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About the Author
Robert Gerlach Zaragoza
De descendencia Filipino-Americana, nacido en la ciudad de Manila capital de las islas Filipinas,
una nacin archipilago en el lejano oriente, en el sur del oceano pacfico, que consiste de 7,107
islas y mide 1,840 kilmetros de norte a sur. Ha sido un Ejecutivo de Publicidad y un Productor y
Director de TV, en la ciudad de Manila.

Bob, como l es llamado por sus amigos, es Licenciado en Letras Especializacin en Ingls de la
Xavier University en Manila, R. P., y aqu en Colombia tomo unos cursos en Fonticas, atendi
varios Simposios para profesores de ingls en Centro Colombo Americano. Participo como tutor
en el proyecto de carcter nacional: HUILA UNIDO HABLA INGLES en el 2006.

Sali de las Filipinas en 1970 y en sus viajes alrededor del mundo ense Ingls como segundo
idioma por primera ves en Hong Kong, y le gusto. Como resultado, antes de compilar y escribir
sus libros de ingls, hizo algunas investigaciones y estudios reuniendo material de algunas
grandes bibliotecas de Manila, Hong Kong, Espaa, Suiza y Colombia. Cuando lleg a ste pas
en los principios del '73., Hizo de Colombia su hogar. Durante los pasados aos conociendo la
importancia de la necesidad que los pases sudamericanos tienen para aprender ingls, trabaj
sobre sus notas y eventualmente escribi estos libros para facilitar la enseanza y aprendizaje del
ingls como un segundo idioma para el beneficio del colombiano, sudamericano.

Este material esta echo para el uso de los estudiantes de Zaragoza. S prohbe cualquier clase de reproduccin total o parcial de ste
material. Se perseguir administrativa o judicialmente a toda persona natural o jurdica que viole en cualquier forma la propiedad
intelectual del presente material.

Copyright 1994 by R.G.Zaragoza Bogot Colombia S.A.

Es mi placer transmitirles mis conocimientos a travs de mi mtodo, el cual dise
para cambiar la idea de pensar que es muy difcil aprender ingls y que la mayora piensa.
No es asi, es el maestro(a) quien es ignorante porque no conoce mi idioma, por lo tanto no
sabe ensearlo. No es suficiente ir a un pais de habla ingls, y aprender el habla de la
calle y volver a su pas a ensearlo, sino que es necesario ir a la universidad, estudiar y
aprenderlo para poder ensearlo correctamente.

Ustedes tienen una ventaja por que hblen el espaol, uno de los lenguajes ms
complicado y dificiles de aprender. Es vital hacer un paralelo entre las similitudes del
idioma aprender, y el idioma nativo. No se puede ensear correctamente un idioma si el
alumno no tiene claros los conceptos gramaticales de su idioma nativo. Por eso desconfe
de maestros(as) o cursos donde le dicen "No more Spanish" desde la primera clase.
Perdonales la ignorancia por favor por que no saben lo que dicen y mucho menos lo que
hacen en contra de las personas que apenas estan empezando a aprender el ingles.

Si se dedica un poco de tiempo todos los dias a aprender vocabulario, lograrn

avances y mejorarn su entendimento. No se puede negar que hay mtodos que son
mejores que otros. Para aprender vocabulario no se necesita instructor (un buen
diccionario basta).

Es adecuado para el aprendizaje autodidacta. (Complemente el conocimiento

conversando con personas que lo hablen correctamente). El odo lo puede afinar mediante
la utilizacin de programas de computacin que estn en ingls (que sean nativos).
Tambien la tele o pelculas en ingles, es una excelente herramienta para adquirir
vocabulario y poder divertirse de manera sana.

El poco conocimiento que tengo del castellano, lo utilizo aqu con lgica y sentido
comn para dar absoluta claridad sobre los temas. Explico de manera amena y coloquial
de los dos idiomas para simplificarlo al estudiante; la redaccin del texto simula la
presencia del instructor, lo que le quita el carcter impersonal que tiene cualquier libro de
enseanza. Comprende una parte gramatical en espaol y su aproximacin a la gramtica
bsica del ingls de manera paralela; despus estudiaremos la forma de construir
oraciones en ingls, rea bsica para conversar y para poder hacerse entender.

Una de las principales causas del fracaso en el estudio de Idiomas es el no saber

estudiar. Aqu anotaremos las diferentes partes que componen cada leccin de este
Mtodo y como debe estudiarse cada una. Este mtodo es enteramente, pedaggico,
comprensible, gramatical y prctico y estudindose debidamente el alumno conocer el
idioma Ingls a fondo al graduarse. Refirindose particularmente al ingls, idioma de
extraordinaria aplicacin en todo, conjuntamente con el castellano, no hay que realzar,
por sabios, los beneficios que del conocimiento de dichos idiomas se desprenden.
Hemos hecho este material para suplir las necesidades del estudiantado.
El aprendizaje del idioma Ingls ofrece innumerables ventajas, entre las cuales
cabe destacar, como ms importantes, las que se refieren al terreno cultural, social y
econmico. Dada la gran divulgacin que a travs de todo el mundo ha adquirido el
ingls, el estudiante que se grada con nosotros para la Universidad estar en una
posicin ventajosa para desempear con brillantez cualquier prueba acadmica dentro o
fuera del pas. Ello, naturalmente, significa, para el estudiante en tales condiciones, un
mayor beneficio econmico y mejores facilidades de triunfo dentro de su carrera. Para
hablar el Ingls no basta saber pronunciar las letras del alfabeto, pues no hay, quizs,
lengua alguna que presente sonidos tan variados y excepciones tan numerosas a la
regla general; de modo que solo por medio de un maestro, y/o, practicando con
Ingleses o Norteamericanos inteligentes, se puede conseguir una pronunciacin ms o
menos perfecta.

Tiene el Ingls, tambin, otra irregularidad importante en su ortografa; una misma letra se
pronuncia de diferentes maneras, con sonidos enteramente distintos, ejemplo: V, G, A,
suenan como / E /. E como / I /, o como / U / .As en Ingls / LO / (he aqu!), se pronuncia
precisamente como el pronombre LO en Espaol. Pero DO (hacer), se pronuncia / DU /
y TO (a), se pronuncia / TU / etc. Esta irregularidad, de la cual hablo, se extiende a
muchsimas palabras, a tal punto que en espaol, solamente sucede con la Y, que cuando
es conjuncin se pronuncia como / I /, / V /, / G /
Ejemplo: Europa, Amrica. Y se pronuncia como consonante cuando adhiere a una vocal,
en el caso de yerro - yugo.

Estas excepciones o irregularidades son tan abundantes en ingls que, casi, puede
decirse, que las letras de ese idioma de ninguna manera representan los sonidos del
lenguaje. Otra cosa es aprender a escribir una palabra, y otra muy diferente el saber
pronunciarla despus de estar escrita. Tan grande es, esta dificultad, que los mismos
Norteamericanos Ingleses estn obligados a emplear Diccionarios de Pronunciacin
con su clave correspondiente. Diccionarios donde las palabras estn impresas tal cual
deben escribirse; y a continuacin, las mismas palabras con ciertos signos, que
muestran como deben pronunciarse. Estos Diccionarios de Pronunciacin no los hay en
castellano, porque no se necesitan.

La diferencia entre la manera de escribir y la de pronunciar las palabras en Ingls se

debe en parte a que la lengua Inglesa se ha formado de la mezcla de gran nmero de
diferentes lenguas; y en parte a los grandes cambios que han ocurrido en la manera de
pronunciar muchas palabras durante muchos siglos, mientras que el modo de escribirlas
no ha cambiado en proporcin; pero principalmente a causa de haber adoptado el
alfabeto romano para representar el Ingls, que tiene muchos ms sonidos que aqul el
latino, y aun ms que el castellano, y por lo tanto no puede representarlos el alfabeto

Robert Gerlach Zaragoza.

Note to the Teacher:




The reason English is a required subject in almost all schools is that nothing in your education is more
important than learning how to express yourself well. You may know a vast amount about a subject, but if
you are unable to communicate what you know, you are severely limited. By learning how English
functions and by practicing language skills, you can acquire the competence necessary to express
adequately what you know and what you think.

You have two guides to help you in your study of English. One is your teacher; the other is your textbook.
This textbook is designed to help you improve your ability to use English. It will show you how the English
sentence works, how words are combined in sentences, and how the parts of sentences may best be
arranged for clear communication. You will learn the difference between sentences, which are strong
and awkward. You will learn to use Standard English,

What this book does not do

This book is not a complete guide to the English language. Its purpose is practical: to give the learner
and the teacher important information they need in order to deal with common language problems. Within
this framework, the explanations are as complete and accurate as I could make them. However it is not
always possible to deal with all the details of a complex structural point; so you may well find occasional
exceptions to some of the grammatical rules. Equally, this book is not aimed to replace a dictionary.
However, it gives information about common problems; it does not attempt to describe other meanings or
uses of the words beside those points that are selected.

In general, each chapter is organized around one of structure, building from basic structures to related
structures and usage. The text is designed to be used in the order in which it is Presented; however, the
integration of material is not so extensive as to preclude your rearranging the order of
presentation to suit your purposes and the needs of your class.

The exercises designated ORAL is to be done with open books but require no writing and no preparation.
This book is intended to be practical, useful, and fun-for both student and teacher.

How important is correctness?

If one makes too many mistakes in a foreign language, it would be difficult for one to be understood, so a
reasonable level of correctness is important. However, it is quite unnecessary to speak or write a
language perfectly in order to communicate effectively (few in fact achieve a perfect command of another
language). Learners should aim to avoid serious mistakes but you should not become obsessed with
correctness, or worry every time you make a mistake. Grammar is not the most important thing in the

So Which Approach Is Best?

There is no one best approach because the circumstances and needs of ESL students vary so
greatly.To choose approaches that are the most appropriate for your students, you must take
into account many variables. What are your students needs? Where will they use their English?
Will they need their English for school or for work? How old are they? What kind of work do
they do? How much time do they have to learn English? Have they studied English or another
language before?

How well do they know their own language? In this case Spanish.


/ei/ /bi/ /si/ /di/ /i/
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee
1 2 3 4 5

/ef/ /yi/ /eich/ /ai/ /yei/

Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj
6 7 8 9 10

/kei/ /el/ /em/ /en/ /ou/

Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo
11 12 13 14 15

/pi/ /quiu/ /ar/ /es/ /ti/

Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt
16 17 18 19 20

/iu/ /vi/ /dabeliu/ /ex/ /uai/

Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy
21 22 23 24 25

/zii /

The letter "Z" is pronounced /zii/ in Amerrican English and /zed/ in British English Ten
en cuenta que deletrear (Spell) es diferente de pronunciar.

Deletrear (Spell) significa decir una por una las letras que componen la palabra.

Vowels = a, e, i, o, u.

Consonants = b, c. d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.


13% 10% 7% 5% 3% 2%

AM SOY / ESTOY: Es el auxilar que se usa nicamente con Yo = I.

I am __________ = Yo soy __________ I am in love. = Yo estoy enamorao.

IS ES / ESTA: Es el auxilar que se usa con El = HE, Ella = SHE

He Is __________= El Es __________ He is in love. = El esta enamorado.

* IT Es / Ello / lo It is working. = .Esta funsunando. (Es neutro)

* Se refiere al sujetode una frase que es una persona, una mquina, un perro, un edificio es neutro.
En la frase "Es peligroso", el pronombre sujeto no est en expreso sino tcito y si se quiere impersonal. La
regla, en ingls hay que indicar qu es lo que es peligroso, hay que decir o escribir (IT). "It is dangerous" y
no simplemente "Is dangerous".

Ej: "Es peligroso". Correcto: "It is dangerous" Incorrecto: "Is dangerous".

"Esta comiendo". Right: "It is eating." Wrong: Is eating"

** YOU T el auxilar que se usa es ARE = ERES / ESTAS

You are in love. = Tu estas enamorado / Are you in love? = Estas tu enamorado?

YOU Vosotros el auxilar que se usa es ARE = ESTN / SOIS / ESTIS/ SON

**Como puede apreciarse, en ingls no hay distincin entre usted, t, vos, ni entre ustedes o vosotros; se
usa el mismo pronombre. Por lo tanto no hay forma de saber si hay tuteo (t) o voseo (vos), este ltimo es
utilizado en el Valle Del Cauca o Antioquia, y en Argentina. Ni tampoco hay plural en los verbos en el ingls.

ARE SOMOS / ESTAMOS / SON Es el auxilar para WE, THEY

WE Nosotros (as) We are in love. = Nosotros estamos enamorados.

THEY Ellos (as) (personas) They are in love. = _______________________

**THEY = son / estan = neutron. They are books. = Son libros. (plural no personas).
*** El pronombre They Son / Estan es neutro se refiere al sujeto en la frase en Plural. (no personas o tacito)

En ingls no existen el tcitos, solo el del imperativo (una orden)

Ej: Vete = Go; No vayas. = Don't go; Llmame = Call me.

En ninguna se usa el sujeto pronombre You".

Amo mucho (Yo), / Cantas muy bien (T), / Cenamos juntos (Nosotros).

En espaol el pronombre sujeto puede usase en expreso o no usase en tcito:

En estas tres oraciones en el espaol no necesitamos nombrar el pronombre sujeto para saber quien es,
pero en el inglish si, es nesesario.
/ju/ /uat/ /hau/
WHO (Quien) WHAT (Que) HOW (cmo) se usa con is / are.

(a) How do you say bueno in English? = Cmo se dice bueno en Ingles?

(b) What is the symbol arroba in English? = Que es el simbolo @ en Ingles?

The symbol @ is at in Englih = es at en Inglish

ORAL: Ask and answer questions:

1. (a) What is your name? (b) My name is ___ sir / maam.

Que es tu nombre? Mi nombre es ______ seor / seora.

2. (a) Who are you? = Quien eres tu? (b) I am _______. = Yo soy _____

3. (a) Who are you? = Quien son Ustedes? (b) We are _______ and ______

4. (a) Who is he? = Quien es el / ella? (b) He is.= El es ____________.

5. (a) Who is she? = Quien es ella? (b) She is.= Ella es ___________.

6. (a) Who are they? = Quien es son _______? (b) They are ______ and _____

7. (a) Where are you from? = De donde eres? (b) I am from ____. = Yo soy de __.

8. (a) Where do you live? = Donde vives tu? (b) I live in ________________.

9. (a) How old are you? = Que edad eres? (b) I am _______ years old.

10.(a) What is your age? = Que es tu edad? (b) I am ______ years old.

11. (a) What is it? = Que es? (b) It is a _________________.

12.(a) What are they? = Que son? (b) They are ______________

NOT negacin

Esta palabra NOT de negacin, no existe en espaol. Para negar en Espaol se tiene que repetir l "NO"
dos veces; el primer "NO" es el negativo y el segundo "NO" es la negacin que es NOT en Ingls.

STATEMENT (declaracin) Colombia is not in North America. (Colombia no esta en Norte Amrica.)
SENTENCES (frase) Santa Marta is not in the pacific. (Santa Marta no esta en el pacifico.)

QUESTION (pregunta) Is Bogot in Antioquia? = Est Bogot en Antioquia? Aux. + s + p + s

DECLARATIVE QUESTION: (pregunta declarativo) a question which has the same grammatical
form as a statement. Bogot is in Antioquia! = (Bogot Est en Antioquia!)

ANSWER (respuesta) No, it isnt. Bogot is not in Antioqua.

(No, no lo esta. Bogot no esta en Antioquia.)

Slo use las Contracciones en la conversacin:

Las formas negativas de la conjugacin se forman de la siguiente manera. Se coloca la negacin NOT
despus del primer auxiliar: En la lengua hablada NOT se contrae en nt

Is not (isnt) = (no es / no esta) Ej: ________________

Are not (arent) = (no son / no estn) Ej: ________________
Am + not are not contracted (Am + Not no son contrados.)

EXERCISE 1: Write your own sentences or questions:

Ej: ____________________________________________________________________

Ej: ____________________________________________________________________

Ej: ____________________________________________________________________

Ej: ____________________________________________________________________

Ej: ____________________________________________________________________

INDEFINITE ARTICLE Artculo Indeterminado

NOTE: A = un, uno, una es usado con palabras (adjetivo o sustantivo) que empiece
fonticamente con una consonante, o con la vocal "U" o el vocablo "Eu" cuando suena como
iu. De lo anterior se desprende que en ingls el artculo no tiene gnero como s lo tiene en espaol, por
lo tanto el gnero y el nmero lo da el sustantivo que lo acompaa.

