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Exploring chance based art using unpredictable watercolor processes

Central Focus:
Students will experiment with uncontrollable
watercolor painting techniques and consider the
benefits of taking risks and experimenting in their
art making. Students will combine their refined
skills with unpredictable processes and work as
collaborators with the unexpected visual affects
created by those processes.

Secondary School
Lesson 1: Students
explored the potential of
watercolor by
experimenting with
multiple techniques. This
was done using various
paintbrush applications,
unfamiliar color mixing
approaches, and
incorporating other
materials such as salt,
alcohol, and resist to
achieve unpredictable
visual effects.
Lesson 2: Students used the blown watercolor
technique, painting techniques learned in
Lesson 1, and pen drawing. Each student was
challenged to use their refined skills as well as
uncontrollable paint application to create an
expressive work of art.
Lesson 3: Students
were taught the Wet-in-
Wet watercolor painting
method. This method is
very versatile and
creates beautiful
unexpected color
blends. We critiqued
the finished work as a
After completing the segment, the students curated their own display case in
the front of the school. We discussed the importance of presentation and
purpose of presenting artwork with artists. Through discussion and decision
making the students created a beautiful show entitled,

An Exploration in Watercolor.

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