diVering in color and morphology were RAPD analysis was performed using DNA of all bacterial
counted separately. Cells from four colonies of each mor- isolates according to Mller et al. [6] with the oligonucleo-
phological type were puriWed by serial dilution streaks on tide primer M13V. The reaction volume was 50 L and
modiWed MRS agar until uniform colony morphology was contained the following: 5 L 10 reaction buVer,
obtained. Stock cultures of isolates were maintained at 1.5 mM MgCl2, 200 nM each of deoxynucleotides, 1.5 U
80C in 30% glycerol. Subsequent cultivation of cultures Taq polymerase, 150 pmol of primer M13V (all reagents
was done in mMRS at 30C for bacterial isolates and in from Invitrogen Corporation, Carlsbad, CA, USA) and
yeastpeptonedextrose medium (YPD, 10 g L1 yeast 1 L of template DNA. PCR fragments were separated on
extract, 20 g L1 peptone, 20 g L1 dextose, pH 6.5) at 1% agarose (Invitrogen Corporation) gel in 1 TBE
30C for yeast isolates. buVer (80V). A 1 kb Plus DNA ladder was included as a

Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 227:261266 263

size marker. RAPD patterns were visualized by UV transil- glucose 100 mM, isomaltooligosaccharides 100 mg mL1,
lumination after staining in ethidium bromide. and dextran 150 g L1 (Sigma) were loaded on plates. TLC
Three isolates of each bacterial strain detected by RAPD plates were run thrice in a butanol : ethanol : water mixture
analysis were identiWed to species level by sequencing of (5:5:3, v/v/v%) and stained with an ethanol solution con-
the hypervariable region of bacterial 16S RNA. Bacterial taining -naphtol (w/v 0.3%) and H2SO4 (v/v 5%). The
16S rRNA genes were ampliWed with universal primers staining was developed at 110C for 10 min [10]. Polysac-
616V and 630R [7] and 28S rRNA genes of yeasts isolates charides were present when a dark purple ring was visible
were ampliWed with primers P1 and P2 [8]. PCR products after staining.
were sequenced and analyzed by NCBI BLAST.
Dextransucrase gene in Lc. mesenteroides FUA3087
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
The genome of Ln. mesenteroides FUA3086 was screened
PCR-DGGE analysis was carried out with DNA isolated for the presence of a dextransucrase using PCR. Primers
directly from kvass and DNA of bacterial strains isolated LcGlu F (5GTTCTTCGTGTCTATTATGG-3) and
from kvass samples. The hypervariable V3 regions (corre- LcGlu R (5ATGGAACACTTTATCACTCG-3) targeting
sponding to nucleotides 339539 in Escherichia coli) of the a 563 bp region within dextransucrase genes of Leuconos-
16S RNA genes were ampliWed by using PCR with univer- toc spp. were constructed based on homologous regions of
sal primers HDA1-GC and HDA-2 and DGGE was carried dextransucrases of Ln. mesenteroides L0309
out as described previously [9]. Experiments were per- (AY743959.1), Ln. mesenteroides Lcc4 (AY017384), Ln.
formed in duplicate. mesenteroides B-512F (LMU81374).