Example = Ejemplo: A university (Una universidad Suena "yunivrsity")

A man. (Un hombre.) A horse (Un __________) A snake (Una _________

A computar. (Una computadora.) A kitten (Un __________) A sheep (Una _________

A table. (Una mesa.) A spider (Un __________) A duck (Un _________

A University (Una Universidad.) A cow (Un __________) A monkey (Un ________

A Bank (Un Banco) A parrot (Un __________) A dolphin (Un ________

NOTE: AN = un, uno, una Se utiliza antes de una palabra (adjetivo o sustantivo) que empiece con
una vocal a, e, i, o, u, o con una H muda. La H en ingls puede no sonar o puede sonar, en cuyo caso
suena como la J de nuestro espaol. Es invariable en gnero.

An ashtray. (Un cenicero.) An elephant (Un_____________)

An egg (Un ___________) An apple. (Una manzana.)
An eye (Un_____________) An orange (Un ___________)
An ambulance. (Una ambulancia.) An ear (Un_____________)
An eraser (Un ___________) An Ocean (Un Ocano.)
An arm (Un_____________) An hour (Una__________)

Example = Ejemplo: An hour (Una ora suena "an aweer")
Cuando el sustantivo est en singular, los artculos indefinidos no se pueden omitir en ingls, como lo
hacemos en ocasiones en espaol.

Ej: En espaol decimos Yo tengo casa En ingls debemos decir Yo tengo una casa" (I have a house).


EXERCISE 2: Complete the sentences. Use an ARTICLE, a or an.

1. Bogota is ____ city 2. English is ____ language.

3.. A horse is an animal. 4. Korea is ____ country.
5. Europe is ____ continent. 6. ____ dictionary is book.
7. ____ hotel is ____ building. 8. ____ bear is ____ animal.
9. ____ bee is ____ insect. 10. ____ ant is ____ insect.

EXERCISE 3: Complete the sentences. Use an ARTICLE (a or an) and the words in the list.
Animal, continent, insect, city, country, language

1. Arabic is a language 9. A bee is ___ __________

2. Medelln is a city. 10. South America is ___ __________
3. A cat is an animal. 11. A dog is ___ __________
4. Asia is ___ __________ 12. China is ___ __________
5. Tokyo is ___ __________ 13. Russian is ___ __________
6. Spanish is ___ __________ 14. A cow is ___ __________
7. Mexico is ___ __________ 15. A fly is ___ __________
8. London is ___ __________

EXERCISE 4-ORAL: Complete the sentences with your own words. There is more than
one possible completion.

English is a language. Spanish is a language. Arabic is a language.

1 _______________ is a language. 2 ._______________ is a country.

3. _______________ is a city. 4. _______________ is a continent.
5. _______________ is an animal. 6. _______________ is an insect.

NOUN + ARE + NOUN: PLURAL, means "two, three, or more."

(a) Cows are animals. Plural nouns end in -S.

(b) SINGULAR: a cat, an animal. (c) SINGULAR: a city, a country.

Cats = a plural noun animals = a plural noun are = a plural verb


(d) Columbia and Argentina are countries. (e) Dogs and cats are animals.

A and an are used only with singular nouns. Some singular nouns that end in -y have a special plural form:
They omit the -y and add -ies. Two nouns connected by and are followed by are.
In (d): Canada is a singular noun. China is a singular noun. They are connected by and.
Together they are plural, i.e., "more than one."

EXERCISE 5: Change the singular sentences to plural sentences.

1. An ant is an insect. 2. A computer is a machine.
3. A dictionary is a book. 4. A chicken is a bird.
5. A rose is a flower. 6. A carrot is a vegetable.
7. A rabbit is an animal. 8. Ants are insects.
EXERCISE 6: ORAL: Complete the sentences with is or are and one of the nouns in the list.
Use the correct singular form of the noun (using a or an) or the correct plural form.

Animal, country, language, city, insect, machine, continent

1. A dog is an animal 2. Dogs are animals

3. Spanish 7. Thailand and Viet Nam
8. Thailand 9. Butterflies
10. A fly, 11. An automobile
12. Automobiles 13. Cali
14. Bogota and Cartagena

EXERCISE 7-ORAL: Complete the sentences with your own words.

Example = Ejemplo:. . . a country. Response: (Brazil is) a country.

1. ... a country. 6. ... cities. 11. ... countries in Asia.

2. ... countries. 7. ... animals. 12. ... a city in Europe.
3. languages. 8. ... an insect. 13. ... a plant.
4. ... a language. 9. ... a peninsula. 14. ... a vegetable.
5. a city. 10. ... streets in this city. 15. ... a season.

EXERCISE 8- ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): What are the following things?

Example = Ejemplo:. Cows Response: Cows are animals.

1. English 8. Spanish and Arabic

2. England 9. Spring
3. Butterflies 10. Japan and Venezuela
4. Chickens 11. A computer
5. Europe 12. A bear
6. Roses 13. Bees
7. A carrot 14. An ant
15. Winter and summer 16. September and October
17. A dictionary 18. Typewriters
19. A Honda 20. (Names of cars, cities, countries, continents, animals, insects)

(a) I am a student. (h) We are students.
(b) You are a student (i) You are students.
(c) She is a student (j) They are students.
(d) He is a student (k) It is a county.

( e ) Rita is in my class. She is a student. Pronouns refer to nouns. In (e): she (feminine) = Rita
( f ) Tom is in my class. He is a student. In (f): he (masculine) = Tom
(g) Rita and Tom are in my class. They are students. In (g): they = Rita and Tom

EXERCISE 9: Complete the sentences. Use a VERB: am, is, or are. Use a NOUN: a student or students.

1. We are students 2. Rita goes to school.

3. Rita and Tom go to school. 4. You (one person)
5. You (two persons)

NOTE: SOME algo, algn, algunos, un poco, unos, unas es usado con sustantivos plurales.

Cuando el sustantivo est en plural los artculos indefinidos se comportan igual que en espaol. No use
"A" con un sustantivo plural.

Some salt (Algo de sal.) Some ice cream (un poco de helado)

Some lettuce (un poco de lechuga) some sandwiches (unos emparedados)

Some cabbage (Unas col) some beetroots (unas remolachas.)

Some plates (Unos / Algunos platos.) Some beans (un poco de __________)

Some pea (un poco de arveja) Some rice (un poco de __________)

Ej: En espaol podemos decir "tengo amigos" = "I have friends." o igualmente,
"Yo tengo unos amigos = "I have some friends"

(a) Colombia is a country. (Colombia es un pas.) (b) Are some countris better then others?

(c) A horse is an animal. (Un caballo es un animal.) (d) A bee is an insect. (Una ______un_____.)


THE /di/ /da/ = el, la, los, las

Es el mismo para singular o plural, y se usa indistintamente para todos los gneros.
(Masculino, femenino o neutro)

Example = Ejemplo:. The house The houses The dog The dogs

Las profesiones en ingls no pueden ir sin artculo.En espaol decimos "El es doctor". En ingls tendremos
que decir "El es un doctor" (He is a doctor) "El es el doctor" (He is the doctor)

Cuando se utilizan en sentido particular s deben estar antecedidas por el artculo "The".

(a) The roses are very beautiful. = Las rosas son muy belias. (En sentido particular)

(b) Roses are very beautiful. = Las rosas son muy belias. (En sentido general)

(b) The women who (that) I know are very jealous. = (Las mujeres a quienes conosco son celosas)

What are the following Wh words in Spanish?

Why /uwai/ _____________________? Where ___________________?

Whose /juus/ ___________________? Which /wiiche/_____________?

Who /ju/ _______________________? How far __________________?

When _________________________? How many ________________?

What /uat/ _____________________? How much ________________?

NOTE: Para hacer una pregunta coloque el verbo auxiliar antes del
sujeto, al igual que en espaol. (Wh + Aux. + Subj. + Complement)

NOTE: Pronombres objetivos: como complemento se refieren al receptor de la accin.
Usualmente estos pronombres van precedidos de una PREPOSICIN, pero tambin pueden no estarlo.

ME (migo / M / me) (a) Is it for me? = Es para mi?

(b) No, it isnt for you. = No, no es para ti.

YOU (ti / tigo/se/os / te) (a) Is it for you? = Es para el ti?

(b) No, it isnt for me. = No, no es para m.

HIM (l / le) (a) Are they for him? = Son para el?
(b) No, theyre not for him. = No, no son para el.

HER (ella / le) He works for her. = l trabaja para ella.

US (nosotros / nos) (a) Are they for us? = Son para nosotros? (plura).
(b) No, theyre not for us. = No, no son para nosotros.

THEM (ellos / les / los) I work with them. = Yo trabajo con ellos.
I saw them. = Yo los vi.

YOU God loves you. = Dios te / los ama.

God is with you. = Dios esta con ustedes / tigo.

IT (lo, ello, es) He works for it. = l trabaja por ello.

They broke it. = Ellos lo rompieron

A POSSESSIVE PRONOUN is a pronoun that answers the question Whose...?".
UN PRONOMBRE POSESIVO es un pronombre que contesta la pregunta "de quien...?".

Example = Ejemplo:. Do you want to take lunch at my house or at yours?

Quieres tomar el almuerzo en mi casa o en la tuya?

NOTE: Un pronombre posesivo no necesita ser usado con un sustantivo.

Example = Ejemplo: This book is mine. = Este libro es miyo.

Nota: En el caso de "This book is mine" la palabra "mine" es un pronombre posesivo.

mine hers his yours theirs ours

mo de ella de l tuyo de ellos de nosotros

They're mine. = Son mios. Its theirs. = Es de ellos. It's ours. = Es de nosotros

(a)Is it yours? = Es tuyo? (b) Yes, it is mine.Si es mio. / No, it isnt mine. = No, no es mio.
(a) Is it his? = Es de el? (b) No, it isnt his. = No, no es de el.

(a) Are they hers? = Son de ellia? (plural no personas). (b) No, theyre not hers. = No, no son de ellia.
(a) Are these books ours? = Son estos libros de nosotros? (b) Yes, They are ours. = Si, son de nosotros.


NOTE: No deben confundir los adjetivos posesivos my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their, con
los pronombres posesivos vistos antes, Para ello tenga en cuenta este anlisis: Al decir "My notepad",
como pronombre "my" hace las veces de adjetivo que califica al sustantivo notepad especificando a
quien pertenece el quaderno, por lo tanto esta actando como adjetivo. Un adjetivo posesivo es usado
antes de un sustantivo, siempre termina con un sustantivo.

POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES modify nouns and answer the question "Whose...?". In Spansh they
must be repeated before each noun they modify. But not in English. LOS ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS modifican
sustantivos y contestan la pregunta " De quien...?". En espaol deben repetirse antes de cada sustantivo que se modifican.
Pero no en el Ingls.

Example = Ejemplo: My father and mother... = Mi padre y mi madre...

Your = Su de Tu (a) Is it your book? = Es tu libro?

(b) Yes, it is my book. = Si, es mi libro.

Her = Su (De ella) (a) Is it her eraser? = Es su borrador?

(b) No, it isnt her eraser. No, no es su borrador.

His = Su (De l) (a) Is it his eraser? = Es su borrador?

(b) No, it isnt his eraser.

Our = Nuestro (a) Is it our eraser? = Es nuestro borrador?

(b) No, it isnt our eraser.

My = Mi / Mis (a) Is it my book? = Es mi libro?

(b) Yes, it is your book. Si, es tu libro.

No, it isnt your book. = No, no es tu libro.

Its = Su (De ello) Its car. = Su carro (De una empresa)

Their = Suyos (De ellos) Their car. = Sus carro (De ellos)

NOTE WHOSE (DE QUIEN) hace preguntas

acerca de propiedad. (Formula: Wh + Aux. + PP.)

(a) Whose is it? (De quin es?) (b) It is hers. = Es de ellia. / It is her bag. = Es su bulso.

(b) It's not mine. It's hers. (No es mo. Es de ella.)

(a)Whose are they? (De quines son?)

(b) They aren't mine. They're hers. (No son mos.Son de ella.)

(Formula: D + Aux. + PP + S)

SINGULAR : THIS (este, esta, esto) se usa con el auxilar IS = ES / EST

This is my soft drink. (Esta es mi gaseosa.) / Is this my soft drink? (Es sta mi gaseosa?)
(a) This book belongs to him. It is his book. It's his. (Este libro le pertenece. Es su libro. Es de l.)
(b) This car belongs to her. It is her car. It's hers.
(c) This land belongs to Colombia. It is our land. It's ours.
(Esta tierra pertenece a Colombia. Es nuestra tierra Es de nosotros.)

PLURAL : THESE (estos, estas, etc.) se usa con el auxcilar ARE = SON / ESTN
These are for me. (Estos(as) son para m.) Are these for me? (Son stos(as) para m?)
(d) These books belong to me. They are my books. They're mine.
(Esos libros me pertenecen. Son mis libros. Son mos.)
(e) These books arent for me. They are not my books. (Esos libros no son para me. No son mis libros.)

SINGULAR : THAT (ese esa, eso, aquel, aquello, aquella) se usa con el auxcilar IS
That site is mine. (Aquel asiento es ma.) Is that my site? (Es sa mi asiento?)
(f) That book belongs to you. It is your book. Its yours.
(Aquel libro te pertenece. Es tu libro. Es tuyo.)

PLURAL : THOSE (esos, aquellos, etc.) se usa con el auxcilar ARE

(g) Those socks and shoes are nice. (Esos calcetines y zapatos son bonitos.)
(h) Those are my soft drink. (Esos son mis gaseosas.)
(i) Are those my soft drink? = ______________________________


NOTE: En una pregunta coloque el verbo auxiliar antes del demostrativo,

al igual que en espaol. (Aux. + D + Subj.)


(a) Is this yours? (Es sto tuyo?) This is yours. (Esto es tuyo.)
(b) Are those yours? (Son sos tuyos?) Those are yours. (Esos son tuyos.)

NOTE: After yes, the AUX. is not contracted with the pronoun subject


(c) Is that your key? (Es sa tu llave?) Yes, it is. (Si lo es.) It's my key. (Es mi llave.)

NOTE: After no, two (2) contractions are possible with no difference in meaning.
(Despus de no, dos (2) contracciones son posibles sin diferencia en el significado.)

(d) Is that your key? (Es sa tu llave?) No, it is not. It's not my key.
No, it isn't. (No, no lo es.) It isnt my key. (No es mi llave.)

(e) Are those keys? (Son sas llaves?)

Yes, they are. (Si, los son.) They're keys. (Son llaves.(ral no personas).
No, they're not. (plural no personas). They're not keys
No, they aren't. (No, no los son.) They aren't keys. (No son llaves.)
(f) Are these what she wants? = Son stos los que ella quiere?
(g) Those are what she wants. = Esos son los que ella quiere.
/short/ /tol/ /skini/ /tin/ /yang/
Short tall skinny thin fat young
/bren/ /augli/ /kasin/
Old brain sad ugly bath cousin
/nack/ /sik/
Nurse knock sick need married cute
enfermera necesitar

/biutiful/ /hansam/ /clasmeit/ /rong /

Beautiful handsome kind classmate wrong scream

Gift place flower guy supply very good

lugar flor tipo suministro muy bueno
Sky heaven choose quiet new news
escoja quieto nuevo(s) notisia(s)

Want wish desire like e.g. i.e.

querer gustar for example that is to say

Time night get born work birthday

tiempo noche conseguir nacer trabajo cumpleaos

Sleep date have supper snack appointment

dormir fecha tener cena nces cita

Afternoon morning month breakfast year week

por la tarde en la maana mes desayuno ao semana

People talk about travel followe often

gente hablar acerca de viajar a menudo

Use place address street city arrive

usar lugar direccin calle ciudad llegar

Page close try bring take hold

pgina cerrado provar traer tomar agarrar

Address after angry arrive bus car

direccin despues enojado llegar bus

Could person travel thing speak schedule

Podriya persona viajar cosa hablar horario

Specific plane live sorry

especfica avin vivir losiento

TEST (a): Underline the correct demonstrative in parentheses.

1. (That, These) thing is yours over there and (that, these) items over here are ours.
2. Is (this, these) for me or are (that, those) for me?
3. (This, Those) books belong to me, and (that, those) one belongs to her.
4. (This, Those) coat is black, but (Those, That) one is tan.
5. (Those, This) earring is silver, and (That, Those) earrings are gold.
6. (That, These) items belong here, but (Those, That) item belongs over there.
7. (That, These) sunglasses are yours. (That, Those) sunglasses belong to me.
8. (That, These) things could be yours and (That, Those) things might be hers
9. (That, These) sites are not empty but (This, Those) sites are.
10. Is (that, these) coat hers or mine? (This, Those) is hers.

