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Behaviour Toolkit
September 2015
(Working Document)
PBST (Primary Behaviour Support Team)
Advisory Officer - Behaviour

3 Introduction & Rationale

5 The Behaviour Toolkit Guidance for Schools

6 Behaviour For Learning


10 Signposting

11 The 5 Steps (overview)

12 - 16 Step by Step Guidance

17 - 24 The Assessment Tool

26 The Classroom Environmental Audit

27-28 The Round Robin

Introduction & Rationale
This document has been written to support the North Lincolnshire Educational Psychology and
Specialist Teaching Teams publication: Special Educational Needs Support, The Graduated

The SEN support should take the form of a four-part cycle (assess, plan, do, review) through
which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing
understanding of the pupils needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress
and securing good outcomes. This is known as the graduated approach. (SEN CODE JAN 15 para.

The expectation is that two cycles of assess, plan, do and review are
completed as part of the graduated approach. The Behaviour Toolkit is for all
teaching and support staff in schools to use as a resource at the point of
Universal delivery.

The Behaviour Toolkit:

Provides a clear and structured approach for helping children to access

their learning environment.
Provides step by step guidance and allows for the systematic gathering
of evidence around teaching and learning, the classroom environment
and assessments to measure social and emotional well being.
Gathers information from a range of adults within school and gives
expression to the voice of both parent and child.
Creates an expectation that all schools adopt a comprehensive and
consistent approach when addressing the needs of pupils, parents and
Ensures that high quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils is
the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEN (SEN
Code Jan 15 para 6.37)
Ensures that access to support is equitable and based upon a cycle of
evidence gathering and review, as set out in the Code of Practice.
Can be incorporated within the process of academic progress reviews
for individual children
Forms part of the Local Offer as shown on the North Lincolnshire
website with support determined by the graduated interventions
indicated at universal level, targeted level and high needs level.

Challenging behaviour is best understood not as a need in itself, but as a consequence of unmet
needs; be those unmet social & emotional needs, unmet communication needs, unmet
physical & sensory needs, or unmet learning needs. The following principles are helpful when
thinking about any behaviour causing concern:

Behaviour is something that people do, and is not what people are
Children do well if they can
Children behave well if they can
Behaviour can change
Positive, pro-social behaviour can be learned
Behaviour does not occur in a vacuum, and its meaning can only be
understood within the context in which it occurs
There are always exceptions to challenging behaviour
The behaviour of children is often closely linked to the expectations of adults
Communication what is the child communicating through this behaviour?

Behaviour Toolkit:
- Guidance for
The Behaviour Toolkit Guidance
Asking teachers to think about their own classroom practice may seem unnecessary, but we know
that even small changes in a classroom environment can make a tremendous difference to
the learning experiences of young people and can have a positive impact on their behaviour.

The Classroom Environment Audit document is designed to help teachers reflect on their
individual classroom practice, whilst acknowledging the constraints that individual teachers may
be facing in differing settings.

The information collated from undertaking the audit can:

identify where adjustments in classroom practice could be made
be used to inform any subsequent discussion with the person with responsibility for
behaviour in the school. Depending on the setting this may be the SENCO, Pastoral
Manager, Learning Mentor or the Lead Behaviour Teacher.

High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils
who have or may have SEN.....Schools should regularly and carefully review the quality of
teaching for all pupils including those at risk of underachievement. (SEN Code Jan 15 para 6.37)

This should include high quality and accurate formative assessments, using effective tools and
early assessment materials. (SEN Code Jan 15 para 6.38)

Behaviour For Learning
The Classroom Environment Audit
It is the individual class teachers responsibility to manage the learning environment in such a
way that enables children to do their best. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to go back to
basics and check the foundations of your classroom practice.

The audit tool is designed to support teachers to reflect on their strengths and to help identify
positive change and/or areas for future development. The audit may well identify opportunities for
continuing professional development and/or the need for additional support.

The outcome of the audit should be the focus of any initial discussions with the SENCo or
Pastoral Manager or Lead Behaviour teacher regarding any individual child causing concern.

(i) Physical environment

It is important to consider even the most basic of things such as lighting levels and temperature.