HPLC analysis of commercial and model kvass Preparation of model kvass

Carbohydrates were separated using a Supelcosil LC- Ln. mesenteroides FUA3086, L. casei FUA3087 and
NH2 (5 m, Supelco, Oakville, ON, Canada) column and S. cerevisiae FUA4009 were subcultured twice in overnight
detected with an evaporative light scattering detector (All- mMRS, washed, and inoculated in a model kvass wort con-
tech 500 ELSD, Alltech, Guelph, Canada). HPLC grade taining 20 g L1 malt extract (Difco, Oakville, Canada) and
water (A) and acetonitril (B) were used as mobile phase 20 g L1 sucrose. Inoculum levels were approximately 106
(0 min 90% B, 1.5 mL min1; 25 min 75%, 1.5 mL min1; and 104 CFU mL1 for bacteria and yeast, respectively.
26 min 50% B, 0.9 mL min1; 32 min 50% B, Bacteria were inoculated alone, together and together with
0.9 mL min1, 33 min 30% B, 0.9 mL min1; 40 min 30% yeast at room temperature and samples were taken after 8
B, 0.9 mL min1; 45 min 90% B, 1.5 mL min1). Peaks and 24 h. Cell counts of bacteria were determined on
were assigned using glucose, maltose, maltotriose, isomal- mMRS agar plates containing 4 mg L1 cycloheximide.
totriose, fructose, sucrose (all Sigma), and an isomaltooli- Yeasts were enumerated on mMRS plates containing
gosaccharide preparation (BioNeutra, Edmonton, Canada) 100 mg L1 chloramphenicol. Experiments were performed
as external standards. Lactate, acetate and ethanol were in duplicate and results are reported as means SD.
quantiWed using an Aminex HPX-87H column maintained
at 70C with 5 mM H2SO4 as solvent at 0.4 ml min1. All
concentrations of substrates and metabolites as determined Results
by HPLC were reported in mmol L1. HPLC analysis was
performed in duplicate and the experimental error was 10% Microbial analysis of kvass
or less.
The viable cell count of the kvass sample was 1.6 108 cfu
Oligo- and polysaccharide formation from sucrose mL1, bacteria and yeasts accounted for 80 and 20% of the
total population, respectively. A total of total 32 bacterial
Ln. mesenteroides FUA3086 and L. casei FUA3087 were isolates and two yeast isolates were obtained from highest
grown in mMRS containing 100 g L1 sucrose, 100 g L1 dilution (106) plates. In agreement with previous reports
sucrose and 20 g L1 maltose, or 20 g L1 maltose, and on RAPD typing of lactic acid bacteria [6], the patterns
20 g L1 sucrose. Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides generated for each strain contained 46 bands sized
present within the supernatants were analysed using thin between 300 and 3,000 bp (data not shown). RAPD pat-
layer chromatography. Carbohydrates were separated on terns from all bacterial isolates were virtually identical to
TLC plates (Whatman, London, UK). About 1 or 5 L of one of two diVerent RAPD patterns obtained from the
supernatants and 2 L of standard solutions (maltose and Kvass isolates (data not shown). RAPD typing is known to

264 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 227:261266

discriminate on strain- or species level. As all 32 isolates Biochemical analysis of kvass