TEST (b): Complete the sentences. Use object, adjectives, and possessive pronouns.

1. I own this house. This house belongs to _____. This is _____. This is ______ home.
2. We own that land. That land belongs to ___ That is _____ . That is _____ land.
3. They own these books. These books belong to ____. These are ___. These are ____ books.
4. She owns it. It belongs to ___. It's ___. It's _______ book bag.
5. He owns that pen. That pen belongs to ____. That is ____. That is _____ pen. It is _____ .
6. You own those books. Those books belong to ____. They are ____. Those are ____ books.

TEST (c): Underline the correct possessive form of the words in parentheses.

1. This book bag is (my, mine). That is (her, hers). That one is (yours, yours, your).
(Mine, My) book bag is red. (Her, Hers) is green. (Your, Yours, Yours) has your name on it.
2. These are (his, hes) notes. (Your, Yours, Yours) are in (Your, Yours, Yours) desk.
3. (Our, Ours) car is a Ford. (Mine, My) is a Chevy. (His, Hes) is a Mazda.
4. Those books are (theyre, their, theirs). (Our, Ours) books are on the table.
5. (His, Hes) raincoat is light brown. (her, hers) is dark blue.

TEST (d): Make questions and give short answers. Haga preguntas con respuestas cortas.

1. A: Are _________________________? B: No _________________________? (Im not tired.)

2. A: ____________________________? B: Yes __________________________. (Im worried.)
3. A: ____________________________? B: No ____________________. (Bob isn't homesick.)
4. A: Whose ______________________? B: Those ___________________ (Theyre his things.)
5. A: Whose ______________________? B: It _______________________. (This is his house.)

DRILL 1: Give the plural form of the words in italics.

1. I met a man (some men) at the meeting last night.

2. He saw a mouse ( __________________________________________) running across the floor.
3. The baby got a new tooth (______________________________________________________).
4. I need a match (_______________________________________________________________).
5. He cooked a potato (___________________________________________________) for dinner.
6. The professor is reading a thesis (_________________________________________________).
7. I visited a city (______________________________________________________) in Colombia.
8. She photographed a leaf (_______________________________________________________).
9. Before she made her decision, she talked to an attorney (_______________________________).
10. I caught a fish (_______________________________________________________________).
11. I saw a sheep (___________________________________________________) in the farmyard.
12. She talked to a child (__________________________________________________________).
13. She introduced me to a woman (________________________________) at the party last night.
14. The children hid behind a bush ( _________________________________________________).
15. In science class, we studied about a species (_________________________________) of fish.
16. Before they began their scientific experiment, they made a hypothesis (__________________).
17. When I was at the park yesterday, I saw a goose (___________________________) in a pond.
18. When we spoke in the cave, we spoke in the cave; we heard an echo (__________________).
19. He packed a box (____________________________________________________________).
20. The wagon is being pulled by an ox (_____________________________________________).

SIMPLE PRESENT Presente Simple

NOTE: Usamos el presente simple para hablar sobre las cosas en general. Lo usamos
para decir que algo pasa todo el tiempo o repetidamente, o que algo es en general verdad.
No es importante si la accin est pasando en el momento de hablar.

TEST (e): Fill in the blanks with the verb "AM, IS or ARE" then read it.
(Llene los blancos con el auxiliar "AM, IS o ARE" y lalos.)
( a ) Hello! I _____ ______________. ( n ) _____ they some new students?
( b ) Hi! I ____ very happy to see you. ( o ) _____ you good friends ?
( c ) I ___ a Colombian citizen. ( p ) _____ you a good friend?
( d ) _____ you a student ? ( q ) We _____ good old friends.
( e ) _____ You the teachers? ( r ) They ______ the new friends.
( f ) He ____ a very good friend. ( s ) She ____ a nice person.
( g ) _____ She a cousin ? ( t ) ____ she a Doctor or ____ she a nurse?
( h ) Bob ______ a bad teacher. ( u ) _____ they the new Doctors?
( i ) Frank and Randy _____ Colombians. ( v ) They ___ Frank and Randy.
( j ) ___ It a nice quiet place ? ( w ) Roses _____ very beautiful flowers.
( k ) ___ it my uniform ? ( x ) _____ those beautiful roses for me?
( l ) It _____ my uniform. ( y ) They ______ nice flowers.
( m ) ____ it a gift for me? ( z ) _______ the roses for me?

TEST (f): Choose and Underline the correct form of the "Aux." Than read it.
(Escojay subraya la forma correcta del auxiliar "be" y lalos.)

1. Monica (am / is / are) a teacher. 11. She (is / are / am) a sister.
2. They (is / are / am) windows. 12. Why (am / are / is) you sad?
3. (Are / Am / Is ) it a door? 13. I (is/am/are) very happy to be here with you.
4. It (am / is / are) a book. 14. (is / are / am) she a good nurse.
5. I (is / am / are) short. 15. (are / am / Is ) you two cousins?
6. She (is / am / are) beautiful. 16. She ( is / are / am ) tall.
7. (am / is / are) he handsome? 17. I (is / am / are) very sick.
8. It (are / is / am) ugly. 18. What (is / are / am) it?
9. (Are / Is / Am) she quite young? 19. What (is / are / am) they?
10. We (am / is / are) close friends. 20. Who (are / is / am) with you?

TEST (g): Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Llene los blancos con la correcto palabra.

Fork /fork/ = Spoon /spun/ =

Knife /naf/ = Plate / pleit/ =
Table mat /teibol mat/ = Napkin /napkin/ =
Tablecloth /teibolcloth/ = Dish /dies/ =
Butter Knife /bater naf/ = Salt & Pepper Shaker /solt sheiker/ =

(a) The table has a _________ on it. (n) Put the _______ under the __________.
(b) I need a ____________ to clean. (o) ______ roses beautiful flowers?
(c) You're ____ gift from heaven. (p) Roses _____ beautiful flowers.
(d) I need a ________ to cut the meat. (q) A rose ____ a nice flower.
(e) ____ she ____ Army officer? (r) I use a ___________ for the soup.
(f) I need a ___________ for the butter. (s) He uses a ______ and a ______ to eat.
(g) She ___ a Colombian. (t) Frank and Randy ____ brothers.
(h) Doris ____ the new guide. (u) Im ___ student at Bobs Academy.
(i) They ____ very nice guides. (v) I ___ at Bobs Academy.
(j) Where ______ your uniform? (w) We ____ at the Academy.
(k) _____ they new uniforms? (x) Could you pass me the _________ please?
TEST (h): Complete the sentences. Use pronouns (me, him, etc.)

1. Monica has a book. She bought it last week.

2. I know the new students, but Bob doesnt know _________ yet.
3. She wrote a letter, but she cant send _______ because she doesnt have a stamp.
4. I have two pictures on my bedroom wall. I like ________. ________ are beautiful.
5. A: Is the chemical formula for water H40? B: No, _____isnt. ______ is H2O.

TEST (i): Complete the sentences with negative contractions where needed.
Complete las frases con contracciones negativas donde sea necesario.

1. A ball ______ square. Balls ____ round. 6. A mouse ___ big and a rat ___ small.
2. A lemon _____ sweet, it ____ sour. 7. A car ____ cheap. Cars ____ expensive.
3. The Earth ____ flat it _____ round. 8. My pen _____ heavy it _____ light.
4. The light ______ on, it ______ off. 9. That ______ yours, that _______ mine.
5. Bananas and lemons ___ red, they're yellow 10. Why ________ this mine?

CONTRACTIONS WITH "BE" Contracciones con "BE"

Slo use las Contracciones en la conversacin:

TEST (j): Match the contractions with the words they represent.
1. (b) youre a. they are = son / estan 2. ___ isnt b. you are = tu eres/ests
3. ___ dont c. it is = es / est 4: ___ whos d. she is = ella es / est
5. ___ shell e. who are = quien son/estan 6. ___ its f. I am = yo soy / estoy
7. ___ wont g. we are = somos / estamos 8. ___ Im h. are not = no son / estan
9. ___ werent i. is not = no es /esta 10. ___ hes j. he is = el es / el est
11. ___ whats k. do not = no 12. ___ arent l. she will =. ella va
13. ___ theyre m. I will = 14. ___ didnt n. what is = que es
15. ___ thats o. has not = 16. (m) Ill p. who is = quien es
17. ___ Shes q. was not = no era / estaba 18. ___ wasnt r. did not =
19. ___ were s. were not = no eran / estaban 20. ___ whore t. will not =.

We usually use contractions when we speak. It usually sounds unnatural to say I am or you are.

TEST (k): Complete each sentence by adding a contraction.

1. We arent at home. 14. __________ your name?

2. Its not important. 15. You __________ there.
3. __________ my sister. 16. __________ see you tomorrow.
4. Mark __________ at home 17. I __________ remember.
5. The doors __________ locked. 18. __________ mine!
6. __________ been chosen captain 19. __________ waiting for me.
7. It __________ true. 20. They __________ yours.
8. __________ already read the story. 21. Bob __________ like carrots.
9. __________ the gym? 22. _________ time to go.
10. Randy and I __________ chosen. 23. __________ here!
11. It __________ your turn. 24.__________ been looking for you.
12. __________ be here soon. 25. I __________ tell anyone.
13. __________ early.

TEST (l): Rewrite each sentence by replacing the underlined words with a contraction.
1. I am going with you. Im going with you.__/__ Im not going with you._________
2. He is not talking to me. _______________________________________________
3. He will not come. _______________________________________________
4. Who is he? _______________________________________________
5. I did not know the answer. _______________________________________________

Formas pasados de Is = Was. Formas pasados de Are = Were.

I was - She/He was - It was they were - We were - You were

TCITO: estuve / era estuvo / estaba era / estaba estuvieron estuvimos eras / eran

DRILL 3: Read the examples:

I was there. (Yo estaba all.) I was shy. (Yo era tmida.) I was at home. (Yo estuve en casa.)
I was young. (Yo era joven.) She was loyal. (Ella era leal.) He was here. (El estuvo aqui.)
It was here. (Estaba aqui.) He was a writer. (El era un escritor.)

NOTE: WERE = eras, estabas, estuviste (YOU = tu) singular

NOTE: WERE = eran, estaban, estuvieron (YOU = Ustedes) Plural

You were my best friend. = (Eras mi mejor amigo(a). TCITO:

You were my best friend. = (Tu eras mi mejor amigo(a). EXPRESO:
You were my best friend. = (Eran mis mejores amigos(a). TCITO:
Were they there? = (Estuvieron ellos all? / Estaban ellas all?) EXPRESO:

1. The first President of our country was Simn Bolivar.

El primer Presidente de nuestro pais era Simn Bolivar.
2. Rafael Nuez was the author of Colombias National Hymn.
Rafael Nuez era el autor del Himno Nacional de Colombia.
3. Oreste Cindice was the composer of Colombias National Hymn.
Oreste Cindice era el compositor del Himno Nacional de Colombia.
4. Alexander Fleming was the discoverer of penicillin.
Alexander Fleming era el descubridor de la penicilina.


(a) I am (estoy) at work today. I was (estaba) at work today.

(b) Alice is (est) at the office this morning. She was (estuvo) at the office this morning.

( c ) My friends are (estn) at home tonight. My friends were (estaban) at home last night.

TEST (m): Make questions and give short answers from the words in parenthesis.


a. Were you in class yesterday? Yes. I was. / No. I wasn't.
b. Was Bob at work yesterday? Yes. He was. / No. He wasn't.

A: ________________________________? B: Yes, _____________1. (You /at home / last night)

A :________________________________? B: No, _____________ 2. (Luis /at work / yesterday)
A :________________________________? B: Yes. ____________ 3. (she /absent/this morning)
A: ________________________________? B: No. ________4. (Bob and sue/movie/tonight/at/a)
A: ________________________________? B: Yes. _______5. (She/nervous/ interview/ in / the)

A: ________________________________? B: Yes._________ 6.(in the States/last month / you)
A: ________________________________? B: Yes. ______7 (your / you/in the States /wife/and )

DRILL 4: Change the sentences from the present to the past tense.


1. Bob is in class today. He was in class today.
2. I'm at work this morning. I was at work this morning.
3. Clara is in the office. _________________________Clara in the office?
4. Youre not busy today. You were not busy today.
5. She works at my office. ________________________________________
6. Im tired today. ________________________________________.
7. It's cold tonight. ________________________________________.
8. The day is hot today. ________________________________________.
9. We're at the bank. ________________________________________.
10. I'm at home tonight. ________________________________________

TEST (n): Change the sentences from the present to past tense quetions.

1. We are at downtown today. Were we in downtown today?

2. You are at home every night. __________________________________________
3. She is your girlfriend. __________________________________________
4. He is visiting me every night. __________________________________________
5. I get my pay today. __________________________________________

TEST (o): Change to present progressive, or past

1. I_________ up at 8:00 this morning. (get)

2. I_________ to bed early last night. (go)
3. Were________ lunch there everyday. (eat)
4. Yesterday she _________ home at 5:15. (get)
5. Yesterday I _________ Dick at the office. (see)
6. Alice ________ a cigarette after class. (smoke)
7. Clara is_________ to John on the phone last night. (talk)
8. My officemate __________Spanish last year. (study)
9. Janet _______ her housework last night. (do)
10. He____________ to her on the phone everyday. (talk)

TEST (p): Fix the sentences with the correct verb tenses.

1. She ______________ to work every day. (go)

2. We all _____________ last night. (come)
3. He _______________ me with my job (help)
4. I _________________ you yesterday. (need)
5. You _______________ my feelings. (hurt)
6. you are ____________ with my feelings. (play)
7. Stop ______________ around. (push)
8. The ice-cream __________ down. (melt)
9. We ______________ his height. (measure)
10. She ______________ there some years ago. (live)

TEST (q): Make questions from the words in parenthesis and give short oral answers.

1. (mistake) ___________________________________________________________
2. (break) ___________________________________________________________
3. (steal) ___________________________________________________________
4. (take) ___________________________________________________________

5. (sweep) ___________________________________________________________

TEST (r): Use the past tense of the verbs to complete the sentences.

1. I ____________ a mistake. Could you forgive me? (make)

2. Where did you _________ that hot-dog? (get)
3. He _________________ what you told to him. (understand)
4. She _________________ his house. (describe)
5. He __________ the top of his head. (tap)
6. He ____________ me my dictionary. (hand)
7. I was ___________ to help them. (ask)
8. I ___________ my hand to say yes. (raise)
9. We __________ in the chairs because we were tired. (sit)
10. The hens ___________ eggs this morning. (lay).

(CULTURAL NOTE): In Valor there is hope.


RULE 1: a consonant + -E drop the -E, add ING
Smile smiling write writing

RULE 2: a vowel + a consonant double the consonant add ING

sit sitting run running

RULE 3: two vowels one consonant add -ING; do not double the consonant
read reading rain raining

RULE 4: two consonants add -ING; do not double the consonant

stand standing push pushing

EXCEPTION TO RULE 2: Do not double W, X, and Y.

Snow snowing fix fixing say saying

Right now: (a) It is 11:00, I am working.

Im not sleeping. He's not singing. Youre not working.

Yo no estoy durmiendo. El no esta cantando. Tu no estas trabajando.

NOTE: the placement of NOT: Place NOT after the verb (am, is, are)

YES / NO questions in the present progressive: Notice the word order of Be in the questions:

You are eating a banana. Are you eating a banana?

Tu estas comiendo un pltano. Estas tu _____________?

Is she eating a pear? Is it eating a bone?

Esta ella comiendo una pera? Esta comiendo un hueso?

Am I eating a carrot? = Estoy yo comiendo una zanahoria? Are they coming home soon?

NOTE: El gerundio (ing) tiene en ingls la funcin sustantiva que tiene
el infinitivo en espaol. i.e., Voy a nadar = Im going swimming.
1. Playing basketball is fun. (Playing = a present participle, used in the present progressive tense.
2. Bob and Monica are playing basketball. (playing = a gerund, used as the subject of the sentence)

NOTE: Un gerundio es frequentement usado como el objeto de un preposision.

(a) We talked about going to the U.S. for our vacation.

(b) Joan is in charge of organizing the meeting.
(c) I am interested in learning more about your job.
(d) I am accustomed to sleeping with the window open.
(e) I am used to sleeping with the window open.
(f) I look forward to going home next month.
(g) They object to changing their plans at this late date.
(h) The water is boiling. Could you turn it off, please?
(i) Listen to those people. What language are they speaking?
(j) Please dont make so much noise. Im studying. (Not I study)
(k) Where is Bob? Hes taking a bath. (Not he takes)

NOTA: Use el presente continuo para una situacin temporal:

(l) Im living with some friends until I can find an apartment.

