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Notes and Thankfulness

This book is dedicated to all mystery researchers and to those who believe that life is more than a
simple scenario in front of our eyes. By just imaging, thinking or dreaming, we spect to know why
we are here and we try to find an answer to give significance to our existence.

These writings prove that the future have already been seen and written, and therefore we can
begin to think that we are not here just by coincidence. This can be probably a deep message and
can convert the concept about our purpose in this reality, and may also can guide us to have a
commitment and responsability to mankind and the entire world.

Whether it is magical and will be beneficial for humanity to know the secrets of the coming future
or not, we dont know. And also, by just knowing the fact that our life has been written or decided
somewhere can be fascinating for some and can also be very frustrating for others. The rules that
govern our existence cannot be understood for the human beings and they escape from the general
envisage all we might have about it.

We are firmly convinced of the master legacy that his work was made to be known to the modern
man, who is the only one destinated to understand the hidden and mystery language envolved in
the quatrains; and we believe that the time for revelation and disclosure of one of the most
important mystery of all times has finally come to all of us.

This book is the translation of the Spanish and original development of the quatrains made by Jean
De Mge, my personal friend who I admire for being a very culture and fantastic man. I am very
grateful to him for his entire dedication and effort in the deciphering of the quatrains.

Mauricio Ortiz V.

"Legis cantio contra ineptos criticos. Quid legent hosce versu,

matere censunto. Profanum vulgus et inscium ne attrectato:
Omnesque astrologi, blenni, barbari procul suntu, qui aliter facit, is
rite, sacer esto."(1)

These writings are the result of years of constant work, and for the first time saw the light through
the Internet; and now, through the publishing of a book, which is a better way for people to read
these notes and annotations. They contain no unfounded speculations, and everything you will find
is duly backed by numerous historiographic documents, background, or other truthful information.
You will not find long, unwarranted, senseless theories or speculations, typical in science fiction
or the dark arts. Here you will discover aspects never seen before, and the true Interpretations of
the Centuries; what Nostradamus really meant. This journey is unique.

There are many quatrains along this journey, and their interpretation will not adjust to the wishes
of many, or what they do not want to interpret, because actually, what we have read through
generation after generation, are fanciful or malicious interpretations. They are fanciful because
they invent futures without analyzing historic facts, because such analysis requires a much more
analytical look. And they are malicious because, furthermore, these interpretations add nonexistent
esoteric elements to it, such as the application of an astrology that is only reserved for certain
chosen ones. Both perspectives give us an absolutely inscrutable view which has no traces of, at
least, an incipient clarity.

The first exercise is to thoroughly study the historic context in which each quatrain could
potentially be inserted, and for this we must have a profound and meticulous knowledge of history.
Therefore, here we will learn to deprive history of its most hidden treasures, since most of
Nostradamus exegetes are not even careful in that aspect. Because thus we will be able to separate
what has been fulfilled from what is yet to come. And he who does not make this first exercise is
condemned to repeat the same interpretations apparently discovered or interpreted of
Nostradamus, leaving most of the quatrains behind a dark veil and apparent apocalyptic futures,
typical of science fiction.

Until now, all the existing literature is designed thus. Moreover, TV channels pay for expensive
documentaries on the subject without even knowing that they lack the most elemental of all
exercises: to know what Nostradamus really meant. All this explains the main cause of why the
work of the master has remained among the greatest mysteries of humankind.

Nevertheless, the interpretations concept limits any point of view, since one same quatrain could
contain several of them as an example. Nostradamus already mentioned this problem in his letter
to Henry II, which I transcribed at the beginning of this introduction.

Therefore, this work is unique in its methodology and type; essentially and structurally, it cannot
be considered as yet another interpretation, and he who wants to view it that way, even within his
right to disagree, should at least compare the existing material with this one.

Each quatrain will undergo a rigorous structural analysis. There we will discover, among other
things, for example, that the lies that have permeated from generation to generation may perhaps
be caused by ignorance, or by the eternal idea of a malicious, hidden conspiracy. As a new
paradigm in these interpretations, we will discover that anagrams, which are iconic elements
within most interpretations and constitute their cornerstone, do not exist.

(1) He who reads these verses must ponder them with maturity, the ignorant and
profane masses must not approach them: dumb astrologers and barbarians must
keep their distance. Who behaves otherwise, must be punished.

We will see a false and even ridiculous explanation about Nostradamus use of the planets of the
Solar System, or the Gods of the Greco-Roman mythology. Thus we will discover another
paradigm in that sense, since in most cases he refers to zodiacal regencies instead of stellar events,
as several books and documentaries have led us to believe. A third paradigm we will see is that,
when he refers to cities in most of his work, he does not mean specific cities, but the regions in
which these are inserted, which ultimately allow the hint of other cities which are also inserted in
those regions. This is an unequivocal form of ingenious concealment.

We will learn to understand that the names of many cities that are hinted in his quatrains, or their
specific urban geographical surroundings, will not necessarily refer to facts that will happen in
them; but in many cases, they will be elements used to hide the birthplaces of historical characters,
for example. Anyway, we will find countless situations that I will explain while we explore the
work of Nostradamus.

This work does not intend to be sensationalist, or present eerie predictions. Neither will I make a
fuss about that which may be discovered. Or if any of the hinted predictions should come true. I
will leave that to you. Basically, here we will embark on the most amazing journey that humankind
has ever known; a journey into the mind of a messenger of the Gods. So from this moment on,
we will call ourselves Nostranauts: intelligent and keen travelers of Nostradamus work. Not
simple and ignorant readers who absorb any silliness they see. Already, there are too many of them
in this world.

Finally, I would like to thank in advance the numerous publications and scientific studies regarding
this subject, recurrent etymological sites and articles about Nostradamus, and above all, the
valuable help of the web encyclopedia Wikipedia, from where I have literally extracted several
paragraphs, without copyright, in order to shed more light on my investigative work through all
these years. And obviously, submitting this complete documentary support to a detailed historic
and bibliographic revision.

I have also deemed convenient to develop some articles of structural understanding, which I have
named Commuter Chronicles, which consist in some essential subjects that are concealed in the
work of Nostradamus. These articles structure the paradigmatic base of this work, which supports
the complete exercise of clarifying clarify the masters work. But these articles will be distributed
among all the books as they are published. So please be patient.