were obtained from the same sample, strains with indistin-
guishable RAPD patterns likely represent clonal isolates of The pH of kvass was 3.45. Ethanol, lactate, and acetate
two diVerent strains or species. Three isolates of each of the were present at concentrations 220, 6.5, and 4.1 mM,
two RAPD patterns were subjected to taxonomic identiWca- respectively. Fructose, glucose, and maltose were present at
tion based on partial 16S RNA gene sequencing. Three levels of 70, 38, and 22 mM, respectively. Maltotriose and
strains were identiWed as Lactobacillus casei (99% identity maltodextrins were present in much smaller concentrations.
in 573 bp to L. casei ATCC 334, Acc. No. AF404708), the
remaining three were identiWed as Leuconostoc mesentero- Oligo- and polysaccharide production by Ln. mesenteroides
ides (98.5 and 98.1% identity in 557 bp to Ln. mesentero- FUA 3086
ides spp. dextranicum CECT 912T, Acc. No. AB023246,
and Ln. mesenteroides spp. mesenteroides DSM 20343T, The addition of sucrose to kvass wort enables the formation
Acc. No. M23034, respectively) [11] and assigned the of poly- and oligosaccharides during fermentation by bacte-
strain numbers L. casei FUA 3087 and Ln. mesenteroides rial glycosyltransferases. Dextransucrase activity is fre-
FUA 3086. Taking into consideration the diVerent colony quently found in strains of the genus Leuconostoc. To
morphologies of the two bacterial species, the viable cell detect exopolysaccharide synthesis by the two bacterial iso-
counts were estimated as 7.3 107 and 6.0 107 cfu lates from kvass, Ln. mesenteroides FUA 3086 and L. casei
mL1 for L. casei and Ln. mesenteroides, respectively. FUA3087 were grown in mMRS containing 100 g L1
Both yeast isolates were identiWed as Saccharomyces cere- sucrose and culture supernatants were analysed by TLC.
visiae after sequencing of their 28S RNA gene. During growth in mMRS containing sucrose, Ln. mesen-
Culture-independent analysis of the bacterial microX- teroides FUA3086 formed a polysaccharide (data not
ora was carried out to verify that all numerically domi- shown). An oligosaccharide was additionally detected
nant microorganisms were cultivated. PCR-DGGE when Ln. mesenteroides FUA3086 was grown in the pres-
analysis of DNA isolated from kvass indicated the pres- ence of maltose and sucrose (20 and 100 g L1 or 20 and
ence of two dominant bacterial species in the sample 20 g L1, respectively). The oligosaccharide could be tenta-
(Fig. 2). The bands could be assigned to the species Ln. tively identiWed as isomaltotriose using TLC (data not
mesenteroides and L. casei by comparison with the band- shown). Neither oligo- nor polysaccharides were detected
ing patterns obtained with strains L. casei FUA 3087 and in supernatants of L. casei FUA3087. Using primers LcGlu
Ln. mesenteroides FUA 3086 isolated from the same F and LcGlu an amplicon of the expected size, 563 bp, was
kvass sample. obtained from genomic DNA of Lc. mesenteroides FUA
3086, indicating the presence of a dextransucrase gene.

Formation of isomaltotriose during model kvass


Cell counts, pH, organic acid formation and carbohydrate

utilization of the kvass isolates was evaluated during a
model kvass fermentation. Model kvass wort contained
58.0 mM sucrose, 24.4 mM glucose, 9.7 mM maltose,
3.1 mM maltotriose and higher maltooligosaccharides, and
the initial pH was 4.5. In single culture, Ln. mesenteroides
FUA 3086 and L. casei FUA3087 grew to cell counts of
3.3 1 107 and 4.1 4.5 107 cfu mL1 within 24 h,
respectively, and acidiWed the model kvass wort to pH 3.4
and 3.5, respectively. In keeping with their identiWcation as
obligate heterofermentative and homofermentative organ-
isms, Ln. mesenteroides formed lactate and acetate in a
molar ratio of 3:1 whereas lactate was the sole product of
hexose metabolism by L. casei. In mixed culture experi-
Fig. 2 PCR-DGGE analysis of kvass. The following templates were ments, Ln. mesenteroides and L. casei grew to cell counts
used, Lane 1, DNA isolated from kvass, lane 2, DNA from L. casei
FUA3087, lanes 3 and 4, DNA from Ln. mesenteroides FUA3086. The of 1.9 1.6 107 and 2.3 1.3 106 cfu mL1, respec-
experiment was performed in duplicate and representative results are tively. Cell counts of S. cerevisiae FUA4009 increased to
shown 5.1 2.1 105 cfu mL1 in 24 h. Oligosaccharide analysis

Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 227:261266 265

revealed that isomaltotriose was formed by Ln. mesentero- 25598T. Our nomenclature thus follows the suggestion to
ides during growth in model kvass (Fig. 3). In single cul- use L. casei ATCC 334 as neotype for L. casei [13, 16].
ture of Ln. mesenteroides , 0.8 0.1 g L1 isomaltotriose Kvass is similar to boza, a Turkish, non-alcoholic fer-
were formed; 1.0 0.1 and 0.8 0.1 g L1 were found in mented beverage, with respect to the composition of the
model kvass inoculated with both bacterial kvass isolates Wnal product as well as the microXora [17] but the charac-
and after fermentation with both bacteria and S. cerevisiae, terisation of kvass microbiota on species level has hitherto
respectively. not been reported. The high cell counts of S. cerevisiae are
obviously derived from the use of bakers yeast to initiate
the fermentation and the yeast produced the lions share of
Discussion ethanol and carbon dioxide present in the sample. The lac-
tic acid bacteria present in the sample likely originate from
This study provides a microbial and chemical analysis of a malt which is used as raw material, from bakers yeast, or
commercial kvass fermentation. The kvass microXora was originate from the bakery environment as sourdough bread
characterized by a combination of lactic fermentation with is produced in the same facility. Bakers yeast is frequently
alcoholic fermentation. Two species of lactic acid bacteria contaminated with high cell counts of lactic acid bacteria
were identiWed by sequencing of their 16S rRNA that grow to high cell counts upon prolonged fermentation
sequences, Lc. mesenteroides and L. casei. Culture-inde- in cereal substrates, e.g. sponge doughs [18]. The coexis-
pendent PCR-DGGE analysis conWrmed that cultivation tence of homo- and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria
retrieved all bacterial species that were present in relevant and yeast is typical for some specialty beers such as Ber-
cell counts. Because rDNA rather than rRNA was used as liner Weie and has been frequently reported for traditional
template for PCR-DGGE analysis, this method also detects (type I) sourdough fermentations [19, 20] Ln. mesentero-
cells that are dead or dormant after processing or transport ides is frequently found in fermented food of plant origin
[12]. The cell counts of bacterial isolates in model kvass and has been repeatedly isolated from sourdough [21, 22].
fermentations were in agreement with the cell counts in the Strains of the L. casei group are found in a variety of man-
kvass sample. made and natural habitats, including cheese, sourdoughs,
The nomenclature of the L. casei/L. paracasei group is a and the intestine of mammals [21, 23, 24]. Current com-
matter of ongoing discussion. Three phylogenetic clusters mercial applications focus on its use as probiotic culture
are readily diVerentiated on the basis of multi-locus [25]. The isolation of L. casei from kvass conWrms previous
sequence analysis [1315]. One of these units comprises observations that the spectrum of Lactobacillus species
strains of L. rhamnosus, a second unit comprises L. zeae found in the intestine and certain cereal fermentations
LMG 17315T and L. casei ATCC 393T, and a third unit strongly overlap [9, 12, 26, 27]. Cereal fermented foods are
comprises L. casei ATCC 334 and L. paracasei ATCC thus a suitable alternative to milk-based carriers for probi-
otic bacteria and kvass containing high cell counts of viable
lactic acid bacteria may serve as a blueprint for the devel-
opment of cereal-based probiotic functional beverages.
The description of dextran formation by Leuconostoc
species (betacoccus) dates back to Orla-Jensen [28], who
described their ability to form polysaccharides from
sucrose and the formation of dextran during the extraction
of sugar beets. In the past decade, more than a dozen dex-
transucrases from Leuconostoc spp. and related genera
were characterized on the genetical and biochemical level
[29]. The enzymes generally catalyse the synthesis of di-
and oligosaccharides in addition to polymer formation; the
oligosaccharides formed include leucrose, panose, isomal-
tose, and the corresponding higher oligosaccharides [30
32]. Ln. mesenteroides FUA 3086 formed dextran or isom-
alto-oligosaccharides from sucrose or sucrose and maltose,
Fig. 3 HPLC analysis of model kvass fermentations using Ln. mesen- respectively, in mMRS. Isomaltotriose was detected in
teroides FUA3086 (lower trace), L. casei FUA3087 (middle trace), or model kvass fermentation and isomaltotriose formation in
Ln. mesenteroides FUA3086, L. casei FUA3087 and S. cerevisiae
FUA4009 in mixed culture (upper trace). The model kvass wort con-
kvass may be attributable to a dextransucrase detected in
tained malt extract (20 g L1) 20 g L1 sucrose and was fermented for strain FUA 3086 by PCR-screening. The presence of isom-
24 h at room temperature ( 20C) altotriose as the major oligosaccharide formed in model

266 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 227:261266

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