(m) She usually has a summer job, but she isnt working this summer.

NOTA: Use el presente en marcha progresivo para una actividad:

(n) Youre working hard today. Yes, Ive got a lot to do.
(o) Is your English getting better? (Not does get)
(p) The price is rising very fast. (Not rises)


Example = Ejemplo: What are you wearing? Ex. Is that a _________ youre wearing?

1. Stand ___________ 5. Ride ______________ 9. Smile _ ________ 13. Cut ______________

2. Run ___________ 6. Dance ____________ 10. Rain __________ 14. Put ______________
3. Sleep __________ 7. Look _____________ 11. Step __________ 15. Smoke ____________
4. Eat ___________ 8. Snow _____________ 12. Count _________ 16. Wear _____________

TEST(s): Make questions from the answers in parenthesis and give short answers.


a. Is Mary sleeping? Yes, she is. She's sleeping. No, she isn't. She's not sleeping.
b. Are you eating? Yes, I am. I'm eating. No, I'm not. I'm not eating.

1. a:_________________________________? b: No, ____________. (Mary isn't reading a book.)

2. a:_________________________________? b: Yes, ___________. (Im writing a letter.)
3. a:_________________________________? b: Yes, ___________. (Hes drinking some coffee.)

DRILL 6: Use the correct tense form of the verb in parentheses.

Example: Janice and her roommate are at the library reading. (be, read)

1. The economic and cultural center of the United States ______ in New York City. (be)
2. Physics ____ ___________ to understand the mysteries of the physical world. (be, seek)
3. No news _________ good news. (be)
4. Sensitivity to other people's feelings _______ him a kind and understanding person. (be, make)
5. In many respects, this magazines article on wild animals in North America ____ ____________
the very real danger of extinction that many species face. (be, simplify)
6. The extent of his knowledge on various complex subjects ________________ me. (be, surprise)
7. A car with poor brakes and no brake light ____________ dangerous. (be)
8. A number of people from the university _______________ to attend the conference. (be, plan)
9. Every day there _________ more than a dozen traffic accidents in the city. (be)
10. The northernmost town in the U.S. _____ Angle Inlet, Minnesota. (be)

TEST (t): Supply an appropriate preposition and verb form.
in to about of for to from while

1. Allison is not interested in (look) looking for a new job.

2) Henry is excited __________ (leave) ___________ for India.
3) You are capable __________ (do) _________ better work.
4) I have no excuse _________ (be) _________ late.
5) I am accustomed ______ (have) ________ a big breakfast _____ the mornings.
6) The rain prevented us ______ (complete) ___________ the work.
7) Fred is always complaining _________ (have) __________ a headache.
8) Instead _______ (study) __________ she went to a ball game with some friends.
9) You should take advantage ________ (live) ____________ here.
10) Im looking forward ________ (see) __________ my family again.

TEST (u): Complete the sentences. Use pronoun contractions.

1. Barbara is the receptionist. She's over there. 11. Who's she? ______ my sister Barbara.
2. That is our raincoat. _____ hers and mine. 12. Who're they? ______ my brother and sister.
3. _______ friendly that's why I like you.13. That's my brother. ___ twenty-six years old.
4. That's an onion. _____ a vegetable. 14. What's rice? ______ cereal.
5. I have your order. ____ in my computer. 15. Whose tip is on that table. ______ his tip.
6. Whose purse is this? ______ mine. 16. I go to school. ____ a student.
7. Where are you from? _____ from Cali. 17. How do you say ajo? ______ Garlic.
8. What are asparagus? ______ vegetables. 18. Where is the money? ______ in my wallet.
9. The windows are close. _______ close. 19. Is the restaurant door open? Yes, ___ open.
0. I know you. ________ my new neighbor. 20. The weather is cold tonight.___ cold tonight.

TEST (v): Complete the sentences. Using a or an. Complete las frases usando a o an.

1. Spanish is a language. 6. _____ bee is ______ insect.

2. Colombia is ______ country. 7. _____ dictionary is ____ book.
3. Fusagasug is ______ city. 8. ____ grain of rice is _____ cereal.
4. South America is ____ continent. 9. _____ horse is ______ animal.
5. Cabbage is _____ vegetable. 10. A computer is ________ machine.

TEST (w): Underline the correct article form and then read it. Subraye la forma correcta y lalos.

1. Who has (some / a / an) cups of coffee? 7. What is (some / a / an) bee?
2. What is (some /a / an) apple? 8. Is (a / an / some) bee (a / an / some) insect?
3. Are there (a / an / some) apples? 9. Who is (a / an / some) old man?
4. You have (some / a / an) book. 10. South America is (a / an / some) _________.
5. I want (a / an / some) sandwiches. 11. Colombia is (a / an / some) country.
6. I want (some / a / an) cup of coffee. 12. (A / An / Some) horse is (a/ an/ some) animal.
TEST(x): Change from singular to plural.

1. Is an ant an insect? Are ants insects? _________________________________

2. A rose is a flower. ________________________________________________
3. Is duck a bird? ________________________________________________
4. is a horse an animal? ________________________________________________
5. An eraser is a thing. ________________________________________________
6. What is a bean? ________________________________________________
7. A computer is a machine. ________________________________________________
8. Is an apple a fruit? ________________________________________________
9. An onion is a vegetable ________________________________________________
10. What is a red pepper? ________________________________________________

TEST (y): Use a/an, some, or the in the following.

1. I saw a bird. 2. She made the / an announcement.

3. He was thirsty, so he drank some water. 4. I had _______ accident.
5. I have _______ work to do tonight. 6. She gave me ________ advice.
7. We are having ________ cold weather. 8. She is carrying _______ suitcase.
9. She is carrying _______ luggage. 10. I found ____ quarter on the sidewalk.
11. We bought ________ furniture. 12. I heard _______ interesting news.
13. There was ________ earthquake in Manila. 14. I got _______ letter from my son.
15. I got _______ e-mail today. 16. She has _______ new job.
17. I have _______ work to do this morning. 18. We saw _________ beautiful things.
19. We need to get ________ equipment 20. He listened to _________ music.



sometimes introduce shelf ink force drawer

algunas veces introducir repisa tinta fuerza cajn
beginning agree add only bottle myth
empezando aadir solamente botella mito
cup slice table milk glass juice
taza tajada mesa leche vaso jugo
Miss. miss bread loaf toast real
Seorita pan hogaza tostada real
just partner lonesome each piece early
nicamente socio cada pedazo

concordar, convenir, acordar, ceder, entenderse, estipular

hacer falta, aorar, perder,

El espaol no tiene diferencia el uso del "HAY" para singular o plural.
En el Ingls tiene que usarse el "THERE IS" para singular y "THERE ARE" para plural.

NOTE: Al sujeto le sige auxiliar cuando there * es usado como hay.

En (a) el sujeto es book. En (b) el sujeto es books

(a) There is a book on the shelf. (b) There are some books on the shelf.

NOTE: En (C) aveces en ingles informal, un auxiliar singular es usado despus

de there *, cuando el primero de dos sujetos conectado por and es singular.

(c) Informal: There is a pen and a piece of paper on the desk.

(d) Formal: There are a pen and a piece of paper on the desk.

PLURAL QUESTION: Are there books on the shelf? (Hay libros sobre la repisa?)

ANSWER: Yes, there are. (Si, los Hay) No, there aren't. (No, no los hay.)

PLURAL SENTENCE: There are books on the shelf. (Hay libros sobre la repisa.)

ORAL: Ask and answer questions using there + be. Use the groups of words.

1. A zoo 2. An airport 3. An aquarium 4. Lakes

5. A botanical garden 6. A subway 7. Swimming pools

NOTE: * en la estructura there + be; there, es llamado un explicito.

Tambin existe "THERE" Adv., que significa all, all.

DRILL 7: Read the examples aloud: (Lea los ejemplos en voz alta)

Singular Statement:
There is a book on the shelf. (Hay un libro sobre la repisa.)
There is ink in the bottle. (Hay tinta en la botella.)
Theres bread on the shelf. It's a loaf of bread. (Hay pan en la repisa. Es una hogaza de pan.)
There's toast on the table. It's a slice of toast. (Hay tostadas sobre la mesa. Es una rodaja de tostada.)
There's some juice in the glass. It's some juice. (Hay un poco de jugo dentro del vaso. Es un poco de jugo.)
There's coffee in the cup. It's a cup of coffee. (Hay caf en la taza. Es una taza de caf.)

Singular Question:
Is there a book on the shelf? ( Hay un libro sobre la repisa?) (Ans.) Yes, there is. (Si, Hay.)
Is there ink in the bottle? ( Hay tinta en la botella?) No, there isn't. (No, no hay.)
Is there bread on the shelf? (Hay pan en la repisa?) No, there isn't any.
Is there some juice in the glass? ( Hay un poco de jugo dentro del vaso?) (Ans.) Yes, there is a little.
Is there coffee in the cup? (Hay caf en la tasa?) (Ans.) Yes, there is some./ No, there isn't any.

DRILL 8: Complete the blanks with are or is. Complete el espacio en blanco con is o are.

There _____ a grammar book on her desk. _____ there a grammar book on her desk?
There _____ many grammar notes in this book. _____ there many grammar notes in this book?
There _____ some things on your desk. _____ there some things on your desk?
There _____ a pen on my table. _____ there a pen on my table?
There _____ thirty-one days in July. _____ there thirty-one days in July?

TEST (z): ORAL: Make sentences with there are or there is. Use the groups of words.

Example: There is (There's) a book on your desk. Example: There are (Therere) books on your table.

1. on your desk \ a book 6. on your table \ some books

2. on the wall \ a map 7. some pictures \ on the wall
3, in this room \ more then three books 8. five people \ in this room
4. in the refrigerator \ a bottle of milk 9. in Canada \ ten provinces
5. a green chalkboard \ in this room 10. a pencil sharpener \ at the table

TEST: ORAL: Ask and answer questions with how many.

( a ) How many persons are there in this room?
( b ) How many departments are there in Columbia?
( c ) How many wonders (old) made by man are there in the world?
( d ) How much do you know?
( e ) How much coffee do you take in a day?

1. Letters in the English alphabet 5. Windows in this room 8. States in the United States
2. Continents in the world 6. People in Columbia 9. Countries in South America
3. rivers in Bogot 7. Dictionaries you have 0. Provinces in Columbia
4. Letters in the Spanish alphabet

NOTE: " DO" Como auxiliar es desprovisto de significado por si solo y sirve
para la conjugacin de verbos. Sirve para sustituir a otro verbo con el fin de
evitar una repeticin, y tambin se utiliza para formar los tempos presente y
pretrito imperfecto de los verbos regulares.

NOTE: Existe verbo, DO = hacer; cuyas formas son: DO, DID, DONE
que se pueden conjugar con el auxiliar DO.

Formas: DO en presente se usan con. (I, You, We, They, You)

Do you like coffee? Do you want some coffee? How do you do that?
Formula: (Aux. + PP + VP + N) (Aux. + PP + VP + IA + N) Wh + Aux. + PP + D)

DOES se usan con para 3ro persona. (He, She, It) He does that better now than before.

DID se usan con en el pasado para todas las personas. (I, You, He, She, It, We, They, You)
He works better now than he did last year. (El trabaja mejor ahora que lo que hizo el ao pasado.)

Interrogativo: Does he work? = Trabaja el? Did he work? = Trabajo el?

Afirmativo: He works. = El trabaja. He worked. = El trabajo.

Interrogativo Negativo: Doesnt he work? = No trabaja el? Didnt he work? = No trabajo el?

( a ) I dont drink tea. We dont drink tea. You dont drink Coke. They dont drink Rum.
I dont like tea. Don't you have a car? Doesn't he smoke? Doesn't she have one?


( b ) He doesnt drink rum. She doesnt drink anything. It doesnt rain here every day.
Doesnt he drink rum? Doesnt she drink anything? Doesn't It rain here every day?


( c ) Do you like to read books? Yes, I do. I like to read.

No, I don't. I dont like to read.
No, a mi no. No me gusta ler.

NOTE: En ( d ) el verbo principal ( like ) no tiene el -S final. El -S final es parte del does.

( d ) Does he like to read books? Yes, he does. He likes to read.

No, he doesn't. He doesnt like to read.

*Con los pronombres he/ she/ it (denominados en adelante como "Tercera persona singular "), al conjugar
un verbo en presente se agrega "s", o "es", en algunos casos, especialmente cuando el infinitivo del verbo
termina en la vocal "o"

I play = Yo juego He plays = El juega I go = Yo voy She goes = Ella va

I run =Yo corro It runs= corre (Por Ej.:, un ro) You go = Tu vas He goes= El va

NOTE: En ingls americano, el uso del "do" normalmente se usa en una pregunta Cuando
El verbo principal es "have". Pero en ingls britnico el uso de "do" en este caso no es usual.

DRILL 9: In order to practice using irregular verbs, ask and answer questions.
Example: Do you speak to the teacher? Response: Yes, I do. I speak to the teacher.
1. Do you drink some coffee before class? 11. Do you fall on the ice?
2. Do you bring your books to class? 12. Do you hurt yourself when you fell?
3. Do you forget your briefcase? 13. Do you fly to (this city)?
4. Do you shake your head? 14. Do you wear a coat to class?
5. Do you catch the bus this morning? 15. Do you bite the dog?
6. Do you drive to school? 16. Do you eat lunch?
7. Do you lose your book? 17. Do you take chemistry in high school?
8. Do you want your book? 18. Do you forgive me when I made a mistake?
9. Do you have your watch this morning? 19. Do you swear to tell the truth?
10. Do you understand what I say? 20. Do you hang your coat on a hook?

Answer, "No, I don't. Someone else...

Example: Do you shut the door? Response: No, I don't. Someone else shuts the door.

1. Do you make a mistake? 6. Do you see that hole in the ground?

2. Do you break that things? 7. Do you feed the cat?
3. Do you steal things? 8. Do you hide my book from me?
4. Do you take many pieces of paper? 9. Do you blow that whistle?
5. Do you draw that picture? 10. Do you build a house?
Answer with yes." Example: Did you sit down? Response: Yes, I did. I sat dawn.
1. Do you give me some money? 6. Do you bend your elbow?
2. Do you stand at the bus stop? 7. Do you send letters?
3. Do you choose the blue pen? 8. Do you sing a song?
4. Do you run to class this? 9. Do you speak to her in ( ... )?
5. Do you sleep well at night? 10. Do you grind the pepper?

ORAL Answer with yes.

Example: Do the students come to class? Response: Yes, they do. They came to class.
1. Do classes begin at (nine)? 6. Do thief creep into houses?
2. Does the sun rise at six in the morning? 7. Does the policeman shoot at the thief?
3. Doe it cut anthing? 8. Do thiefs flee?
4. Does it bleed when you cut it? 9. Does your team win the game?
5. Do the grass grow after the rain? 10. Does your car slide on the ice?

ROLL PLAY ACTIVITY ORAL: Ask and answer questions:

(a) Name, do you take coffee for breakfast? = Numbre, tomas tu caf al desayuno?
(b) No, I take (hot) chocolate and toasts. = No, tomo chocolate (caliente) y tostades.

(a) Name, do you too (also) take chocolate? = Numbre, tu tambien tomas chocolate?
(b) No, generally I take rolls and milk. = No, generalmente tomo panecillos y leche.

(a) Name, do you take chocolate or milk? = Numbre, tomas chocolate o leche?
(b) I take tea with lemon and sugar and a roll. = Tomo te con limon y azucar y un panecillo.

a. What do you do every morning? b. I get up at 6:30 every morning.
I get out of bed, and then I wash my hands
and face. I brush my teeth. Then I get dressed.
a. What time do you have breakfast? b. I have breakfast at 7 oclock.
a. What do you have for breakfast? b. Sometimes I have eggs, toast, cereal and fruit.
a. Do you have coffee or tea? b. I have coffee or milk. I dont like tea for breakfast.
a. What time do you go to work? b. I leave my house at 7:30.
I arrive at work at ten minutes to eight.
a. When do you have lunch? b. I have lunch at noon.
a. When do you have dinner? b. My mother has dinner for us at 7 oclock.



NOTE: Some verbs do not have -ED forms. The past form is irregular.