In a satisfactory and convincing way, these articles reveal countless mysteries that surround the
work of Nostradamus; for example, the mystery of why he wrote his work in a lyrical atmosphere
(Quatrain Octosyllabic) with intentions other than hiding it from the inquisitors; the mystery of
why he writes in such a strange way, or why his verses cannot be understood very well at first
glance; the mystery of why he has always been misinterpreted; the mystery of why he does not use
anagrams and other resources, which almost all of the exegetes of his work have mistakenly
assigned to him for over more than 400 years: the mystery of whether he was helped, or not, in the
adventure of going into the future. And many more mysteries, that have deprived whole
generations of the beauty of his visions. Nevertheless, we will analyze and elucidate all of them,
in a sensible and precise way. In this book you will not find the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
riding freely. And should any of them ride, we will know it.

This book collates over 20 so-called original sources, including the original ones digitalized by
Google. It also collates sources from other languages, such as English and French. I also apologize
for the countless special signs or punctuations which many words should have in other languages,
which I have not consider as essential.

Finally, I will stress that there are no more mysteries than the one I just indicated. There are no
hidden numbers, no secret codes, no combinations of quatrains or a distribution of astrological
nature behind this. And to prove this, I will do what nobody has done openly: I will solve the
quatrains one by one. Some will call this yet another interpretation, and I cannot do anything
about it. The only certainty is that you must read, investigate, debate, subdue your minds, all by
yourselves, in order to finally judge. I will wait patiently next to Nostradamus. It is time
Welcome, Nostranauts!!... the journey has begun.



Since you first noticed the Nostradamic work, most of you have felt the enormous underlying
darkness as you read each of his quatrains. And it is understandable, since practically none of
them, by itself, leaves the sensation of having been understood completely. And there is even more
darkness around us as we try to understand his mysteries, and come upon books, documentaries,
articles, websites, etc., which grant us a meager explanation, historic or futuristic, usually with
no backup or convincing arguments, or least of all, a complete analysis enveloping that gift of
what is trying to be explained. Finally, we only add more and more darkness.

Everybody tries to explain, but nobody convinces, and everybody tries to convince, but nobody
explains. We live in a society of terrifying paradigms. We no longer know who conspires, or who
tells the truth. The capacity for astonishment has been so coarsely battered, that we no longer know
true from false. We are an easy prey for worldwide consumerism, which increases day by day.

When he writes his Centuries, Nostradamus does it with structure. And when I say this, I am not
referring to his use of the quatrain, the sextet of the octosyllabic verse. I say that he writes following
absolute patterns, which he always respects.

But you may ask yourselves, what are those absolute patterns?

These absolute patterns that I have discovered as new paradigms are laws, which, along the
Centuries, keep or maintain a sole sense and a sole meaning, and at the same time are the ones that
cause the quatrains to transcend eras and societies. And who does not consider them as a structural
foundation is destined to address the masters work in an obscure manner, full of doubts and
riddles, and thus constructs a fanciful, subjective and poor interpretation, as the ones we read in
any current or ancient book.
Without those absolute laws or patterns, his work would crumble, either due to its interpretative
ambiguity, or to the ignorance of its own construction.

Interpretative ambiguity, because it would not have a unique bareness, and the capacity for
amazement of the exegetes, or anybody, would concoct a feast surprisingly darker than what we
already perceive in his work.

And ignorance in its own construction, because Nostradamus would be assumed as ignorant of
those same obscure ignorances and intentionalities, which the exegetes themselves will interpret
through the ages and cultures.

So, the master is wise, and indulges, in spite of dealing with the same esoteric arts, in establishing
a clear warning:

Legis cantio contra ineptos criticos. Quid legent hosce versu, matere censunto.
Profanum vulgus et inscium ne attrectato. Omnesque astrolgi, blenni, barbari, procul suntu, Qui
aliter facit, is rite, sacer esto.

That those who read these verses consider them with mature reflection. That the vulgar, the
ignorant and the profane, move away. That all the astrologers, the imbeciles, and the barbarians,
walk away. Who acts otherwise, be damned according to the rite.

This warning, he precisely distances the interpretative ambiguity and the ignorance in his own
construction. Nostradamus is conscious of both. Therefore, besides this warning, he must establish
a unique way to construct his work that allows it to remain healthy before the vulgar, the ignorant,
the profane, the imbeciles, the astrologers, and barbarians.

Books could be published, splendid documentaries could be made, and even dates or apocalyptic
events could be promoted, but in the end, the work of the master will always remain obscure. And
the way in which it has been addressed through so many ages and cultures, may even be intentional.

One of the greatest stupidities is trying to address the masters work in search of dates or facts in
order to anticipate oneself. A very ancient objective, indeed, is trying to foresee the future;
however, objectively lets know that Nostradamus did not write his work with that in mind. If he
had, he would have mentioned dates, comprehensible, clear names, and even the times of their

But independently from the masters real intentions, which are not analyzed here lets know that
once discovered, those absolute laws or patterns allow adequately addressing the reading of each
quatrain. Obviously, this requires an adequate and thorough previous historic knowledge of the
eras and cultures, and of the words (etymology).

As I already noted, these patterns allow reading, understanding, and grasping his work correctly.
But which are these absolute laws or patterns?

The first Law is:

Nostradamus DOES NOT use Anagrams

He does not use them because they are ambiguous resources; countless could be extracted from
one word. A three letter word allows 6 anagrammatic meanings. And for each letter, the
anagrammatic scope increases exponentially. These meanings allow the ambiguity. Then, how
could the master have allowed himself to include anagrams, if what he wants is only one sense,
and only one meaning? (But the danger of times, Oh most serene King, demanded that
such secrets should not be exposed except in enigmatic sentences, and should have, however
only one reasoning and one sense, and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted
Extract from Letter to Henry II)

This is more than clear. Therefore, all who speak about anagrams are the same whom Nostradamus
warns. (That the vulgar, the ignorant and the profane, stay away. That all the astrologers,
imbeciles and barbarians, walk away.) Each word, even if it is ancient, exists for a reason.
Nothing is random. The rest are stupidities from people who, when they do not know a meaning,
simply associate it with an anagram. And problem solved.

Lets know that Nostradamus chooses his words with an almost terrifying meticulousness. Each
word contains an unobjectionable etymology which goes beyond the use given to it in different

One example would be the word Automobile, which we understand as a vehicle, a carriage.
However, etymologically it should not be applied to a vehicle and a carriage. Living beings,
including humans, could be defined as AUTOMOBILES, because basically we refer to move
ourselves. And vehicles or carriages do not move by themselves. Living beings do.

