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20 TM

(C) 20 Load 1983 THE Load NEWSLETTER
Where did all .the computeri tes come from?
Hi! I',m Ron the editor and infamous "bug buster" for running inexpedient
programs and magazines consequent upon conviction involving moral turpitude.
After you figure out what that means I'd like to introduce my partner, Don (say
hello to Don). Hi Don! We are the label lickers,account attackers,post mortem
writers (I question that at times),and the generally insane mystic mediums for
this publication. And from within the computerite cave dwells a giant only known
to the likes of "The Wizard of Oz" inhabitants (remember Dorothy,Toto,the computer,
the wicked witch ?) that titan is 20 Load.

Load Ii tIe Human Translation Location No. Requirements

1) SCRAMBLE Scramble 003 None
2) BAR-GRAPH Bar Graphs 021 None
3) TYPEX-INST Typexerciser Instructions 041 None
4) TYPEX-PROG Typexerciser Program 057 None
5) LITTLE HOUSE INS Little House Instructions 076 None
6) LITTLE HOUSE PRO Little House Program 090 None
7) POWER-INST Power Play Instructions 107 None
8) POWER-PLAY Power Play 127 None
9) JOY-DEMO Joystick Demonstration 147 None
If you have loading problems (or should I say not loading problems )try the
following: 1) Make sure your cassette unit is at least twelve inches away from your
computer and your T.V. 2) Clean and demagnetize your tape heads. 3) If after all
else fails and you believe the tape is defective return it for a prompt replacement.


We at 20 Load believe the best way to learn to program is to go ahead and write
a program yourself;the second best way is to take apart someone else's program.
Therefore,the program notes listed below are for your dabblings and learning
pleasure - GO FOR IT!
Scramble is the first of probably many word games. The instructions in the
program explain how to play the game. A few words on how the program works.
Lines 1 thru 3 set up variables used later in the sound routines. 15 thru 23 are
data statements containing the scrambled words. The two dims in line 24 reserve
memory to store the words contained in the data statements. Line 25 reads the
scrambled and unscrambled words and puts them into arrays. Line 26 randomly picks
the word to be displayed and checks to see if twenty words have been displayed.
Lines 35 thru 72 set up the screen display. 75,80,and 85 are the three input lines.
Line 200 compares the input (Z$) to the unscrambled word (S$). If they are the
same then line 300 prints correct. If after three tries the word has not been
solved line 500 gives the solution. Lines 900 thru 930 are the game ending
routines and give the resulting score. Lines 1120 thru 1160 are data statements
containing the properly spelled words (S$). Most of the lines not mentioned
contain pokes pertaining to sound. If you wish to insert your own words be sure
to put them in the same order in both groups of data statements;ie.if you change
word one in line 15 to YONME (scrambled letters of money) then word one in line
1120 must be MONEY. If you have a memory expander and want to insert additional
words then you must change the dim statements in line 24 to enlarge the arrays
to match the total number of words (which is now 56). The 56 in line's 25 and 26
must also match the total number of words.
Bar-Graph is a simple program showing how to place numbers and colored bars
on the screen. One should closely look at the print statements versus the poke
statements,as to putting the actual graphs on the screen. The horizonal graphs
were relatlvely easy as compared to the vertical graphs. I had to reverse the
poke order and print the numbers a little different.
100-220 sets main menu and logo.
230-595 inputs numbers for colored bars.
600-780 displays large horizonal bar graph -- look how easy placement
of the numbers were (with loop statements) in lines 680-690.
800-980 displays small horizonal bar graph -- again look at 870-890.
1000-1240 displays large vertical bar graph -- look at the difference
from 1080 to 1160 (the easiest way to draw the outline of
the graph was by using poke statements 1120-1140).
1300-1360 the end display with return option.
1400-1440 sounds low ping -- a nice way to use the timer for duration.
Play with the numeral in line 1420 for different durations.
1450-1490 sounds synthesized effect with upward movement with medium
length tones.
1500-1595 sounds european siren -- play with lines 1530 & 1570 for
wavier variations.
1600-1630 straight downward sound with slight seperation -- see 1605.
1650-1720 space ship sound -- change step incements in 1670 and 1690
to vary sound.
I feel much more could be done with this program but this should give you
some good ideas.
Typexerciser Program is guaranteed to take pounds off your fingers and teach
you the way around the vic keyboard. I did find that my typing improved after
finishing this program. This program could easily be adapted to school typing
reinforcement on difficult word assignments.