Come = venir came x go = ir went x sleep = dormir slept
do = hacer did x have = tener had x stand = levantar stood
eat = comer ate x see = ver saw x write = escribir wrote
get = conseguir got x sit = sentar sat x dream = sonar dreamt
hold = held x tear = rasgar tore x wear = wore
ride = montar rode x take = tomar took x fall = caer fell
know = saver/conocer knew x fly = volar flew x break = romper broke
hear = or heard x speak = hablar spoke x bring = traer brought


( a ) Did you go downtown? Yes, I did. I went downtown. No, I didn't. I didn't go downtown.
( b ) Did Ann arrive at six? Yes, she did. She arrived at six. No, she didnt. She didn't arrive at six.
( c ) Did you run? Yes, I did. I ran cause I was late. No, I didn't. I didn't run cause I wasnt late.

NOTE: WHAT = QUE, se refiere a "COSAS" note on using when and what time:

( d ) What time did Ann arrive? At six. She arrived at six.

( e ) When did Ann arrive? Friday. She arrived on Friday.
( f ) Why did you run? Because I was late.

NOTE: La respuesta a when pude ser cualquier expresin de tiempo.

( g ) When did Bob arrive? At six. , On Sunday. , June 15th. , Last month. , Three weeks ago.
(A) I did not walk. (D) You did not eat. (F) She didn't come today. (I) They did not write.
(B) I didn't go. (E) She didn't speak. (G) Tom didn't eat lunch. (J) He did not come.
(C) You didn't go to work yesterday. (H) I didn't walk to work today.


( a ) Didnt Mary walk to work? Yes, she did. /No, she didn't.
( b ) Didnt you come to class? Yes, I did. /No, I didn't.

DRILL 10: In order to practice using irregular verbs, ask and answer questions.
Example: Did you speak to the teacher? Response: Yes, I did. I spoke to the teacher.

1. Did you drink some coffee before class? 11. Did you fall on the ice?
2. Did you bring your books to class? 12. Did you hurt yourself when you fell?
3. Did you forget your briefcase? 13. Did you fly to (this city)?
4. Did you shake your head? 14. Did you wear a coat to class?
5. Did you catch the bus this morning? 15. Did you bite the dog?
6. Did you drive to school? 16. Did you eat lunch?
7. Did you lose your book? 17. Did you take chemistry in high school?
8. Did you find your book? 18. Did you forgive me when I made a mistake?
9. Did you wind your watch this morning? 19. Did you swear to tell the truth?
10. Did you understand what Y said? 20. Did you hang your coat on a hook?

Answer, "No, I didn't. Someone else...

Example: Did you shut the door? Response: No, I didn't. Someone else shut the door.

1. Did you make a mistake? 6. Did you dig that hole in the ground?
2. Did you break that window? 7. Did you feed the cat?
3. Did you steal my wallet? 8. Did you hide my book from me?
4. Did you take many pieces of paper? 9. Did you blow that whistle?
5. Did you draw that picture? 10. Did you build that house?

Answer with yes." Example: Did you sit down? Response: Yes, I did. I sat dawn.

1. Did you give me some money? 6. Did you bend your elbow?
2. Did you stand at the bus stop? 7. Did you send a letter?
3. Did you choose the blue pen? 8. Did you sing a son?
4. Did you run to class this (morning)? 9. Did you speak to her ( ... )?
5. Did you sleep well last night? 10. Did you grind the pepper?

ORAL Answer with yes.

Example: Did the students come to class? Response: Yes, they did. They came to class.
1. Did class begin at (nine)? 3. Did the thief creep into the room?
2. Did the sun rise at six this morning? 4. Did the policeman shoot at the thief?
Yes / No question = a question that is answered by yes or no.

Q: Does he live in Bogot? A: Yes, he does. OR: No, he doesn't.

An information question = a question using a "WH" question word that asks for information.

Q: Where did he live? A: In Bogot.

When the verb is in the simple present, use does with (he, she, it) or do with (I,
you, we, they) in the question. When the verb is simple past, use did.

(a) Where does she live? Does she live there? Luz lives there
(b) Where do we live? Do we live there? We live there.

NOTICE: The main verb in the question is in its simple form; there is no final -s or -ed.

(c) Where did he live? Did he live there? Bob lived there.

DRILL 11: Make questions for the given answers.

1. Does _____________________________________? Yes, he lives in Fusa.
2. _______________________________ Yes, I live in __________________.
3. _____________________________________________ Yes, I took the bus.
4. ___________________________________ No, she wants to come with us.
5. _______________________________________ Yes, I'm living in his house.
6. ____________________________________ No, Joan and Bob went home.
7. _______________________________ Yes, my husband can speak English.
8. _____________________________________ Yes, I were invited to a party.
9. _______________________________________ Yes, I have met your wife.
10._______________________________________ No, I'm not going with you.
11. _____________________________________________ Yes, I have a cold.
12. ____________________________________ No, I haven't seen that movie.
13 .___________________________ Yes, there is a sharp knife in that drawer.
14. ____________________________________ Yes, there are some problems.
15. ______________________________ Yes, there will be another day like this.

* In American English, a form of do is usually used in a question when the

main verb is have. In British English the use of do in this instance is not usual.

(a) Do you have a car? (American English) (b) Have you (got) a car? (primarily British)

** In a question , there is the subject position;

Is there some coffee? Yes, there is. Isn't there some coffee? Yes, there is.

DRILL 36: ORAL Make yes/no questions with the words.

Example: She lives / Bogot Q: Does she live in Bogot?

You studied / last night Q: Did you study last night?

1. It rained / all day. 2. took, bus everyday 3. written, parents

4. would like, go 5. sitting, front row 6. speaks English
7. drove, home 8. can speak, English
9. have, mustache / beard 10. work, tonight


A short response has the same auxiliary that is used in the question and does
Is used in both question and response.
In a negative (no) response, not is usually contracted with the verb;
e.g., does + not = doesn't
In an affirmative ( yes ) response, the auxiliary is NOT contracted with the
It not possible to say. "Yes, I've."

(a) Does this belong to her? Yes, it does. No, it doesnt.

(b) Did Bob tell you the news? Yes, he did. No, he didnt.

(c) Have you finished reading? Yes, I have. No, I havent.

(d) Will Joan be there? Yes, she will. No, she won't.

When be is used in the question, be is in the short response.

In (f) and (g) when is or are is used in a negative response; there are two possible contractions.

(e) Are you his friend? Yes, I am. No, I'm not .

(f) Is Joan at home? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. No, she's not
(g) Are your parents home? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. No, they're not.

(h) Was Bob at the party? Yes, he was. No, he wasn't .

DRILL 4: ORAL: Answer the questions truthfully. Give short responses where ever possible.
Otherwise, supply the information.

To the teacher: Pursue the topic briefly with (A), and then ask (B) questions about that
For example:

To A: Have you ever been in Bogot? A: Yes, I have.

B: When were you there? A: A few of weeks ago.

B: Why did you go there? A: The plane stopped there on the way to Manila.

B: How long were you at the airport? A: About six hours.

To B: Has (...) ever been to Hong Kong? B: Yes, he/she has.

When was he/she there? B: A few weeks ago.

1. Do you live in a farm? 2. Did you go to work today?

3. Have you ever been in Manila? 4. Are you hungry?

5. Does she/he like to watch TV? 6. Have you met anyone lately?

7. Were you at home all day today? 8. Will you be at home tonight?

9. When do I see you again? 10. Is the person next to you from the U. S.?


Teacher; (1) Good morning everybody / kids. = Buenos das, a todos.

(2) Good afternoon everybody / kids. = Bueans tardes, a todos.

Student: (1) Good morning sir / maam. = Buenos das seorita / seor / seora.

(2) Good afternoon sir / maam. = Bueans tardes seorita / seor / seora.

Teacher: How are you, today? = Como estn ustedes, hoy?

Student: Very well, thank you, and you? = Muy bien, gracias, y tu?

Teacher: (1) Im good class, thanks. = Estoy bien gracias.

(2) Fair, thanks, and you? = Regular, gracias, y tu?

Teacher: I am going to call the roll now. = Voy a pasar lista ya.

Student: Present / here. = Presente

Teacher: Do you have a / an __________? eraser = borrador, map = mapa, chair = silla
Tienes un / una __________________? pen = pluma, pencil = lpiz, bollpen = bolgrafo

Student: Yes, sir / maam. I have a / an ___. = Si, seor / seorita / seora, tengo un ____________

Teacher: Where is it? = Donde esta?

Student: Here it is sir / maam. = Aqu esta seor / seora / seorita.

Teacher: Where is the waste basket? = Donde esta el cesto de basura?

Student: It is over there. / It is here. = Esta por allia. / Esta aqu.

Teacher: Good-buy see you tomorrow. = Adis, te / los veyo maana.

Until tomorrow. = Hasta maana.

From chapter - I to chapter XI
Now do your own examples.



El ingls tiene expresiones para diferentes situaciones
How do you do? (Cmo estas? / Cmo estn?)
My names _________. (Mi nombre es ____________.)
Good morning. (Bun da!)
Good afternoon. (Buenas tardes.)
Good evening. (Buenas noches. (saludo)
Good night. (Buenas noches. (despedida)
Its a pleasure to meet you. (Es un placer conocerte.)
Glad to meet you. (Me encanta conocerte)


How do you do. (Cmo esta usted?) Fine, thank you. (Bien gracias)


Greetings (Saludos)
Hi! (Hla!) Hi! (Hla!)
Hello! (Hla!) Hello! (Hla!)
Whats up? (Qu hbo? (quiubo?) Not much. (Ni tanto)
Whats happening? (Qu est pasndo?) Not much. (No mucho)
Howre you doing? (Cmo te va-?) Good. And you? (Bin y tu?)

Good-bye (Adios ) Good-bye! (Adios)
See you later. (Te veo ms tarde) See you. (Te veo)
Take care: (Cuidese) You too. (Tu tambin)
Have a good weekend. (Que tengas un bun fn de semana.)
Same to you. / Likewise (Lo mismo)

You must be joking!! = (Debes estar bromeando) Look out!
Youre kidding!! (No chrles!) Watch out! / Careful! (Cuidado)


Congratulations. (Felicitaciones) My condolences (Mis condolencias)
Happy birthday! (Feliz cumpleaos.)

Uh-hum. (Uh-hum.)
Please sit down, class. (Por favor clase, sintese. )
Its nice to see you. (Es agradable verte / verlos.)
Please wait for me. (Por favor esperame.)
Go and wash your hands. (V a lavarte las manos.)
What would you like? ( Qu te gustara? / Qu les gustara?)
Where do you sit? ( Dnde te sientas? / Dnde os sentis?)
How old are you? ( Qu edad tienes? / Qu edad tienen?)
Wait a moment Please. (Espere un momento Por favor)
What grade are you in? ( En que grado ests? ) Much oblage



MONTHS OF THE YEAR = meses del ao

January /yanuari/ Enero February /februari/ Febrero

March /maaRch/ Marzo April /eipril/ Abril
May /mei/ May June /yuun/ Junio
July /yuulai/ Julio August /ooguest/ Agosto
September /septembeR/ Septiembre October /octoUbeR/ Octubre
November /novembeR/ Noviembre December /disembeR/ Diciembre

DAYS OF THE WEEK = das de la semana

Monday (Mon.) /mandEi/ Lunes Tuesday (Tues.) /tiusdEi/ Martes

Wednesday (Wed.) /uuensdEi/ Mircoles Thursday (Thurs.) /zersdEi/ Jueves
Friday (Fri.) /fraidEi/ Viernes Saturday (Sat.) /saterdEi/ Sbado

Sunday (Sun.) /sandEi/ Domingo

THE SEASONS = las estaciones

Summer /sameR/ Verano June, July, Aug.

Autumn /otOmm/ Otoo Sept. Oct. Nov.
Winter /winteR/ Invierno Dec. Jan. Feb.
Spring /spring/ Primavera Mar. April. May

It's nine o'clock. It's nine sharp. It's nine-oh-five.
It's five (minutes) after nine. It's five (minutes) past nine.
It's nine-ten. It's ten (minutes) after nine. It's ten (minutes) past nine.
It's nine-fifteen. It's a quarter after nine. It's a quarter past nine.
It's nine-thirty. It's half past nine.
It's nine-forty-five. It's a quarter to ten. It's a quarter of ten.
It's ten (minutes) to ten. It's ten (minutes) of ten.
It's noon. It's midnight.

A.M. = morning It's nine A.M.

P.M. = afternoon evening night It's nine P.M.

Usando numeros para escribir la fecha: mm / dd / yy = 11/ 27/ 38 = November 27, 1938


January 1 January first / the first of January

November 27 November twenty-seventh / the twenty-seventh of November

/ ferst /

/ ileven / / tuelf /
/ tertin /

/ tuuenti /

/ terti /

/handred/ / tausand /

/tu/ /handred/

/handred/ / tausand /

1,000,000 ONE MILLION 5,000,000 FIVE MILLION

1,000,000,000 ONE BILLION

En Ingles el punto (.) es decimal y la coma (,) es mil.

a. Triangle 3 sides = Tringulo 3 lados

b. Quadrilateral 4 sides = Cuadriltero 4 lados

c. Pentagon 5 sides = Pentgono 5 lados

d. Hexagon 6 sides = Hexgono 6 lados

e. Heptagonal 7 sides = Heptgono 7 lados

f. Octagon 8 sides = Octgono 8 lados

g. Enneagon 9 sides = Enegono 9 lados

h. Decagon 10 sides = Decgono 10 lados

Reglas para preguntas con palabras de "WH"

WHO (M) QUIEN es usado como sujeto de una pregunta. Se refiere a "GENTE".
NOTE: WHOM, no WHO, es usado despues de una preposicion tambien es usado unicamente
en preguntas formales.

Who is the Mayor of Fusagasuga this year? Quien es el Alcalde de Fusagasuga este ao?
Who was the last Muiscacan chief? Quin era el ltimo soberano Muisca? ANS.Aquiminzaque
Who was the chief that attacked the people of Fusagasuga? Quin era el cacique que atac a los
Fusagasuges? (ANS. Saguamanchica)

WHAT QUE - Se refiere a informacin.

Example: What is the capital of Atlantico? Que es la capital del Atlatico? (ANS.: Barranquilla)
What is the longest river in Colombia? Que es el mas largo rio en Colombia?
What was the name of Colombia before 1886? Que fu el nombre de Colombia antes de 1886?
(ANS.: Estados Unidos de Colombia)
What year did Colombia receive its name? Qu ao recibi Colombia su nombre? (ANS. 1886)
What year was Simon Bolivar president of Colombia? Qu ao fue Simn Bolivar presidente de
Colombia? (ANS. 1819 - 1830)
What year was Fusagasug attacked by Saguamanchica? Qu ao fueron atacados los
Fusagasuges por Saguamanchica? (ANS.1470 -1490)
What time usually asks specifically for time on a clock.
What time did Bob arrive? At six. / Seven o'clock. / Around 9:30.

WHEN CUANDO es usado para preguntas a cerca de "TIEMPO" "TIME".

The answer to when can be any expression of time. La respuesta a WHEN puede ser
cualquier expresion de tiempo.

Example: When did Bob arrive? At six. / Sunday. / June 15th. / Last month.
When are the bed sheets change? Cuando se cambian los tendidos de cama?
When is the bed sheet change? Cuando se cambia el tendido de cama?
When are you here? Cuando estas aqu?
When is he there? Cuando esta el all?

WHOSE DE QUIEN (propiedad) hace preguntas acerca de "POSSESSION".

Example: Whose key is this? De quien es sta llave? Whose is this? De quien es sto?
Whose are these? De quien son stos?

WHICH CUAL es usado en vez de WHAT para preguntas relacionadas a "ESCOGER"

de una cantidad o grupo definido y conocido.
Which one do you like? Cual te gusta? Which do you want? Cual quieres?
Which is the mine source of water that flows to the Caribbean? (Ans. Rio Magdalena)
Which country did Panama belong to? A cual pais pertenesio Panama?

WHY POR QUE es usado para preguntas acerca de "RAZON" "REASON".

Example: Why don't you come with us? Porqu no te vienes con nosotros?
Why don't you love me? Porqu no me amas?

WHERE DONDE es usado para preguntas de "LUGAR" "PLACE".

Example: Where did Simn Bolivar die? Dnde muri Simn Bolivar? (ANS. Santa Marta)
Where is it? Dnde est?
Where are they? Dnde estn?
Where is El nevado del Ruiz? (Ans.Cordillera Central)

(a) Is the paper on the table? Yes, it is. Esta el papel sober la mesa? Si lo esta.
(b) Are the papers on the table? Yes, they are. Estan los papeles sober la mesa? Si lo estan.
(c) Where is the paper? On the table. Donde esta el papel? Sober la mesa.
(d) Where are the papers? On the table. Donde estan los papeles? Sober la mesa.