The second law is

Nostradamus DOES NOT use Symbolisms

Another of the great fallacies that, since the Centuries were published, has been reflected in all the
studies regarding his work, states that Nostradamus uses symbols.

So that we all understand, the word symbol comes from the Latin symbolum, and this from the
Greek symbolon, which translates as sign, codeword. So, when we speak about symbols, we refer
to signs or small code words that conceal an apparently concrete meaning.

The symbol is a way of exteriorizing a thought or idea, although it is abstract, as well as the sign
or means of expression which has a conventional meaning, and its genesis contains the likeness,
real or imaginary, with the meaning.

But the biggest problem posed by the symbol is precisely that there is no objective universal
convention regarding its representation, as in the case of numbers or the letters of an alphabet in
any language, which are also symbols, except that they are universal and objective. In very
concrete terms, symbols (except letters, numbers, and some conventional identifications which are
transversal to times) are abstractions with a certain meaning, which nevertheless allow a range of
conventions or interpretations.

In the specific case of the Nostradamic work, there are no such elements which are universally so-
called symbols, because Nostradamus knows that if he uses them, he could allow the use and abuse
of countless interpretations or conventions. So, for example, the concept eagle could represent
the coats of arms or emblems of many world powers, such as the United States or Nazi Germany.
Or the concept Leopard, Wild Boar, Lion, Moon, Sun, etc., which would add another problem
for Nostradamus, and Nostradamus is not stupid.

Therefore, in his letter to Henry II, Nostradamus states that having, however, only one reasoning
and sense, and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted The use of symbols and anagrams
would allow precisely the opposite. Several senses, and several meanings, depending even of the
apprehensions and the world views of the exegete on duty.

For example, the concept Moon, beyond its association with Islam, is an identification of the
Ottoman Empire, which has is origin in the fall of Constantinople. And it also refers to the regent
planet of the zodiacal sign Cancer. Any other meaning is not valid. Not even Nostradamus
associates it to Islam, as most exegetes have reflected in their books.


When the berth by the whirlwind is overturned,

And the faces covered by their capes:
The republic by new people is vexed,
Then whites and reds will judge upside down.


Quand la licture du tourbillon versee,

Et seront faces de leurs manteaux convers:
La republique par gens nouveaux vexe,
Lors blancs & rouges jugeront l'envers

The first verse says:

Quand la licture du tourbillon versee,

The concept quand is translated as when. The concept licture is modernized as

litire and is translated as bunk, berth. It is the name of the single, narrow beds used in
boats, trains and barracks, which can be piled one on top of the other to save space; the
word comes from the Catalan llitera, with the same meaning, derived from llit, cama
(bed); the latter was formed from the Latin lectus bed, just as the Spanish lecho, which
comes from the Vulgar Latin word camba, curve, joint, (with assimilation of mb -> m,
just as in: lumbus > lomo (back), lambere > lamer (lick)) used to designate the part of the
animal between the foot and the knee.
It is considered that the origin of the word camba is not Latin and could have come from
the Celtic kamb, which meant winding, serpent, or most probably from the Greek
(kamp = joint), which gave us gamba; in sum, if we consider joint, we can replace that
word by situation.

The concept tourbillon is translated as whirlwind, swirl; lets remember that the name
is a Spanish denomination, from the Latin turbo, which in etymology would indicate a
whirlwind, a swirl, and a secondary definition would be confusion of peoples; this can
be changed by anarchy, chaos, misgovernment, revolution. The concept versee (past
participle feminine) is translated as overturned, and can be changed by (xx falta la
palabra). The improved verse would say:

When the situation overturned to misgovernment,

The second verse says:

Et seront faces de leurs manteaux convers:

The concept seront derives from the verb tre (to be), and is translated as will be;
it can be changed by will be, will live, will exist. The plural concept faces is translated
as faces, and can be changed by countenances. The concept leurs, possessive
adjective, is translated as their. The concept manteaux is translated as coats, and is
in plural; the word abrigo (coat) comes from the Latin apricus, which in turn comes
from the verb aperire (open); initially, it meant clear, then exposed to the sun, sunlight,
and finally to the heat of the sun; in Late Latin, the word abriga (warms) appears (with
the voicing of the p and the c from apricus) with the sense of cape or bedspread; thus it
went from opening (abrir aperire) the window to be warmed with the sun, to something
that covers and protects us. The concept convers should be modernized as couvertes
(plural), and translated as covered (past participle feminine). It can be changed by caps,
clothing, wrappings. The improved verse would say:

And there will be expressions of their exposed clothing:

We see a general clause or main image that goes from the first verse to the second, with
a colon at the end; this forms what I call paraclause, that is, a secondary image that is
detached from the general clause. (Read: On Nostradamic Punctuations)

The third verse says:

La republique par gens nouveaux vexe,

The concept republique is translated as republic. The concept gens is translated as

people, and can be changed by multitude, crowd, persons, throng. The concept
nouveaux is translated as new, and is plural. The concept vexe is translated as
vexed. The improved verse would say:

The republic vexed by new crowds,

The fourth verse says:

Lors blancs & rouges jugeront l'envers.

The concept lors is an adverb, and is translated as then. The concept blancs is
translated as whites. The concept rouges is translated as reds. The concept
jugeront is translated as will judge. The concept envers is translated as upside
down. The improved verse would say:

Then whites and reds will judge upside down

The complete quatrain would say:

When the situation overturns to misgovernment,

And there will be expressions of their exposed clothing:
The republic vexed by new crowds,
Then whites and reds will judge upside down

Some deductions:

Lets know that the use of capes was a fashion trend which arose in medieval times, but
reemerged in the Nineteenth Century. That period, in a strictly historical sense, goes from
1789, year of the French Revolution, and 1914, when the First World War began, and is
so-called the long XIX century. Historiography considers that century as the final
beginning of the Contemporary Age. But lets remember that the cape is a garment that
has been widely used since ancient times until the beginning of the XX century. It has
always been present among us, to a greater or lesser extent.

For centuries, the cape has been a respectful attire that marked the tradition of men, to
attend social or religious events of a certain category. When a person had to attend some
important event and did not have economic resources to buy one, he borrowed it. In sum,
the cape is associated to lineage and in a certain way, to rich or bourgeois people.