Visually, the learning environment should be appealing, relate to the learning objective and be
accessible to pupils, but not over-whelming.

Furniture positioning is crucial. The class teacher should be able to scan the whole room from
their teaching position. Consider the layout of the tables and the seating plan.

Consider the acoustics in uncarpeted rooms avoid unnecessary movements e.g. have
equipment ready and available on the table. Label resources for ease of access.

(ii) Classroom management

It is crucial that the teacher is present as the children arrive in the room in order to manage the
movement of the young people. The seating arrangements should be determined by the teacher
and used consistently so the children know what is expected of them.
Being able to wait for everyone to be ready is important so that you have everyones attention
before instructions are given be prepared to wait! Reinforce and recognise the behaviour
you are wanting to see e.g. Well done Rebecca you put your pen down as asked.
Use positive language immediately after observing the desired behaviours. Using minimal use of
words, directive expectation, limited choices ie Dont run Walk, thank you

If support staff are allocated to the lesson, then they should know ahead of the session what
the lesson is about and be clear about their role in that session. It is the class teachers
responsibility to make provision for all the young people in the group differentiation is the
responsibility of the class teacher.

(iii) Curriculum
Differentiate, differentiate, differentiate! The SEN Code of Practice is clear that the
responsibility for making appropriate provision for the learning of young people with additional
needs lies with the class teacher. The match between task and pupil ability is crucial. If the task is
too hard pupils will become discouraged and disengaged. If too easy then this provides opportunity
for off-task behaviours.

Keep the teaching input at an appropriate length, thinking about the concentration span of
your pupils this is age dependent. Consider the pace of the lesson. Think about short sections
of input interwoven with short tasks. Structure the lesson with opportunities for pupils to work
both independently and collaboratively with peers. If the lesson is balanced, pupils will be more
engaged. Consider the language levels of the pupils and allow pupils time for processing
spoken language. Give opportunities for pupils to verbally discuss and rehearse responses
before providing written work.

Time management is important with respect to completing tasks. It is crucial that pupils are given
sufficient time to complete the task. Have resources available for those who finish more quickly.
Remember to give sufficient time for pupils to record their homework if it isnt recorded then the
pupil is a lot less likely to complete it.

Regularly bring all the pupils back as a group (teaching points, mini plenary) to collectively
check that their learning is progressing as you anticipated. If youve misjudged the task (and
everyone does at some point) then be flexible and amend the session as it progresses. It is better
to change the task away from the lesson plan, rather than pursuing activities which dont result in
learning taking place for the young people.

(iv) Relationships
Respect is mutual and needs to be earned by both parties. Pupils respect teachers who have
clear boundaries, are fair and consistent.

Knowing the young people as individuals is important. Even more so in KS3 and 4 where staff
have a significant turn over of young people during their working week. Make sure you are aware
of any additional information about the children. Ask the SENCo / Pastoral manager if you are

Rewards and sanctions should be determined with the pupils so that they have ownership and
responsibility. Rewards are more effective if they are kept varied.
Be explicit about commenting on any desired behaviour you do want to see. This positively
reinforces what you want, rewards those achieving it and acts as a role model to others. Ask
yourself just what are the rewards for the young person in your class who is consistently on task
and compliant?
If a child needs managing then do so discreetly remembering to convey the message that it is
the behaviour that is not wanted, rather than the child. Avoid the use of sarcasm or shame, even in

Operate a clean slate policy so pupils know that they have the opportunity to do it differently
next time. Establish mutual regard and the pupils will be more likely to respond to your efforts to
manage their learning.

When concerns persist about an individual pupil

Taking into account the pupils perspective

Put yourself in the shoes of the pupil in your class:
How does the pupil arrive at school (frightened, worried, hungry, tired upset?) How does this
impact on their day?
How can you find out about any external factors which might be impacting on their
experiences at school?
Tune into the pupil actively listen to what they are saying, respond with interest but also
observe non-verbal communication;
How do you communicate with everyone involved in this pupils life? Build up a clearer
picture through conversations and documentation.
What support do they have?

What it is like for this pupil in your classroom?

