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Schools should do more to educate teachers and students about child abuse

There are many different types of child abuse, sexual abuse or exploitation, negligent

treatment, or maltreatment of a child under the age of eighteen by a person who is responsible for

the child's care. Child abuse also includes abandonment, congenital drug addiction and

witnessing family violence (ProQuest Staff). This is a definition and description of different

types of child abuse. Also it says what child abuse includes. Although some people say that

disciplining their child with a tree branch leaving scratches and bruises is a great way to

discipline, schools should do more to educate teachers and students about child abuse.

People in schools need to know more about the consequences of abuse. People who have

been abused in their younger years are most prone to getting addicted to drugs and alcohol and

abuse others. As it says in Child Abuse Linked To Drug, Alcohol Abuse Officials Say, Substance

abuse is believed to cause or exacerbate...child abuse (Hayes). This quote shows that drugs and

alcohol can make child abuse a worse case which is one of the main things that teachers and

students should be educated about. Again in Child Abuse Linked To Drug, Alcohol Abuse

Officials Say it says, As children who have been abused or neglected move through adolescence

and become adults, they face a significantly higher risk for substance abuse, addiction, and a

variety of physical and mental health problems (Hayes). This paraphrase explains that as the

victims of child abuse get older, they are more likely to become an abuser. Victims of child abuse

usually end up getting addicted to drugs and become abusers, this shows that schools should do

more to educated teachers and students about child abuse.

One reason why schools should do more to educate teachers and students about child

abuse is to prevent future abuse by abused victims. Many people who are abused are more likely

to become abusers. It is stated in Child Abuse Linked To Drug, Alcohol Abuse Officials Say, It is
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estimated that as many as two-thirds of adults in substance abuse treatment programs were

abused or neglected as children (Hayes). This quote proved that two-thirds of adults who have

been abused become abusers. Teachers need to be more educated to identify students being

abused so that the abuse victims do not continue the abuse of others. Furthermore in the article, it

says, ...substance abusing adults who themselves were abused during childhood all too often

end up abusing their own children (Hayes). This quote proves that abused victims do drugs and

become abusers.Teachers and students need to know this to prevent children from doing drugs

and abusing others in the future. By educating students and teachers about child abuse, they

could prevent future abuse by abused victims.

Another reason why schools should should educate teachers and students about child

abuse is to prevent abandonment and congenital drug addiction. Abuse victims are most likely

abandoned and addicted to drugs. It says in the article At Issue: Child Abuse, Child abuse also

includes abandonment, congenital drug addiction and witnessing family violence (ProQuest

Staff). This paraphrase shows that people who were abused usually experience abandonment

and drug addiction. Also in the same article it says, The U.S. Department of health and Human

Services Administration for children and families gives states the responsibility to intervene in

cases of suspected child abuse, including investigation, removing a child from the care of an

abuser, educational programs and providing caseworkers, foster care or adoption. (ProQuest

Staff). This quote explains that the U.S. Department of Health is willing to remove children from

the care of an abuser and put them in foster care or adoption. By educating teachers and students,

we could prevent people from getting abandoned and addicted to drugs.

On the other hand, some people think that it is okay to physically harm their child

because they are disciplining them. If a child does wrong they should be punished. In the article
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At Issue: Child Abuse it says, It is currently legal for parents in every state in the U.S. to hit

their children and 19 states also allow corporal punishment by teachers and administrators in

schools (ProQuest Staff). This paraphrase proves that it is legal for teachers and parents to

physically discipline their children for doing wrong. Again in the same article, it says ...an NFL

player who disciplined his young child with a tree branch, leaving scratches and bruises

(ProQuest Staff). This quote shows that and NFL player thinks it is right to physically harm his

child. Although physical consequences can be considered discipline, students and teachers

should still be educated on child abuse.

Preventing child abuse is important because children could grow up and become abusers.

Also they could get addicted to drugs and experiment abandonment. Do you believe that

Physical discipline is the correct way to discipline children? People think that physically

disciplining is okay, others believe in physical discipline but schools should still provide

education for teachers and students about child abuse. The school should provide education

about abuse in order to prevent sexual abuse or exploitation, negligent treatment, or maltreatment

of a child under the age of eighteen by a person who is responsible for the childs care.

Works Cited
Duncan, Karen A. "Bullying As Child Abuse: Intervention Strategies Schools Can

Employ." Counseling Today Vol. 47, No. 5. Nov. 2004: 42-46. SIRS Issues Researcher.

Web. 30 Oct. 2015.

Hayes, Laurie L. "Child Abuse Linked to Drug, Alcohol Abuse, Officials Say."

Counseling Today. April 2000: 1+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 01 Nov. 2015.

ProQuest Staff. "At Issue: Child Abuse." ProQuest LLC. 2015: n.pag. SIRS

Issues Researcher. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.

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