The concept berth that Nostradamus uses is interesting, because it gives us a double
sense. The first is Joint and the second is given because the concept berth is
associated to barracks, fortresses, military compounds, and inexorably takes us directly
to the Bastille. Lets see: The Bastille or Saint Anthonys Bastille was a fortress that
protected the east side of the city of Paris. During many centuries it played a fundamental
role in the defense of the city, but over time it lost its strategic importance and was turned
into a state prison. It was located in what currently is the Place de La Bastille.

Now then, lets change what we know in order to have an approximation on what
Nostradamus is trying to tell us. Lets see:

When the Bastille overturns to misgoverment,

And there will be expressions of their exposed clothing:

Basically, Nostradamus tells us about a revolt (whirlwind). Obviously he refers to the

Storming of the Bastille, an historical event which took place on July 14, 1789.

The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris, on a Tuesday, July 14, 1789. Although the
medieval fortress known as the Bastille acted as a prison at that time, it only guarded
seven prisoners; its fall at the hands of Parisian revolutionaries symbolically meant the
end of the Old Regime and the beginning of the French Revolution. (When the Bastille
overturns to misgovernment,)

This event was framed inside the profound differences among the general states. Part of
the nobility did not share the absolutism planned by Louis XVI and joined the revolt, as
many bourgeois sectors, and almost all the more destitute sectors. (And there will be
expressions of their exposed clothing:)

The surrender of the prison, symbol of the French monarchys despotism, caused an
authentic social seism, both in France and in the rest of Europe, and its reverberations
reached remote Russia.

The third verse is more eloquent within the historical context that surrounds

He speaks of The Republic vexed by new crowds, although in his time, the concept
Republic is merely historical (Rome).

Let us remember that Nostradamus times were ruled by kings and the nobility. In the
prophets times, republics did not exist in the world. And by the way, that concept began
to be strongly used as from the French Revolution. And if you observe closely, the
concept republic is framed within the paraclause; in other words, it already tells us
about a type of government (republic) already established.

The idea that accompanies a Republic vexed by new crowds refers to people who until
that time were unknown, such as Robespierre, Danton and other leaders of the revolution,
who begin the vexing or rather the age of terror in France. (The Republic vexed by new

Now, why did Nostradamus use colors to define groups of people in the following verse?
Simple. Often, colors serve to represent, as long as those representations are universal.
So the verse whites and reds will judge upside down is pure symbolism, and with no
hint of a second interpretation. The French flag has three colors and its representation is
historically well defined. Lets see: the white symbolizes the King, and therefore the
nobility, and the red with the blue, the people of Paris. In general terms, the masses.

The concept Will judge can be changed by will prosecute, because the King, the
Queen, and many nobles and sympathizers of the nobility (whites) were prosecuted by
peoples courts (reds) and were subsequently sentenced to die guillotined (Then
whites and reds will judge upside down). And also, the destinies of many French
nobles and the monarchy itself, who were prosecuted in separated summary trials and
punishments that ended in the guillotine, were sealed after the Storming of the Bastille.
Therefore, these last two verses make up the paraclause, an image that is detached from
the first two verses. The quatrain has been clarified.

So many years the wars in Gaul will last,

Far from the race of Castalon monarch:
Uncertain victory three leaders will crown
Eagle, Rooster, Moon, Lion, Sun in mark.


Tant d'ans les guerres en Gaule dureront

Outre la course du Castalon monoarque:
Victoire incerte trois grands couronneront,
Aigle, coq, lune, lion, soleil en marque.

The first verse says:

Tant d'ans les guerres en Gaule dureront,

The concept tant is translated as so many; the concept ans is translated as years;
the concept guerres is translated as wars; the concept gaule is translated as Gaul,
which is the Latin name for a region in west Europe that is currently occupied by France,
Belgium, western Switzerland and zones of Holland and Germany west of the Rhine. The
concept dureront is translated as will last. The improved verse would say:

So many years the wars in Gaul will last,

The second verse says:

Outre la course du Castalon monoarque:

The concept outre is translated as beyond, besides; the concept course is translated
as journey and we can change it by trajectory, tour, race. The concept Castalon in
other original quatrains appears as Castulon, which derives from Castulo; lets see:

During the first Punic War between Rome and Carthage, the Carthaginian forces led by
Hamilcar Barca attacked some regions in Spain and the territories of Oretania; in one of
those skirmishes, Hamilcar Barca died; his son, Hasdrubal Barca, who succeeded his
command, was defeated by the Roman Consul, Gaius Livius Salinator. And in Oretania
existed Castalon, an Iberian city in the region of Oretania, today Spain; the remains of
this city lie near the city of Linares.

Later, towards the year 188 B.C., this same Consul founded the city of Forli, today in the
region of Emilia Romagna, Italy; and precisely in this city of Forli, towards the year 1883,
on July 29th to be more precise, Mussolini was born; his full name was Benito Hamilcare
Andrea Mussolini; and although his father named him after Hamilcare Cipriano, a
Socialist patriot, in truth Nostradamus relates him with Hamilcar the Carthaginian,
because it has a more historical sense; therefore, monarch Castalon is a reference to
Benito Mussolini.
The concept monoarque is modernized as monarque, and is translated as monarch;
the concept monarch derives from monarchy, which comes from the Ancient Greek
("command of one). So, if Nostradamus speaks about journey and then
relies on the idea of monarch (command of one), lets know that the origin of the
Roman dictatorship is closely linked to this idea; therefore he refers to the idea of the
journey toward absolute power; so, under this context, we can replace monarch by
absolute power. The improved verse would say:

Beyond Mussolinis journey towards absolute power:

We observe the colon at the end of the second verse. With it, Nostradamus separates this
quatrain in two. The first part, composed by the first two verses, constitutes the main
image or big theme of the quatrain. I call it clause. The second part is composed by the
two remaining verses and constitutes the secondary or detached image. This part, together
with the first one, sometimes builds a parallel or an irony. I call it paraclause. (Read: On
Nostradamic Punctuations)

The third verse says:

Victoire incerte trois grands couronneront,

The concept victoire is translated as victory. The concept incerte derives from the
Latin incertus, which means the uncertain, the dubious, the obscure, the untrue, and
we can change it by dubious. The concept trois is translated as three. The concept
grands is translated as grandees. The concept couronneront is translated as will
crown and derives from the Latin coronatus (crowned). The improved verse would

Dubious victory three grandees will crown,

The fourth verse says:

Aigle, coq, lune, lion, soleil en marque.