HOW COMO generalmente averigua acerca de "MANERA" "MANNER". Tambin tiene
muchos usos idiomticos.
Example: How does she cook? Como cocina ella? How did you come? Como viniste?
How is she? Como est ella? How was she? Como estaba ella?

How es tambin usado con adjetivos y adverbios.

Example: How much is the purse? Cuanto es el bolso?
How much is that suitcase? Cuanto es aquella maleta?
How much is it? Cuanto es?
How much are those pants? Cuanto son esos pantalones?

How many continets are there in the world? Cuantos continentes hay en el mundo?
(Ans. There are 7 continents)
How many departments does Colombia have? Cuantos departamentos tiene Clolmbia?
(Ans. It has 32 departments)
How many regions is the Colombian territory divided into? En cuantos regiones esta dividido
el teretorio Colombiano? (Ans. Its divided into 6 regions)

How high is El nevado del Ruiz? Como de alto es El nevado del Ruiz? (Ans. Its 5,400 m. High)
How soon can you get here? Que tan pronto puedes llegar aqu?
How old are you? Que tan viejo eres?
How old were you? Que tan viejo eras?


Example: How far is it to ________ from here? Que tan lejos est ____________ de aqu?


Example: How long were you here? Cuanto tiempo estabas aqu? / Cuanto tiempo estubiste aqu?


Example: How often do you come here? Cada cuanto vienes aqui?
How often were you here? Cada cuanto estubiste aqui? / Cada cuanto estabas aqui?

PERSONAL PRONOUNS take the place of nouns. They usually accompany a verb and can be either the
subject or the object of the verb. A personal pronoun denotes the speaker, the person spoken to, or the
person sopoken of. = Los PRONOMBRES PERSONALES toman el lugar del sustativo. Normalmente acompaan un verbo y/o
pueden ser el sujeto o el objeto del verbo. Un pronombre personal denota al portavoz, la persona hablada, o de quen se habla.


Sujeto Objeto Posesivo Adjetivos Reflexivo
I = Yo / me + ME MINE MY _______ MYSELF
Am = soy / estoy mi / migo / me Mo / Mios / Mi / Mis y mismo
Mias ________

ARE = eres / estas tu/ ti / tigo Tuyo / suyo Su de tu t mismo
IS = es / esta el/le de l / su Su de el l mismo
IS = es / esta Ella de ella / suya Su de ella lla misma
WE = Nosotros + US OURS OUR _______ OURSELVES
ARE = somos / Nosotros / Nos de nosotros nuestro _____ nostros mismos
Vosotros / Ustedes Vosotros de vosotros vuestros_____ vostros mismos
+ Ustedes suyos ustdes mismos
ARE = Son / estan
ARE = son / estan ellos de ellos Su de ellos llos mismos
IT = Lo / Es + IT ITS OWN ITS _______ ITSELF
IS = es / esta lo su propio Su _________ s mismo
* Estas formas arcicas de tuteo se emplean solamente en oraciones para dirigirse a Dios y en poesa.
tu tu tuyo Tu t mismo

An apostrophe and s are never used with personal pronouns to show possession.
Un apstrofo y s nunca se usan con pronombres personales para mostrar posesin.

PRONOMBRES INDEFINIDOS: Los pronombres indefinidos son casi todos singulares. el verbo que
los sigue va como si fuese tercera persona. Se dice "Everybody is crazy" y no "Everybody are crazy".

Anything: es usado en frase negativo.

Anyone :es usado quando el verbo es negativo.
No one :es usado quando el verbo es affirmativo.

Someone = Alguno. Somebody = Alguien.

Something = Algo. Alguna cosa.. Anything = Nada (En frase negativa)
Any one = Cualquiera (Persona de un grupo). Anyone = Cualquier Persona (De un universo)
Anybody = Alguien. Nadie (En frase negativa) Nobody = Nadie. (De un universo)
One = Uno. ........... Nothing = Nada.
Some one = Alguno (De un grupo)..... Each = Cada.
Either = Cualquiera (Entre dos opciones)... Every = Cada.
Everybody = Todo el mundo... Everyone = Cualquiera / todo el mundo.
Every one = Todos (Personas de un grupo) Everything = Todo.
Neither = Ninguno (Entre dos opciones)... No one = Nadie.
More than one = Ms de uno.

about around above across after back

acerca de alrededor sobre al otro lado despus atrs / espalda

among against at below along

entre contra en de bajo a lo largo / por lo largo

beneath between behind beside beyond by

por de bajo entre detrs al lado mas all por / de

during from for next to next top
durante de / desde para / por prximo a siguiente cima

in back of in front of inside in on of

adentro dentro sobre de

off on top of over outside through throughout

apagado encima de sobre afuera a travs a lo largo de

though to then than toward till

aunque a / al entonces que hacia hasta

up under untill while with without

arriba debajo hasta mientras con sin

within whatever whether whenever since middle

dentro de lo que sea si / sea que cuando sea desde en medio

near in the back of in the front of in the middle of


Una preposicin es una palabra que muestra la relacin entre su pronombre o sustantivo de objeto
y alguna otra palabra en la frase.

THE Face = la cara:
forehead /forjed/ = frente eyebrows /aibraus/ = cejas eyelashes / ailahes/ = pestaas
Eye / ai / = ojo cheek / chic/ = mejilla nose / nous/ = nariz
Lips /lips/ = labios mouth /mauth/ = boca teeth / tiith/ = dientes
Chin / chin/ = mentn skin / skin/ = piel freckles / frecels/ = pecas

THE Body = el cuerpo

Arms /arms/ = brazos hip /jip/ = cadera legs /les/ = piernas
Feet /fit/ = pies Elbow /elbou/ = codo neck /nec/ = cuello
Ear /iar/ = oreja Chest /chest/ = pecho back /bac/ = espalda
Ass /as/ = culo Shoulder /sholder/ = hombro belly button /beli boton/ = ombligo
Hand /jand/ = mano hair /jeir/ =pelo stomach / stomec/ = estomag
Head /jed/ =cabeza finger /finuer/ = dedo wrist / rist/ = mueca
Belly /beli/ = barriga armpit / armpit/ = axial waist /ueist/ = cintura

Relatives /relatives/ = Parientes Grandson /granson/ = nieto
Granddaughter /randoter/ = nieta Nephew /nefiu/ = sobrino
Grandchildren = niece /nis/ = sobrina
Cousin /casin/ = primo (a) parents /perents/ = padres
Uncle /ancol/ = tio aunt /ant/ = tia
Father /fader/ = papa mother /madder/ = mama
Son /san/ = hijo daughter /doter/ = hija
Grandfather /grafader/ = abuelo grandmother /granmader/ = abuela
Child /chaild/ = nina/nino kid /kid/ = chico (a)
Teenager /tineiyer/ = adolescente adult /adolt/ = adulto
Husband /jasban/ = esposo wife /uaif/ = esposa

Faucet /focet/ = grifo sugar bowl /shugar boul/ = azucarera
Stove /stouv/ = estufa corkscrew /corcscru/ = descochador
Can opener /can opener/ = abrelatas lid /lid/ = tapa
Strainer /streiner/ = colador Blender /blender/ = licuadora

Conjugaciones irregulares

Saber = Know: Primera persona del presente de indicativo s.

Presente de subjuntivo: sepa, sepas, sepamos, sepis, sepan
Pretrito indefinido: Knew = supe, supiste, supo, supimos, supisteis, supieron
Conocer = Know: Primera persona del presente de indicativo: conozco
Presente de subjuntivo: conozca, conozcas, conozca, conozcamos, conozcis, conozcan

Por qu? = Why: The interrogative is written in two words:

Porque. = Because: The answer starts with one word:
The Parts of speech their identification and function:

main auxiliary main
verb adjective conjunction verb adverb article pronoun verb

Learn these useful words and you can understand more about the language you are studying.

determiner noun pronoun main verb preposition noun auxiliary

The past tense and past participle of regular verbs are pronounced and spelled the same.
Most verbs in English are regular.
NOTE: Los verbos en ingls no tienen formas plurales. La -S que se ve es usada nicamente en el
presente simple para terceras personas del singular (He, She, It).

Present Past Participle Gerund

Add = sumar added added adding
Affect = afectar affected affected affecting
Appear = Aparezca appeared appeared appearing
Avoid = evitar avoided avoided avoiding
Breathe = Respire breathed breathed breathing

Burn = quemar burned burned burning
Call = llamar called called calling
Carry = cargar carried carried carrying
Cause = causa caused caused causing
Change = cambiar changed changed changing
Cheer = alegra cheered cheered cheering
Chew = Mastique chewed chewed chewing
Count = contar counted counted counting
Cover = tapa covered covered covering
Crash = cada crashed crashed crashing
Cross = cruz crossed crossed crossing
Decide = Decida decided decided deciding
Develop = Desarrollo developed developed developing
Die = morir died died dying
Enter = entrar entered entered entering
Exist = Exista existed existed existing
Exploded = Explotar exploded exploded exploding
Face = enfrentar faced faced facing
Float = flotar floated floated floating
Flow = flujo flowed flowed flowing
Gather = reunir gathered gathered gathering
Harvest = cosechar harvested harvested harvesting
Heal = Sanar healed healed healing
Help = ayuda helped helped helping
Hunt = cazar hunted hunted hunting
Indicate = Indique indicated indicated indicating
Land = aterrizar landed landed landing
Learn = aprender learned learned learning
Like = gustar liked liked liking
Live = vivir lived lived living
Look = mirar looked looked looking
Mark = marcar marked marked marking
Measure = medir measured measured measuring
Melt = derretir melted melted melting
Move = mover moved moved moving
Need = necesitar needed needed needing
Offer = oferta offered offered offering
Pass = pasar passed passed passing
pay = pagar paid paid paying
Place = colocar placed placed placing
Plan = Plan planned planned planning
Plant = planta planted planted planting
Play = Juegar played played playing
Prefer = Prefiera preferred preferred preferring
Promise = Promesa promised promised promising
Protect = Protejer protected protected protecting
Prove = Demuestra proved proved proving
Pull = hale pulled pulled pulling
Push = empujar pushed pushed pushing
Rain = lluvia rained rained raining
Reduce = Reducir reduced reduced reducing
Remain = remained
Remember = Recordar remembered remembered remembering
Remove = Quitar removed removed removing
Rub = frotar rubbed rubbed rubbing
Sail = navegar sailed sailed sailing
Save = salvar saved saved saving
Seem = preser seemed seemed seeming
Shout = grito shouted shouted shouting
Show = Muestre showed showed showing
Ski = esqu skied skied skiing
Snow = nevar snowed snowed snowing
Solve = Resuelva solved solved solving
Start = comenzar started started starting
Stay = quedar stayed stayed staying
Stop = parar stopped stopped stopping
Surround =rodear surrounded surrounded surrounding
Swallow = tragar swallowed swallowed swallowing
Taste = saborear tasted tasted tasting
Test = prueba tested tested testing
Train = entrenar trained trained training
Travel = Viajar traveled traveled traveling
Try = probar tried tried trying
Turn = Vulvase turned turned turning
Use = usar used used using
Walk = caminar walked walked walking
Want = querer wanted wanted wanting
Work = trabajar work worked working

Be = ser / estar was, were been being
Beat = golpear beat beaten (beat) beating
Become = llegar ser became become becoming
Begin = empezar began begun begging
Bend = doblar bent bent bending
Bet = apostar bet bet betting
Bite = morder bit bitten biting
Bleed bled bled bleeding
Blow = blew blown blowing
Break = romper broke broken breaking
Breed = bred bred breeding
Bring = traer brought brought bringing
Burst = reventar burst burst bursting
Buy = compra bought bought buying
Catch = caught caught catching
Choose = chose chosen choosing
Cling clung clung clinging
Come = venir came come coming
Cost = costo cost cost costing
Creep = arrstrese crept crept creeping
Cut = cortar cut cut cutting
Deal = trato dealt dealt dealing
Dig = excavar dug dug digging
Do = hacer did done doing
Draw = Dibujar drew drawn drawing
Drink = beber drank drunk drinking
Drive= conducir drove driven driving
Eat = comer ate eaten eating
Fall = cada fell fallen falling
Feed = alimentar fed fed feeding
Feel = sentir felt felt feeling
Fight = lucha fought fought fighting
Find = encontrar found found finding
Flee = Huya fled fled fleeing

Fly = volar flew flown flying
Forbid = Prohbo forbade forbidden forbidding
Forget = Olvidar forgot forgotten forgetting
Forgive = Perdonar forgave forgiven forgiving
Freeze = congelar froze frozen freezing
Get = Conseguir got gotten getting
Give = dar gave given giving
Go = ir went gone going
Grind = moler ground ground grinding
Grow = Crezca grew grown growing
Hang = colgar hung hung hanging
Hear = Oiga heard heard hearing
Hide = esconder hid hidden hiding
Hit = golpe hit hit hitting
Hold = sostener held held holding
Hurt = herir hurt hurt hurting
Keep = guardar kept kept keeping
Know =saber/conocer knew known knowing
Lay = laid laid laying
Lead led led leading
Let = permita let let letting
Lie lay laid
Light = prender lit lit (lighted) lighting
Lose = perder lost lost loseing
Make = made made making
Mean meant meant meaning
Meet = encontrar met met meeting
Oversleep = overslept overslept oversleeping
Read = leer read read
Ride = montar rode ridden
Ring = timbra rang rung
Rise = elevar rose risen
Run = correr ran run
Say = decir said said
See = ver saw seen
Seek = buscar sought sought
Sell = vender sold sold
Send = enviar sent sent
Set = set set
Shake = agitar shook shaken
Shine = brillar shone shone
Shoot = disparar shot shot
Show = mostrar showed shown
Shrink = encoger shrank shrunk
Shut = shut shut
Sing = cantar sang sung
Sit = sentar sat sat
Sleep slept slept
Slide slid slid
Slit slit slit
Speak = hablar spoke spoken speaking
Spend spent spent spending
Split split split splitting
Spread spread spread spreading
stand stood stood standing
Steal = robar stole stolen stealing
Stick stuck stuck sticking
Sting stung stung stinging
Stink stank stunk stinking
Strike struck struck striking
Swear swore sworn
Sweep swept swept sweeping
Swim = nadar swam swum swimming
Swing swung swung swinging
Take = tomar took taken taking
Teach = ensear taught taught teaching
Tear tore torn tearing
Think = pensar thought thought thinking
Throw threw thrown
Understand =entender understood understood understanding
Upset upset upset upseting
Wake woke woken
Wear wore worn wearing
Weave wove woven
Weep = llorar wept wept weeping
Win = ganar won won winning
Wind wound wound
Withdraw withdrew withdrawn withdrawing

The Many meanings of

Most learners of English as a foreign language would probably agree that the little verb get is one of
the most difficult words in the language. Not only does it have several meanings by itself, it also combines
with a number of particles to form phrasal verbs with idiomatic meanings. And to make matters worse, many
of these phrasal verbs themselves multiple meanings.
For many learners, even when its meanings are learned, get tends to remain a part of their passive
rather than their active vocabulary: whenever possible, they will use a synonym for it. This is especially true
of the phrasal verbs. Experience has shown us that in most cases such substitution works pretty well: the
speakers meaning is communicated. To the ear of a native speaker, however, wholesale avoidance of two-
word verbs, and of get in its various meanings, results in stilted, unnatural-sounding speech.
The following facts about get are offered for whatever use the learner may wish to make of them. The
basic meanings of get as a single-word verb are:

understand ( I get it)

receive (Did you get a good grade on the exam?)
win (Mary got first place in the competition.)
obtain (Add up the scores and see what you get.)
acquire (She got a new hat to wear to the party.)
reach (When will we get to San Francisco?)
catch (My sis had a contagious disease, but I didnt get it.)
own (Ive got 20 books on that subject.)
take away (Get that dog out of here!)

