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Table 3.


1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Assessment 3. Risk Control

No Recommended Control
Work Activity Hazard Which can cause/effect Likelihood Severity Risk
. Measures
1 Operating the Appoint some
machine during the experience and
production qualified personnel to
The worker does not Process equipment operate the process
familiar with the failure. equipment.
process equipment Injuries and fatal during Provide training to the
operation. production process. new personnel to
expose them on how to
handle the equipment
Place the machine at
ground level.
Install platforms and
Machines are install
Ergonomics. guard railing.
at high height and
Fall from heights. Wear safety harnesses
and lanyards when
working at heights.

High temperature and Burns due to contact Wear PPE that can
pressure of the with hot surfaces of the withstand extreme
process vessel. process equipment, temperature.
(Highest temperature pipelines. Install pressure relief
is during nitrogen Explosion in high devices.
production T=650C) pressure equipment.
Wear a proper PPE to
Chemical spilled from
Chemical contact to avoid direct contact
the process
skin and expose to the with the chemical.
equipment because of
Crack of tube. Periodic inspections on
Corrosion of the tube (Chemical leakage from the tube condition.
the tube) Schedule maintenance
Periodic inspections on
Scaling inside the
Blockage of the pipe. the pipe condition.
Schedule maintenance
Regular inspections on
Safety devices, inter
Injuries and fatal while operability of the safety
locks and high RPM
handling the devices, inter lock and
machineries not
equipment. high RPM machineries.
Deactivation of
emergency alarm
systems. Install emergency
Power failure Shutdown of generator.
hazardous location
ventilation equipment.

Put noise absorbents

at the noisy
Temporary change in machineries.
hearing or tinnitus. Wear ear muffs.
High level noise
Permanent tinnitus and Regularly monitor the
hearing loss. noise level to keep
noise level within limit.
2 Handling the Place the chemical
chemical/waste away from its source of
product ignition.
High Prepare suitable fire
flammability/combusti Fire and explosion. extinguisher nearby.
ble chemical Ammonia extinguishing
media: dry chemical,
carbon dioxide or
Appoint some
experience and
qualified personnel to
handle the chemical.
Label the chemical
Irritation, injuries and
based on the original
Lack exposure on the fatal during handling.
chemical use Toxic release.
Read more on the
Fire and explosion.
chemical safety data
sheet to understand
the property of the

Wear proper PPE

when handling the
Visible destruction or
corrosive chemical.
Toxic and corrosive permanent changes in
Prepare First-Aid
chemical human skin tissue
nearby the operation
when direct contact.

Toxic and poisonous Asphyxia. Fatal if Wear proper PPE in

gases and dust ingested. the plant.
Prepare First-Aid
nearby the operation

Treat the waste before

being dispose.
Waste disposal Death of aquatic life. Never dispose the
waste into the ocean or
Fibrotic lung disease Wear proper PPE
Irritating asbestos and changes in the when asbestos is
exposure lining of the chest present.
Cleaning and
Isolate the equipment
maintenance Usage of the
3 that being clean or
process of the equipment when it is
plant Isolation and permits under
Issued, checked and
to work maintenance/cleaning
signed off the permit
which can cause
when the work done by
injuries and fatal.
the competent.
4 Storage of the Ammonia Irritation and fatality Store tanks in a well-
Ammonia product when expose to ventilated, secure area,
Ammonia more than protected from
5000 ppm in 5 minutes. weather.
Fire and explosion. Stored upright with
valve outlet seals and
valve protection caps in
Should be no sources
of ignition near the
All electrical equipment
should be explosion-
proof in the storage

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