The concept aigle is translated as eagle; it derives from the Latin aquila, (black)
eagle that probably derives from the adjective aquilus obscure, or from aquil,
the name and character of the north wind, in Greek, Boreas; therefore, it is related with
the north wind. And the United States is a country in the Northern Hemisphere;
furthermore, the eagle symbol (Haliaeetus leucocephalus eagle) is the official symbol
of the United States. The concept coq is translated as rooster, chicken.

The Gaul Rooster is often considered as the national symbol of France, although it really
has no official character. In Latin, gallus means rooster and Gallic at the same time;
and independently from symbolisms, the word gallo (rooster) comes from the Latin
gallus, which means rooster. But lets deduce something: Nostradamus would have
used a concept derived from Gallus; for example, Gaulle, Gallus, Galois, etc. All the
books related to this interpretation claim that he refers to rooster; however, he does not
refer to rooster, but to chicken, which derives from the Latin pullus, and alludes to
black, obscure, blackish. Colloquially, it means a clever, cunning man. In fact, Cicero
considers the idea pulla toga as dressed in mourning.
The concept lune is translated as moon, luna in Latin, and derives from an Indo
European root (*leuk-); for example, in the Greek concept leuks 'bright white'; therefore,
originally the voice luna would mean the illuminated, the one that shines, which
usually identifies the Ottoman Empire. However, beyond the symbolism, the moon is the
regent planet of the zodiacal sign Cancer, which goes from 22/06 to 22/07. The concept
lion is translated as lion, and derives from the Latin len. It also alludes to the
zodiacal sign Leo, which goes from 23/07 to 23/08 and its regent planet is the Sun.

The concept soleil is translated as sun; the Sun is the regent of the zodiacal sign Leo,
which goes from 23/07 to 23/08. Nostradamus knows that there are two Leos in this verse;
however, he assigns the concept lion to one of them to differentiate them; in sum, Lion
and Soleil point to two zodiacal signs Leo.

The concept marque is translated as mark, from the Low Latin, marca, which is
defined as margin; this comes from the Proto Germanic *marko, "frontier territory,
which in turn comes from the Proto Indo Europeon *mereg-, "border". The improved
verse would say:

Eagle, chicken, moon, Leo, Leo in the border.

The complete quatrain would say:

So many years the wars in Gaul will last,

Beyond Mussolinis journey towards absolute power:
Dubious victory three grandees will crown,
Eagle, chicken, moon, Leo, Leo in the border.

Some deductions:

First, lets know that if in the third verse Nostradamus says: three grandees will crown,
this means that in the fourth verse, not one of them are them. Obviously, the ones that are
represented are the losers. In fact, there are five concepts: Eagle, chicken, Moon, Lion
(Leo) and Sun (Leo).

If we consider the Napoleonic Wars, the Liberal uprisings in 1848 and the French-
Prussian War, the territory that represents Gaul has remained in conflict for many years
(So many years the wars in Gaul will last,)

Lets remember that Nostradamus is precise. The First World War, which lasted 4 years,
does not adequately correspond to the idea So many years the wars in Gaul will last,;
therefore, in his first verse, Nostradamus synthesizes the history of Gaul before the First
World War; the same concept guerres in plural supports this perception.

When the First World War ended and the Armistice was declared, the Allies (France,
United Kingdom and United States), (Dubious victory three grandees will crown,) and
representatives of their allies during the war, met at the Peace Conference in Paris to
establish the peace terms with Germany, the extinct Austro Hungarian Empire (by then
already divided in the Republic of Austria, Hungary and other States), the decadent
Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria. The Allies wrote and signed treaties for
each of the defeated powers; the Treaty of Versailles (June 28th, 1919) was the one which
was imposed on Germany, although Germany never surrendered; it was simply an
armistice; in other words, there was no clear victory (Dubious victory)

The discussions of the peace terms began on January 18, 1919, and were presented before
Germany in May, as the only alternative; their rejection would have implied the
resumption of hostilities. The day after the acceptance of the Treaty, June 23, 1919, was
a day of mourning in Germany, considered as the first big defeat of Parliamentarism and
the original sin of the newly formed Republic of Weimar (Dubious victory)

Both the German delegation and the German government considered the Treaty of
Versailles as a ruling (Diktat) forcefully imposed without a consultation mechanism or
participation. In fact, Count Ulrich Brockdorff von Rantzau (Sun) was in charge of the
German delegation and was not able to negotiate at all in the conference (in the
border); and Count Ulrich Brockdorff von Rantzau was born on May 29, 1869 in
Schleswig; he is a native of the zodiacal sign Leo of which the only regent is the Sun
(Sun in the border). And it is odd that the second part of the Treaty of Versailles is
linked to the German borders or frontiers (art.27 to 30) (Sun in the border).

The precept regarding Germanys blame and responsibility in the initiation of the war,
incorporated in the Treaty, was especially irritating, and became a tension element in
Germanys domestic politics between the right wing and the nationalist groups who
flatly rejected the entire Treaty, and supported its revocation and the liberals and the
social democrats who tried to soften the more harmful clauses against Germany and
other countries (Dubious victory three grandees will crown,). The German Empire
ended and was replaced by the Republic of Weimar, which would rule a Germany that
was territorially and economically dwindled because of war reparation payments.

Another nation that was defeated in the First World War was the Ottoman Empire, four
months before the end of that conflict. Mehmed V died on July 3rd, 1918, at the age of
73, four months before the end of the Great War; his successor was Mehmed VI, whose
original name was Mehmed Vahdettin or Mehmed Vahideddin, and was crowned on July
4, 1918, as the sixth Padishah; this happened under the zodiacal sign Cancer, of which
the only regent is the Moon (Luna). The Ottoman Empire dissolved, giving way to
Turkey (Peninsula of Anatolia and Constantinople).