about acerca de ______________________________________________
above sobre ______________________________________________
academy cademia ______________________________________________
accident. accidente. ______________________________________________
according conforme ______________________________________________
action accin ______________________________________________
add agregue ______________________________________________
address direccin ______________________________________________
adjective adjetivo ______________________________________________
adult adulto ______________________________________________
adverb adverbio ______________________________________________
advertising anunciando ______________________________________________
advice consejo ______________________________________________
affirmative afirmativo ______________________________________________
after despus ______________________________________________
afternoon tarde ______________________________________________
again. de nuevo. ______________________________________________
agree de acuerdo ______________________________________________
agreement acuerdo ______________________________________________
air aire ______________________________________________
airport aeropuerto ______________________________________________
alarm alarma ______________________________________________
alfalfa alfalfa ______________________________________________
all todo ______________________________________________
allowed permitido ______________________________________________
almost casi ______________________________________________
alone solo ______________________________________________
aloud alto. ______________________________________________
alphabet alfabeto ______________________________________________
also tambin ______________________________________________
always siempre ______________________________________________
ambulance ambulancia ______________________________________________
anal anal ______________________________________________
and y ______________________________________________
angry enfadado ______________________________________________
animal animal ______________________________________________
ankle tobillo ______________________________________________
announcement anuncio. ______________________________________________
answer respuesta ______________________________________________
ant hormiga ______________________________________________
anus ano ______________________________________________
anybody alguien ______________________________________________
anyone cualquiera ______________________________________________
anything algunacosa ______________________________________________
apartment apartamento ______________________________________________
apple manzana ______________________________________________
appointment cita ______________________________________________
appropriate apropiado ______________________________________________
aquarium acuario ______________________________________________
arm brazo ______________________________________________
armpit sobaco ______________________________________________
army ejrcito ______________________________________________
arrive llegue ______________________________________________
arrived llegado ______________________________________________
art arte ______________________________________________
article artculo ______________________________________________
as como ______________________________________________
ashtray cenicero ______________________________________________
ask pregunte ______________________________________________
asparagus esprrago ______________________________________________
assign asigne ______________________________________________
at a / en ______________________________________________
attorney. abogado. ______________________________________________
audience pblico ______________________________________________
author autor ______________________________________________
auxiliary auxiliar ______________________________________________
available disponible ______________________________________________
average promedio ______________________________________________
avoided evitado ______________________________________________
ax hacha ______________________________________________
baby beb ______________________________________________
back atrs / espalda ______________________________________________
bacon tocino ______________________________________________
bad malo ______________________________________________
bag bolsa ______________________________________________
ball pelota ______________________________________________
balloons globos ______________________________________________
ballpen boligrafo ______________________________________________
bananas pltanos ______________________________________________
bank. banco. ______________________________________________
baseball bisbol. ______________________________________________
basketball bsquetbol ______________________________________________
bath bao ______________________________________________
be ser / estar ______________________________________________
beans frijoles ______________________________________________
bear oso ______________________________________________
beast bestia ______________________________________________
beautiful ermosa ______________________________________________
because porque ______________________________________________
become lliegar ser ______________________________________________
bed cama ______________________________________________
bee abeja ______________________________________________
beetroot remolacha ______________________________________________
before antes ______________________________________________
begin empiece ______________________________________________
beginning empezando ______________________________________________
behind detrs ______________________________________________
beige crema ______________________________________________
being siendo ______________________________________________
believe crea ______________________________________________
belong pertenezca ______________________________________________
below debajo ______________________________________________
belt cinturn ______________________________________________
bend curvatura ______________________________________________
benefit beneficio ______________________________________________
best mejor ______________________________________________
better mejor ______________________________________________
biceps bcep ______________________________________________
bicycle bicicleta ______________________________________________
big grande ______________________________________________
bigger ms grande ______________________________________________
biology biologa ______________________________________________
bird pjaro ______________________________________________
birthday cumpleaos ______________________________________________
bite mordedura ______________________________________________
black negro ______________________________________________
bladder vejiga ______________________________________________
blank espacio blanco ______________________________________________

bleed sangrar ______________________________________________
blouse blusa ______________________________________________
blow soplo ______________________________________________
blue azul ______________________________________________
bone hueso ______________________________________________
book- bag moral ______________________________________________
book libro ______________________________________________
boots botas ______________________________________________
born nacido ______________________________________________
bosom (bust) pecho (busto) ______________________________________________
boss jefe ______________________________________________
botanical botnico ______________________________________________
both ambos ______________________________________________
bottle botella ______________________________________________
bought comprado ______________________________________________
bowl cuenco ______________________________________________
bracelet pulsera ______________________________________________
branch rama ______________________________________________
bread pan ______________________________________________
break descanso ______________________________________________
breakfast desayuno ______________________________________________
breast seno ______________________________________________
bridge puente ______________________________________________
briefcase cartera ______________________________________________
bright luminoso ______________________________________________
bring traiga ______________________________________________
broadcast transmisin ______________________________________________
broiled a la parrilla ______________________________________________
broken roto ______________________________________________
bronchus bronquio _____ _________________________________________
brother hermano ______________________________________________
brought trado ______________________________________________
brown marron ______________________________________________
brush cepillo ______________________________________________
build construir ______________________________________________
building construyendo ______________________________________________
burst estallido ______________________________________________
bus autobs ______________________________________________
bush arbusto ______________________________________________
bushes arbustos ______________________________________________
but pero ______________________________________________
butter manteca ______________________________________________
butterfly mariposa ______________________________________________
buttermilk ______________________________________________
buttocks nalgas ______________________________________________
buy compra ______________________________________________
by por ______________________________________________
cabbage berza ______________________________________________
cafeteria cafetera ______________________________________________
cake pastel ______________________________________________
calf pantorrilla ______________________________________________
called llamado ______________________________________________
can lata ______________________________________________
car automvil ______________________________________________
card tarjeta ______________________________________________
care cuidado ______________________________________________
careless descuidado ______________________________________________
carrot zanahoria ______________________________________________
carry lleve ______________________________________________
carved tallado ______________________________________________

case caso ______________________________________________
cast lanzamiento ______________________________________________
cat gato ______________________________________________
catch captura ______________________________________________
cause causa ______________________________________________
cave cueva ______________________________________________
ceiling techo ______________________________________________
celery apio ______________________________________________
cereal. cereal. ______________________________________________
chalk tiza ______________________________________________
changed cambiado ______________________________________________
channel cauce ______________________________________________
chapter captulo ______________________________________________
char-broiled asado ______________________________________________
chatter charla ______________________________________________
cheap barato ______________________________________________
cheaper ms barato ______________________________________________
check cheque ______________________________________________
cheddar cheddar ______________________________________________
cheeks mejillas ______________________________________________
cheese queso ______________________________________________
cheesecake cheesecake ______________________________________________
chef's salad ensalada ______________________________________________
chemistry qumica ______________________________________________
chest pecho ______________________________________________
chicken pollo ______________________________________________
child nio ______________________________________________
children nios ______________________________________________
chin mentn ______________________________________________
chocolate chocolate ______________________________________________
choose escoja ______________________________________________
chowder crema de pes ______________________________________________
cigarette cigarro ______________________________________________
cinnamon canela ______________________________________________
citizen ciudadano ______________________________________________
city hall alcaldia ______________________________________________
city ciudad ______________________________________________
civilization civilizacin ______________________________________________
clam almeja ______________________________________________
clapped aplaudido ______________________________________________
class clase ______________________________________________
classified clasificado ______________________________________________
classmate coundisipulo ______________________________________________
clean limpie ______________________________________________
clock reloj ______________________________________________
close. cerca. ______________________________________________
closing cerrando ______________________________________________
clothes ropa ______________________________________________
clothing vistiendo ______________________________________________
clotting coagulando ______________________________________________
coat chaqueta ______________________________________________
cocktail combinado ______________________________________________
coffee caf. ______________________________________________
cold fro ______________________________________________
cold cereal cereal fro ______________________________________________
collective colectividad ______________________________________________
colon colon ______________________________________________
come. venga. ______________________________________________
comfortable cmodo ______________________________________________
committed comprometido ______________________________________________

committee comit ______________________________________________
common comn ______________________________________________
company compaa ______________________________________________
comparative comparativo ______________________________________________
compare comparacin ______________________________________________
compiling compilando ______________________________________________
complement complemento ______________________________________________
complete completo ______________________________________________
complex complejo ______________________________________________
composed compuesto ______________________________________________
composer compositor ______________________________________________
computer computadora ______________________________________________
concert concierto ______________________________________________
conjunction conjuncin ______________________________________________
connect conecte ______________________________________________
considered considerado ______________________________________________
consonant consonante ______________________________________________
contains contiene ______________________________________________
continent continente ______________________________________________
contraction reduccin ______________________________________________
contracts. contratos. ______________________________________________
cook cocine ______________________________________________
cooked cocinado ______________________________________________
corn beef carne de maz ______________________________________________
correct correcto ______________________________________________
cough tos ______________________________________________
count cuenta ______________________________________________
countries pases ______________________________________________
country pas ______________________________________________
couple pareja ______________________________________________
courage valor ______________________________________________
cousin primo ______________________________________________
cover tapa ______________________________________________
cow vaca ______________________________________________
crazy loco ______________________________________________
creep arrstrese ______________________________________________
crisis crisis ______________________________________________
cross-country por campo ______________________________________________
crowd muchedumbre ______________________________________________
crown corona ______________________________________________
cultural cultural ______________________________________________
cup taza ______________________________________________
curly rizado ______________________________________________
cut corte ______________________________________________
daily diarios ______________________________________________
dance baile ______________________________________________
danger peligro ______________________________________________
dark blue azul oscuro ______________________________________________
date fecha ______________________________________________
dead muerto ______________________________________________
deal trato ______________________________________________
decision decisin ______________________________________________
deep profundo ______________________________________________
delicious delicioso ______________________________________________
delight deleite ______________________________________________
department seccin ______________________________________________
desire deseo ______________________________________________
desk escritorio ______________________________________________
dessert postre ______________________________________________
determines determina ______________________________________________

diaphragm diafragma ______________________________________________
diary diario ______________________________________________
dictionary diccionario ______________________________________________
difference diferencia ______________________________________________
different diferente ______________________________________________
difficult difcil ______________________________________________
dig excavacin ______________________________________________
dill eneldo ______________________________________________
dinner. cena. ______________________________________________
directions direcciones ______________________________________________
director director ______________________________________________
discoverer descubridor ______________________________________________
diskette diskette ______________________________________________
do haga ______________________________________________
doctor doctor ______________________________________________
dog perro ______________________________________________
doing haciendo ______________________________________________
dolphin delfn ______________________________________________
door puerta ______________________________________________
doorbell. timbre. ______________________________________________
double doble ______________________________________________
down abajo ______________________________________________
downtown centro ______________________________________________
drank bebido ______________________________________________
draw dibuje ______________________________________________
drawer cajn ______________________________________________
dream sueo ______________________________________________
dressed vestido ______________________________________________
dressing vistiendo ______________________________________________
drill taladro ______________________________________________
drink bebida ______________________________________________
drive paseo ______________________________________________
driver chfer ______________________________________________
duck pato ______________________________________________
during durante ______________________________________________
dust polvo ______________________________________________
each cada uno ______________________________________________
ear oreja ______________________________________________
early temprano ______________________________________________
earring pendiente ______________________________________________
ears orejas ______________________________________________
earth tierra ______________________________________________
earthquake terremoto ______________________________________________
ease facilidad ______________________________________________
east este ______________________________________________
easy fcil ______________________________________________
eat comer ______________________________________________
echo. eco. ______________________________________________
economic econmico ______________________________________________
edge borde ______________________________________________
egg huevo ______________________________________________
elbow codo ______________________________________________
election eleccin ______________________________________________
elephant elefante ______________________________________________
emergency emergencia ______________________________________________
emphasis nfasis ______________________________________________
empty vaco ______________________________________________
encyclopedia enciclopedia ______________________________________________
ends extremos ______________________________________________
english ingls ______________________________________________

enjoy disfrute ______________________________________________
enjoyed disfrutado ______________________________________________
enjoyment goce ______________________________________________
enough bastante ______________________________________________
entertained entretenido ______________________________________________
equipment equipo ______________________________________________
erase borre ______________________________________________
eraser borrador ______________________________________________
especially sobre todo ______________________________________________
europe europa ______________________________________________
evening igualando ______________________________________________
eventually en el futuro ______________________________________________
ever en la vida ______________________________________________
every day todos das. ______________________________________________
every night todas noches. ______________________________________________
everybody todos ______________________________________________
everyone todos ______________________________________________
everything todo ______________________________________________
evidence evidencia ______________________________________________
example ejemplo ______________________________________________
excited excitado ______________________________________________
executive ejecutivo ______________________________________________
expected. esperado. ______________________________________________
expensive caro ______________________________________________
experiment experimento ______________________________________________
expletive expletivo ______________________________________________
express expreso ______________________________________________
expression expresin ______________________________________________
extent magnitud ______________________________________________
extinction extincin ______________________________________________
eye ojo ______________________________________________
eyebrows cejas ______________________________________________
eyelashes pestaas ____________________________________________
eyelids parpados ______________________________________________
eyes ojos ______________________________________________
fable fbula ______________________________________________
face cara ______________________________________________
facilitate facilite ______________________________________________
faculty facultad ______________________________________________
fall cada ______________________________________________
family familia ______________________________________________
famine hambre ______________________________________________
famous famoso ______________________________________________
fan entusiasta ______________________________________________
far lejos ______________________________________________
farmyard. corral. ______________________________________________
farther ms lejos ______________________________________________
fat grasa ______________________________________________
fatter ms gordo ______________________________________________
faucet grifo ______________________________________________
feed alimento ______________________________________________
feeling sintindose ______________________________________________
felt fieltro ______________________________________________
few pocos ______________________________________________
fiction ficcin ______________________________________________
fight lucha ______________________________________________
filet of fish filete de pez ______________________________________________
fill hartura / llieno ______________________________________________
final final ______________________________________________
finally finalmente ______________________________________________

find hallazgo ______________________________________________
find it encuntrelo ______________________________________________
find out averige ______________________________________________
fine multa ______________________________________________
finger dedo ______________________________________________
fish. Pez ______________________________________________
flags banderas ______________________________________________
flat piso ______________________________________________
flee huya ______________________________________________
floor suelo / piso ______________________________________________
flower flor ______________________________________________
fly mosca ______________________________________________
follow siga ______________________________________________
following siguiendo ______________________________________________
food. comida. ______________________________________________
foot pie ______________________________________________
for para ______________________________________________
force fuerza ______________________________________________
forearm antebrazo ______________________________________________
forehead frente ______________________________________________
forget olvdese ______________________________________________
forgetting olvidndose ______________________________________________
forgive perdone ______________________________________________
forgot olvidado ______________________________________________
form forma ______________________________________________
former anterior ______________________________________________
found encuentre ______________________________________________
fox. zorro. ______________________________________________
freezer congelador ______________________________________________
frequent frecuente ______________________________________________
friend amigo. ______________________________________________
friendly amistoso ______________________________________________
from de ______________________________________________
fruit fruta ______________________________________________
fun diversin ______________________________________________
function funcin ______________________________________________
funnier ms cmico ______________________________________________
funny cmico ______________________________________________
furniture mobiliario ______________________________________________
future. futuro. ______________________________________________
gallery galera ______________________________________________
gambler jugador ______________________________________________
game juego ______________________________________________
garlic ajo ______________________________________________
gas gas ______________________________________________
gathering recogiendo ______________________________________________
gave dado ______________________________________________
gentleman seor ____________________________________________
gently suavemente ______________________________________________
get consiga ______________________________________________
gift regalo ______________________________________________
ginger jengibre ______________________________________________
girlfriend novia ______________________________________________
give dar ______________________________________________
glass vidrio ______________________________________________
gloves guantes ______________________________________________
go vaya ______________________________________________
gold oro ______________________________________________
gold watch reloj de oro ______________________________________________
good afternoon buenas tardes ______________________________________________

good evening buenas noches ______________________________________________
good bueno ______________________________________________
good-bye adis ______________________________________________
goose ganso ______________________________________________
government gobierno ______________________________________________
governor gobernador ______________________________________________
grain grano ______________________________________________
grammar gramtica ______________________________________________
granola granola ______________________________________________
grass csped ______________________________________________
gray gris ______________________________________________
great grande ______________________________________________
great-grandchild gran-nieto ______________________________________________
green verde ______________________________________________
grind molienda ______________________________________________
groceries comestibleses ______________________________________________
groin ingle ______________________________________________
ground tierra ______________________________________________
group grupo ______________________________________________
grow crezca ______________________________________________
grown crecido ______________________________________________
guide gua ______________________________________________
guy tipo ______________________________________________
hair pelo ______________________________________________
ham jamn ______________________________________________
hand mano ______________________________________________
hands manos ______________________________________________
handsome guapo ______________________________________________
hang cada ______________________________________________
happiness felicidad ______________________________________________
happy. feliz. ______________________________________________
hard duro ______________________________________________
hash picadillo ______________________________________________
hate odio ______________________________________________
have tenga ______________________________________________
head cabeza ______________________________________________
hear oiga ______________________________________________
heard odo ______________________________________________
heart corason ______________________________________________
heart corazn ______________________________________________
heaven cielo ______________________________________________
heavy fuerte ______________________________________________
heel taln ______________________________________________
hello hola ______________________________________________
help ayuda ______________________________________________
hen gallina ______________________________________________
herbs hierbas ______________________________________________
here aqu ______________________________________________
hid escondido ______________________________________________
hide piel ______________________________________________
hip cadera ______________________________________________
hold sostenimiento ______________________________________________
hole. agujero. ______________________________________________
holiday fiesta ______________________________________________
home casa ______________________________________________
home made casa hizo ______________________________________________
homesick nostlgico ______________________________________________
homework tarea ______________________________________________
honest honrado ______________________________________________
honesty honestidad ______________________________________________

