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YEAR 9 Ecosystem Poster Rubric Student Name:

Low Achievement Limited Achievement Satisfactory Achievement High Achievement Excellent Achievement
Ecosystem Does not link the human Identifies that plants and Describes how parts of an Identifies the effects of the Predicts and explains how the
Understanding impact to the affect on the Animals that depend on the ecosystem, and how energy human impact on the human impact affects the flow
ecosystem. ecosystem. and matter within the ecosystem and predicts of energy and matter.
ecosystem are affected by further consequences if the
Identifies that the human human impacts. human impact was to Predicts and explains possible
impact is affecting population continue. consequences of ecosystem
size. Identifies that the human sustainability if the human
impact is affecting the Considers how energy flows impact was to continue.
population size, and why it is into and out of an ecosystem
occurring. via the pathways of food webs, Demonstrates and accurately
and how it must be replaced to explains the flow on effect of
Demonstrates the flow on maintain the sustainability of the human impact from
effect of the human impact the system. species to species, and how it
from species to species. may affect the human
Demonstrates and accurately population.
explains the flow on effect of
the human impact from Identifies ways that the human
species to species. impact can be reduced, and
explains how it will benefit the
Identifies ways that the human environment.
impact can be reduced.
Research No evidence of research. Shows some evidence of Shows a standard level of Shows high level of research. Shows excellent level of
research. research. research.
Research is incorrectly Most research is obtained
sourced or false. Some research is obtained Half of research is obtained from reliable recourses. All research is obtained from
from reliable recourses. from reliable recourses. reliable recourses.
Group No collaboration and sharing Little collaboration and Some Collaboration and Collaboration and delegation Collaboration and delegation
Collaboration of activities are evident. delegation of activities was delegation of activities were of activities were well of activities were excellently
displayed. displayed. displayed. displayed, with all group
members participating

Spelling and Insufficient ability to structure Multiple errors to structure Adequate structure of the Structure of the written work Written work is displayed in
Grammar written work. written work. written work. is of a high level. an extremely high level.

Significant errors in the Several errors in the There are few errors of There is appropriate use of Correct spelling and
appropriate use of expression appropriate use of expression expression and grammar. expression and grammar punctuation used throughout.
and grammar. and grammar. within the text.
There are few errors in
Significant amount of spelling Multiple errors in the accuracy spelling and punctuation There are incidental errors in
and punctuation errors. of spelling and punctuation. within the text. the accuracy of spelling and
Poster shows limited Organisation of information Organisation of information is Content is well structured, Content is structured
Presentation of organisation of content, which has minimal structure and is somewhat structured, making it easy to read and extremely well, making the
the poster makes it very hard to read and difficult to read and follow. making it fairly easy to read follow. poster extremely easy to read
follow. and follow. and follow.
Unnecessary information is Key points are well presented,
Content is very crowded. displayed, causing Key points have been picked and other information fits Key points and additional
overcrowding. out of the information to around the key points well. information is highly relevant
No pictures or colour is used. reduce overcrowding. to the content and highly
Key points do not stand out on The poster has great visual visually appealing.
Poster is not visually the poster. The poster has good visual appeal, and includes photos
appealing. appeal with appropriate and colours used that relate to The poster has excellent
The poster has some visual photos and colours used the content of the poster. visual appeal, with excellent
appeal, with limited use of throughout. use of photos, colours and
colour and pictures. additional graphics.

Grade: _________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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