Another defeated nation was the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with Charles I of Habsburg-
Lorraine or Charles IV; he was born in Persenburg (Lower Austria) on August 17, 1887,
and died on April 1, 1922. He was born as Karl Franz Josef Ludwig Hubert Georg Maria
von Habsburg-Lothringen, last Emperor of Austria; Charles acceded the throne at the age
of 29, after his elderly uncle, Franz Josef I died, on the night of November 21, 1916, in
the middle of the First World War. This emperor was a native of Leo, another of the
defeated grandees in the First World War (Lion); the Austro-Hungarian Empire was
dissolved, giving way to the States of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia
as new independent countries.

Nostradamus relates the Russian Empire, which had withdrawn before the end of the First
World War, with the eagle; the etymology of eagle indicates that it can refer to dark
and to the north wind or Boreas.
In Greek mythology, Boreas (in Greek, north wind or devourer) was the God of the
cold north wind which brought winter; Boreas was very strong and also had a violent
character. His equivalent in Roman mythology was Aquilus or Aquilon; another name,
odder still, used for the north wind was Septentrion, a word derived from septem triones,
seven oxen, alluding to the Big Dipper constellation; Septentrion is also the origin of
the word septentrional, a synonym of boreal, which means from the north. And it is
odd that North (norte) comes from the word nor, from Ancient English, and this in turn
derives from the Proto Indo European ner, which means left; and the North is at the left
when we face the Sun in the morning (heliacal rising); and etymologically, Russia means
the land of Rus (eagle).

And according to Nestors Chronicle, the oldest one about Rus, a Varangian called
Hrrekr (Rurik, in Russian - which means hawk), settled in the city of Novgorod; the
Chronicle refers to him as the patriarch of the Rurik Dynasty; according to Nestors
Chronicle, this dynasty was established in 862 by Rurik, the legendary ruler of Novgorod.
The exact ethnical origin of his tribe, the Varangians, called Rus, is still debated and
remains uncertain, although some Scandinavian and Slavish influences are mentioned.

He and his brothers founded a state that historians have called Rus from Kiev; in late XII
century, Rus from Kiev was dissolved into independent princedoms (Russian princedoms,
or from the Rus), each of which was ruled by a branch of the Rurikovich family; by late
XV century, the Princedom of Moscow had won the battle for supremacy among these
medieval states. Beginning with the rule of Ivan IV, the Muscovite branch of the dynasty
used the title of Czar of all Russias (or Czar of all Russia), and ruled over the Russian
Czarate. The death of Czar Theodor I in 1598 ended the rule of the Rurik Dynasty. The
kinship among hawks, eagles and kites is quite close.

After the Treaty of Versailles, Russia (eagle) lost the territory of Besaravia to Romania;
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland (Baltic Republics of the Old Russian Empire) were
constituted as states.

Finally, pollo (chicken) or Pullus represents Italy (fascism), another country that,
although being among the victorious powers, its territorial expectations were not met in
the Treaty of Versailles; this caused great disillusionment among the Italian society, who
encouraged the coming of Mussolini.

On March 28, 1921, Mussolini paraded in Milan with his columns of Black Shirts at the
funeral of the victims of anarchist terrorism at the Diana Theater. Pretending to be the
enemy of Socialists and Communists, Fascism managed to win the favor of the big
landowners and industrialists, and managed to be elected deputy in the elections of May,
1921, thanks to the support of Giolitti (already situated in the antisocialist national
blocks) (chicken).

The governments impotence to deal with the countrys situation, and the dissolution of
Parliament, paved the road for the so-called March on Rome, on October 28, 1922. The
triumphal entry of the Black Shirts in the Italian capital found no opposition, and the
government was helpless to intervene due to the opposition of King Victor Emmanuel III,
who refused to sign the State of Siege decree proposed by the Head of Government Ivanoe
Bonomi, thus preventing any armed opposition from the Army. In consequence, on
October 30, 1922, the King commissioned Mussolini to form a new government, although
the latter did not have majority in Parliament.

Thus, on October 30, 1922, Benito Mussolini became Prime Minister of the Kingdom of
Italy with absolute dictatorial powers; beyond Gaul territory, Fascism arrived in power in
Italy (Beyond Mussolinis journey towards absolute power:)

Finally, this is the quatrain that Nostradamus wants to give us:

So many years the wars in Gaul will last,

Beyond Mussolinis journey towards absolute power:
Dubious victory three grandees will crown,
Russian Empire, Italy, Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, German
Empire at the border.

The quatrain has been clarified.


Sectarian of sects great sorrow to the informer,

Beast on stage, the stage game lifted:
Of ancient event inventor ennobled,
By sects world confused and schismatic.


Secteur de sectes grand peine au delateur,

Beste en theatre, dresse le jeu scenique:
De faict antique ennobly l'inventeur,
Par sectes monde confus & schismatique.

The first verse says:

Secteur de sectes grand peine au delateur,

The concept secteur is translated as sector; it derives from the Latin sector, -ris;
Cicero refers to this concept as he who cuts, he who divides, he who shares; it can be
replaced by section, part. The concept sectes is translated as sects, and derives from
the Latin secta; Cicero refers to it as faction, sect, school, doctrine, party. The concept
grand is translated as great, large. The concept peine is translated as sorrow; it
derives from the Latin poena; Cicero refers to this word as sorrow, punishment, torture.
The concept delateur is translated as informer and derives from the Latin deltor, -
ris; Tacitus refers to it as he who accuses, informant, accuser. The improved verse
would say:

Part of factions, great punishment to accuser,

The second verse says:

Beste en theatre, dresse le jeu scenique,

The concept beste is modernized as bte and is translated as beast; it can also be
translated as fool; it derives from the Latin besta; Plutarch refers to it as a rude,
ignorant man, similar in his actions to brutes; this last concept derives from the Latin
brutus, and refers to beastly man, barbarian, unable, stupid. The concept theatre is
modernized as Thtre and is translated as theatre; it derives from the Latin
thetrum, and this from the Greed look. The concept dresse (past participle) is
translated as lifted, and can be replaced by raised, incremented, encumbered. The
concept jeu is translated as game and derives from the Latin iocus; Cicero refers to
this term as joke, taunt, clever or mocking saying, among other terms. The concept
scenique is translated as scenic; it derives from the Latin scencus, and refers to
acts, sessions of a drama, of a theatre piece. The improved verse would say:

Brute in theatre, the theatrical joke lifted:

We observe the colon at the end of the second verse. With it, Nostradamus separates this
quatrain in two. The first part, composed by the first two verses, constitutes the main
image or big theme of the quatrain. I call it clause. The second part is composed by the
two remaining verses and constitutes the secondary or detached image. This part, together
with the first one, sometimes builds a parallel or an irony. I call it paraclause. (Read: On
Nostradamic Punctuations)

The third verse says:

De faict antique ennobly l'inventeur,

The concept faict is modernized as fait (past participle), and is translated as done;
it derives of the irregular participle of to do, and from the Latin factus; Cicero refers
to it as done, executed, performed; therefore, it refers to event, an action, an act. The
concept antique is translated as ancient, and derives from the Latin antiqus. The
concept ennobly is modernized as ennobli (past participle), is translated as
ennobled, and derives from the Latin noblis. The concept inventeur is translated
as inventor, and derives from the Latin inventor, -ris; it refers to the first who finds,
invents or contrives some art or science; it refers to an author. The improved verse would

Of ancient event author ennobled,

The fourth verse says:

Par sectes monde confus & schismatique.

