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Science in China Series B: Chemistry 2006 Vol.49 No.

4 379384 379

DOI: 10.1007/s11426-006-0379-4

The mechanism and pathway of the ozonation of

4-chlorophenol in aqueous solution
PI Yunzheng & WANG Jianlong
Laboratory of Environmental Technology, Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Wang Jianlong (email: wangjl@tsinghua.edu.cn)

Received June 22, 2005; accepted September 26, 2005

Abstract The removal efficiency of 4-chlorophenol by ozonation was studied, and the reaction
mechanism and characteristic of ozonation of 4-chlorophenol were investigated. Ozone and hydroxyl
radicals are two strong oxidants during the process of ozonation. The experimental results showed
that when there was no scavenger to inhibit OH radicals, an intermediate product, hydrogen peroxide
was formed during the ozonation of 4-chlorophenol. Hydrogen peroxide reacted with ozone at neutral
pH and produced hydroxyl radicals. Ozone at the dosage of 113 mg/L could remove 20 mg/L
4-chlorophenol and 39% TOC. With the complete inhibition of hydroxyl radicals, molecular ozone
could effectively destroy 4-chlorophenol to form 4-quinone, which was subsequently oxidized to formic
acid and oxalic acid. Two reaction pathways of the degradation of 4-chlorophenol by ozone and
O3/OH were proposed in this study. Ozonation is an effective method for reducing 4-chlorophenol,
and has potential to practical application.

Keywords: 4-chlorophenol, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, 4-quinone, hydroxyl radicals.

Chlorophenols (CPs) have been widely used in dif- substituted phenols[4].

ferent formulations as preservatives, herbicides, insec- Therefore, CPs removal techniques, such as cata-
ticides, bactericides and solvents. Parts of chlorophe- lytic oxidation, were investigated in recent years. Ad-
nols were released to the natural environment during vanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), such as photo
the usage. As a result, many water sources were con- catalytic oxidation[5,6], were used to remove CPs.
taminated with CPs[1,2]. Furthermore, they also can be Ozonation is a promising choice for the degradation of
formed during the disinfection of phenol containing CPs. However, only limited studies of the ozonation of
water by chlorination. Several CPs are recognized as CPs were performed[7]. Ozone may decompose in wa-
the priority pollutants by the United States EPA (En- ter before reacting with substrates. This decomposition
vironmental Protection Agency)[3]. Chlorophenols are leads to more reactive oxidants. Among these secon-
poorly biodegradable due to their aromatic structure dary oxidants, hydroxyl radicals (OH) are extremely
and the existence of chlorine. Microorganisms are af- powerful and non-specific oxidants that react with
fected by the toxicity of CPs. The conventional physi- many organic and some inorganic species. The objec-
cal/chemical and biological treatment technologies tive of this research was to investigate the removal
usually proved to be ineffective. 4-CP is especially efficiency and some intermediate products during the
resistant to biodegradation among the one chlorine degradation of 4-CP by ozone and O3/OH. Moreover,

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380 Science in China Series B: Chemistry

the mechanism and the reaction pathway were also proximately 113 mg/L. The rate of disappearance of
proposed in order to make the most efficient use of the TOC is also shown in Fig. 1. Its removal efficiency at
oxidant O3 and OH in practice. 21 min was 39%, which was obviously lower than that
of 4-CP (100%). This indicated that the primary attack
1 Experimental of ozonation broke 4-CP to low molecular weight in-
termediate products, instead of the direct mineraliza-
0.1 g DPD (N, N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine) was tion to carbon dioxide.
dissolved in 10 mL 0.05 mol/L H2SO4 to make DPD
solution. 10 mg POD (horseradish peroxidase) was
dissolved in 10 mL water to make POD solution ac-
cording to the literature[8]. Hydrogen peroxide was
measured by the DPD/POD method. In the method of
DPD/POD, DPD and POD are subsequently added to a
sample. H2O2 will oxidize POD to a higher valence
state, which in turn oxidizes DPD to a pink colored
radical cation-DPD+. The color can be measured by
adsorption at 551 nm[8]. H2O2 itself cannot oxidize
Semi-batch tests (continuous for ozone gas supply,
fixed volume of water sample) were run with a labo- Fig. 1. The changes of the concentration of 4-chlorophenol and TOC
during ozonation.
ratory ozonation unit, consisting of an ozone generator,
reactor (2 L), and pump etc. The injected ozone gas
In this work, some intermediate products were de-
was about 24 mg/L. And the flow rate was 27 L/h[9].
tected to investigate the reaction pathway and mecha-
The dosage of ozone within one minute was 5.4 mg/L.
nism. The changes of pH and hydrogen peroxide are
TOC was detected by a TOC analyzer (Elementar
shown in Fig. 2. The value of pH dropped to 3.25 after
High TOC). The concentrations of chloride, oxalate
28 min ozonation. This suggested that there might be a
(oxalic acid), formate (formic acid) and succinate
strong formation of organic acid during the ozonation
(succinic acid) were determined by ion chromatogra-
of 4-CP. Their dissociation led to the decrease of the
phy (Dionex DX 100). UV absorbency measurements
pH. Hydrogen peroxide was identified as an interme-
were detected by a Shimadzu UV-3100 model UV-
diate by-product during the ozonation (see Fig. 2). Part
VIS-NIR recording Spectrophotometer. 4-CP was
of H2O2 dissociated to HO2 at neutral pH. HO2 has a
measured by HPLC (HP1100) using eluent A (60%
high reaction ability (kO3/HO2 = 2.8106 (mol/L)1
ethanol)/eluent B (40% pure water), and UV-detection
at 280 nm (Detection limit 80 g/L). s1)[10]. And it could tremendously promote ozone to