10-60 these are the words for display -- you may change these words
if you so desire.
100-140 this dims the space for the words,restores the read statement
for reruns (old movies),and stuffs the string arrays (like
stuffing six turkeys with 15 servings of dressing).
165-221 main display and driver routine.
221-255 using the get command like an input command (I don't like the
question mark on the screen). Note also to start,stop,and add
the timer (N1,N2,and N3) -- very easy to do.
340-710 end display wi.th return option.
750-755 a quick upward sound routine with seperation.
760-765 a downward spiraling sound routine.
900-905 high decayed ping sound routine using internal timer.
1000-1064 displays menu for data strings.
2000-2046 displays and sets lower main screen (the "correct" and
"wrong" words).
2050-2070 sets instruction and upper black block display.
5000-5050 the goodbye display with diminishing decayed sound routine.
8000-8070 a downward seperated sound routine.
CAUTION --- be careful not to press a key prior to the instruction display.
The computer will accept key entries before the action actually takes place.
Little House Instructions explains some of the basic rules of playing adventure
games. the ~is up to you (and your imagination). Playing adventure games is
a great pastime and can be addictive.
Little House Adventure is a simple adventure game and is excellent for
beginners and pros alike.' The object of the game is very basic,get OUT of the house.
By studying the listing you should be able to see how the game works (no cheating
allowed) and how to create you own adventure games (we urge you to do $0).
Some more sophisticated adventure games shall follow in forth coming issues.
Power Play Instructions is in reality a sneak preview of the game itself.
I had more fun programming the instructions than playing the game -- well,
almost anyway.

5-10 sets arrays -- note that some of the string arrays are printed
backwards (is this because the author is backwards - not think
30-55 prints bunkers on display.
60 prints logo.
100-120 random laser fire display driver routine.
130-140 laser #1.
150-160 laser #2.
200-210 laser #3.
250-260 laser #4.
300-320 power play display -- note the use of the print mid$ display
with the arrays Dl$ and D2$ backwards.
350-390 bottom screen bunker and laser fire routine.
400-490 author's name display -- backwards again (no less).
600-660 instruction display screen #1.
665-675 blin~ routine loop around get entry statement.
700-775 instruction display screen #2.
800 automatic clear,load,and run.
900 laser shot sound routine.
910-935 random synthesized music (ok,look out Beethoven) sound routine.
940-955 ping sound with pitch variables set outside of sound subroutine.

Power Play Program is a good way to circumnavigate your frustrations towards a

common goal -- survival. This is my first entry in the game realm. I've tried to
make a fast game ~ith a quick controled response all done in basic. I feel this
should give alot of computerites many ideas on how to adapt this to other action
games. This program is mainly loop control and ON (X) goto commands.

10-20 sets the variables. Note L1$ and L2$ - this positions the cursor
in the center of the screen for easy movement (with fewer
90-265 this is the main loop control and driver routine. The conditions
are checked every time the program goes to 100 with if and then
statements. If you want to make the game harder then change
both numeric variables in line 125 to higher numbers.
300-340 this is the fast spacebar control subroutine for your center
bunker. I put this as close as I could to the driver (see
above) routine for speed.
350-387 laser fire subroutine for position #1.
390-425 laser fire subroutine for position #2.
440-480 laser fire subroutine for position #3.
490-499 laser fire'subroutine for position #4.
500-505 sets and checks control of variables.
510-534 sets enemy in bunker position #1.
540-543 sets enemy in bunker position #2.
550-553 sets enemy in bunker position #3.
560-563 sets enemy in bunker position #4.
570-625 sets laser and checks control position for enemys final kill.
700-840 final display with rerun option. Note in line 700 the timer
is stopped.
900-920 these are short sound subroutines.
1000-1090 this is the main set display with bunkers.

Joystick Demonstration was contributed by Chuck Sharp Jr., Junction City, Ks.
This program demonstrates two important techniques. ,I) How to create a maze.
2) How to program and read the joystick. Take a look at this program and see if
a game comes to mind.


This space will be used to Print Free Of Charge information from and about
userl.s groups and computer clubs. Please send information pertaining to the
above at least two months in advance.
If you want to automatically clear the current program from memory, load the
next program into the computer, and run that program then type the following at
the end of your first program. Example:
3000 POKE 198,5:POKE 631,78:POKE 632,69:POKE 633,87:POKE 634,13:
POKE 635,13l:END
This line will do the trick.
In this section we want to give a 2~ Load Thank's to the people who so
oftn ar not recognized by any other means. We often forget about the people
who makeup the businesses, companies, and conglomerates we read and hear so
much about every day.
TO Bill at Kansas Typewriter Co., 429 W. 6th St., Junction City, Kansas 66441,
for all the extra time and energy he has put into helping us at 2~ Load. His
experience and knowledge was invaluable so as to make him a computer cave
dweller of the highest esteem.
TO the Customer Support Group, Commodore, 487 Devon Park Dr., Wayne, Penn
19087, for all the supportive information and help on programming tips. After
talking to four people we received the help and assistance we needed. If you
need help of any kind then write to this group of computerites--they're SUPER
computeri test
TO Bob at Gosub Internation, 501 E. Pawnee, #430, Wichita, KS 67211, who
always was courteous and gracious enough to share his years of experience with
us. He is straight foward (a kinda "not rushed" man) who gave us insight on
interfacing our equipment.

A short word about the newsletters format. - The reason for the one inch
left margin is so you can insert the pages into a binder. We recommend an
inexpensive three ring notebook with external document protectors or individual
plastic page covers. This way your newsletter pages can be extracted, used, and
reinserted. Also, the future issues can be combined into one cover which is
readily accessible and easily stored.
If your wondering about next month's issue then you should know that so are
we. But, mean while in the computer cave, a new idea is brewing

See you next month.

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