The concept monde is translated as world. The concept confus is translated as

confused and derives from the Latin confuso, -nis; Cicero refers to it as confused,
perturbed, lack of order, lack of method, mixture. The concept schismatique is
translated as schismatic; it derives from the Latin schisma, and this from the Greek
escision, separation; it can be replaced by divided, separated, split. The improved verse
would say:

By factions, world perturbed and divided.

The complete quatrain would say:

Part of factions, great punishment to accuser,

Brute in theater, theatrical joke lifted:
Of ancient event author ennobled,
By factions, world perturbed and divided.

Some deductions:

When translated to Spanish, the concept sectarian is odd, because it does not exist as
such in the originals we have analyzed.

In its womb, this quatrain holds a formidable event. Lets go to history:

Well the, the relation with the theatre is evident; Nostradamus tells us about the
assassination of Abraham Lincoln, on April 14, 1865. On that day, Lincoln and his wife
went to see a play in Ford Theatre. Lincoln invited General Ulysses Grant and his wife to
the theatre, but the general declined the invitation. The play, Our American cousin, was
a musical comedy about British American relatives and their coarse nobles (The
theatrical joke lifted:)

When Lincoln sat in the balcony, John Wilkes Booth, an actor (Brute in theatre,) and
sympathizer of South Virginia, fired only one shot, with a gun with round bullets, to the
Presidents head, and screamed "Sic semper tyrannis!" ("Thus always to tyrants"), (to
the accuser,) this phrase is also the motto of the State of Virginia. Booth jumped from
the balcony to the stage, and broke a leg with the fall. "Sic semper tyrannis!" is a phrase
attributed to Marcus Junius Brutus, (Brute), who, according to history, told it to Julius
Caesar when he was murdered. John W. Booth emulated this bloody episode to
assassinate Abraham Lincoln (Of ancient event author ennobled,)

An odd and at the same time, relevant piece of information: on March 15, 44 B.C., Caius
Julius Caesar, Dictator of Rome and Pontifex Maximus, was killed at the Curia of the
Theater of Pompey, where the Senate of Rome met; it was also a theatre (Brutus in

The first verse says Part of factions, because sects or factions are secretive, almost
impenetrable; they are so insurmountable, that its members would rather die before telling
on their brothers (By factions, world perturbed and divided.)

And if we take this first verse as an advance of what already happened, Lincolns
assassination, we can also see that John W. Booth is related with a sect or faction, which
never came out in the open, or its members, who conspired to execute this assassination.
That is why the prophet warns us in the last verse of this quatrain (By factions, world
perturbed and divided.). This sect helped John W. Booth to sneak into the theatre, slip
past security, and even escape. In fact, he was gunned down by the patrol sent to capture
him, more than 10 days after the assassination. John B. Wood did not act alone; but his
location was informed (great punishment to accuser,)

In sum, Wood was the executor, but the jury who condemned the President of the United
States was concealed among his close acquaintances. That jury was a faction that couldnt
avoid the decline of the South, and was never discovered. Consequently, Lincoln was
killed by a complot from a sect, a faction, and not by a solitary killer. This fact will keep
on haunting almost 100 years later, with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The
quatrain has been clarified.
LV THE GULF WAR, 1990 1991.

Under the opposite Babylonian climate,

Great will be the effusion of blood,
That land and sea, air, sky, will be iniquitous,
Sects, famine, kingdoms, plagues, confusion.


Soubs l'opposite climat Babylonique,

Grand sera de sang effusion:
Que terre & mer, air, ciel sera inique,
Sectes, faim, regnes, pestes, confusion.

The first verse says:

Soubs l'opposite climat Babylonique,

The concept soubs is modernized as sous; it is a preposition, and is translated as

under. The concept opposite is modernized as oppos, and is translated as
opposite, contrary; it derives from the Latin Oppostus, participle of oppono;
Cicero refers to it as opposite, interposed, put against, in front of, ahead, against,
opposition, put obstacles, impediments, difficulties.

The concept climat is translated as climate, environment; it derives from the Latin
clima, -atis, and this from the Greek klima, which means inclination of the sun, and
therefore, latitude, climate. Now then, if Nostradamus refers to climate, he is referring
to the sun and this to the regency of the sign Leo, which goes from 23/07 to 23/08. The
concept inclination derives from the Latin inclinato, -nis; Cicero refers to it as
inclination, the action of inclining, of stooping, mutation, conversion; Tacitus adds

The concept babylonique is translated as Babylonian, and derives from the Latin
Babyloncus. Babylon was an ancient city in Lower Mesopotamia; and Mesopotamia, or
meso-potama means between rivers, a translation of the Ancient Persian Miyanrudan:
land between rivers, or of the Aramaic beth nahrin, between two rivers); this is the
name given to the area of the Near East that is located between the Rivers Tigris and
Euphrates, although it extends to the fertile areas near the strip between both rivers, and
approximately coincides with the non desert areas of current Iraq; however, Nostradamus
is more precise.