2 Results and discussion

2.1 Ozonation of 4-CP
4-CP solution was prepared in deionized water with
a concentration of 20 mg/L (0.155 mmol/L) and pH
was adjusted to 7.5 by NaOH solution. Ozonation was
conducted at room temperature. Ozonation could eas-
ily remove 4-CP, as indicated in Fig. 1. 4-CP de-
creased to 1.12 mg/L after 9 min reaction. And the
concentration of 4-CP was under the detection limit
after 21 min. The corresponding ozone dose was ap- Fig. 2. The changes of hydrogen peroxide and pH during ozonation.
Mechanism & pathway of ozonation of 4-chlorophenol in aqueous solution 381

decompose to OH radical. OH radical is an ex- succinate could express the formation of OH radicals.
tremely powerful oxidant that can oxidize almost all A small amount of succinate was added in the 0.155
organic and inorganic substances with the rate con- mmol/L 4-CP solution. And the batch ozonation ex-
stants of 1081010 (mol/L)1s1[11], and its standard periment was run again. As it is observed in Fig. 4,
reduction potentials of 2.8 eV, compared to 2.07 eV of succinate decreased obviously during ozonation treat-
ozone[12]. Consequently, there were two strong oxi- ment. And the main removal of succinate occurred in
dants, ozone molecule and OH radicals during ozona- the initial stage. At the beginning of the first 3 min, the
tion. The disappearance of 4-CP was a combination detected formic acid and oxalic acid were about 0
effect of the reactions of the molecular ozone and OH mg/L, and pH was still kept in the neutral range. The
radicals. generated H2O2 could dissociate to HO2 (pKa =
The concentrations of chloride, formic acid and ox- 11.6)[10], which subsequently reacted with ozone and
alic acid are depicted in Fig. 3. The detected formic caused the formation of many OH radicals. They then
acid (pKa = 3.8) and oxalic acid (pKa1 = 1) proved the oxidized succinate. The concentrations of the pro-
above assumption. Their appearance contributed to the duced intermediate organic acids, such as formic acid
decrease of the pH. The detected chloride indicated and oxalic acid, increased with the increasing of the
that ozonation could split chlorine from 4-CP. How- time. And this organic acids resulted in the decrease of
ever, the measured chloride after the ozonation was pH to acid range (34). The transformation of OH
still lower than the initial amount of 4-CP. This radicals from HO2 was scarce. Therefore, succinate
showed that there were some residual chlorine-con- could not be further degraded.
taining intermediate compounds in the solution.

Fig. 3. The changes of the concentration of Cl-, formate, oxalate and Fig. 4. The changes of succinic acid during ozonation.
4-CP during ozonation. , 4-CP; *, Cl; , formate; +, oxalate.

2.3 Ozonation of 4-CP with the presence of t-butanol

2.2 Detection of OH Natural waters contain different amounts of scav-
In order to directly demonstrate the effect of the engers, such as carbonate and bicarbonate, which were
formed OH radicals initiated by the intermediate the main existing forms under neutral pH condition.
product H2O2, a hydroxyl radical probe compound, The scavengers can react with OH, and then inhibit
succinic acid (succinate), was developed in our re- the reactions between OH and pollutants. In order to
search to detect the formation of OH radicals. Under clarify the reaction mechanism of only molecular
the same experimental situations (such as injected ozone with 4-CP, t-butanol was spiked in the 4-CP
ozone concentration and ozonation time), ozonation solution. T-butanol was often used as a scavenger
cannot degrade succinate. Only AOPs, such as O3/ (kOH/t-buta = 6108 (mol/L)1s1)[13]. Its scavenging
H2O2 process, produced a lot of OH radicals, which ability is 1.5 times higher than that of carbonate and
then destructed succinate. Therefore, the decrease of 71 times higher than that of bicarbonate[13]. 26.6
382 Science in China Series B: Chemistry