Consider the physical environment (noise, light, space, movement);
Interactions (between adults and children, peers);
Transitions through the day (between adult directed activities).

Considering the pupils perspective allows a class teacher to use this information to support
managing individual pupils and the whole class dynamic. This will also help inform any
subsequent discussions around individual pupils.

Thinking about the Communicative Function of Behaviour

All behaviour happens for a reason. It is a form of communication. When thinking about
individual children it is useful to develop an idea, or a working hypothesis, about why this
behaviour might be happening. All children and young people function within systems, e.g.
home, school, community, which interact and overlap with each other. When thinking about
children and young people within the context of school, it is important to consider all the other
systems which impact on, and influence, that child or young person. Only by doing this do we
begin to fully develop our understanding of their behaviour and so formulate the working

It may often be clear to us why a child or young person is behaving in a certain way. For example,
if a youngster has experienced a bereavement we might anticipate the child showing signs of
sadness or withdrawal. At other times it is unclear why a child or young person is behaving in a
certain way and we may be puzzled or troubled by the behaviour being presented. It is in these
situations that we need to develop a working hypothesis. Often, when we ask children and
young people about their behaviour they are unable to explain it. This is why adults should
develop possible explanations and test these out systematically. If a working hypothesis is
correct then the strategies developed and implemented are seen to have a positive effect.
Conversely, if no change occurs then a different working hypothesis may need to be considered.
The Step by Step Guidance flowcharts give a systematic approach to how behavioural
concerns are managed (p11-16).

Behaviour and Ofsted (Jan 2015)
Judgements focus on the following:

The extent to which pupils attitude to learning help or hinder their progress in lessons
inspectors may consider how quickly pupils settle at the start of lessons, whether they have
the right equipment, their willingness to answer questions, whether they remain focused
when working on their own, the tidiness of their work and the pride they show in its
presentation, and the overall effort they make
Pupils attitudes to school, conduct and behaviour, during and outside of lessons and their
attitudes to other pupils, teachers and other staff, including the prevalence of low-level
the schools analysis of, and response to, pupils behaviour over time, for example
incident logs and records of rewards and sanctions
rates, patterns of and reasons for fixed-period and permanent exclusions,51 and
whether they fall within statutory guidance and regulations on exclusions,52 including the
number of pupils taken off roll in the last year as a result of factors related to
behaviour, safety and attendance
any evidence of the use of unofficial exclusion or any evidence that a pupil has been
removed from a school unlawfully

A lesson achieving Good requires:
Pupils attitudes to all aspects of learning are consistently positive, including when being taught
as a whole class or working on their own or in small groups. These positive attitudes have a good
impact on the progress the pupils make.
Pupils are properly prepared for each lesson, bring the right equipment and are ready and eager
to learn.
Pupils respond very quickly to staffs instructions and requests, allowing lessons to flow smoothly
and without interruption. Low-level disruption in lessons is rare.

Other related information and resources are available either online or from the Primary Behaviour
Support Team are:

DfE Inclusion Development Plan Behaviour - Primary/Secondary

DfE Inclusion Development Plan Behaviour - Early Years
Achievement for All (AfA) structured conversation guidance
The SEN Graduated Response
Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) an example
Positive Handling Plan (PHP) an example
Managing Behaviour Positively and Reducing Exclusion top tips guidance If a child
is........then try........

Pen Picture guidance and examples

Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence (ABC) charts for monitoring challenging behaviour
Guidance on functional behavioural assessments (SDQ)
Examples of solution focused round robins for collating information about a pupil
Team Teach Strategies De-escalation Changing Values
De-escalation strategies 1
De-escalation strategies 2
Values strategies 1
Values strategies 2
TaMHS Interventions
ADHD Strategies
EHA document
Person Centred Planning Guidance
Case Studies
Anger Management Programme - booklet
Speech and Language Toolkit
Behaviour checklist Charlie Taylor
Referral for Outreach 2015
Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools March 2015
Promoting Wellbeing; Responding to Mental Health in Schools
Functional Behaviour Analysis (Antecedent Analysis)
Behaviour Survey Checklist Post
Behaviour Survey Checklist - Pre
Behaviour Network Day Presentation Sept 2015
Behaviour Network Meeting Proforma

