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Expressions of quantity 3. someorany? ‘Complete the sentences with sone or any. 1. Idon't have ___ pape. 2. Tl buy,_ paper when go ‘withe sore. Usthere_gas in the ear? ‘Yes. put __ in yesterday. ‘bought _ frit bat they didnt have vegetables, & Dayouhore __ change? T need 75. 7. Isa __ change on the table a minute ago. 4 Inced __ help with my homework. sre you tet 9 Idon'thaye _ free time today. Sorry, 40, Didyou have _ problems with this exercise? 4 How much ...2.0¢ How many ...? GERD Viti quesions with Fow mule. ..2 oc Hove rayon? 1. Wehave some eggs. Hlaw:many-eges.do we have? __ 2. Wencod some flour. Hlawamuc: flout do we need? 3. Shehas alot of children, 4, Can you buy some buttert rant 5. Theie house hat alotof bedrooms, 6, Some people are coming for dinner ‘on Sunday. 7. Shakespeare wrote alot of plays. 8, She makes. a fortune! 5 much, many, ora lot of? Look ot the picture. Complete the sentences with nauch, may, or alot of 1, There are _a-lataf apples. 2 The store doesnt have mick laundry detergent, 3. There’ oil. 4 Thestore fas _ bowles of water 5. There isnt__ frozen fod. 6 There isn't candy. 7. The store has cheese. 8 Loin see pewspapers, 9. But cant see bread. 10, There isnt yogurt. 11, The store doesa'thave birthday ards. 12, But there are ‘erapest 13, Why aren't there magazines? 14, Botthere is ice Unit 4+ Let's go shopping! 19

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