mmol/L t-butanol was spiked in the 4-CP solution. The

maximum constant of OH radicals with solutes is 1010
(mol/L)1s1[14]. The reaction constant of 4-CP with
OH radicals was supposed to be the maximum con-
stant due to the absence of the data in literature.
The reaction rate of t-butanol with OH =
kOH/t-buta[t-butanol][OH] = 26.6 kOH/t-buta[OH].
The reaction rate of 4-CP with OH = kOH/max
[4-CP][OH] = 0.155 kOH/max[OH].
The ratio of the above two equations = 26.6
kOH/t-buta/0.155 kOH/max = 10.3.
The employed t-butanol reacted with OH at least
10 times stronger than 4-CP with OH radicals. Fig. 6. The changes of Cl, formate, oxalate and 4-CP during ozona-
Therefore, the indirect reaction between OH radicals tion with the presence of t-butanol.

and 4-CP can be effectively inhibited, and the reaction

between ozone and 4-CP can be separated and inves- ozone molecule. This might lead to a slow degradation
tigated. rate and therefore an accumulation of formate in the
From the results in Fig. 5 it can be seen that with solution.
the presence of t-butanol to inhibit OH radicals, In the experiment with the spiked t-butanol, the
ozone molecule can itself remove 4-CP. A complete colorless solution changed to be yellow at the begin-
degradation was reached after 9 min. The pH value ning of ozonation. After 6 min, the yellow solution
decreased to 3.2, which was similar to the above ex- turned to be colorless again. Since OH radicals were
periment without t-butanol. Chloride, formate and ox- inhibited, the changes of the color demonstrated that a
alate were also detected (Fig. 6). The concentration of new intermediate product emerged, and a new reaction
the produced formate was 3 times higher than the pathway between molecular ozone with 4-CP occurred.
above experiment (see Fig. 3). Molecular ozone and When DPD was added to the yellow sample to detect
OH can both oxidize formate. The reaction constants the concentration of H2O2, colorless DPD was oxi-
are kO3/form100 (mol/L)1s1[15]; kOH/form2.8109 dized to the pink colored radical cation-DPD+. After
analysis, the yellow color compound was 4-quinone.
(mol/L)1s1 respectively[16]. In the above experiment
There are 4-quinone (golden color) and 2-quinone (red
without t-butanol, the generated formate was further
color). Quinine has strong oxidation ability. It can oxi-
destructed by ozone and OH together. However, in
dize DPD to DPD+[17]. Singer et al. also reported that
this experiment, t-butanol inactivated the OH reac-
intermediate product 4-quinone was formed when phe-
tions. The appearing formate was oxidized only by
nol was ozonated[18].
H2O2 was also detected in this experiment. Its con-
centration and changes were similar to the results in
Fig. 2. The inactivation of OH radicals indicated that
the appearing H2O2 could be ascribed to the direct re-
action of ozone molecule with 4-CP. Ozone molecule
oxidized 4-CP to 4-quinone. And then ozone reacted
with the C=C bonds of 4-quinone to form H2O2. When
an intermediate product containing C=C bonds ap-
peared during ozonation, the reaction of ozone with
C=C bonds can lead to the generation of H2O2[19] (see
Fig. 7). Although H2O2 was produced in this experi-
Fig. 5. The changes of succinic acid during ozonation with the pres-
ence of t-butanol. ment, the existence of t-butanol inhibited OH radi-
Mechanism & pathway of ozonation of 4-chlorophenol in aqueous solution 383

Fig. 7. The reaction model of ozone with olefins with C=C bonds.

cals, and OH radicals played a limited role in this 4-CP. The direct reaction pathway of ozone with 4-CP
experiment. is reported in Fig. 8(a). Molecular ozone firstly oxi-
dized 4-CP to 4-quinone, which was subsequently de-
2.4 The pathway of the ozonation of 4-CP
graded to formic acid, oxalic acid and other low mo-
There are many organic compounds promoting lecular weight compounds.
ozone decomposition to OH radicals. Different water When there are not enough scavengers in water to
samples contain different kinds of promoters and inhibit OH radicals, the reaction pathway of O3/OH
scavengers, and their concentrations change greatly. with 4-CP is listed in Fig. 8 (b). The reaction of ozone
Therefore, the appearing OH radicals in different wa- with 4-CP led to the emergence of a small amount of
ter samples play different roles during the ozonation hydrogen peroxide. The dissociated HO2 reacts with
process. However, the above experiments showed that ozone and generates OH radicals. Then the chain re-
both ozone molecule and OH radicals could destroy action was initiated. The strong oxidant, OH radicals

Fig. 8. The mechanism and pathway of ozonation of 4-chlorophenol. (a) Ozone molecular oxidize 4-CP; (b) ozone and OH oxidize 4-CP.
384 Science in China Series B: Chemistry

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