10 | P a g e
Five Step School Interventions

Step 1: Role of the Class/Subject Teacher

Concerns highlighted Learning / Emerging Social, Emotional, Behaviour,
Mental Health (eg at a Pupil Progress Meeting)
SENCo informed arranges classroom monitoring visit
Parents & Pupil informed seek views to inform strategies (EHA considered)
Consider Factors Environmental / Teaching / Communication / Medical
Environmental Checklist used in monitoring visit by SENCo / SMT
Feedback to class teacher Implement actions from observation
Monitor and Review (1-2 weeks)

Step 2: Information Gathering & Roles

Team Around Child (TAC) created
Review Meeting with parents (involve pupil at appropriate stage
in meeting) consider Early Help Assessment (EHA)
Information shared - (previous teachers, support staff, other
agency involvement health services)
Further Assessments ( Boxall , SDQ s, Emotional Literacy ,
ASET Checklist EYFS Aset Toolkit, KS1 & 2 Aset Toolkit,
Speech & Language Toolkit )
LACES & Children with Statements (EHCP) referral to Primary Behaviour

Step 3: Creating a working hypothesis

and initial Action Plan (AP)
Team Around Child (TAC) planning meeting
Complete Assessment Tool
Identify training needs
Include Pupil and Parent voice
Create AP to include IBP (Individual Behaviour Plan) or PSP (Pastoral
Support Plan)
Is a PHP (Positive Handling Plan) EHA (Early Help Assessment) needed?
Implement 1ST AP (notional 4-6 weeks)

Step 4: Review and Revise

Advice on plan available from Locality Provision / Behaviour Support
Implement 2nd AP (notional 4-6 weeks)

11 | P a g e
Step 5: Discussion / Referral - External Agencies
(Targeted Intervention)

When concerned about a Pupils Progress /


Step 1: Role of the Class/Subject Teacher

Class/Subject Teacher refers to the Behaviour for

Learning Guidance (p6-9)
Parents & SENCo informed help inform strategies
Pupil views sought help inform strategies

SENCo / Senior Teacher observes pupil in class and

undertakes the Behaviour for Learning Classroom
Environment Audit
Class / Subject Teacher receives feedback (include
Team Teach strategies for de-escalation / changing

Class/Subject Teacher makes adjustments

considering environment / differentiation
/communication/ Team Teach strategies
Allow 1-2 weeks to assess impact
SENCo / Senior Teacher to observe pupil in
Feedback and Review with class teacher
Parents & Pupil informed and involved in
next steps consider EHA arena

Concern Concern
resolved remains

Go to Step 2
12 | P a g e
Step 2: Information Gathering & Roles

Create a Team Around Child (TAC). Class Teacher, SENCO, Pastoral

Lead, Learning Mentor, Support Staff, Senior Teacher
Review Meeting with TAC discuss outcomes of the 2nd classroom
observation and the concerns that remain discuss strengths / positives
TAC initiate information gathering process
Parents and pupil informed and involved in determining next steps

Identify needs in Collate academic data and identify any learning /

relation to training physical / communication / medical / emotional /
or resources developmental needs
Identify any IEP targets / strategies for learning and
Use Assessments (eg SDQ s, Emotional Literacy, EYFS
Further pupil views are Aset Toolkit, KS1 & 2 Aset Toolkit, Pupil Passports, Boxall
Profile, Communication Toolkit)
ascertained by a familiar
adult (consider Person Pastoral Lead / SENCo / Lead Behaviour Teacher
Centred Review (PCR) ) collates the views of staff who have worked with
Structured conversation the young person (support staff, previous class
with the parents / carers teacher etc. Use Round Robin if appropriate
(and with the young Are there any other services involved? Their view?
person present if Evaluate results from assessments and identify
appropriate) to discuss areas to target
the concerns TAC - Complete Assessment Tool
(communicative function of
the behaviour)
Identify strategies to
move forward

Undertake EHA

Information gathered move to

Step 3

13 | P a g e
Step 3: Creating a working hypothesis
and initial Action Plan (AP)

