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Student Name: Alessia Canosa

Grade 1
Purpose: During the past little while at my placement site the
Reason for completing children have learning about living and non-living
the task. This could be things. My placement site supervisor asked me if I
based on an observation could create a living things handout that had living
you made, a and non-living things on it. I was later then required
conversation between to have individual conferences with each child and
you and your site verbally confirm whether they knew the if the objects
supervisor, etc. were living or non-living as well as if they knew what
the seven aspects of a living thing were.
Task: Task Name:
What are you planning in Living Things Conference
response to your Objectives:
purpose? To assess whether the students are capable of verbally
-Label your task (e.g. identifying living and non-living things.
Bulletin board focused To assess whether the students are capable of verbally
on the importance of identifying the seven aspects of a living thing.
play-based learning).
-What are your 3
objectives for this - Create Living Things Conference Handout
experience? (i.e. Why - Verbally conference with each child
are creating a bulletin - Prompt child when it seems they need
board on the guidance
importance of play- - Record the answer each student gives
based learning? What Materials:
message are you - Handout
sending?) - Pen

Describe the experience:

-List the materials and
resources you will use
-Describe the completion
of the task, with a step
by step description

Reflection: What Went Well?

-What went well? Provide
examples for how you
know it went well. What Did Not Go Well?
-What didnt go well?
Provide examples for
how you know it
didnt go well. What Did You Learn?
-What did you learn?
-What might you do
differently next time Adaptations/Modifications:
you implement this
same task and why?
-Did you have to make Future Experiences:
any adaptations or
modifications? If so,
what were they?
-What type of experience
might you plan to
extend on this one?
Field Supervisor Feedback:


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