He refers to Baghdad; lets remember that in the year 761 of our Era, Caliph Al-Mansur
(The Victorious) founded Baghdad, near the ruins of ancient Babylon, and turned it into
the capital of Islam. Mansur believed that Baghdad was the perfect city to be the capital
of the Islamic Empire under the Abasic Caliphate. Mansur was so delighted with that
place that he said: This is really the city that I am founding, where I am living, and where
my descendants will reign afterwards. The improved verse would say:

Under the opposition to Baghdad of Leos inclination,

The second verse says:

Grand sera de sang effusion:

The concept grand is translated as large, great. The concept sera derives from the
verb tre (to be), and is translated as will be. The concept sang is translated as
blood, and can be replaced by descendants, lineage, stock, family. In this case, as in
many others, Nostradamus infers a double meaning (Read: Travelers Chronicles IV:
Nostradamus, the Implicit). I will keep the concept blood, but will add his implicity
in brackets; it derives from the Latin sanguis, -nis. The concept effusion is translated
as effusion, shedding; it derives from the Latin effuso, -nis. The improved verse
would say:

Great will be of blood (race) shedding:

We observe the colon at the end of the second verse. With it, Nostradamus separates this
quatrain in two. The first part, composed by the first two verses, constitutes the main
image or big theme of the quatrain. I call it clause. The second part is composed by the
two remaining verses and constitutes the secondary or detached image. This part, together
with the first one, sometimes builds a parallel or an irony. I call it paraclause. (Read: On
Nostradamic Punctuations)

The third verse says:

Que terre & mer, air, ciel sera inique,

The concept terre is translated as land, and can be replaced by possession, control.
The concept mer is translated as sea. The concept air is translated as air. The
concept ciel is translated as sky; the word ciel (sky) comes from the Latin caelum;
other sources say that this word is based on the Greek word kilon concave, hollow,
empty, because it appears to view as an immense concavity, from where the Latin voice
caelum derived; so, it can be changed by empty. The concept inique is translated as
iniquitous, and derives from the Latin iniqus; Cicero refers to it as iniquitous, unfair,
opposite, enemy, not favorable, hard, arduous, rough, etc. The improved verse would say:

That land, sea, air, sky, will not be favorable,

The fourth verse says:

Sectes, faim, regnes, pestes, confusion.

The concept sectes is translated as sects; the Latin word secta had several meanings,
such as way of life, way of thinking, standard of conduct, political party,
philosophical school, religious faction, political faction; although its origin is
uncertain, some etymologists think that it comes from the verb sequi to follow someone,
but others attribute its origin to the word sectus, participle of the verb secare cut, tear,
which comes from the Indo European sekw- follow, accompany; we can change it by
political party, political faction, groups. The concept faim is translated as hunger; the
word hunger (hambre) comes from the Vulgar Latin famen, with the same meaning,
and we can change it by desire, need, appetite, avarice, ambition. The concept regnes
is translated as kingdoms, and can be replaced by dominions, countries, states,
possessions. The concept pestes is translated as plagues, and derives from the Latin
pestis; Cicero refers to it as contagious disease, plague, epidemic, poison, death, disaster,
calamity, disgrace, fatality.
The concept confusion is translated as confusion, and derives from the Latin
confuso, -nis; Cicero refers to it as confusion, mixture, disorder, disturbance, lack of
order, of method, chaos. The improved verse would say:

Religious factions, greed, countries, calamity, chaos.

The complete quatrain would say:

Under the opposition to Baghdad of Leos inclination,

Great will be of blood (race) shedding:
That land, sea, air, sky will not be favorable,
Religious factions, greed, countries, calamity, chaos.

Some deductions:

In 1990, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates exceeded their oil extraction and refining
quota, which brought the price of crude oil to the ground. In an OPEP meeting, both
countries were forced to comply with the stipulations. The results of the negotiations
apparently satisfied everybody, except Iraq, who requested an increase in the price of the
oil barrel to 25 dollars. Soon after, the Iraqi Minister of Foreign Relations, Tarek Aziz,
accused Kuwait of stealing oil from Iraq, and digging wells at the Rumalia camp. Iraq
threatened Kuwait with using force if the latter did not substantially reduce its
production, and USA offered its support to Kuwait. According to some experts, the
meeting held by the American diplomat April Catherine Glaspie with Saddam Hussein
and his ministers in Baghdad, turned out to be ambiguous, and the position that USA
would adopt in case of a conflict between both Arab countries was not clearly expressed.
In any case, on August 2, 1990, Iraq invaded and annexed Kuwait; and August 2 is a date
under the sign Leo, of which the regent is the sun (of Leos inclination,)

And on that date, the historic Persian Gulf War, or simply the Gulf War, began (August
2, 1990 February 28, 1991); this was a war fought by a coalition force authorized by
the United Nations, composed by 34 countries, and led by the USA, against the Republic
of Iraq in response to the Iraqi invasion and annexing of the State of Kuwait (Under the
opposition to Baghdad of Leos inclination,)

As a reaction to these events, on January 16, 1991, an international coalition of 31

countries (countries) led by the United States (greed), and under a UN mandate,
began a military campaign in order to force the invading army to retreat from Kuwait,
according to Resolution N 660 from the UN. The other participants were Afghan
Mujahideens (Religious factions,), the Arab League, and free forces from Kuwait
(Religious factions, greed, countries)

For the battle, the coalition had managed to gather an army of 959.600 men, 2.000 combat
cars, and a fleet of 100 war ships, with six aircraft carriers, and an impressive air
deployment of at least 1,800 planes. It must be noted that the American contingent was
by far the most numerous, with 415,000 soldiers (That land, sea, air, sky, will not be

The air campaign of the Gulf War, also known as Operation Instant Thunder or
Bombarding of Iraq of 1991 began with an extensive air bombing campaign on January
17, 1991. The air force of the coalition carried out more than 100,000 raids, launching
88,500 tons of bombs, and extensively destroying Iraqs military and civil infrastructures.
( sky will not be favorable,).

At the end of the conflict, the international coalition informed the loss of 378 soldiers,
and some 1,000 wounded. The Iraqis took the worst part, since their casualties fluctuated
between 25,000 and 30,000 (Great will be of blood (race) shedding:) While the Iraqis
withdrew, they set fire to the oil wells in Kuwait (sky will not be favorable,). After
the conflict, the UN imposed a severe embargo to Iraq, which brought severe social and
economic disorder in the country (calamity, chaos.)

In July, 1992, British and American planes took off from Turkey and burnt crops in Iraq.
On June 30, 1993, the United States bombarded Iraq in retaliation for a supposed
conspiracy to murder George Bush.

From December 16 to 19, 1998, while in USA the Lewinsky scandal intensified, this
country, together with the United Kingdom, executed a series of bombarding raids over
Iraq, called Operation Desert Fox (sky will not be favorable,). The quatrain has been

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