Creation of an Action Plan (AP), which will include

some of the following elements:

Use of Assessment Tool

Ideas generated by Assessments eg Boxall Profile, SDQ s, EYFS Aset
Toolkit, KS1 & 2 Aset Toolkit,, Academic data
Ideas from Team Teach De-escalation & Team Teach Changing Values
De-escalation strategies 1
De-escalation strategies 2
Values strategies 1
Values strategies 2

Successes and difficulties identified from the Round Robin

Information from Person Centred Review (PCR) or equivalent pupil &
parent voice

TAC Meeting to create IBP or PSP

PHP created if appropriate
Parent and pupil involved
Identify a key adult who will lead on implementing AP
A date to review the AP is agreed by all present

AP is shared with the pupil / parents and any other agencies already involved

AP is implemented over agreed time frame (notional

4-6 weeks).
AP is monitored through observation / staff & pupil

TAC Review AP
Parent & pupil involved
resolved no Concern
further action improved -
required maintain actions
Concern remains
Go to Step 4
14 | P a g e
Step 4: Review and Revise

Concerns ongoing after a cycle of

Additional adult will observe the pupil
(Pastoral Manager / SENCo or Behaviour Lead)

Identify further
Second TAC meeting with Parent/Carers and for support /
pupil (as appropriate) training e.g.
Review, Revise and create 2nd AP teacher
Implement new AP (notional 4-6 weeks)
Identify SEN
Continue EHA

Set date to Review 2nd AP

Review 2nd AP with TAC, Parents / Carers.

Seek advice from Locality Provision and / or Primary
Behaviour Support Team

Concern resolved Concern improved,

no further action maintain current
required actions

If concerns remain after 2 Cycles of

Action Planning discuss further with
external partners and agencies


15 | P a g e
Step 5: External Agencies
(Targeted Intervention)

Early Help
Assessment Review
Referral to the PBST (EHA)
(Primary Behaviour
Support Service)
Psychology Service


Families Support (Speech & Lang)


School Nurse

Other agency (determined by

other assessments)

16 | P a g e
The Assessment Tool
This tool would be an appropriate first step as part of a graduated response to a newly identified

This tool is designed to be used by SENCOs, Pastoral Managers or Lead Behaviour Teachers to
gather information around a young person where there are emerging concerns about their
learning and behaviour.

It is anticipated that this document would be completed via a collaborative discussion between
people who know the pupil best. It is intended to be an assessment over time and there may be a
need to undertake further data collection to answer certain sections. The information can then help
to determine the way forward at a meeting between staff and parents/carers.

The timescale for the completion of this assessment tool is dependent on the availability of
prerequisite information such as parent and pupil views. It should take approximately 1 hour once
this information has been received.

17 | P a g e
1. Behaviour(s) causing concern at this time
It is important to acknowledge how difficult the situation may feel at this time. This initial section aims to
identify all the current concerns. However, there is a need to identify which behaviour will be prioritised for
any subsequent intervention. Ranking the behaviours will help staff to identify the prioritised behaviour.

Behaviour Rank these in order of


Identify just ONE behaviour that you wish to support to change. This will be the prioritised
behaviour. The prioritised behaviour is:

2. Specific description of the prioritised behaviour

This section aims to support staff to collate detailed and objective information about the prioritised
behaviour. It may require the collection of additional information over time.

2a. Contextual information: What does it look like?

Describe the behaviour causing
concern in terms of what the
child does. Be as specific as

Give specific examples.

When did the behaviour first

become a concern?

Frequency (How often does it


18 | P a g e
Duration (How long does it
typically last?)

2b. Contextual information: When does it happen?

When is the behaviour most

likely to occur?
- where?
- during which activities?
- at what time of day?
- any specific part of the week?

Under what circumstances is (Ask colleagues for additional information. The Round Robin proforma
the behaviour least likely to available from the PBST could support this.)

Triggers: Are you able to (This can sometimes be difficult. What is your best guess?)
identify what may happen
BEFORE an incident occurs?
For example:
- something being said?
- noises?
- requests being made?
- tasks being given?
- physical proximity of others?
- other?

