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buoynacy force = Volume of objectx density of fluidx acceleratio

force of gravity on object= weight of object x acceleratio

IF Buoyancy force greater than weight the object will float.

nsity of fluidx acceleration due to gravity g(9.81)
ht of object x acceleration due to gravity

bject will float.

For example, let's say we want to know if a 20 kilogram cylindrical wooden barrel with a diamet

We can find its volume with the cylindrical volume formula V = (radius) 2(height). V = (.37

Next, assuming ordinary gravity and water with ordinary density, we can solve for the force

Now, we'll need to find the force of gravity on the barrel. G = (20 kg)(9.81 meters/second 2) =
oden barrel with a diameter of .75 meters (2.5 ft) and a height of 1.25 meters (4.1 ft) will float in water. This will take s

adius) 2(height). V = (.375)2(1.25) = 0.55 meters3.

we can solve for the force of buoyancy on the barrel. 0.55 meters 3 1000 kilograms/meter3 9.81 newtons/kilogram =

g)(9.81 meters/second 2) = 196.2 Newtons. This is much less than the buoyancy force, so the barrel will float.
at in water. This will take several steps:

9.81 newtons/kilogram = 5,395.5 Newtons.

he barrel will float.

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