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Needs Maslow Robbins Herzberg Pink McClelland Wilson

Physiological X
Safety X
Social X
Esteem X
Self- X
Certainty X
Uncertainty X
Significance X
Connection X
Growth X
Contribution X
Motivators X
Hygiene X
Autonomy X
Mastery X
Purpose X
Achievement X
Power X
Affiliation X
Driver X
Expressive X
Amiable X
Analytical X

Need: Purpose from Pink (What the designer acted shows he lacked purpose, do not have a
clear mind of what he aims to)
Esteem from Maslow (He was not working as he supposed to and not tired that hard
when working)
Hygiene Factor from Herzberg (He want to be noticed but in wrong way, did not show
his respect to the whole group)
Solution: In my opinion, this designer might be facing a tough time with his personal life or not
satisfy with his current position, salaries or wanted to be recognized and show himself. But his
behavior is not polite and caused negative influence. So, my suggestion is firstly clarifying his
purpose of his act, to understand that whether he was not satisfying with the project or his role
or something else. And then adjust his position as needed to a better matched one, help him to
find out the value of his position.

Scenario 2:
Need: Social style from Wilson (She is in expressive type)
Certainty from Robbin (What shes feeling now is unstable, out of control and too much
Solution: In my opinion, I understand that she was struggled between the manager and our
stakeholders since its not easy to say no to both side. I will suggest her to have a mind that
even what customers though is important to us, but we cannot change everything randomly
anytime they want, things should be well regulated. So, it will be more benefit for her to have a
contract with the stakeholders to have a common sense of the range and time that they can
make change, so that this team member could have more confident when communicate with
stakeholders and also can finish her work on time as interfere.

Scenario 3:
Need: Self-Actualization from Maslow (He choose to take his holiday in such a busy time)
Contribution from Robbins
Solution: In my opinion, if I agree him to take the holiday, I need to find someone else to take
his work. Firstly, I will try to find someone in team that can take his work when his having the
holiday, and he should take care of his part with the new people as need during his holiday. If
no one can take his work, then he has to work during his holiday such as work online or bring
his laptop to contribute to this group. He need to clearly know what his left would bring to the
whole group and he should take his duty to this project.

Scenario 4:
Need: Achievement from McClelland (People who could work in a higher level, let them take it)
Autonomy from Pink (Some of the member are not willing to do the presentation
anymore which they think is kinds useless and waste time)
Expressive from Wilson
Solution: The project is not a new stuff to our team member anymore, which means when they
are doing well and the project are getting close to the end, they need some change to interest
them and bring the passion back. Rather than keep doing the presentation, we could try some
other way such as make the deadline shorter, or increase the level of work so that our member
could experience the challenges when working. And also always remain them about their roles
in this project, let them feel duty to this project instead of only work for passion.

Scenario 5:
Need: Power from McClelland
Driver from Wilson
Self-Actualization from Maslow
Motivators from Herzberg
In my opinion, the team need some drivers to work ahead and willing to work ahead. I will try
to create some reward to encourage team members to work as quick and efficiency as possible
and also some punishment if needed to make sure our team could finish before deadline at

Scenario 6:
Need: Purpose from Pink
Achievement from McClelland
Motivators from Herzberg
In my opinion, this is a team that lack of training, they do not know what their performance will
bring to this project and even could influence the whole team. They have to have a clear mind
that they are responsible to this project and the team, it will be better to build a self-feedback
so that they can know their performance in time and improve themselves. And I will send them
to training as need soon.

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