hook gancho ______________________________________________
horse caballo ______________________________________________
hospital hospital ______________________________________________
hot caliente ______________________________________________
hot cereal cereal caliente ______________________________________________
hotter ms caliente. ______________________________________________
hour hora ______________________________________________
house casa ______________________________________________
how cmo ______________________________________________
how far cmo lejano ______________________________________________
how long cunto tiempo ______________________________________________
how many cuntos ______________________________________________
how much cunto ______________________________________________
how near cmo cercano ______________________________________________
however sin embargo ______________________________________________
human humano ______________________________________________
human being ser humano ______________________________________________
humor humor ______________________________________________
hungry hambriento ______________________________________________
hurt herida ______________________________________________
hymn himno. ______________________________________________
hypothesis hiptesis ______________________________________________
ice hielo ______________________________________________
ice cream helado ______________________________________________
idea idea ______________________________________________
identification identificacin ______________________________________________
identify identifique ______________________________________________
if si ______________________________________________
ignorance ignorancia ______________________________________________
impatient impaciente ______________________________________________
importance importancia ______________________________________________
important importante ______________________________________________
improving mejorando ______________________________________________
in en / dentro ______________________________________________
incompetence. incompetencia. ______________________________________________
incorrect incorrecto ______________________________________________
indefinite indefinido ______________________________________________
index finger dedo del ndice ______________________________________________
indian chief jefe del indio ______________________________________________
indicates indica ______________________________________________
individual ______________________________________________
informal ______________________________________________
information ______________________________________________
ink tinta ______________________________________________
insect ______________________________________________
inside adentro ______________________________________________
instead ______________________________________________
instep empeine ______________________________________________
intelligence ______________________________________________
interesting ______________________________________________
interjection. ______________________________________________
interrogative interrogativo ______________________________________________
intestine intestino ______________________________________________
into asia ______________________________________________
introduce introduzca ______________________________________________
irregular irregular ______________________________________________
is es / esta ______________________________________________
island isla ______________________________________________
issues problemas ______________________________________________
italics. cursivas. ______________________________________________

items artculos ______________________________________________
jaw mandbula ______________________________________________
jeans jeans ______________________________________________
jewelry joyera ______________________________________________
job trabajo ______________________________________________
join una ______________________________________________
journey. jornada. ______________________________________________
juice jugo. ______________________________________________
juicy jugoso ______________________________________________
jungle selva ______________________________________________
jury jurado ______________________________________________
just simplemente ______________________________________________
keep guarde ______________________________________________
key llave ______________________________________________
killed matado ______________________________________________
kilometer kilmetro ______________________________________________
kind tipo ______________________________________________
kinds tipos ______________________________________________
kiss beso ______________________________________________
kitchen cocina ______________________________________________
kitten gatito ______________________________________________
knee rodilla ______________________________________________
know saber ______________________________________________
knowledge conocimiento ______________________________________________
laboratory laboratorio. ______________________________________________
lakes lagos ______________________________________________
land tierra ______________________________________________
language idioma ______________________________________________
large. grande. ______________________________________________
larger ms grande ______________________________________________
last week semana pasada ______________________________________________
last year ao pasado ______________________________________________
late tarde ______________________________________________
lately ltimamente ______________________________________________
latter ltimo ______________________________________________
laugh risa ______________________________________________
law ley ______________________________________________
lazy perezoso ______________________________________________
learn aprenda ______________________________________________
learning aprendiendo ______________________________________________
least menor ______________________________________________
leave licencia ______________________________________________
left izquierda ______________________________________________
leg pierna ______________________________________________
legend leyenda ______________________________________________
lemon limn ______________________________________________
lesions. lesiones. ______________________________________________
letter carta ______________________________________________
lettuce lechuga ______________________________________________
libraries bibliotecas ______________________________________________
life vida ______________________________________________
light luz ______________________________________________
light brown castao ______________________________________________
like como ______________________________________________
limb miembro ______________________________________________
line lnea ______________________________________________
linen lino ______________________________________________
lion len ______________________________________________
lips labios ______________________________________________
list lista

listened escuchado ______________________________________________
listener oyente ______________________________________________
little pequeo ______________________________________________
little finger dedo meique ______________________________________________
live viva ______________________________________________
liver hgado ______________________________________________
liver higado ______________________________________________
loaf ogasa ______________________________________________
long largo ______________________________________________
looking mirando ______________________________________________
lose pierda ______________________________________________
lost perdido ______________________________________________
lot porcin ______________________________________________
love amor ______________________________________________
loving amando ______________________________________________
lower abdomen ms bajo abdomen ___________________________________________
loyal fiel ______________________________________________
luck suerte ______________________________________________
luggage equipaje ______________________________________________
lunch almuerzo ______________________________________________
lungs pulmn ______________________________________________
lungs pulmones ______________________________________________
machine mquina ______________________________________________
machinery maquinaria ______________________________________________
made hecho ______________________________________________
magazine revista ______________________________________________
mail correo ______________________________________________
main principal ______________________________________________
make hechura ______________________________________________
man. hombre. ______________________________________________
manual. manual. ______________________________________________
many muchos ______________________________________________
map mapa ______________________________________________
marinated marinado ______________________________________________
marketing comercializando _____________________________________________
marriage matrimonio ______________________________________________
masculine masculino ______________________________________________
match fsforo ______________________________________________
material material ______________________________________________
may mayo ______________________________________________
meal comida ______________________________________________
mean malo ______________________________________________
meaning. significando. ______________________________________________
meat carne ______________________________________________
medical mdico ______________________________________________
medicine medicina ______________________________________________
meet reunin ______________________________________________
meeting encontrndose ______________________________________________
members miembros ______________________________________________
mentions menciones ______________________________________________
middle finger dedo corazn ______________________________________________
might ______________________________________________
mild apacible ______________________________________________
milk leche ______________________________________________
mind mente ______________________________________________
minute minuto ______________________________________________
mirror espejo ______________________________________________
miss errada ______________________________________________
mistake error ______________________________________________
moments momentos ______________________________________________

money dinero ______________________________________________
monkey mono ______________________________________________
month mes ______________________________________________
morning maana ______________________________________________
morsels pedacitos ______________________________________________
mouse ratn ______________________________________________
mouth boca ______________________________________________
movies pelculas ______________________________________________
muffin panecillo ______________________________________________
muscle msculo ______________________________________________
museum museo ______________________________________________
mushroom hongo ______________________________________________
music msica ______________________________________________
mysteries misterios ______________________________________________
myth mito ______________________________________________
nail ua ______________________________________________
name nombre ______________________________________________
nation nacin ______________________________________________
national nacional ______________________________________________
nature. naturaleza. ______________________________________________
naval umbligo ______________________________________________
near casi ______________________________________________
necessary necesario ______________________________________________
neck cuello ______________________________________________
necklace collar ______________________________________________
negative negativo ______________________________________________
neighbor vecino ______________________________________________
neighborhood barrio ______________________________________________
nerve nervio ______________________________________________
nests. nidos. ______________________________________________
never nunca ______________________________________________
new nuevo ______________________________________________
news noticias ______________________________________________
newspaper peridico ______________________________________________
next week prxima semana _____________________________________________
nice bueno ______________________________________________
niece sobrina ______________________________________________
night noche ______________________________________________
nipple pezn ______________________________________________
no one ningn uno ______________________________________________
nobody nadie ______________________________________________
nobody nadie ______________________________________________
noise ruido ______________________________________________
noises ruidos ______________________________________________
noncount ______________________________________________
orth norte ______________________________________________
nose nariz ______________________________________________
not no ______________________________________________
note nota ______________________________________________
notebook cuaderno ______________________________________________
notepad cuaderno ______________________________________________
notes notas ______________________________________________
nothing nada ______________________________________________
notice aviso ______________________________________________
noun nombre ______________________________________________
now ahora ______________________________________________
number nmero ______________________________________________
nurse enfermera ______________________________________________
obeys obedece ______________________________________________
object objeto ______________________________________________

obviously obviamente ______________________________________________
occur ocurra ______________________________________________
ocean ocano ______________________________________________
of de ______________________________________________
off fuera de ______________________________________________
office oficina ______________________________________________
officer funcionario ______________________________________________
often a menudo ______________________________________________
old maid solterona ______________________________________________
old man hombre viejo ______________________________________________
old viejo ______________________________________________
older ms viejo ______________________________________________
omelet tortilla ______________________________________________
on en ______________________________________________
one uno ______________________________________________
onion cebolla ______________________________________________
only lo ______________________________________________
open. abra. ______________________________________________
or o ______________________________________________
oral oral ______________________________________________
orange naranja ______________________________________________
order orden ______________________________________________
other otro ______________________________________________
otherwise por otra parte ______________________________________________
out fuera ______________________________________________
outside fuera de ______________________________________________
over encima de ______________________________________________
over here por aqu ______________________________________________
over there por all ______________________________________________
overflowing inundando ______________________________________________
oversleep ______________________________________________
own propio ______________________________________________
ox. buey. ______________________________________________
pacific. pacfico. ______________________________________________
page pgina ______________________________________________
palm palma ______________________________________________
pancakes panqueques ______________________________________________
panther pantera ______________________________________________
pants pantalones ______________________________________________
paper papel ______________________________________________
parentage linaje ______________________________________________
parentheses. parntesis. ______________________________________________
park parque ______________________________________________
parking lot estacionamiento _____________________________________________
parrot loro ______________________________________________
part parte ______________________________________________
particular particular ______________________________________________
partner compaero ______________________________________________
parts partes ______________________________________________
party fiesta ______________________________________________
pass paso ______________________________________________
pasts pasts ______________________________________________
patience paciencia ______________________________________________
patient paciente ______________________________________________
pay paga ______________________________________________
payment pago ______________________________________________
pea guisante ______________________________________________
peace paz ______________________________________________
pen pluma ______________________________________________
pencil lpiz ______________________________________________

pending pendiente ______________________________________________
pentagon pentgono ______________________________________________
people personas ______________________________________________
pepper pimienta ______________________________________________
per week por semana ______________________________________________
perform realice ______________________________________________
person persona ______________________________________________
pet mascota_ _____________________________________________
pharmacist farmacutico ______________________________________________
phone telfono ______________________________________________
photograph fotografa ______________________________________________
physical fsico ______________________________________________
physics fsicas ______________________________________________
piano. piano. ______________________________________________
picnic jira ______________________________________________
picture cuadro ______________________________________________
piece pedazo ______________________________________________
pine pino ______________________________________________
pink rosa ______________________________________________
piping hot caliente ______________________________________________
place lugar ______________________________________________
plane avin ______________________________________________
plates platos ______________________________________________
play obra ______________________________________________
please por favor ______________________________________________
plenty bastante ______________________________________________
plural plural ______________________________________________
pocket bolsillo ______________________________________________
policeman polica ______________________________________________
pond. estanque. ______________________________________________
possible posible ______________________________________________
post office correo ______________________________________________
postage estampilla ______________________________________________
posterior ruga laringe ______________________________________________
posterior ruga ruga posterior ______________________________________________
potato patata ______________________________________________
poverty pobreza ______________________________________________
practice prctica ______________________________________________
prawn langostino ______________________________________________
preceded precedido ______________________________________________
preposition preposicin ______________________________________________
prescribe prescriba ______________________________________________
prescriptions reglas ______________________________________________
present presente ______________________________________________
president presidente ______________________________________________
prettier ms bonito ______________________________________________
pretty bonito ______________________________________________
primarily principalmente ______________________________________________
primary primero ______________________________________________
prize premio ______________________________________________
problem problema ______________________________________________
producer productor ______________________________________________
product producto ______________________________________________
professor profesor ______________________________________________
progress progreso ______________________________________________
promised prometido ______________________________________________
pronoun pronombre ______________________________________________
pronounced pronunciado. ______________________________________________
properly propiamente ______________________________________________
proud of orgulloso de ______________________________________________

provinces provincias ______________________________________________
psychologist psiclogo ______________________________________________
public pblico ______________________________________________
publisher publicador ______________________________________________
pulled tirado ______________________________________________
pumpkin calabaza ______________________________________________
punctuation puntuacin ______________________________________________
purple prpura ______________________________________________
purse colecta ______________________________________________
push empujn ______________________________________________
put ponga ______________________________________________
quality calidad ______________________________________________
quarter cuarto ______________________________________________
question pregunta ______________________________________________
quickly rpidamente ______________________________________________
quiet callado ______________________________________________
quiet place lugar callado. ______________________________________________
quit deje ______________________________________________
radio radio ______________________________________________
rain lluvia ______________________________________________
rainbow arco iris ______________________________________________
raincoat impermeable ______________________________________________
rarely raramente ______________________________________________
rat rata ______________________________________________
reach alcance ______________________________________________
read lea ______________________________________________
ready listo ______________________________________________
real real ______________________________________________
receptionist recepcionista: ______________________________________________
rectum recto ______________________________________________
red rojo ______________________________________________
red pepper pimienta roja ______________________________________________
refer refirase ______________________________________________
refrigerator refrigerador ______________________________________________
refuge refugio ______________________________________________
relatively relativamente ______________________________________________
remain permanezca ______________________________________________
remember recuerde ______________________________________________
research investigacin ______________________________________________
reservation reservacin ______________________________________________
response contestacin ______________________________________________
rest resto ______________________________________________
restaurant restaurante ______________________________________________
result resultado ______________________________________________
retires se retira ______________________________________________
review revisin: ______________________________________________
rib ostilla ______________________________________________
rice arroz ______________________________________________
ride paseo ______________________________________________
ring anillo ______________________________________________
ring finger dedo anular ______________________________________________
rise levantamiento ______________________________________________
river ro ______________________________________________
roll rollo ______________________________________________
room cuarto ______________________________________________
rose rosa ______________________________________________
round redondo ______________________________________________
rum ron ______________________________________________
run corer ______________________________________________
sad triste ______________________________________________

sadness tristeza ______________________________________________
saffron azafrn ______________________________________________
salad ensalada ______________________________________________
salesman vendedor: ______________________________________________
salt sal ______________________________________________
same mismo ______________________________________________
sandwich bocadillo ______________________________________________
sauce salsa ______________________________________________
sausage salchicha ______________________________________________
saved ahorrado ______________________________________________
say diga ______________________________________________
scenery paisaje ______________________________________________
schedule horario ______________________________________________
school escuela ______________________________________________
science ciencia ______________________________________________
scientific cientfico ______________________________________________
seasoned sazonado ______________________________________________
secondhand segunda mano ______________________________________________
secretary secretaria ______________________________________________
see ver ______________________________________________
seek busque ______________________________________________
seldom raramente ______________________________________________
send enve ______________________________________________
sentence frase ______________________________________________
serve saque ______________________________________________
several varios ______________________________________________
sex sexo ______________________________________________
shake sacudida ______________________________________________
sharpener afilador ______________________________________________
shave afeitado ______________________________________________
she ella ______________________________________________
sheep oveja ______________________________________________
shelf estante ______________________________________________
shell concha ______________________________________________
shelter resguardo ______________________________________________
shirt camisa ______________________________________________
shocked asustado ______________________________________________
shoes zapatos ______________________________________________
shoot retoo ______________________________________________
short corto ______________________________________________
should deba ______________________________________________
shoulder hombro ______________________________________________
shout grito ______________________________________________
show muestra ______________________________________________
shrimp gamba ______________________________________________
shy tmido ______________________________________________
sick enfermo ______________________________________________
side lado. ______________________________________________
sidewalk acera ______________________________________________
sight vista ______________________________________________
signed firmado ______________________________________________
significance importancia ______________________________________________
silence silencio ______________________________________________
silver plata ______________________________________________
simmered fuego lento ______________________________________________
simple simple ______________________________________________
sing cante ______________________________________________
singular singular ______________________________________________
sirloin solomillo ______________________________________________
sister hermana ______________________________________________



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