2c. Contextual information: Responses from others

This section aims to help staff to consider if the reactions from others may be reinforcing or reducing the
prioritised behaviour?
When the behaviour
occurs, what do adults
usually do?
How do peers respond?

What do family members

usually do in response to
the prioritised behaviour?
What strategies have been (Consider strategies, length of time it was implemented and impact)
used in the past to manage
the identified behaviour?
How effective have they

19 | P a g e
How can more appropriate
behaviour be reinforced /

3. Wider context: What else might be happening for this young person?

This section helps identify any other factors which might be having an impact on the current situation.
Take a step back and look holistically at the wider context at home, school and in the community both
currently and historically. Check the records held on the young person, especially if they are new to your
External factors: (e.g. illness, homelessness, domestic violence)
Are you aware of any external
factors (at home, school or in
the community) which may
currently be important?

School events:
Have there been any significant
school events that may have
affected the child?
(transition, different staff)
Historical events:
Anything which may be having
an ongoing impact?
(bereavement, separation etc)

Emotional / social skills:

What skills might the young
person need support with
(Consider using the Boxall Profile or the
Emotional Literacy Assessment Tool*)
Is their current attainment age
(Consider National Curriculum Levels.
Age Expected Outcomes. The PSD
strand of the PIVATS tool helps assess
the social/emotional skills for learning: (i)
interacting and working with others, (ii)
organisation and independent learning
and (iii) attention.)
How does the child see
themselves as a learner?

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4. Strengths
Sections 1-3 have explored the current concerns in great detail. This section aims to look at what is
working well and identify exceptions to the difficult behaviour which might support a way forward

What do you see as the young

persons STRENGTHS in terms of


social interactions with adults

social interactions with their



What are the young persons

views of the current situation?

21 | P a g e
What are the parent/carers views
about the current situation?

a. What factors are supporting the

young persons appropriate
(Consider environmental factors, role of key
adults, resources, routines)

b. What are the strengths that the

school currently bring to the

5. Possible explanations:
All behaviour happens for a reason. It is a form of communication. When thinking about an
individual young person it is useful to develop a possible explanation, or a working hypothesis,
about why the behaviour might be happening.
All children and young people function within systems (home, school, community) which interact
and overlap with each other. Therefore, information about all the factors in the young persons life
needs to be considered. Only by doing this can we begin to fully develop our understanding of
their behaviour and so formulate working hypotheses.
Adults should develop possible explanations and test these out systematically. If a working
hypothesis is correct then the strategies developed and implemented will be seen to have a
positive effect. Conversely, if no change occurs then a different working hypothesis may need to
be considered. The next section aims to support the adults to find an appropriate way forward.

22 | P a g e
What are the possible explanations for the behaviour currently being presented?
Given the information collated in this document consider the following possible explanations. Considering
how likely this explanation is, use the scale (where 0 means very unlikely and 5 means very likely) to rate
each one. Consider the following questions/prompts:
For this young person, is negative attention better than no attention at all?
Could this behaviour be an expression of anxiety?
Does the behaviour mean they achieve a desired activity or object?
Are they able to engage with the learning? Can they see the board? Has anyone checked their vision and/or
Could they have an unmet learning or language need?
Is the behaviour about avoiding the task or activity? Is the alternative more motivating e.g. being sent out.
Do they understand what strong emotions can do to the brain and body?
Are they not able to express how they are feeling? Do they have the understanding or vocabulary to communicate
how they feel?
Could there be an unmet sensory need?
Do they have the necessary social skills and/or social understanding to interact appropriately with peers?
Possible explanation scale Notes
To gain attention from adults 012345

To gain control 012345

To avoid a task or activity 012345

To avoid a social demand/ 012345


To express an emotion 012345

To seek stimulation 012345

Other 012345

23 | P a g e
6. Identifying Ways forward: Planning next steps

Having identified a possible explanation for the behaviour, use this to identify a suitable way forward. For
example, if you have identified that the young person engages more constructively when they have
increased autonomy then your possible explanation is about the need to be in control. Therefore, an
appropriate way forward might be the use of closed choices i.e. the young person is offered 2 choices but
the options are determined by the adult. Remember to consider the strengths you have previously
identified and the existing systems already in place.

Based on your explanation what

strategies could be used to
increase appropriate behaviours
and reduce the prioritised

If the behaviour does occur again,

how will you now respond? How
will you make sure that everyone
knows how to respond?
(e.g. midday supervisors, PPA/cover staff,
supply staff.)

Given the information collated,

what will be your be first step?

Who might need to help you to

achieve this?

When will you review?

Completed by:


24 | P a g e

25 | P a g e
Behaviour for Learning: Classroom Environment Audit

This tool is designed for self-reflection but could be used in discussion with a supportive
peer/SENCo/Behaviour Leader.

Rating Scale: 1=Strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly agree

Physical Factors 1 2 3 4 5
Lighting levels and temperature are conducive to learning
Sound level in the classroom is suitable
Sufficient space for movement with high traffic zones situated away from teaching space
Furniture is arranged to best effect but pupil tables can be altered to match task demand
Teaching position allows all areas to be scanned during teaching input
Classroom displays support learning and reflect pupil diversity
Materials required for tasks are easily accessible
Classroom management
Teacher arrives at classroom before pupils and greets pupils upon arrival
Established routines for entering/leaving the room and teacher determines the seating plan
Prior liaison with support staff means that they are appropriately prepared for the lesson
Support staff are clear about their role and remit in supporting learning in the classroom
Materials are distributed and collected in a timely and orderly manner
Teacher can gain attention of whole class and is prepared to wait until this is achieved
Teacher ensures that pupils are quiet and remain seated and whilst instructions are given
Oral instructions are clear and supported with visual resources e.g. visual timetable
Strategies are used to change the pace or mood of the lesson as appropriate
Pupils are clear about the learning objectives
Pupils understand what is being asked of them (pupils can explain task to adult / peer support)
Teacher is aware of the individual learning needs of pupils
Pupils have access to appropriately differentiated tasks which are achievable
There is an appropriate balance between teacher input and pupil led activity
There are opportunities for both independent and collaborative working with peers
Sufficient time is given to complete tasks but extension activities are available
Lessons have a clear structure with opportunities to review learning during the session
Understanding of key concepts and task demand is reviewed throughout the lesson
Sufficient time is given to ensure that pupils understand and have recorded homework tasks
Teacher shows interest in each student as an individual
Teaching staff demonstrate that they are knowledgeable about individual pupil needs
Pupils are encouraged to be supportive of one another
Teacher acts as a role model for positive behaviour e.g. 3:1 ratio of praise to criticism
Teacher attempts to anticipate and deal with inappropriate behaviour
Teacher manages interruptions effectively
Pupils are told what is expected of them rather than what is not wanted
Rewards and sanctions (whole school policy) are clearly understood by the pupils
Rewards and sanctions are agreed and applied consistently by all adults
Conversations around issues with individual pupil behaviour are done discreetly without the use
of shaming
A range of strategies are used to manage pupil behaviour
Positive feedback is given to those pupils displaying appropriate behaviour for learning
Criticism is constructive
Rules are displayed and understood by pupils
Rules reflect whole school policy and are consistently reinforced and applied
Rules are positively phrased
26 | P a g e
Round Robin Pupil _______________________
Assessment of Current Situation

Highlight current IEP on reverse to show successful strategies/support.

Which subject do you teach the child for? Tick and enter a NC level
Reading __ French __ Art __
Writing __ ICT __ DT __
Spk/List __ RE __ PE __
Maths __ History __ Music __
Science __ Geography __ PSHE __

Number of children:
Maths group ____; English Group; ____; Class group ___;

List below any additional provision/strategies used to meet IEP targets:


Students Progress re: IEP targets set: State subject met in or N/A.
Target 1 _______________________________________________
Target 2 _______________________________________________
Target 3 _______________________________________________
Target 4 _______________________________________________

List any additional areas of concern: List any positive achievements:

___________________________________ _________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________
___________________________________ _________________________________

Future IEP Targets relating to the identified areas of need:

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________

27 | P a g e
Round Robin Pupil _____________________
Assessment of Current Situation

Date__________________________ Teacher____________________________

28 | P a g e

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